C33 Day with Salem

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F/n's pov

I woken up with an assortment of bare breasts in bed with me showing a belly bump with the ones carrying my heirs I turn into a bat to get out of bed and go shower and after my shower I get dressed in my Dracul outfit as my harem wakes up slowly and I greet my queens with a kiss before they go bathe together I write a note saying "I got a family affair to deal with, I'll return in a few days love you all." I turn into a bat to fly to the Grimm lands and when I arrive two days later I turn normal at the foot of Salem's castle and head inside

F/n: Nothing ever changes here.

I arrive at her council room and I push the door open to see Salem herself with new followers and I scan the room of her new followers

F/n: Greetings everyone especially you mother.

Salem: What do I owe this pleasure of your visit?

F/n: Mother I'm taking you somewhere... So wear this to hide your Grimm features.

I toss her a ring and she puts it on as I put mine on and we look human through magic as her new followers are looking at us

Salem: Why would you like to go out with me son?

F/n: After the whole Atlas incident between us I thought we spend the day like old the times before all this as mother and son.

Salem: Very well, where we going?

F/n: Mistral mother.

Salem gets beside me and I teleport us using my bats to appear in my Mistral estate as Salem looking around before we head out into the Kingdom of Mistral

Salem: Strange that you wanted to come here?

F/n: I was born in this region and where you adopted me. Plus might aswell spend time with you before we goto war to have a fond happy memory before we have are final confrontation.

Salem: I agree and how your harem?

F/n: They are wonderful and expecting children.

Salem: I always knew you give me more grandchildren then your sisters with your looks and your selfless attitude.

We arrive at a tea shop and sit at a table as a waitress comes over to us and holds a notepad

Waitress: Hi I'm Tiffany, So what can I get you?

F/n: Yes I want the special tea you house from my family L/n, what about you mother?

Salem: I'll take the same.

Tiffany: Sorry that tea not for sale it for events or rich folks.

I stare her in the eyes as my eyes turn crimson to put her in a trans as her eyes become dull

F/n: We want the special tea I produce for this business.

Tiffany: Yes master!

She walks off to fetch are order and I look at Salem

Salem: How long did it take to learn to do that?

F/n: I'm not king of monsters for nothing but I practice compelling on Grimm before moving onto humans and faunus kind.

Salem: Your quite powerful, so how Ozma reincarnation?

F/n: Oscar fine he just prolonging the merging.

Are order arrives and I end the complement leaving the waitress confused

Tiffany: What just happened my head feels funny?

F/n: I compelled you to get are order after all this tea to die for.

Salem: Leave us in peace girl.

The waitress leaves us to are selves and we take a sip of are tea before placing are cup down

F/n: So mother I could free you of your curse and aswell Ozma's curse so you both may find everlasting peace.

Salem: I want you to prove your strong enough to live alone as your currently are.

F/n: If I kill you I get punished by banishment but I have a feeling it will have more to it.

Salem: I want you to as I have the feeling the gods won't be merciful with us both.

We continue drinking are tea in peace before I pay the bill and we leave to walk around the city as I catch the scent of someone following us I turn my head slightly to see Gabriel spying on us

F/n: Mother an angel watching us or more percised an archangel.

Salem: Follow my lead.

I follow Salem into an alleyway and I see her holding magic in her hand and I roll my eyes before summoning Ebony and Ivory and when Gabriel comes into veiw we aim at her

F/n: Gabby why you spying on us?

Gabriel: Your both immortal and together so I got curious why you two were together.

F/n: Gabby listen were having a mother son day before we return to fighting. We do deserve a peace day.

Gabriel: Dracul for the last time it Gabriel not Gabby.

I pull the archangel close and hold her by her waist as are noses are touching and I'm smirking as she blushing

F/n: Don't be mean if we could have enteral peace between marriage.

Gabriel: We can't I'll fall from Heaven's grace.

F/n: I have the last seal and with the blade missing and the other six broken we should come up with a new treaty.

Salem: Seals?

F/n: If all seven are broken an all out war between are factions with ensnare the planet with mine trying to conquer it and her faction to slay my kind.

Salem: Interesting.

I release Gabriel and I pat her head as she gives a Neo pout before Salem and myself leave her as we go browsing shop and I buy a few things as Salem looking at a family

F/n: I know you made a huge mistake in the past but we learn from them to better are selves. I'm grateful I have this curse cause now I can protect my loved ones and slay my enemies.

Salem: I do have my regrets but promise me when I die you promise I'll have peace with my soul in the afterlife.

F/n: The evil in your soul came from your father's betrayal and the denial of your request. As you were trapped and alone again which wasn't right but you were also in the wrong on what you done. You won't go up you'll go down but I promise you your hell won't torture you you'll live in peace with your regret of that night.

Salem: Thank you.

I teleport us back to her castle and we part ways as I turn into a bat and fly back home and when I arrive I see my harem staring at me as Virgil doing paperwork

Ruby: Where were you?

F/n: I was with Salem having a day of peace having a family outing and she wants me to kill her so once she dead we'll never see each other again.

Girls: What!?

Oscar: F/n you sure that her decision and you want to go through with it?

F/n: Yes it is but you know I'll never stop loving you all so this castle yours with my vast fortune to all of you to live your immortal lives with the children.

Virgil: In your banishment I'll join you brother after all we Grimm siblings stick together. And your knights are soul bound like every other monster.

F/n: They are bound to me yes but I want my queens and children protected so I'll leave monsters here.

Raven: We'll be fine love just aslong as you don't repeat your dark history.

F/n: I promise Raven and I promise I'll never have another love life ever again.

They all look at each other then nod in unison before looking at me

Ruby: We give you permission to date but no babies or marrying them. And Virgil make sure your brother stay safe.

I head to take a long soak in the spring as I'm joined by my queens, friends, knights, and horsemen as I'm relaxing while drinking blood from a chalice while Jaune looks like a succubus went to town on him as Pyrrha sitting behind him with her arms around him

F/n: Jaune how your life with your Beacon sweetheart?

Jaune: I'm happy Team JNPR back to full strength but Pyrrha dominate and masochistic at night.

Nora: Me and Renny been talking enjoying are time at night at a teahouse.

Ren: F/n once you kill Salem what will happen to us? I feel their a catch other then your banishment.

F/n: I don't know but I have a feeling if I'm allowed back on Remnant I have a feeling it will be different and I'll be a nobody so no one will remember my past I'll be different if I use my vampiric semblance to learn new fighting styles.

Weiss: And we'll simply fall in love with you again.

F/n: But only I'll have the memories of are first run cause I once had amnesia and my blood the key to regain my memories.

Weiss: We know but you'll know us better then anyone and you better use your new technique to prevent many tragedies like Beacon and Atlas.

Pyrrha: And my death granted I enjoy being alive again but I'm constantly fighting myself once in a while.

F/n: You were human once while I was born half grimm so my biology differentiates from you.

Ruby: We want you happy even away from us but we know deep down you'll miss us.

Yang: Sis what the worst that could happen?

F/n: I don't know probably my powers sealed and mortal until I die again.

Virgil: And are family are anything but forgiving they find another way to screw you over.

F/n: Yeah we do screw others over I done that just ask Dracula.

Dracula: I was once human until I got screwed by me taking in dark powers and being betrayed by my cousin.

Lilith: He still saved us.

Lola: Says the rapist.

Lilith: You mad I get laid wolfie.

Lola: I don't need to flont my body at men I got my own charm.

Elizabeth: Your both idoits!

Lola: Master their being mean tell them to stop!

F/n: No!

Lola: See he told you to stop.

F/n: Incase something does happen where you don't remember me I put a spell on your soul so even if you don't know me your soul with feel familiar with me so you'll feel like we know each other and are aura will flicker at eye contact.

Yang: So we'll find each other next time around.

F/n: Exactly!

Blake: I'm worried about what will happen to you in your banishment what will happen to your mind and heart.

F/n: I'll be fine kitten. If no one remembers me then Ironwood will never attack me if I'm cautious.

Neo: Even save Roman?

F/n: Yes my icecream devil.

We hop out the spring and dry off before going to get dressed and we have a feast hours before bed to cuddle as I appear above the pool of light as I see a golden man with antlers as I growl at my uncle in a quick response to his presence

F/n: Well if isn't the God of Light and my uncle, so how can you fuck me over now since I'm going to be banished.

Uncle: Silence child the reason you lived this long is cause your immortality but it can easily be taken like it was given. Now listen here child of darkness I want you to stay in your little castle away from interfering with other people's fate or I'll remove your immortality.

F/n: You dare threaten me the Lord of Shadows and Grimm the firstborn of your brother and King of the Monsters Race. I'll do as I damn please as you said I'm a child of darkness so fuck your demand, fuck your threats, and more importantly FUCK YOU.

Uncle: How dare you talk to me that way you shouldn't even be alive but my brother made you with one of my creations. You made a grave mistake child and will suffer greatly for it.

F/n: Tell me something uncle if your so powerful why are threaten me with a good time. More importantly you caused my fate when you sent my mother to the world of the living to warn me and Salem asked me to kill her. So I'll deal with my punishment but just know this if and when I return to Remnant I'll be killing you and my father as I'll be stronger than both of you.

I fell myself waking up and I quickly and quietly get out of bed to resurrect the monster races that perished in their attempt to overthrow me and when the Nekos, Orcs, Trolls, Dark Elves, Onis, Giants, Fairies, Imps, Gnomes, and Dragons as they look at me and I show them my aura at full force forcing them to kneel and submit to my power

F/n: I didn't bring you back from guilt I did so to increase my forces military power. But this is your only warning don't double cross me again or death with be permanent next time.

Monsters: Yes my lord!

I dismiss them and I head to the dungeon to release my prisoner since the night of Dracula old life raid

Prisoner: That stench I haven't smelt it in a long time my king.

F/n: I think you spent a long time down here for leading that betrayal that costed are faction numbers Doctor Frankenstein. Your research and intellectual was missed but you had to be punished for your coup attempt. Plus you get your old position back as Elizabeth right hand in the lab as her experiments are lacking the stein touch.

Frankenstein: How generous my king but how do you know I won't betray you again?

F/n: Your not that stupid to try again cause next time your head will be severed from your body. Just because you turned your human body into a monster through science doesn't make you king you lack the one thing that separates a king from a horse. Now my terms for your release are simple don't ever cross me again through anything that harms my queens and heirs.

Frankenstein: I accept my king.

I release Frankenstein and as he leave I put the same leash Ozma did to me many years ago as he glares at me with hate

F/n: You think I'm dumb to release you without making sure you stay in line. That collar will kill you if you attempt anything against my family, my knights, and myself. Enjoy freedom Doctor Frankenstein!

I leave the doctor and return to the dinning room as my harem, heirs, and knights are eating before I join them before doing my king duties within the kingdom

Author note

Just a Chapter to get you a feel for what to come in the series and to make it more interesting so let recap the knights history, the war, and the Pecking Order Chapters where to give you history of the characters in the story neck chapters lore will be the girls of your team during Volume Nine when RWBY becomes available on Crunchyroll.

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