(Side Chapter 14) Yin and her Clan's past

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No one pov years ago in Anima Region

A samurai sat across from the hero who ledgily defeated Dracul the Impaler as they sip tea after being approached by said hero with a cloaked man who hiding his appearances with a large blade on his back

Samurai: You have an offer for me hero?

Hero: Yes I know you lost your village to Dracul's army but what if I were make you new village with my associate here can give you clan members.

The samurai looks at the hero cloaked associate as he feels a cold empty feeling from his presence in general before looking at the hero

Samurai: The Light clan will prosper once again but your associate I don't trust he gives off a negative aura.

The hero looks at him and the cloak figure leaves to wait outside as the hero and samurai discuss terms of the clan and location

Past F/n's pov

I'm outside as I look at the people of the village go about their lives and businesses unaware of the threat to the world as I sigh under my cloak to hide my appearances from the world until Ozma comes out with one of the many survivors during my dark path I abandoned in my defeat

Ozma: Yoshihara this is my associate F/n L/n, F/n this is Yoshiara Light he'll need your contacts to aid in building his village.

F/n: I need the location of the village location and I'll build it with my contacts I just need a month and I'll have it done if I'm allowed to be unsupervised.

Ozma: Ofcouse F/n just remember to be careful with the creatures roaming the forest.

F/n: Sure old man I'll be careful but remember I'm getting paid for this as I'm doing this with my contacts.

Both Yoshihara and myself get on are horses and we ride off to the village location as I'm mentally contacting my knights to said location and when we arrive at said location we're greeted by my knights cloaked as I get off my horse to great them

F/n: Are job to build a village worthy of a samurai.

I look at them and we start getting straight to work with mining stone and chopping wood as Yoshihara rides off back to the inn as we start using are speeds and strengths to work faster and within a month we finished up in time as Yoshihara and Ozma ride up to see are handy work as my knights return to the castle and I put Yamato in the Shrine inside the village as I lock it up to put my trust in humanity to guard this weapon incase I call upon it again before walking past those two to leave attend to my affairs

Yoshihara's pov

I look at the village that man and associates built and I brought my new wife with survivors that endured his reign as the hero established me as clan head and any descentants along the road

Yin's pov before Beacon

I was training with my father after being accepted into Beacon by the Headmaster himself and I'll take it to get away from my fiance Yu and while we train he watching and I feel uneasy

Father: Yin your mind not in your training, what on your mind?

Yin: It the arranged marriage you put me in, my future in Beacon, and the rumor of the Gurimudēmon in Vale.

Yu: Yin my lovely dragon of light your too stressed.

Before I reply Professor Ozpin comes in and bows to my father

Ozpin: Grandmaster Yoshi I came to pick up your daughter for Beacon personally. Plus she might find her prefect tranquility with her team.

I quickly bow to my father then head to pack my belongings before boarding a Bullhead as Ozpin sitting across from me and the hatch closes and we take off

Ozpin: Miss Light I have to inform you that the Grimm Slayer attending Beacon and he a special case of student aswell a licenced huntsman already I hired him to play the role of student while protecting his ex girlfriend child.

Yin: So he attending any hints on his appearance.

Ozpin: You'll know who he is when you see him in action.

We arrive at Beacon on the day before intitaion and at night I encounter a pale teen with snow white hair and dark eyes wearing a black kimono as I feel his aura dark in nature while it also kind and protective it makes my heart fluster but I keep myself composed just for him to be my team leader and my life becomes complete and full of answer I needed with my training and answers in life as I'm now one of the many Mistresses of the Night with a child with the man I love

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