Getting Married

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I was walking down the halls of the Schnee Manor for a bit, I know we have to get to Ironwood, but I'm just so nervous about going back to the Academy. After everything that he has done and his Ace Ops, I just can't go back, but I have to. I just kept on walking to just clear my head for a bit to just calm down and get this done. Mantle is at stake, and I need to head back to the Academy to open the vault and get the relic, but Ruby and the others might think of a plan to get the staff without going to Ironwood. I then eventually saw that Willow was walking in the halls as well, she saw that I was being nervous.

Willow: Everything okay with you?

I stopped as I heard her talk to me. I then looked at her to answer her question.

You: (sigh) To be honest, no. I'm not okay. I just... I'm just nervous. That I'm going back up there to the Academy. I'm afraid that I can't do this.

Willow: Of course you can do this. You came this far to not just give up on your journey. Mantle is at stake because of Ironwood. You have to stop him, in order to get the staff of creation to save Atlas and Mantle.

I got to admit, she is right. If I don't go up to Atlas, Ironwood will bomb Mantle.

Willow: Walk with me, would you?

You: Oh. Uh, sure.

Me and Willow walked down in one of the hallways to try and come up with a conversation.

Willow: So, your name is Y/n, right?

You: Yes, ma'am.

Willow: Please, just call me Willow. You don't need to act like one of the butlers.

You: Right, sorry.

Willow: (laughs) No need to apologies. So, have you ever been inside my manor?

You: (looks around) Honestly, no. Well, once, when we were investigating the crimes that your husband was doing. And now for the second time, when we brought in Nora, when she was injured, and we decided to take shelter in here.

Willow: I see. Weiss told me that you were engaged with the girl, Ruby Rose, am I correct?

You: Yes, I am. And... I don't know if this is the right time for us to be married, but we have a job to do. And we are going to do it.

Willow: Oh, nonsense. There is always time for something.

You: But, I don't have another ring for myself. The only ring I gave her was the one I bought her.

Willow: Hmm. Follow me.

Willow then walked a head of me for me to follow her. While I was walking, I final took off that bandage that was wrapped around my right hand that had my injury from Cinder. It was all healed up right now. I put the reaming bandage away to put it in my pocket to save it for later. I followed Willow to lead me into her room, where it was all fancy in here. It's actually beautiful in here. Willow then went up to her desk that had a mirror on top and opened up her drawer to grab something out of it. She then revealed the object to me that it was a white diamond ring she had in her drawer.

Willow: My father gave me this ring to marry Jacques. Ever since he was already loyal to the name of the Schnee Family, we weren't getting along anymore. I want you to have it, as a gift from me.

Willow then handed me the ring as I took it in my left hand where I had my glove on. I looked at Willow if I should take this.

You: Are you sure you want me to have this?

Willow: Of course. As an honor of the Schnee Family, I want you to have this ring, and carry it for your life.

I was surprised that she said those words to me. I actually got another ring for myself for me and Ruby to get married. This is really happening.

Willow: Klein!

I then looked at the door of Willow's room where I saw Klein entered.

Klein: Yes, Madame?

Willow: Will you be honored to be the wedding priest for the ceremony?

Klein: Madame, no one is getting married at this time-

Willow: Our guest here, is getting married to Ruby Rose.

Klein: Our guest?

Willow then nods at Klein, with a smile on her face. Klein's eyes then changed to yellow, I guess, to be happy.

Klein: (yellow eyes) Oh, how this day will be beautiful for these two! I'll shall get everyone ready!

Klein then ruses out of the room to go get the others to get ready for this moment of the wedding. I don't know how this will work. Do I have to wear a suit?

You: Do I have to wear a suit for this wedding?

Willow: Oh, you don't have to wear one. You can just wear the one you have right now. Now, come on. We should get to the lobby.

Willow then went out of the room while I followed her. We then went to the main lobby or stairway of the Manor. I saw everyone in the main lobby where Ruby was in front of the stairway where Klein was next to her. Everyone was looking at me in confusion that I just walked to Ruby and stand in front of her while Klein was next to me.

Yang: What's going on here? Why are we all here?

Willow: Isn't it obvious? These two are getting married.

I then heard everyone gasped in shock. But then I saw that they changed that they have smiles on their faces. I can't believe that this happening. I'm actually getting married to Ruby. This... this is actually the best thing that ever happened in my life. I then looked at Ruby that she was smiling and excided for this moment as well. I just couldn't help but look at Ruby and that smile on her face, this made me smiled as well. I then started to hear Klein giving the speech to us and the whole crowd.

Klein: (clears throat) We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Y/n and Ruby in marriage. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together. This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. It is a symbol of how far you have come these past years. It is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. The love between you joins you now as one. The Bride and Groom have a few words to share.

I was a bit nervous to say something, I don't know what to say at this moment.

Ruby: I'll go first.

I then looked at Ruby to say a few words to me.

(Music Playing)

(I do not own this music)

Ruby: Y/n... I'm glad that we're actually doing this. I always wanted to get married to the one I love. And I know you do, too. I'm glad that you were with me when I first met you. That's how much I love you. You were always there for me, and I'm always there for you.

Ruby then grabbed my right hand for this moment between us. I'm actually being happy about this. I then started to do my own speech.

You: Ruby... I... am actually happy that were doing this. I never felt this happy in my life. Until you showed up. You helped me out throughout my entire life, that I couldn't live without you. I am so glad that I met you... I am never gonna leave your side, no matter what. And I am not going to let anything stand our way, because I will protect you. And I will never leave you, ever.

Ruby smiled and started to tear up a little in happiness. I then let go of Ruby's hand for met take off my left glove that was covering my left hand to get the ring out of my pocket. I put my left glove in my pocket to put the ring on my ring finger to hold Ruby's right hand, for her to hold my right hand. This is actually happening. I wanted this moment in my life for so long now, and now it's finally happening. I am actually excited for this moment. Klein then started to speak to one of us.

Klein: (to Ruby) Do you, Ruby Rose, take Y/n L/n to become your husband?

Ruby: I do.

Klein: And do you, Y/n L/n take Ruby Rose to become your wife?

You: I do.

Klein: Then, I may now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Me and Ruby then leaned in to kiss with our eyes closed to hear everyone cheering and giving us around of applause for this wonderful moment. I can't believe it, I'm actually now a husband for Ruby, and she's now my wife. Me and Ruby stayed in this moment for a few seconds and we let go of the kiss. Me and Ruby then hugged each other for this beautiful moment that just happened to us just now. Everyone was still cheering and giving us an applause for this fantastic moment that just happened for me and Ruby. This is the best moment that I ever had in my life. I will always be with Ruby, forever until the end.

(Music End)

To be continued

A/n: Sorry if this was short, but this was the most amazing moment for our characters to have in this chapter. I hope you guys liked this, or loved this chapter that I created. I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I will of course see you in the next one. Take care.

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