Smash or Pass

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Fallen: Alright everyone it's time to take a break now.

Everyone expect Cody who was asleep nods

Timeskip break time over

Jack: Everyone ready?

Rwby cast: Yes.

Jack: Okay.

Looks at Fallen which he got the notification and used his gravitational power to throw Jaune into the screen. Everyone was surprised of what happened to Jaune.

Jaune: Ugh.. Why would you throw me into the screen.

Jack: Jaune. Do you see any buttons?

Jaune: Um yes I do.

Jack: Good, I'll be showing you pictures of girls and I want you to press the smash for red or pas for blue which will appear on the screen for everyone to see. But you have to be truthful about this.

Jaune: Um okay.

Jack: Also explain why as well.

Jaune: Okay I got it.

Jack: Good. And also you can't hear anyone but they can hear you, so let's start now.

Tai: *loud gasp* I know what is going on here now?!?!

Jaune: Um.. *blushing and press red*

On screen for everyone is shown the word Smash

Jaune: I truly love Ruby because her character, her personality, and her...

(Jack: Ruby will only hear this)

Jaune (mind): Oum! I really just hug and kiss Ruby on her soft lips! But I can't really choose to confess to Pyrrah, Weiss, or even Ruby!!! Her body looks amazing and fit but her thighs are too big and plump. I'm sorry Ruby, if you know.

Ruby (mind): Oh gosh~ Jaune~

Ruby begins rubbing both her legs together, her breathing becomes heavy, slowly blushing, and biting her lower lip.

Ruby: Oum.. Jaune... *pant* I want you tonight~

Ruby teammates and Pyrrah heard what Ruby said and looks Jaune wanting to know what he said his dead.

Jack: Before we start.

Snaps his finger and unbreakable chains wrapped Qrow, Jacques, Ghira, and Tai in place, also wrapping a tight cloth around there mouths.

Jack: Okay now.

Jaune smashes the smash button

Jaune: I'm gonna say this. I want to pound Yang right now!!!

Yang: O-Oh~ my~

Tai struggling to move and scream

Jack: Next.

Sun: Hey kitty! It's you~

Blake rolls her eye

Jaune press smash

Jaune: Want her to purr for me and say I'm master. Cause she has a FATASS!!! And put a collar on her making her mine!

Blake tries to her blush and Sun was extremely annoyed when he heard what Jaune said.

Sun (mind): This bitch..!

Kali was squealing like a child and happy for daughter while Ghira was extremely pissed at Jaune

Fallen, Ozpin, Salem, Tesla, and the brothers notices Sun reaction. Seeing his reaction is that he going to kill Jaune when he comes back including some boys as well.

Jack: Next.

They heard a loud noise coming from the screen to Jaune immediately pressing the button over and over

Jaune: Weiss got beautiful hips and extremely sexy in that outfit!!!

Weiss blushes at Jaune compliment and Neptune was meh because he is dating someone on team NDGO

Jacques was irritated

Winter and Willow smile at Weiss who blushing and embarrassed

Jack: Next.

Jaune broke the Smash button and extremely hard right now

Jaune: LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caught everyone surprised and shocked to Jaune reaction to Pyrrha

Tesla: Jaune. You have my respect, brother.

Pyrrha was blushing bright red as Ruby's cape and thinking naughty things in her mind of what Jaune would do to her

Jack: Just three more.

Jaune press Pass

Jaune: I'm gonna pass cause I see Nora as a friend and Ren would probably kill me if I pressed smash.

Ren: Damn right.

Nora blush at Ren

Jack: Next.

Jaune: Nah.

Ironwood blushes at the picture of Glynda and Glynda covering her face with her hands

Jack: Last one.

Jaune: I'm not dying today.

Tyrian: Hehehehhehehehehehe. My goddess looks very beautiful. Hehehehe.

Ozpin was ticked off by Tyrian comment. Ozpin stands up and faced Tyrian which Ozpin threw his mug at him which caught Tyrian attention.


Everyone was shocked hearing what Ozpin or Ozma said to Tyrian. Expect Salem who was blushing at her ex lover and seeing that her Ozzy said all that

Suddenly Tyrian and Ozpin switched places. Tyrian in Ozpin seat that was between Ironwood and Winter then Ozpin in Tyrian seat that between Salem and Cinder

Salem grabs Ozpin's left arm pulling his left arm to massive boobs and Ozpin was having panic attack while Tyrian said nothing

Jack immediately summoned Jaune back to his seat surrounded by Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Blake. Jack released his magic off of the parents.

Jack: Well Jaune, good luck.

Fallen teleports Cody to his room and face towards the crowd

Fallen: Well that's it-

A bright light appeared in the center of the room and revealed four people

???: Missed us boys~?

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