Welcome to Haven

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Jack: *phew* I got all the RWBY casts with a sleeping spell and now to bring them to the theater.

Meanwhile with Cody, Fallen, and Tesla
Cody: We're done!!

Fallen: This place looks way better now.

Cody: Mhm!

Tesla: Yo! I'm done with the bar!

Fallen: Really?

Tesla: Yep! Come and check it out!

Fallen and Cody went to the room on the left side of the room to the bar that  Tesla had mentioned

Cody: Wow! So cool!!!

Fallen: Holy snap!! This looks amazing!!

Tesla: Yep! I put all my effort into this area!

Fallen: Now then, let's wait for Jack to come back with RWBY cast, alright?

Tesla/Cody: Yep/Roger!

The three of them walked over to the theater and Fallen created four seats for Cody, Tesla, Jack, and himself to sit down

For Tesla, Jack, and Fallen to operate the videos, arts, and random stuff.

For Cody because he easily falls asleep and soft blanket as well. Once he falls asleep, he'll never be able to wake up even if there is a loud noise

Jack appears in front of T/F/C

Jack: Yo, I'm back.

Fallen: Hey Jack, where are they?

Jack: They're in my sub space inventory and asleep because I put a sleep spell on them.

Tesla: Can you bring them out?

Jack: I got it.

Snaps his finger and a portal appears on the ceiling dropping the cast onto the floor. Waking each other up from the impact of the floor or each other. Cody hid behind Tesla and Tesla puts a left hand on Cody's head. Once every RWBY cast dropped out of Jack's sub space inventory and awaken. The cast quickly got off each other faced one another.

Ozpin: Salem!!

Salem: Ozpin!

Qrow: You!

Tyrian: Hehehehe!

Ruby: Yang!

Yang: *gasp* Ruby?!

Blake: Weiss!

Weiss: Blake!

Ren: Ugh.. my back..

Nora: Ren!

Ren: Uh.. oh hey Nora.

Tai: Raven?!

Raven: Tai?!

Yang: Mom?!

Kali/Ghira: Blake!!

Blake: Mom! Dad!

Sun: Hey kitty!

Blake: Sun?!?

Neptune: Dude.. don't yell.. geez

Sun: Hehe.. sorry

Sage: Um what is going on?


Watts: You!!

Ironwood: Watts!!!!

Winter: General!

Coco: Guys!

Velvet: Coco!

Fox: Hello.

Yatsuhashi: Hello.

Roman: Where am I?

Neo notices Roman and quickly hugs Roman tight which caught Roman off guard then he notice Neo hugging him while crying

Roman: Neo.. *small smile* Hey..

Neo let's go and looks at Roman with a sad but happy smile

Cinder: Mistress!

Emerald/Mercury: Boss!

Adam: What the hell is going on!?

Sienna: Humans!!

Jaune: Ren! Nora!

Both turn to see Jaune

Ren/Nora: Jaune./Jaune!

Glynda: Professor Ozpin!

Port: Glynda!

Obleck: Peter!

Peach: Obleck!

Timeskip every single yelling

RWBY cast: Where are we?!

Cody covers his ears due to the loud yelling, Tesla and Jack stayed the same, and Fallen began to speak

Fallen: *loud ahem*

Rwby cast looks at the stage to see four people

Ironwood: Who are you four?!

Yang: Did you just kidnapped all of us!?

Ruby: Wait!? Where is Crescent Rose?! And how come I can't use my semblance?!

Winter: What did you do to our weapons and semblances?!?

A riot began and pissed Fallen

Fallen: Enough!!! *in a demonic tone*

Rwby cast shuts up and trembles with fear

Fallen: Anyway! As I was saying before you guys interrupted me when I was about to say why you're here. Is because you all will be reacting to about someone.

Tyrian: I hope it's goddess. Hehehehhe...

Weiss: I'm sure it is not her but me!

Fallen: Nope.

Weiss: What! Than who is it?!

Jack steps up and stood beside Fallen to his right

Jack: It's Jaune.

Weiss: Wait! Why him out of all pe-

Jack: Shut up... *in a deep and uncomfortable voice*

Jack: Just because it is Jaune that doesn't mean you get the right to judge him. *tch*

Cody uncover his ears and stood beside Tesla to his left

Cody: Y-Yea meanie

Tesla: Way to go, Cody. You tell her.

Cody nods

Fallen: Also before we start. Let me just.. *poof*

Four people appears. Revealing (drum rolls please)
(Fallen: Almost there.)
Pyrrha, Summer, Gretchen, and the brothers
(Fallen: I shrunk the brothers to the height of an Hazel but a bit taller just by 2 feet taller)

JNR: Pyrrha!

Hugs Pyrrah and Summer goes to her family

Summer: Hello again

Tai: S-Summer..?

Ruby/Yang: Mom..

Qrow/Raven: Summer..

Hugs summer one after another

Gretchen: Hello brother..

Hazel: Gretchen..

Hugs each other as Hazel weeps quietly


Light: Who dares to bring the dead back again?

Dark: Was it you?

Points to Fallen

Fallen: Um yea.

Light: You can't just bring back the dead. I must put those three (Pyrrah, Gretchen, and Summer) back to the afterlife.

JNR/Rose/Xiao Long/Branwen/Hazel: No!!!!

Light tries to his powers but nothing happens. He tries again and again until he realizes that his powers didn't work, Dark tries to his powers but the same result as his brother Light.

Dark: What did you do our powers?!

Fallen: I canceled them.

Dark: You think you can just play as god?!?

Tesla: I mean.. he is a god.

Light/Dark: What?!

Light: Are you really a God?

Fallen: Yes. Yes I am. I am the God of Observation. I watch over many multiverses or the universes.

Rwby cast stood silent when they heard what Fallen just said

Cody: Um.. We're behind schedule guys.

Tesla: Before we move. Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Fallen: I am Fallen_Crisis or for short Fallen.

Tesla: I am Tesla Quake. I am a lightning demon and multiverse guardian.

Jack: Jack Borne. I am an undead and a guardian just like Tesla.

Cody: I-I'm Cody Romes.. I am a silver wolf... and a guardian but I just stay with Fallen.

The girls blushes at Cody

Fallen: Now then, I want everyone to sit down or go to the bar next door *points to his left* and grab a snack, drinks, or something to munch on. While my friends and I get everything ready.

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