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We were all inside the Manor in the main hall, thinking up a plan about going to the Academy. Ruby said that the risk we haven't considered going to the Vault and getting the relic.

Jaune: We've been so worried about keeping the Vault closed that we never considered using what's inside.

Oscar: The Staff of Creation.

You: I haven't seen that before.

Ruby: Maybe we could use it to save Penny and get everyone in Atlas and Mantle back to safety.

I was so surprised that Ruby actually thought about this. That's my wife. We all then heard Weiss' Scroll beeping. She got out her Scroll to see a message from someone.

Weiss: Well, you'll never guess who I just heard from.

That has to be Winter, I knew she'd come around.

(Small Timeskip)

We were all in the dinning room of the Manor sitting in different chairs. I was sitting next to Ruby in the right side of the table, while the others were sitting in other chairs while Poe, Kieron, Cal, Merrin, Rey, Finn, Rose, Greez and Cere were all standing. Jaune was using his Semblance to use some of his Arua to Penny, to stop the virus from taking over her.

Weiss: So, we've got people trapped in Atlas and Mantle that we can't evacuate unless we use the Staff, which is located inside the Vault. If we open the Vault, Penny terminates. If Ironwood gets wind of any of this, he blows up Mantle.

You: Not if we stop him first.

Oscar: There's something else to consider. Once the Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural Gravity Dust to keep it from plummeting immediately, but, well, nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down.

That will impossible to when we use the Staff. There has to be a way we can do this. Jaune then stopped using his Semblance on Penny to say something.

Jaune: Okay, then let's use the Staff to teleport everyone to safety. Maybe even to another kingdom.

Oscar: We can't just wave it like a magic wand and make our problems go away. And we haven't even told you about him.

You: What?

Yang: Who?

Oscar's eyes glowed for Ozpin to take over.

Ozpin: The spirit of the Staff. Like Jinn, but, well, he's a character. He can build you anything, but only you can explain to him how. Like any craftsman, he'll need blueprints. Some sort of reference. It'll help if we have real world examples to show him.

You: Blueprints, huh?

Whitley: I've already got through the city layouts for the SDC evacuation. Maybe I can help?

You: Well, Whitley, you're on board.

Oscar: There's still James and his bombs to consider.

Weiss: Oh, I've got a plan for that.

I looked where Weiss was looking at, it was Emerald who can use her semblance to manipulate Ironwood's Arua.

Blake: So, that takes care of phase one.

Ruby: Meanwhile, the real Y/n goes to the Vault with help.

Oscar then takes control back.

Oscar: I blasted a hole through the bottom of Atlas and I highly doubt they've had time for repairs. That should take you straight to it. All of that, is the easy part. As soon as Y/n opens the door, we go through, grab the Staff, and stop Penny's termination.

I then stood up from my chair.

You: No. I'll go.

Yang: Wait, what?!

You: Ironwood would probably realize that the real me didn't come to the Academy. I've been waiting to take down that bucket of bolts.

Emerald: You won't have to do it alone.

Oscar: If Ironwood takes you, then we're out of options.

Poe: Not without us.

We all looked at Poe to think of a plan.

Poe: I saw one of my fighters in the Atlas tunnels helping out the civilians. I can call them in to help us out, and help evacuate Atlas and Mantle.

You: It's worth a shot. (looks at Ren) Ren, you still have that dagger of yours?

Ren: Yes. Why?

You: I need to barrow it for a minute.

Ren: Alright.

You: Once we've taken down Ironwood, I'll meet the others at the Vault and get the Staff.

Ruby: Then It's settled.


I was flying in the sky with the maiden powers with BD-1 with me. Greez was flying the Mantis for Emerald to use her Semblance to block the vision of the ship for the others to wait for the right moment to strike. I then saw the Academy yard where Ironwood was waiting for me. I flew down to the yard and landed behind Ironwood for him to notice me that Winter was with him. Ironwood then aimed at me with some type of energy weapon that he has.

Ironwood: I didn't think you'd actually come alone.

Ironwood then hands Winter the binders and walked to me. I got the dagger that Ren gave me hidden to get ready.

Ironwood: I expected at least some resistance from your friends.

You: I don't want anyone else to die. I must open the Vault.

Winter then strapped the binders around both of my wrists in front of me to back and draw her sword. I hope she knows what she's doing. Ironwood then lowered his energy weapon and walked towards me to put his hand on my right shoulder.

Ironwood: You've done the right thing.

I then smirked at him to say something.

You: I have. Feels weird.

I then felt that Emerald stopped using her Semblance for Ironwood to have a face of shock. I then used Ren's dagger to cut the ropes off and I did a flash kick flip in Ironwoods face and landed on my feet. I caught the energy weapon that Ironwood was holding and I tossed it to Emerald for her to turn invisible with her Semblance. While I was done with that, I put away the dagger and got into action. Jaune was battling Ironwood with his sword and shield, for Ironwood grab June's right Wrist for him to use his shield with the gravity dust he had to push back Ironwood. Oscar then got into action to swing his cane for Ironwood to land a few punches to him.

Rey: Y/n, catch!

I then looked at Rey for her to toss her metal staff and I caught it. I then started to swing at it at Ironwood to land a few hits on him to grunt in pain. Ironwood then landed a few punches at me for me to block his attacks blocking and spinning the staff around, I was very well-trained with the staff, comparing it like my double bladed lightsaber. I pushed back Ironwood with Rey's staff for Ren to use his grappling hooks at one of Ironwood's feet, for him to fully knock back Ren quickly. I tossed Rey her staff back for her to catch, while I saw Merrin using her Magick shooting green orbs at Ironwood for him to dodge it. I then saw Cal swing his lightsaber at Ironwood for him to grab Cal's wrist and kicked him away. I then saw Nora in the air with a glyph with electricity on it, to boost up Nora. I saw Winter doing this to help us out. Nora then swung her hammer in Ironwoods face to knock him back. I then saw he got out an electrical staff and started to use it on the others. This is my chance to finally face him.

I then activated my lightsaber and charged into action. Ironwood then noticed I was charging at him. I then started to swing my saber at Ironwood for him to block my attacks to see sparks coming out of the weapons. I swung my saber again at Ironwood for him to block the attack, for us to be in a clash.

Ironwood: You should have never fought back, and now, you will die!

You: Let's go, metal head!

I then kicked Ironwood out of the clash, for me to swing my saber to get a strike on Ironwood. He then kept on blocking my swings left and right, up and down.

You: Come on!

I taunted Ironwood for me to dodge his strike to back up to almost reach the edge of the Academy. I then saw Ironwood swing the electric staff at me to block the attacks, but then he kicked me in the stomach for me to fall over the edge.

Poe: NO!

I heard Poe said while I was falling. That's what Ironwood thinks. I then used the maiden power to fly back slowly and hover behind Ironwood.

You: Hey.

Ironwood then turned around to face me for me to swing my lightsaber at his chest depleting his Arua. He then got on the ground for me to land and face Ironwood. He then looked at me to say something.

Ironwood: You were always scum.

I then smirked at him to say something to him back.

You: Jedi scum.

Ironwood then went unconscious on the floor. I deactivated my lightsaber to clip it to my belt. I then went to the others to give Ren his dagger back. I then saw Emerald showing her self to hand over the energy weapon to Winter that Ironwood was using.

Winter: Go! Move to phase two.

Poe and the others went inside the Academy while Winter looked at me.

Winter: And you. You should hurry and meet your friends.

You: Thanks for the help, Winter.

Winter: It was a pleasure to help out.

You: See you around.

I then ran to the edge and jumped off to use the maiden powers and fly to the hole that was at the bottom of Atlas that Oscar created. I then flew up the hole and went inside the Vault. It looked different from Mistral and Beacon. I then landed on my feet to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Penny waiting for me.

You: Sorry I'm late.

Yang: No, you're just in time.

Ruby: Hurry, open the Vault.

You: On it!

I went ahead for the others to follow behind me. I saw the floating objects creating stairs for us to go up to the door that leads inside the Vault. I then went up to the door and activated the maiden powers with my eyes lighting like fire and placed my right hand on the door. The door then lit up in light blue for the door to open. The door fully opened for Ruby to use her Semblance on all of us except Penny to bring us inside the Vault. Ruby stopped using her Semblance to quickly grab the Staff of Creation for time to stop from the outside, while we were in range of the Staff. There was blue smoke coming out of the tip of the staff and it was similar to Jinn. The blue smoke then revealed a male floating in the air the same figure like Jinn. He was like a genie in a bottle.

You: Whoa...

BD-1: Whoooo!

???: It seems someone has come to engage my creative wiles! All I'll say is, it had better be worth it after my last project. (crosses arms and look away) A floating city? (scoffs) How pedestrian.

Ruby: (walks over) Hi, um, Mr. Ambrosius? Sir, listen, it's about our friend. She's- she's dying.

You: Please, is there any way for you to help her?

Ambrosius: (hovers upside down) I'm going to go ahead and assume that you know it's against the rules for me to bring people back from the dead so -

Ruby: That's not what we want. she's not your typical girl.

Ambrosius then realizes and hovered back up to fly to Penny who was frozen by the time stop. Ambrosius then snapped his right fingers to appear a small scope to get a closer look at Penny.

Ambrosius: So, she isn't! I'd love to meet whoever did this.

You can thank Pietro for that.

Ambrosius: Ah, I see.

Ambrosius then flies back to us.

Ambrosius: There's something eating away at her. Um, I'm guessing you think you have some clever plan to save her. (points to us) Just know, I will give you exactly what you ask for and I don't want any complaining when it's not what you wanted.

You: Believe us, we'll get what we wanted.

Weiss then got out her scroll to use a holographic screen to show Ambrosius the schematics of Penny.

Ruby: We brought her schematics. We want you to make a new version of her using her exact same robot parts.

Ambrosius: That was curiously worded, girl.

Ruby: An exact copy of her would include the virus. An exact copy of her without the virus would cease to exist the second you make something else, and we kinda wanna keep her around longer than that.

Ambrosius: (chuckling) You've done your homework.

Ruby: We want you to create a new version of her, using her existing robotic parts taking the virus with them.

Ambrosius: Hmm.

Ambrosius then started to do some stuff with his hands, probably thinking a way to make a new version of Penny.

Ambrosius: Okay, but if I take the robot parts out of her, that would leave-

Blake: Penny. The girl who's always underneath it.

Ambrosius: Hmm.

Ruby: You can't destroy, it's against the rules. But you wouldn't be destroying her. Her soul is who she is.

Yang: (flexes robotic arm) The mechanical parts are just extra.

Ambrosius: But a soul without a complete body, what would be left?

Ruby: I don't know. I guess you just have to-

You and Ruby: Get creative.

Ambrosius: (laughing) (flying side to side) I suppose I could do a little, oh, add a touch of, but if I do that how much of the old Penny would be my work and how much would be her? Just coming up to the surface. (flies back to us) This is all very exciting, and dangerous. Uh, I don't know what the results are going to be.

Weiss: We don't have any other options. We believe in her.

Ambrosius: Then, ready yourselves to witness my artistry!

This is exactly going to plan. Ambrosius then turns around to get into position to work his magic. Ambrosius then released his magic to Penny who was clenching her head from the virus. Ambrosius then lifted Penny into the air to some of his magic on Penny. Then there was a bright light blinding us a little. I covered my eyes with my left hand and so did the others. After a bit of waiting, Ambrosius seems to finish his creation.

Ambrosius: (snaps fingers) It's done.

Ambrosius then disappears. We all then looked and went up to look at what Ambrosius did. There were two Pennys, but the one on the left was... human. The other one on the right was the robotic version of Penny.

Ruby: Penny?

The Penny on the left opened her eyes that it was the same eye color from before. Penny then looked at her hands to see that she is finally human. We all saw the robot version of Penny short-circuiting. It then went on the ground, destroyed, but the Penny that was here right now..... I can't believe this! This is actually amazing how this worked. Penny is human! Ruby then put her hand Penny's left shoulder, I hope she remembers us.

Ruby: Are you okay?

Penny looks at Ruby's hand on her shoulder. Penny then smiled and hugs Ruby.

Penny: Do hugs always make you feel warm inside.

Ruby: (hugs Penny back) Yes.

Penny: Wow!

Penny is actually human, I can't stop saying this in my mind!

Penny: More!

Penny then hugs Weiss holding the staff and let go of the hug.

Weiss: We should probably make sure our theory works. And start the evacuation.

Penny then hugs Yang and Bake. I then went up to Penny and she looked at me. I then took her hands for her to feel this moment as a human being. I can't help but smile at this moment.

You: Penny... you're... you're human! A real girl!

Penny then smiles brightly and hugs me. I laughed in joy and happily hugged her back for this moment of her being a real girl.

Penny: I can't stop hugging you all!

You: Heh, I know you can't, Penny. I'm glad for you.

BD-1: Boop-whooop!

BD-1 then jumped on Penny for her to hug him as well. I'm really glad to see Penny as a human being after so long. Penny then lets go of BD and hopped back on my back looking over my shoulders. Weiss then spin the staff and used it to summon Ambrosius again.

Ambrosius: Ah! Free to crate and, oh, it's you guys again.

Weiss: We're not done with you yet.

Ambrosius: Ugh, fine!

Yang: Let's try the quick version. Can you make a bunch of doorways in Atlas that open a single stop in Vacuo?

Ambrosius: Sure! I'll just need coordinates and specs for each door, an explanation for bending space and time to account for the bunch grater traffic on one side, and the single point of exit on the other.

Weiss: Okay, that's about what we expected.

You: And that was also a mouth full.

Weiss: So, we need to funnel everybody through a central location first.

Ambrosius: You're going to have to tell me more about this central location. For starters, uh, where is it?

Yang: Here. A place like these Vaults. Wherever they are, they're not a part of Remnant. Only accessible if you know the right way in. Seems like a safe enough place for thousands of refugees.

Ambrosius: (crosses arms) You kids are either smart or much more foolish than you realize. (sighs) I'm going to need a reference?

Weiss: Oh, we've got one.

Weiss then got her scroll out again to show Ambrosius the holographic screen schematics about the idea we came up with. Ambrosius then got into position to use his creating skills to do the job. We all then heard a portal opening behind us. We all looked to see that it was an actual portal or a gateway to that realm that we can all evacuate the people of Atlas and Mantle to Vacuo.

You: Whoa. I like this idea.

Weiss: People enter from Atlas and Mantle on one side, and leave on the other side, with a one-way ticket to Vacuo.

Ambrosius: Well, everything appears to be in order. You were quite thorough, disappointingly so.

Weiss: (puts away scroll) So, it's done?

Ambrosius: Yeah.

We all then started to go to the portal that leads to the realm. I then saw the previous part of Penny being faded away. Whatever, I don't want to get distracted.

Ambrosius: Oh, and one last point of clarification about this central location of yours.

We all looked at Ambrosius.

Ambrosius: Do not fall.

What? What does he mean by, "Do not fall?"

Ambrosius: Okay, and with that dire warning.

Ambrosius then disappears back into the staff again. We all then went up to the portal for Weiss to hand over the staff to Penny.

Weiss: We did it!

You: Heck yeah, we did.

Penny: What now?

Ruby: We go to Vacuo, all of us, and hope that we've thought of everything.

You: Only one way to find out. (to BD-1) You ready for this, BD?

BD-1: Boop-bop-whoop!

You: Well, then... here goes nothing!

I then ran first inside the portal and went on thorough.

To be continued

A/n: (long sigh) Guys... this is it. The next chapter is the finale of this..... I don't know if I can do this. But, has to be done. I just need a few days to get myself together for the finale and to just get this over with. I'm probably going to cry at the same time while I'm writing the finale. And it will get bloody for the protagonist.

Anyway, guys, thank you for your support, and I will catch you on the next chapter.

Take care.

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