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Fallen: Is everyone ready?

Rwby cast: Yes!

Fallen: Now before we start with the main course. Let's look at different art styles of you guys and other stuff, right!

Rwby cast nods

Fallen: Now then first picture.

Ruby: Oh my oum. That looks amazing!! There's me and my teammates!!

Blake: I really like the artwork.

Yang: This looks sick!

Weiss: It looks okay, I guess.

Fallen: Second picture.

Nora: Guys! Guys! Guys! Look! It's us!

Jumping up and down in her seat

Ren: The color scheme looks really good and Nora calm down please.

Pyrrah: Hehe. It does and the background looks beacon.

Jaune: It's truly a great artwork to whoever drew this.

Port: Indeed it is.

Fallen: Third *giggles* picture.

Tai: What the heck is this?

Qrow: Oh, I just teaching Ruby the right way of a weapon.

Raven: Showing her a melee weapon + a gun = good and the a melee = bad, really?

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Teaching taught me everything!

Qrow: Yeah! What the kiddo said!

Glynda: That's not how you teach someone about weapons, Qrow!

Qrow: Meh. *pulls his flask and drinks*

Winter: Ugh.. how dumb and disgusting.

Fallen: Next.

Ozpin: Oh I remember this.

Glynda: Yeah but do you remember when that punishment, hmm?

Ozpin: Yes.. yes.. I did..

Ironwood: *chuckles* Hehe. Glynda, you look funny when Ozpin pulled your cheek.

Glynda blushes and hid her blush from Ironwood

Fallen: Next

(Fallen: Right. Forgot to say that some of the characters will older so yea)
Neo and Roman blushes, while Ruby's family were extremely concern what Ruby is doing

Summer: Ruby.. What are you doing in that picture?

Ruby: I was copying Neo, why?

Summer: Nothing..

Cody: Tesla?

Tesla: Yes Cody?

Cody: What is the picture suppose to mean?

Tesla: We'll tell you when you're older, okay?

Cody: Um okay.

Fallen: Oh right. I just forgot something. Let me just. *snaps finger*

Fox blinks once and he can see.
Neo coughs and said a word.

Fox: I can see!

Neo: I can talk!

Fallen: There we go and next.

(Fallen: Just ignore Raven there)
Salem: Hm impressive

Cinder: Looks a kid drew this.

Fallen: Because it's Cody drawing.

Cinder: Really?

Looks at Cody that who nods his head to Cinder

Emerald: Amazing work Cody.

Cody: *blushes at compliment* T-Thank you..

Emerald smiles while the girls were jealous

Tyrian: Truly an amazing artwork, Cody. Hehehehe..

Watts: It is indeed and quite the effects you put on it.

Hazel: Good work kiddo.

Mercury: Looks okay.

Jack: Like the artwork, Cody.

Fallen: 10/10 Cody and next. Hehehehehehe...

Fallen immediately puts a blind and soundproof ear muffs on to young kids and will not come off if Fallen removes it

Sienna: What?!?

Adam blushes crazy

Salem: Oh my.

Glynda: Kids! Don't l-

Sees a blindfold and ear muffs on them

Glynda: Never mind.

Neo: I didn't know you were this naughty Sienna~

Sienna: How did you get this!?

Blushing crazy

Tesla: What a nice ass you got.

Adam: *stands up* You stop at my soon to be girlfriend ass like that!!!

Everyone expect the children look at Adam with a smug grin and Adam realizing what he said. Adam sits back down into his seat and stares at the ground.

Fallen: Welp next.

Sienna: Oh my oum!!!

Sienna began to blush like crazy seeing Adam. Adam looks up to see who he next and saw him.

Adam: Wait! Hold up, how did you picture of me while I was changing?!?

Adult Rwby cast looks at Fallen for answers and Fallen said

Fallen: Um.. moving on.

Adults: Don't ignore the question!?

Timeskip after the adults calms down and removes the blindfold and ear muff off the kids

Tesla: Now then, we'll be showing fan made Grimm.

Salem was intrigued when she heard fan made Grimm and Ozpin wasn't liking this one bit

Tesla: First Grimm.

(Fallen: Ignore Ruby and Summer head)

Salem: May I ask, what is the name of this Grimm?

Tesla: It's known as Mimic. It allows the Grimm to change its body to whoever you lost and before devouring its prey it'll reveal it's true identity to the prey then consume them.

Everyone was silent and Salem was really enjoying this

Tesla: Next.

Light: What even is that? Brother, do you what that is?

Dark: I.. do not know..

Tesla: This here is a Kraken. It has the intelligence of a human, one of the tentacles can easily destroy a pod of atlas airships in sweep, can carry the weight as Beacon, and control low life Grimm as its army.

Salem: Truly amazing.

Tyrian: Indeed it is. Hehehehehehehehehhe.

Ironwood (mind): But?

Tesla: But..

Ironwood (mind): Knew it.

Tesla: Salem cannot control this Grimm because she created a new destruction that is a god. A threat to both sides of good and evil.

Salem: So if I were to create this Grimm.. I wouldn't have control over it and destroy everything in its path?

Tesla: Correct.

Ozpin: There oum.. Salem were to create this thing to life but instead she just created a new god to destroy humanity including the other Grimm?

Jack: Yep.

Light: That kraken, it is stronger than my brother and I or what?

Tesla: To put it in power and strength.. probably the same power level to you and your brother.

Dark: I see.

Tesla: Well then this is the last picture.

Tesla: Meet the Juggernaut manticore fusion and the same height as the Kraken.

Ruby: Look at us in the picture!!

Blake: It huge!

Yang/Tesla: That's what she said.

Jack: Not funny.

Summer: That Grimm can easily kill us!

Qrow looks at the Grimm then drinks his flask again

Willow: That's truly terrifying to face in a fight.

Kali: I agree as well.

Ghira: There no way for anyone to survive from this Grimm.

Rwby cast agrees with Ghira

Fallen: Welp that's it.

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