Part 2

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Jessica fell asleep onto Jack's body and Jack gently places soundproof ear muff on her

Willow: Um, Jack?

Jack: Hm, yes Willow?

Willow: Where is Fallen and Hana at, because I don't see them at the chair?

Kali: Yeah, where are they?

Summer: Where they exactly and when are we gonna start?

Jack: Oh. Um y'know doing some of this.

Does hand gestures of sex

W/K/S blushes of what Fallen and Hana are doing right now

Summer: O-Oh I see now.

Willow: Thanks for the info.

Kali: Oh my~ It seems like they're having fun~.

Kali licks her lips

W/S: Kali!

Kali: I'm just saying okay.

Harriet who heard the conversation and joins in

Harriet: How long are they gonna be at it?

K/W/S looks Harriet then to Jack

Jack: About that, it takes at least five weeks for them to get exhausted after sex.

W/S/H/K we're shock to hear that

Kali: Holy crap! Five weeks to get exhausted after they had sex with each other. Not even Ghira and I can last that long.

Summer: Fallen and Hana must have great endurance to last that long.

Willow: *mutter* I wonder how it feels to have sex again..?

Harriet: What was that, Mrs. Schnee?

Willow: Nothing but please call me Willow not Mrs. Schnee, okay?

Harriet: Um of course, Willow.

Willow: Do they have sex every single time or it is on occasions for them to have sex?

Jack: Well....

Meanwhile with Fallen and Hana
Fallen: Damn! Your fucking tight Hana! Ahh~


Fallen: Here comes the 35th cum~!

Hana: Pour your delicious cum into me~!!! Fuck me!! Honey!! Faster!! Faster!!

Fallen: Here it cum~!!

Fallen shooting a load of cum into Hana's pussy and slowly filling her up. Likely Fallen places pregnancy spell on Hana so that she doesn't have a kid yet~ but we can have sex all we want

Hana: *looks at her belly then at Fallen with lustful heart shape in her eyes* *pant* Can we go again~?

Fallen: Sure~ Sweetheart~

Back to them

Harriet: Well?

Jack: They do have sex every single time when meet each other again or if both of them are bored, they'll have sex each other to satisfy their needs. Also they would do it in public but in a private area, in bed, lunch room where we eat, their offices, or etc. that is anywhere where they can fuck each other like rabbits. Their relationship is extremely strong and lustful compare to Tesla and I relationship. Fallen and Hana see each other as lovers and fuck buddies since we only see them as fuck buddies that is on steroids or drugs. And that's about it, any questions?

All rwby cast listened to what Jack said and blushes crazy after hearing about Fallen and Hana sex relationship and their life

Jack: No, okay. I want everyone to sit where they are and Tesla refill your snacks, lunch, dinner, or even your drinks.

Everyone took a sit and Tesla refills their food and drinks. But Sofia hugs Tesla tightly and Tesla quickly notice Sofia condition. Sofia was in heat after the whole sex thing and Tesla spoke

Tesla: Hey Jack?

Jack: Yea? *looks at Tesla*

Tesla: I have to take care of Sofia right now.

Jack: Go ahead, I'll doing the explaining.

Tesla: Thank you.

Tesla and Sofia vanishes leaving Jack and asleep Jessica alone with the Rwby cast

Jack: Well then, let us begin.

After the gymnasium for the speech ceremony from Ozpin and Salem

Cinder: Wait? Why is Salem with the him?

Ozpin: I'm very confused as well.

Salem: Welcome children from far or near to Beacon Academy. Where you will learn and experience what us Adventurers do.

Light: Adventurers must be what huntress or huntsmen are.

Jack: Precisely.

Ozpin: We, adventurers must do our job to keep the people from any harm or danger. All of you will be granted into the enrollment to Beacon Academy by showing your support, leadership, experience, and skills to enter. Also knowing that some of you children will mostly likely be entering the Academy. And I hope you all a wonderful day since tomorrow is your exam.

Salem and Ozpin vanishes at the blink of an eye. A woman with blonde hair in bun hairstyle, wearing glasses, wearing a witches hat, slightly lose white button shirt, a black corset, tight black skirt up to her waist, black lingerie stockings, black short heels, and a crop for who knows what

Glynda was embarrassed about the last part but only Ironwood knows about that last part

Ironwood blushes at Glynda

Jaune: Ms. Goodwitch, you look amazing.

Glynda: Thank you, Mr. Arc.

Glynda: Anyway like what the one of the two headmasters said, "Tomorrow is your exam." You'll be sleeping the ballroom to your left you see is a door leading into the ballroom of where your staying. So please make your way to the ballroom.

Everyone starts walking to the ballroom and quickly set up there sleeping bags. Jaune and Ruby were the last two people to enter the ballroom. Jaune was still in his gear while Ruby was wearing comfortable clothes

Ruby: Well Jaune, wanna sleepover together?

Jaune: Um I-

Gets caught off when another yelled Ruby name. Ruby turns around to see half sister waving at her

???: Ruby! Come on! I saved you a spot or two!

Ruby: Well just our luck. Come on!

Jaune: W-Wait!

Grabs Jaune's left hand and teleport to her half sister

???: Heya sis! So who is this.. *looks at him*

??? (Mind): Oh my oum! He's so handsome and attractive!! No! Yang! Control yourself, you just the person.. *mumbling*

... (faint voice): Yang...

... (faint voice): Yang...

... (faint voice): Yang...

Then Yang suddenly gets bonk on the head

Yang: Ow!!

Rubs the top of her head and looks at the person who did it. It was the boy next to Ruby

Yang: Why would you do that?!

Ruby: Cause you were spaced out and staring Jaune!

Ruby forgetting that she is still holding Jaune's left hand and Yang smirks at her sister holding his left hand

Ruby: Yang?! Are you even listening?!

Yang: Nope. Because I interested on why your his left hand?

Ruby looks down and her still holding Jaune's left hand. She instantly lets go and hides her blush by looking away

Ruby (whispers to Jaune): Hey um Jaune?

Jaune (whispers to Ruby): Yes Ruby?

Ruby (whispers to Jaune): Can hold we hold hands?

Jaune (whispers to Ruby): *sligh hint of red blush* Sure Ruby.

Ruby was surprised that Jaune agreed to hold hands. Jaune and Ruby slowly began to hold each other hand, Jaune gently grabs Ruby's hand and Ruby does the same to Jaune

Both of them blushing and looks at the screen again. Little they know the WBY and Pyrrha grew jealous since they behind Jaune and Ruby

Ruby: I-I'm so sorry for noticing!

Jaune: No, it's fine really.

Ruby looks at Jaune with a hint of blush

Ruby: Really?

Jaune: Yes.

Ruby smile and Yang interrupts their little moment

Yang: *Ahem* Um sis, when are you gonna introduce me to your.. friend~...

Ruby: Right! Jaune meet Yang, my half sister and Yang meet Jaune that I just met at the entrance.

Yang: Nice to meet you, Jaune.

Jaune: You as well.

Yang: Please sit down.

Ruby quickly undue her sleep bag and places it next to Yang while Jaune removes his two swords to the wall near Yang. Jaune sits down near Ruby and Yang but the girls notice Jaune not having a sleeping bag

Yang: Jaune?

Jaune: Yes, Yang?

Yang: Whee is your sleeping bag?

Port: I just noticed that now. Does this Jaune not have a sleeping bag or what?

Obleck: Maybe he is the type of person stays up and sleeps in the morning.

Peach: Oh~ Is Yang or Ruby gonna make move of whoever ask Jaune first to sleep with them, hm~?

Obleck: Dear, please stop teasing them like that.

Peach: I'm just saying the truth, y'know.

Yang or Ruby gonna make move of whoever ask Jaune first to sleep with them

Peach: Called it.

Yang and Ruby blushes at their antics while WB and Pyrrha became more jealous of Yang and Ruby hogging Jaune for themselves

Yang/Ruby: Jaune! Wanna sleep with me?

The two sisters look at each other while Jaune as about to asleep

Yang/Ruby: Ruby?/Yang?

Yang: What are you doing?

Ruby: I should be asking that question?!

While Yang and Ruby began to argue with each other, little did they know the girl who met Jaune at the entrance was watching them fight over of who Jaune sleeps with. The girl took the opportunity to use her Gravitational Magic to pull Jaune away from Yang and Ruby

RBYP: *gasps*

Ruby let's go of Jaune's hand while Weiss already know what is gonna happen. Jacques was angry that his dating a low life peasant. Before Jacques could say anything, Jack snaps his fingers making Jacques disappear. Willow, Winter, and Whitley were relieved that their Husband/Father was gone

The girl with white hair pulls Jaune to her and releases him from her Gravitational Magic. She used a sleep spell on Jaune making him fall asleep instantly and she slowly place Jaune to right side onto the floor and resting his head against the shared pillow. She lays her left side then covers Jaune and her with blanket she had. She looks at Jaune with a gentle smile and was about to kiss him when Jaune moved his left arm hugs Weiss, where their lips is a least 1 inch away from each other. She was tempting to Jaune kiss on the lips but she didn't want him to know that she kissed him without his consent so she asleep peacefully. Meanwhile with Yang and Ruby still arguing about whether should Jaune sleep with one of them

Yang: About this we can ask Jaune to sleep with the both of us since Jaune can in the middle, how about that?

Ruby: Okay.

Yang and Ruby both look to see that Jaune wasn't there and realized that Jaune could've moved somewhere else while they bickering at each other. This made them sad, knowing there one chance sleeping with Jaune was gone

Adam: I'm gonna say this. This is an interesting story and a lot of immaturity coming from the girls.

The everyone agrees with Adam except the girls

Sienna: I didn't think that you five girls will be fighting over one boy.

Jaune: I never really thought about that until you said it.

Roman: Talk about obsession right there.

Neo: Mhm. Just way too obsessed over for boy.

Neptune: Sheesh, this Jaune is gonna wake up and Weiss in his face.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?!

Neptune: I mean he accidentally kiss you on the lips if moves a bit forward.

Weiss: O-oh. Um sorry Neptune.

Neptune: Nah it's fine, Weiss.

Weiss: Thank you

Tai: Yang and Ruby. Your mothers and I gotta talk about your obsession after this, okay?

Yang/Ruby: Yes father.

Willow: Same goes for you Weiss.

Weiss nods her head

Kali: You as well, Blake.

Blake: Y-yes mom.

Ren: Pyrrha, we're gotta have a talk about this later, okay?

Nora: Yea. I agree with Renny because I'm scared about your obsession.

Pyrrha: Yes and sorry.

Light/Dark (mind): Are these really our creations or what?

Ozpin (mind): Are they really heroes or obsessive people?

Salem (mind): Are they really Ozpin's pawns or what?

C/E/M (mind): They really the same people who we fought with?

Yang looks around while sitting down and Ruby does the same thing as Yang is doing. Yang noticed a girl put a sleep spell on Jaune putting him to sleep. The girl quietly places to his side and she lies her side as well which Yang alerted Ruby. Ruby looks where Yang was pointing which shocked Ruby seeing a girl sleeping with Jaune... Her Jaune... Her and only Jaune... Ruby was about to get up when the lights in the ballroom goes off leaving them in pitch black darkness. Ruby and Yang suck it then went to sleep but trying their best to stay positive without any negative thoughts

The adults sweat drop down their faces of Yang and Ruby attitude towards Weiss. Weiss wasn't feeling safe anymore as she leaps over the seat in front of her and lands onto Jaune's lap. Weiss hugs Jaune for comfort which Jaune hugs back to comfort Weiss letting her know that she is safe as Jaune is there

(Jack: So that's it. Cya next time, Readers.)
Word count: 2132

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