Part 3 (Exam)

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Jack teleports rwbyp and Jaune back to their seats since they woke up from their sleep, gives everyone about 30 minutes of break to refill on any snacks or drinks they want, everyone does thing own like some stuff to catch up on, delay work, family time, friends, or etc. Jack begins to remove characters he hates the most
(Characters Removed)
After 30 minutes has passed and Tesla begins the next part

Jaune woke up first out of everyone and sees that the skies are still a bit dark right now. He to his right the girl he just met and told him,"excuse me." Jaune slowly gets up onto his feet and walks over to the door that leads outside and begins his daily routine

Obleck: Wait, I have question to ask, Tesla?

Tesla was eating a hamburger and drinks his fruit smoothie

Jack: I'll answer that question.

Obleck: How many hours does this Jaune sleep for?

Jack: I think probably about 3 - 5 hours of sleep.

Glynda: That's not even healthy!

Willow/Winter: I agree as well.

Salem: Does this Jaune have sleep paralysis or something else?

Tesla stops eating and wipes his mouth with a napkin then said

Tesla: Well he doesn't have any sleep paralysis.. but he is always on guard if anything were to happen to him in his sleep.

Gretchen: So he reacts by instincts?

J/T: Yes.

Ozpin: What his daily routine?

Jack: How about we find ourselves?

Jaune begins his 1 km run around the academy

Y/J: Jaune does that for his daily routine!/I do that?

How many times he does is about five times without breaking a sweat

Harriet: Way to go, kiddo!

Qrow: Not even a professional huntsman or huntress can do that.

Raven nods

When he is done with his morning and easy run around the Academy

Q/T/S: You call that easy!? That's more like hell!?

Jaune does his next routine which doing 100 pushups, 200 sit-up, 1 hour of yoga, 150 jump jacks, 100 high knees, 300 burpee, 250 squats, but...

Weiss: But what?

Ren: Who knows.

He does this again until morning rises

Rwby cast: What the hell!!!

Light: No, average person can train that long.

Raven: Unless that person is already well trained or use to the pain.

Peach: Even though pushing your body to your limits is something you can't do because you'll be extremely exhausted, hydrated, muscle pain/sore, stress fracture, tendon injuries, or other physical issues to your body.

It's 7 am in the morning, some people are slowly getting up out of their sleeping bags. Going to the restroom to their own business, while Yang and Ruby are already wake, got dressed in their combat outfit, grabbed Jaune's sword that leaning against the wall, then went outside to see Jaune mediating on the floor with his eyes closed and shirtless

Yang: Do you feel that?

Ruby: Feel what?

Ruby: Yeah, feel what?

Yang: There is flow of mana coming from Jaune right now but it's really dense..

Ruby: I forgot you can see the flow of mana.. but why is it dense?

Yang: Maybe-

Jaune gets up off the floor, opens his eyes, stretches his body, and turns around to Yang and Ruby standing there while Yang has Jaune's swords with her

Yang and Ruby were when they saw Jaune's six pack

Yang: Oh~ mama loves what she sees~

Raven (mind): She even my daughter, anymore?

Jaune picks up his arguments and puts them on then walks over to Yang to grab his swords as strap them to his back

Jaune: Um Yang? Ruby? Hello?

Snaps his finger in front of the two sisters which they got out their trance and face Jaune

Nora: Wait a minute.

Ren: What is it?

Nora: We got to see what Ruby and Weiss looks like, but about Yang?

Yang: Yea about me?

Jack: It's getting there.

Jaune noticed Yang was wearing a yellow trench coat jacket with two straps holding them together, not wearing any shirt or bra beneath the jacket, her blonde, brown leather belt, black pants/shorts, and even her weapons which her mana gauntlets and combat armor boots, and her lilac eyes shining

Yang: Yo! I look so sick!! Maybe I shouldn't wear a shirt beneath as well.

Glynda/Summer: No! Yang, you cannot!

Yang: Why not? I mean I get to attract Jaune with it~.

Tai: If you do that missy, you'll be grounded it for a month if you did that, is that clear?

Yang: Yes dad.

Jaune: Nice fit, Yang.

Yang: Aw thanks~ Handsome~ After all~

Yang grabs Jaune's right hand and places onto her slightly exposed breast while Ruby karate chops Yang's hand releasing Jaune's hand

Yang: Ow~.. Sis.. Why would you do that?

Ruby: You can't just do that! Because-

Gets cut off when a voice appears in their head

Glynda: Hello examiners, please go to the left side of the Academy that you'll see a cliff. Please go over to the cliff and wait for our instructions, thank you.

The voice disappear

Ruby: Never mind. Let's go!

Grabs Yang and Jaune's wrist. Ruby uses her teleportation spell to the cliff where they see a bunch of people there including the two headmasters and the blonde teacher

Ozpin: Welcome examiners. Today is the day, we'll see if oyour worthy of attending Beacon Academy.

Salem: We have set multiple traps and monsters you guys. Once we've teleport all of you randomly in the forest look for a ruin area that have a relic for you and your teammate.

Ozpin/Salem: Also the first person that you meet is your teammate for the next four years.

Ruby: (glass shattered) What?!

Ozpin: Any questions?

Dead silence

Ozpin: No. good.

Looks at Glynda and Glynda cast a wide range teleportation spell on the examiners into the forest. All of the examiners disappear

Narrator pov
Every examiner randomly teleport into the forest

A girl that is about 5'1 in height, fair skinned young woman with orange hair and turquoise/jade/aqua eyes, wearing a dark or light purple color armor with dark purple cloths beneath her armor, and the same color as her armor is a war hammer with skull on it

Nora with stars

Nora: Renny!!! Look it me!

Nora hugs Ren and burrows him in her chest without her realizing what she is doing

Ren (mind): Is this Heaven?

A boy appears out of the bush meeting Nora

This boy was wearing green, gold, red thread, black-gold armor boots, and some got pink armor. Height is 5'9, skin is pale white, hair color is black with pink streak, eyes are Magenta, and a white pants.

(Tesla: Ignore the guns.)

Nora: Hey, Jack?

Jack: Yes, Nora?

Nora: Can I have that Ren? *points the Ren on screen*

Ren gasps

Ren: But Nora.. you have me..

Nora: I just teasing you~

Ren was pissed and embarrassed of Nora's antics. Ren looks at Jack and Jack nods, Jack teleport Ren and Nora to private soundproof room while Ren does his "punishment" on Nora then Jack stops for break for everyone

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