C28 Maiden's reawakening and Trust lost

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Ruby's pov

I see Ironwood shoot F/n in the back and he falls over in a dead like sleep like from when I stabbed him as I'm glaring at Ironwood

Ruby: How dare you attack someone who been doing everything in his power to protect Remnant from Salem?

Ironwood: He can use the power of the maiden he a huge threat and now that he here we can extract his blood to combat her effective without failure. And once she dealt with his people are next.

Ironwood leaves as he grabs him by the throat before walking away as the remaining Ace Ops stand in are way but I stop when a white feather falls between us and someone with white wings and a halo appears the one from before as James looks back and she removes her hood as his expression turns from calm to shocked

Angel: James let the King of Monster go. The Archangel Michael disapproves of this and it an act of war against the Balance.

Ironwood: Summer Rose your an angel and defending this creature. But no Salem coming and we must act fast to stop her beside if you act violently against humanity you'll fall unless ordered.

My mother looks at me and smiles before looking back at the General and giggles confusing everyone

Mom: I Summer Rose hearby fall from the Grace of Heaven to protect the Lord of Monsters and my first love aswell my daughter.

After she said that her halo disappears and her wings go from pearly white to jet black with red tips and appears behind of the General holding F/n in her arms

Summer: James he trusted you and now you betray him like how Leo betrayed Ozpin. But I never meant to betray him so now I'll gladly protect him with my fallen status.

Her eyes start emitting a silver aura before disappeared aswell we sneak away just for Winter and Penny to join us in a Manta as Neo takes off her disguise and into her usual outfit before are attention on F/n as my mom

Mom: To awaken him we need virgin blood right Yin?

Yin: Yes that how he awoken last time but what plus the Winter maiden's blood could help.

Penny steps forward as my mom holds his chalice from his castle with a knife in hand

Mom: Whoever a virgin step up to donate your blood. Penny do you even have blood if your a android?

Penny: Yes I do cause and asked to have more then my last deal and the king was my boyfriend as she smirked and we kissed so I have blood and organs.

My team and myself step forward as well Yin and Kaya as we show are left wrist and my mom cuts us for us to pour blood into the chalice before slowly feeding are combined blood into are love as the bullet slowly comes out and he opens his eyes and sits up to look at us before we look at the cloud

F/n: Salem it time I make you retreat this time.

He gets near the Manta side door ready to open it but mom stops him by coughing and has her eyes glowing silver as he looks at her

F/n: Sum-

Summer: Pecking order.

He stiffens up in fear as we look at my mom shocked how she tamed him

Mom: Girls it all in the eyes of the Silver Eyed Warriors.

He sits down beside Petro before we land in Mantle and head to his Safehouse under the streets of the city just to be Greeted by Yang's mom and his seven Knights as well a woman in bulking armor and silver hair

Woman: My king tell Mistress Raven to stand down.

F/n: War leave my Bird milf alone she only acted out since she feels alone in bed.

He stand beside War before a throne manifests and he sits down in it as we look around and a creepy women with twin scythes appear

Women: Master Vacuo does have Zobak presence but hidden well in his fog of death.

F/n: Death using your true form in war time I see.

I look at Lady Death with sparkling eyes but interrupted by a red head stomping up to him pissed off

Lady: Master you let humans and a faunus run the castle in your absence.

F/n: Fury the Horsewomen of Conquest I trust Raven, Emerald, Cinder, and Seinna so you should too.

A bullet fires in the air and he breathes heavily for a sigh as a guy walks in armor with duel guns

Guy: My king what the matter you look "dead" seriously?

F/n: Strife the pain in my ass the horseman of Pestilence or Famine.

The four horsemen kneel before their king aswell his seven knights as his eyes are closed before opening them in their Grimm state

F/n: Ironwood turned on his people in fear and Salem outside the Academy but what Ironwood doesn't know is that I swiped the Relic and placed a self supporting gravity generator to keep the place afloat with the help of the previous Winter Maiden we have Knowledge and Creation. Strife you are to take Creation to the Castle to make a vault for each relic that only I can open am I clear.

Strife: Yes.

Strife whistles and a horse manifests before us and he gets on as F/n tosses him the Staff of Creation

F/n: Strife don't fail me and Mayhem ride like hell. Please make it back safely cause Grimm will be on both of you with that thing.

Strife: You got it my king.

Strife ride off as he looks at the rest of us and he smiles

F/n: We have work to do we must unity this planet without fail so we need Amity up and running so War I want you to gather up any and willing citizens of Mantle to help built it then allow me to get the message out.

War leaves to head to the city

F/n: Fury I need you to get the remaining citizens War doesn't have helping out of Mantle including any Military personnel Ironwood abandoned.

Fury: They're useless if they can't help.

F/n's black aura shows and direct his gaze at Fury as she gets low to the ground struggling to breathe

F/n: You know I had enough of your attitude Fury and questioning my leadership. Do as your told or else.

He looks at Death normally after his aura goes away and Fury quickly leaves to join War in Mantle

F/n: Death I need you beside me at all time as my lieutenant of war.

Death: Very well my king but for now we rest.

F/n gets off his throne and he looks at me before walking away to a bedroom

Death: Ladies and Gentlemen as Lord Dracul lieutenant I must ask you something important?

Ruby: If it to ask us we want to leave you can forget it I'm staying with F/n as he brought my mother back to me in my life.

Yang: Same with my mom.

Weiss: He family to us.

Blake: He never lead us astray.

Jaune: He worthy to lead us to fight Salem.

Nora: And break legs of are enemies.

Ren: He done so much for us it time we return the favor.

Winter: To play a villain to be a hero I'll gladly be his queen until I die.

Penny: Were wanted so we might aswell stick together.

Yin: To eliminate his enemies swiftly without fail.

Kaya: To make them suffer from afar I'll help.

Sarah: I'm doing it for my foxy lover so I'm in.

Tammy: Aww sweetie can't wait for are wedding night now.

Sarah blushing madly and hides her face embarrassed

???: Who get back at the one responsible for are suffering we will fight.

We all look to see a Grimm hybrid similar to Salem but on closer inspection we see it Pyrrha in a red dress

(Credit to RindouShinichi on devinart)

Pyrrha: It wonderful to see you all again specially you Jaune.

Pyrrha walks to Jaune and passionately kisses him forcefully as Lilith and Tammy as giving thumbs up

T&L: Master Ship of Arkos as Sailed.

I head into F/n room to see him in bed resting and I join him as I kiss on his lips before falling asleep next to him just to wake up with my Team, Raven, my mom, Yin, and Kaya with him sleeping just to go back to bed enjoying this family moment

Author note

So Volume 7 done now for 8 so I want to thank each and everyone of you who supports this book it been a literal graveyard shift writing this and once this series reach the finally I will put a spoiler of the next Chapter of this series to continue the Undead Reader Series. But for now let come forth in the new year and pray for everyone that died during the Covid-19 pandemic from exposure or vaccination.

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