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Tesla: Hello everyone, how was your guy's sleep last night?

Rwby cast: Felt really amazing.

Obleck: What we going to react today?

Jack: Today, we'll be reacting to Minecraft Mobs and I'll bring that Jaune here, so he could explain about his world.

Salem: Really now?

Tesla: Yup and poof

Suddenly a knight appears in front of the crowd
(Tesla: This Jaune will be known as King)

King: Where am I?

Tesla: Hello again, King.

King looks to his right to Tesla and Jack waving

King: Oh, hello again friends. So what brings me here?

Tesla: To explain about your world to originals here.

Points to the crowd

King: Ah makes sense since they look similar. Aw right then, let us begin.

Tesla: Also a quick info about King's world is that everything is in cubes.

Ozpin: Why cubes?

Tesla: Still have not figured that out yet but the gravity works differently to your world.

Ironwood: How so?

King: When you down a block.. Tesla mind showing them how Minecraft works?

Tesla: *nods* You got it, King!

Tesla and Jack are looking for a video Jaune building while Rwby cast ask King a lot of questions

Watts: Is there any technology in your world?

King: There is, but way more advanced technology than what you have in your world.

Ironwood: How advanced are we talking about?

King: To the point we discovered alien technology just by building it.

Atlas was in shocked

Vine: That must've been a difficult time to look for resources or research of this technology.

King: Yep.

Clover: When Tesla said,"gravity works differently." Just how different are we talking about here?

Adam: I completely agree with him.

King: Well see, there certain types of blocks that have gravity like sand, water, lava, gravel, anvil, tools, and foods. Those seven I just listed off have gravity than all the rest of the other stuff.

Ruby quickly grabs a weird looking golden doll with two emerald as  its eyes

King: Ruby, dear, can have that back?

Ruby: Sure but is that thing exactly?

Light: That looks like a totem of some sort.

King: You are correct, Light. This here in my hands is a totem of undying. What it does is that if I'm holding it in my hands and jump off a cliff-

RWBYP: Wait a cliff?!

Pyrrha: Why would you use an example of jumping of a cliff while holding the totem of undying?!

Jaune: Pyrrha, please calm down. Just let him finish explaining, okay?

Pyrrha looks at Jaune and back to king. She calms down and looks at King again

King: As I was saying, jumping off the cliff and killing myself, this here the totem of undying will revive me again to have another chance of survival.

Dark: That basically like you guys have achieved immortality!

King: You can say it like that.

Hazel: The totem of undying can revive you after a near death experience, right?

King: Yes, that's right. But however, if you don't have the totem in your hand, it'll be a death for you and lose you all your stuff after dying.

Port: What do mean by,"You lose all your stuff after dying?"

King: Well you Port, my world is like a game itself where we people must survive in that harsh world and adapt to the new environment. When you die, you'll respawn in a different area in the world and survive again, but to save your respawn is needing a bed because that bed will act as your save point when you die.

Rwby was in awe and now knowing a bit of King's world

Tesla: All right! Can I have everyone's attention please!

The RWBY and King looks at Tesla

Tesla: I've found a lot of videos on King's world. Here ya go and also King, here.

Tesla snaps his finger King's outfit change to something more comfortable for to relax in

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rwby was shocked, amazed, or even intrigued about King's world

Ruby: What's a creeper?

King: A creeper is basically mob that quietly walks up to you from and begins to implode itself to denote near you.

Elm: That a creeper is suicidal bomber that takes you down with it!

King: That's right but we have to careful since there is different types of creepers in our world.

Watts: Types?!

Roman: Different kind of it owns?!

Ren: Can give us an example?

King: Of course, let's start with titan Creeper. Titan Creeper can reach the same height to the block limit and when denotes it'll kill anything in its range from a person to a entire kingdom in one big boom.

Ironwood: But how do you kill it?!

King: To kill it.. you have to a weapon or relic that can easily one shot the creeper..

Winter: What..?

King: Remember my world has no laws or regulations on we have to survive. But almost anything is possible in my world.

Rwby cast remember the video and nods

Tesla: Some buildings that Jaune had help built with other people.

Ghira: Whoa. King helped someone to build that, but what kingdom is this?

King: Well, the Faunus of course.

Sienna: Wait really?!

Fox: This must've taken a least a whole year to build, right?

King: No.

Faunus: What?!

Velvet: Than long did it take?!

King: About 4 months, it took to build with the help of Faunus. This kingdom is called Animal Kingdom. That is ruled by Ghira and Kali.

Ghira: Is there peace there?

King: Yes, your kingdom is the main port of trading and transportation of goods. Your kingdom has 85% of Faunus and 15% of Humans who lives there.

Kali: Our kingdom in that world is the main port of trading and transportation of goods. So that means that kingdom is incredibly wealthy and strong in power.

King: You got that, right.

Tesla: This will surprise you, Ruby.

Ruby: I have my own kingdom!! I wanna see it!

Tai: Haha. Ruby calm down.

Yang: Whoa. It looks amazing!

Blake: I like the color scheme and environment you chose.

Ruby: My kingdom looks so cool!!

Weiss: Is Ruby Queen?

King: Well yes, she is and my one of my fiancés.

Ruby blushes immediately when she is Jaune's fiancé

WBYP were jealous but they heard he said one of his fiancés, meaning that they're his fiancés as well

Tesla: Next is Ozpin and Salem's Kingdom. This kingdom is based on steampunk engineering and mechanics.

Salem: Truly a beautiful build from King.

Ozpin: I do agree because the architecture and design is truly amazing work of art.

King: This build took a while because Ozpin and Salem were finding a for me to build and found a gap in the mountains for their first steampunk development. This took me at least one year and an half to mine or explode away unnecessary blocks, build the steam engines, and then go gather resources for the build but thanks to Salem. She cast a spell on me like haste and strength to boost me in the build while Ozpin just kept fucking Salem in her pussy when I has building.

Ozpin: So... other me didn't help but...
*lewd thoughts of Salem flood his mind*

Salem: Well at least I helped you, King.

King: Its fine but I couldn't focus on building when I heard loud moaning, hearing you say,"give me that meat or stick that sword in into my pussy."

Salem and Ozpin blushes rapidly and not looking at each other cause of their embarrassed

Jack: Next is Atlas but this city is called Oasis.

Ironwood: Not was I was suspecting but it'll do.

Glynda: Is Oasis in the middle of the winter?

King: Nope, but it's near a desert and an ocean.

Watts: The temperature must be very warm there, I'm guessing?

King: Yep. This city was ruled by Jacques but it is now ruled by you, Watts.

Watts: Wait me?!

Winter: Why this scum?!

Aces Ops: Him!?

King: I know he's a traitor to Altas but in my world Watts has done a lot of good things to redeem himself for his actions and crimes he has done. Ironwood and Watts were the very first people who discovered space exploration and technology.

Ironwood: Really?!

Watts smiles about his achievement on space exploration and technology in that world

Tesla: Next.

King: Ah, yes. Queen Pyrrha the world first female champion and fiancé.

Pyrrha: W-Whoa! *hint of blush*

Peach: First female champion?

King: She fought for women's rights and equality against Jacques.

The Girls: Serves him right!

King: This gonna surprise you, Light and Dark.

Light: Is that a church?

King: Yes it is. Because this church is only part the actual kingdom itself and it is known as the Holy City.

King: The Holy City has the largest population number than any other kingdom has. This is also known for its magic and blessings. The brothers have human from named Blaze for Light and Anubis for Dark. Rulers of this ancient and beautiful city that existed for 25 centuries and still evolving today.

Light: Fantastic.

Dark: It seems like-

King: Two are married.

Light/Dark: WAIT WHAT?!?!!!?

Light: But how? Who? And why?!

Dark: Us gods, can't get into a marriage or relationship!

Tesla: Are you sure?

Dark: Yes!

Tesla: Name one thing in your rule book about getting into a relationship?

Light summons his book of rules for them and flips through every single pages to see no rule about getting into a relationship. Light vanishes the book and begins to blush like crazy

Dark: Brother?

Light only shakes his head as a No to his brother about no rule on relationships

Light: C-can see what my brother and I wives look like?

O/S/D (mind): Did he just studier?!

Tesla: Of course, Blaze.

Tesla: This is Blaze's wife and her name is Nova Violet. Her role is Queen in that world but in this world, she is the Goddess of Space and her true form.

Tesla: Anubis wife and name is Scarlet Violet. Role is Queen and here in this world, she is the Goddess of Time. Scarlet is the youngest while Nova is the oldest.

Light and Dark are blushing really hard but Tesla decides to summon Nova and Scarlet to the theater and surprise the two brother gods

Scarlet: Where are we, sis?

Nova: I have no id- *sees the Light and blush*

Scarlet: Nova.? Sis..? What are you blushing at...?

Looks where Nova is blushing then sees Dark. The four looked at each other with blush and Tesla interrupts them

Tesla: Ahem!

The four looks at Tesla

Tesla: I can send two of you guys to private and isolated area with soundproof and unbreakable walls, if you like?

The four nods and Tesla snaps his finger making the four disappear

Tesla: Now then, let's us continue again. Adam and Sienna's kingdom is well known to the foundation for refugees and the very first revolution against slavery, man slaughter, communism, and etc. for the Faunus.

Adam: Is Sienna and I are married in that world?

King: Yes, you two are and you two even have a child.

Sienna: A child?!?

Adam smiles about his other version having a child and married to Sienna. He wonders if he proposes to Sienna after the reaction

Kali/Willow/Summer: Can we see what they're kid looks like?!

Tesla: Of course.

Tesla: Meet Asher. The prince of Karma and given a nickname in battle known as Raging Flame.

Adam: He looks almost like me except the eyes.

Sienna: Indeed but what magic of he use?

King: Well the magic is enhancement and enchantment. Basically he's just plowing through enemies frontline while enchanting himself with flame.

Tesla: Well King, I think one of your fiancés is calling you right now.

King: Oh then, please send me back quickly before any damage happens.

King stands up and Tesla snaps his finger. King's outfit change into his original armor and turns around to the crowd waving at them

Tesla: Cya King.

King: You too.

Tesla sends King back to his universe and faces at the crowd

Tesla: We'll be meeting different universes of Jaune Arc.

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