Fantasy AU

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(Fallen: Also I am not gonna add the rest of Rwby cast)

???: Missed us boys~?

F/T/J: Oh../My../Gawd..

???: Is that how you treat your wife like that?

???: Hpmh.. Baka..

Tesla: Honey.. I'm sorry..

Jack: Please forgive me..

Fallen: Who you calling Baka?

Everyone staring in awe

Hana: I am Hana Yuri and I'm a neko.

Hana: Also I may look young but my age is 20,500 and boyfriend is Fallen whose age is 20,600.

Fallen: Hehe. Is that my hoodie?

Hana: N-No...

Fallen: Come here beautiful~

Fallen uses his levitation power to lift up Hana and slowly float her into his arms which stops his power and hugs Hana gently

Hana: So warm~ purr~

Sofia: I am Sofia Gold and I'm a succubus.

Sofia: As for my bf Tesla and my age. We're the same age about hm.. 19,800 years old.

Teleport onto Tesla's lap and slowly grind against his crotch without anyone noticing

Jessica: My name is Jessica Rome, older sister of Cody, lover to Jack Borne, and also I am a Sun vampire.

(Fallen: If you don't know what Sun vampire is. It's made up because ordinary vampire die in sunlight but Sun vampire cannot be killed in the sunlight plus she is immortal)

(Jack: Damn right.)

(Fallen: Dude really?

(Jack: I mean yea.)

(Fallen: I... never mind)

(Jack: Imagine her with silver hair.)

Jessica teleport to Jack, Jack stood up for Jessica to sit in the chat which she did while Jack just sat down in front of her legs

Fallen: Let's Begin.
Jaune: Team! Let's retreat!

Nora: But I just getting started!

Pyrrha: We got enough information about the situation of the nest!

Ren: Nora! Let's go!

Nora: Ugh..! Fine!

Team JNPR retreats after getting the information of the nest and wander how the team met or received this scout mission. Let us go back in XXXX year of May 12 on the first day of Beacon Academy.

We see a boy about 6'4 and is in a few of white and silver armor, carrying a two swords on his back, blue scarf around his neck, brown straps with a pouch, blonde lushes hair, and dark blue eyes that symbolizes loyalty.

Nora: Look! Jaune looks amazing!!

Port: Looks like a true warrior! Haha!

Ozpin: Indeed. He does look like warrior. *smiles*

Salem: That is true.

Peach: His hairstyle looks different.

Pyrrha: I don't Jaune having a shield?

Hana: Well in this AU, Jaune is extremely skilled two swords and doesn't need a shield for protection. Also this AU, has no Grimm, semblance, high tech, or even guns. But it does have magic, aura, and monsters, do you all understand?

Rwby cast nods

Light (mind): No Grimm, semblances, or even advanced technology.

Dark (mind): This multiverse only have magic...

Light/Dark (mind): Almost like our creation of Remnant..

Jaune: This must be what my sisters were talking about?

???: Out of the way!? Bozo!

Weiss: Oh Oum! Please don't tell it's me

Jaune turns around to see a girl with white hair, height is about 5 feet tall, pale skin with pale blue eyes, her hair pulled back into a off center ponytail style on the right, wearing small silver icicle shaped tiara, wearing silver armor not completely heavy but it looks light, a iron/silver rapier strap to her right waist.

(Jessica: See her standing, okay?)

???: Um excuse me?

Jaune: Oh I'm sorry

Jaune steps aside for the girl to pass and the girl walked away leaving Jaune since he isn't much of a talker. Before he could go, a girl in red and black clothing appeared in front of him

Summer: Om my oum! Ma baby girl!!

Tai and Qrow chuckle at Summer antics

Raven smiled a little and stops

Yang hugging her sister while Ruby was happy

A girl with fair skin with silver eyes, neck length black hair with red tips

Fallen: Also it'll be the clothing your wearing right now, Ruby.

Ruby: Oh okay.

Sofia: Also. *claps her hand and poof*

Rwby cast was comfortable clothing with drinks and snacks as well

Ruby: Hello there! I'm Ruby Rose. What's your name?

Jaune: Um.. My name is Jaune, Jaune Arc.

Ruby: Nice to meet you Jaune.

Jaune: You too.

Ruby: I really like your outfit and including your two swords on your back.

Jaune: Thank you.

Ruby: Can I see what your two swords look like?

Everyone in beacon knows Ruby and her weapon fetish

Fox: The same Ruby but in different era.

Everyone expect Ruby nods

Jaune: Oh sure. Might wanna move back a bit?

Ruby moves back away from Jaune about 4 inches and Jaune grabs his two swords from his back. Reveal his two swords in his hands

Ruby: So cool!!

Jaune: Hehe thanks.

Ruby: What is their names?

Jaune: This here in left hand is Righteous Glory.

Jaune: And the other sword is Holy Celestial.

Ruby: They look amazing!!!

Coco: The names sound bit too worshipful.

Yastu: But it does fit Jaune though.

Fox: I agree as well.

Obleck: Truly a marvelous weapons for Jaune to have.

Jaune sheaths his two swords back onto his back and looks at Ruby.

Jaune: Since I showed you my swords, can I see your weapon?

Ruby with a bright smile nods to Jaune. Ruby held her right out in front of her and her weapon appeared in her hand

Ozpin/Salem: Amazing.

Looks at each other and laugh then face back to screen while holding hands

Yang: Woah! Did she summon her weapon?!

Jaune: That might Ruby's Magic.

Ruby blushes at Jaune compliment and face back to the screen

Jaune: Woah! Did you just your summon weapon?!

Yang: Wow, just what I said.

Ruby: Yup! This is my weapon and this baby is called, Scarlet Rose.

(Hana: Replace the pink color to red)

Ruby: Oh my gosh! It has a red rose on it and the design looks really cool!

Jaune: That looks so cool!

Ruby: I know right?!

Ruby opens her right hand and her weapon vanish into thin air

Jaune: Wait, what is your magic?

Blake: Oh yea, what is Ruby's magic?

Weiss: Probably has do something with speed or summon.

Velvet: Let's watch and find out.

Ruby: Um well my magic Re-equip.

Jaune/Rwby cast: Re-equip?

Light: What is re-quip?

Hana: Just watch and see.

Jaune: What is even re-equip?

Ruby: Well re-equip is a rare magic that some people know how to use like me.

Jaune: But what does it do exactly?

Ruby: Re-equip allows me to quickly summon my weapon out of thin air and store weapon in a magic inventory that is only available to me. Meaning if I lose my weapon, I can just summon my weapon back to me again.

Jaune: That's really useful.

Ironwood: Indeed it is for someone to wield a big weapon.

Qrow: *gasp* Was that a compliment from the General himself?

Winter: Be quiet, drunk man!

Glynda: Stop it you two, let's us continue without any interruption.

Ruby: Also I can use elemental magic and healing spells as well.

Jaune: Amzing.

Ruby: What about you?

Jaune (mind): Should I tell about my magic or not. I guess can tell her my magic.

Jaune: Sure. I have eight magic spells.

Ruby: Woah really?

Jaune: Yep.

Ruby: What are they?

(Fallen: Before we begin the story. I'll provide you guys a information about Jaune and Ruby's magic at the end.)

Jaune: Well #1 is called Holy Magic, #2 is Aura Channeling, #3 is Recovery Magic, #4 is Flame Magic, #5 is Blinding Magic, #6 is Earth Magic, #7 is Mana Core, and last is secret.

Ruby: What?! You can't just tell me all seven of your magic and leave the last one as a secret!

Jaune: I'll show you when it's our exam, okay?

Ruby pouts but agrees to Jaune

Ruby: *adorable evil stare* You better?

Jaune: Right right right. Now come on, let's go before we're late for the speech ceremony.

Ruby: Right!

Ruby and Jaune went off to the speech ceremony

Jaune (mind): My last magic is...
Anti magic.)

Weiss: So that's his last magic, it must be every strong to use.

(Fallen: I forgot to change Penny into human so and the original fallen maiden to their younger self.)

Penny: Wait is Anti Magic common in that multiverse?

J/H/J/T/S/F: *in unison* Not really but it is really useless for people-

Amber: So anti magic isn't really useful, huh?

Sofia: You didn't let us explain why Anti Magic is useful.

Mercury: But how though?

Sofia: Anti Magic known to be a unique magic since only about 0.0001 % of people know about Anti Magic. Those who only know what it is Ozpin, Salem, and the brothers.

Light: But wait how does my brother and I look like in that world?

Fallen: We'll find out next time.

Dark: Okay.
Ruby's Magic
Re-equip: Basically like from Fairy Tail like Ezra but Ruby only summons her scythe and stores her weapon into magical storage that is only available to her.

Elemental: Allowing her to manipulate or generate any elements by using her mana.

Healing Spells: She can only cast healing about ten times before her mana deplete. She can use them again in the next day.
Jaune's Magic
Holy Magic: He can give blessing or cure to any sick people. Also grant any buff to his friends or allies. Can deplete his mana if he uses too much blessings.

Aura Channeling: Allows Jaune to channel aura throughout his body and increase his physical and mental abilities about two fold. Downside is his body will become extremely exhausted and leaving vulnerable to enemies.

Recovery Magic: Can recover any injury or weapons. But if it is a missing limb, Jaune can recover that missing limb back in about six hours. If he can't then he can try to recover their wounds back again.

Flame Magic: Producing a flame that twice as hot than a regular fire. Can unleash a barrage of flame arrows, fireball, or spears.

Blinding Magic: This is very common but people rarely even use it because it only blinds your enemies or opponents, but Jaune has master this spell and achieved a great amount of technique for this spell.

Earth Magic: Create, mold, or break. Allowing Jaune to use his mind to control his earth magic in defensive or offensive situations.

Mana Core: Jaune is a literally a walking unlimited storage of mana that he can give or take away to a person. But Jaune can use 2nd storage of mana which half of the original storage so that he doesn't get caught anyone.

Anti Magic: Cancel any magic expect Forbidden and Pure/Curse magic.
Dark/Umbra Magic
Forbidden Magic: Can use any forbidden magic that created years ago or in the present. Can deplete his mana instant but he can use Aura to amplify his mana by sixth fold.
Pure/Curse Magic: Same thing as Holy Magic but Pure can be used to grant or reward anyone who the righteous thing, but if the user is in trouble like fight. They can switch from Pure to Curse as an offensive weapon.
Word count: 1879

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