Baby with a gun

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(Author: Hey Author, just before we start. Ozma/Ozpin and Salem has made up their differences and decided to start over their relationship again. Fox can see and Neo can talk)

Angel: Today is the day, you all react to the first Jaune Arc and baby with a gun.

Ozpin/Terra: Wait what?

Angel: Let's start!

Jaune cleaning the dorm as he turns around to a see a baby with a gun in stroller that randomly appeared out of nowhere.

[baby gurgles]

Ruby: Aw~ a cute baby minus the gun.

Jaune: That's a baby with a gun.

Jaune not knowing what to do


Jaune: I'm calling the police. They hung up.

Jaune: It's a baby with a gun. 

Jaune: Comfort eating.

Ren: That's just sugar, Jaune.

Jaune: That's just sugar. 

Ren: Exactly.

Jaune: Aww, that's baby with a gun!

Jaune: BABY... WITH... GUN... 

knock the books off the shelf and thinks for a moment

Jaune: Who sent you? Was it Junior? I'll buy him a new turban.

Yang: Wait what?

Junior: I know him?

Angel: No in your world but yes in this world.

Junior: I see.

Jaune: Does my insurance cover babies with guns? Oh, really?

Ozpin: *spits out his coffee* Wait! There is insurance for that type of situation!

Emerald: Seems so.

Jaune: How about we trade? *Gives the baby his stuffed bear and switches it for the gun* I'll give you this, and you give me that. Now isn't that bet-oh. 

Sees the baby with a gun again.

Coco: Where in the world is that baby getting a gun from?

Fox: Who knows.

Jaune: I'm really stupid. 

Points gun at baby

The girls: Is Jaune crazy or insane!? 

Neo: Why would he point a gun at baby all sudden?!

Roman: Neo.. Darling.. calm down..

Jaune: Oh. It's not nice, is it? No, Huh?

The baby looks scared

Jaune: I'm a MAN with a gun, what are you?! You're a BABY. You're NOTHING. 

Mood change

Jaune: I'm sorry, that was mean. You don't deserve that. You're young. Just take mine.

Give the baby back the original gun he had

Mercury: Dumbass..

Roman: He got himself to deal with a baby with two guns now.

Adam: Yep.

Jaune: Oh. now it's a baby with two guns. 

Jaune: Where's the baby? THERE's the baby! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE? GET OF THE DORM!

Jaune: I'm hiding in a closet, now.

Jaune: You know, I kinda want him to shoot me. So when the two Gods like "Hey, Jaune, how did you die?" I can be like "Oh, I dunno, Gods, maybe I was just shot by A BABY WITH A GUN."

Jaune lets out a outburst of stress and frustration 

Blaze and Erebus sweat drop down their face

[Baby laughs]

The girls awe at the baby

Jaune: Don't laugh at me. You're sick. You're sick baby with a gun. 

Jaune in clear distress and on the verge on crying

Jaune: Yeah. Not easy, is it?! Not easy to hit a moving target! 

Jaune ends up with bandage wounded left shoulder and looks at the baby

Velvet: Ohh... that must've hurt a lot..

Cinder: How did that baby know hot fire a gun..?

Umbra: Who knows, Cinder.

Jaune: You have to leave.

[baby gurgles]

Left the baby outside the dorm room and Jaune leans against the door to hear another voice

[Guy behind door]

Aw, look at this little baby, isn't- OH NO, IT'S GOT A GUN! AH! AH! A-


Jaune: I have to tell Ozpin.

The End.

Angel: So, how was it?

Ruby: I find it funny.

Yastu: Indeed it was.

Glynda: It was messed up when Jaune points the gun at the baby.

Everyone agrees

Light: Is there more this?

Angel: Yes there is.

Dark: Hahaha, Sweet.

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