The Hole

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Girl = Glynda
Tom = Ozpin
Tesla came back but his hair is all messy and he only wear a white
T-shirt along black sweatpants, white socks and black slippers

Jack: Look who came back?

Tesla: Hey.. *yawn and stretches*

Jack teleports Jessica to her their bedroom and sets the video. Team RWBY, Pyrrha, and Jaune fell asleep, so Jack teleported them to a private bedroom then faces to the crowd

Jack: Okay in this multiverse has a lot of comedy and stupid stuff but it's still pretty funny though. Let's begin watching.
A peaceful morning, seeing Ozpin take sip from his mug when Glynda enters the room and ask him about something

Glynda: Ozpin, have seen my copy of the greatest movie of all time?

Ozpin: 17 again?

Glynda: Yeah.

Ozpin: Pretty sure it fell in the hole.

Glynda: What hole? *looks down* OH MY OUM!!

Hole (Dramatic sting)

Glynda: What is that?

Glynda: Really other me?

Hazel: Pfft. Hehe..

Ozpin: It's a hole.

Glynda: Yeah, I can see that. What's it doing there?

Ozpin: Well, I woke up this morning... *slurps* Then there was a hole.

Beacon Staff: Classic old Ozpin.. *in unison*

Ozpin felt offended

Glynda: What are you gonna do about it?

Ozpin: Well, I put rug over it.

Hole (Dramatic sting)

Ozpin: Yeah, it fell in the hole.

Glynda: Shall we call the police or something?

Ozpin: Oh yeah, I called the police yeah.

Glynda: Well, where are they?

P/O/P/G: He's gonna say in the hole.

Ghira: Most definitely.

Everyone nods including Ozpin

Ozpin: They're in the hole.

Everyone: Yep.

Hole (Dramatic sting)

Glynda looks around for a bit and realizes something then face towards Ozpin

Glynda: Where is your wife?

Ozpin eyes looked the other way and gave an uncomfortable expression

Glynda: Ozpin, where is your wife?!

Ozpin: She's at work.

Glynda: Oh, where does she work?

Ozpin: In the hole.

Ozpin: What?!

Salem: Honey. Dear. Calm down, this isn't real y'know.

Ozpin: Right sorry.

Salem: It's alright, dear.

Hole (Dramatic sting)

Glynda: God! How deep even is this thing?!

M/R: That's what she said.

Neo and Emerald elbows Roman and Mercury

Glynda grabs Ozpin favorite mug and drops down into the hole

Ozpin began sad after what other Glynda did

Glynda's dog was near the hole

Ozpin: That was my favorite mug...

Glynda's dog fell down the hole
(Dog falling noise)

Glynda: *gasp* No!! Buttercup!!

Ironwood: Glynda! Calm down, relax it's okay. Buttercup is fine. Just relax.

Glynda calms down and nods to Ironwood

Ozpin: *zooms in to Ozpin face* Now it's in the hole.

Hole (Dramatic sting)

Glynda: Ozpin, do you even know what this is? like for all we know it could be an inter dimensional worm hole or a gateway to hell or... Ozpin?

Glynda looks up to where Ozpin is no longer there

Glynda: *looks around* Ozpin?!*looks down at the hole* Ozzzzppin!!?!?

Ozpin: Hey, what's up I got a snack.

Qrow: Don't scare us like, Ozpin!

Ozpin shrugs but hit in the head by Salem who looks at the screen again

Ozpin bites into the apple

Glynda: Ozpin, will you please take this seriously!

(Monster noise) which spooked Glynda

(Intense screaming)

Ozpin pulls a M9 and fires at the hole person

Bang 8x

Glynda: What was that?!

Ozpin: Hole person.

Throws his half eaten apple into the hole

Glynda: Where did it come from?!

Ozpin gave Glynda a face, "Really."

Glynda: Right! The hole, yeah. Why being so calm about this.

Ozpin: I'm more worried about the space octopus.

Glynda: What space octopus?

(Monster growl)

The space octopus snatched Glynda

Ozpin: Oh here it is. * pulls 17 again from his suit*

(Dramatic sting)

Ozpin: It shit. *drops it into the hole*

(Dramatic sting)

Neo, Cinder, Emerald, Adam, Hazel, and Watts holding in their laugh because of Glynda scream

Tesla: *yawn* Good morning.

Ozpin: Morning too you, Tesla.

Jack: Anyway let's begin part 3.

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