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Angel: Let us bring in the RWBY Universe here.

Snaps his finger and everyone appears scattered outside the area when I wanted them to be. Rwby cast quickly recovered onto their feet and looked around their surroundings to where they're in space. Different factions quickly separated from each other to their individual groups.





But suddenly two "powerful beings" appeared revealing the two brothers that imprisoned Salem and Ozpin/Ozma with types of Immortal to defeat one another if possible..

Light: Who has brought us here?

Looking towards the different factions

Dark: Brother, I don't think they can summon us because look they don't have the four relics with them.

Light: Then who d-

The two brothers immediately shrunk to the height of 8 ft. Then suddenly a blur flew above the RWBY casts and in fear saw a monster that they've never seen before.

Info- This is known as the Space Stalker. These bastards can meddle different worlds and destroy timelines. They're about 390 ft (118 meters) in height, no front chest just revealing a it's spine and rib cage, no organs, no lower jaw but long massive piercing tongue that is able to strike down Atlas or Salem's air force. 

The Rwby cast began to ready themselves but that they don't have their magic, semblances, aura, and weapons. The Space Stalker raised its claw about to swing down and then a giant tripod with a unknown energy source behind it. 

Info- Same height as the Depth Stalker but this tripod is known as E.X. or Executor Xeno. These tripods was built to execute any Depth Stalker in the surrounding area.

The tripod shot a high power beam at the Depth Stalker and instantly killing it. The tripod faces towards the rwby cast and scans the guest then one by one the cast began disappearing into thin air then reappeared into a theater.

Angel: Ha, here they are!

The rwby looked to the source of that voice and three people standing on the stage. Two male and one female. 

Angel: Welcome RWBY Universe, To my domain! To-

Ironwood: Who are you, people?!

Angel: 1. Rude and 2. Don't interrupt some speech when they're about to say what brings all of you here.

Yang: Are you the one who took away our semblance, aura, and weapons?!

Aether: Do not speak in that tone, young lady!

The boy released his killing aura to the rwby cast and seeing them choke since Aether's killing aura is extremely dense and refined to the point where no man or god can resist against it but the girl named Umbra on Aether's left used her aura to calm down Aether's outburst and once Aether stops releasing his killing aura onto the rwby cast. Seeing them gasp for air, after that experiences of not to scream at me. They just stood in silences and waiting for me to speak again.

Angel: *Ahem* As I was saying, I've brought you all here to react to someone you know or don't know.

Weiss: React? So you just brought all of us here?! Just to react?!?!

Rwby cast looks at Weiss with a expression saying, "Are you serious?!" Aether glares at Weiss and Weiss quickly remembered about Aether's outburst earlier. She quickly apologizes to me and I told her.

Angel: It's all right, Weiss.

Wiess: Thank- wait? How do you know my name, even if I didn't tell you my name?

Angel, Aether, and Umbra begans to chuckles for a brief moment and I said.

Angel: Because we're.. Multiverse Watchers.

Rwby cast: Multiverse Watchers?

Angel: Well we can see, know, and hear things from your universe. About the past history, the present, and the future as well. 

Light: Come on, my brother and I never heard about you three.

Aether: Because we were created to watch over different multiverse like the creature that you just saw from ruining the timelines. 

Obleck: Wait, did you just say multiverse?

Aether: Yes, we did.

Weiss: That's impossible. Multiverse is just a theory and can never be proven by anyone.

Ruby: Yeah, what she said.

Umbra: Well today is your luck day because we'll be showing different multiverse of the person you know or not.

Ren: Who is this person you speak of? 

Angel: Do you not see anyone that you recognize not with you anymore?

The rwby cast looks at each other and Nora said.

Nora: Wait! Where is Jaune?!

Angel: Bingo!

Weiss: Why him out of all people?!

Angel: I mean, why not. Anyway we've already wasted a lot time already.

Winter: Wait, we can't just go and react to this Jaune fellow because most of us have work to do.

Aether: Ah right, your universe time has been stopped by me.

Rwby cast: What?!

Angel: Anyway, allow me to introduce ourselves. *clears throat* Ahem.. My name is Angel_Crisis1 or Angel for short, my age is 500,00 years old, and my powers are creation, destruction, reality, and mind. This here is Aether, age is 20,500 years old, and powers are Light, Life, and Time. Now next to Aether is his lovely girlfriend and her name is Umbra, her age if 20,400 years old, and her powers are Dark, Death, and Space. 

Aether: Let us move to the theater.

Snaps his finger disappears everyone and reappear to the theater in comfortable clothing. Also changed the two gods to humans since it's hard to tell if they make a face expression and Salem back to her original self. Ozpin to himself again.

Light/Blaze looks-

Dark/Erebus looks- 



The two Gods, Salem, and Omza were shocked to themselves and the rest of rwby cast were surprised to them.

Angel: Now then to bring back the dead!

Snaps his finger and poof

Angel: Timeskip because it's already wasting my time and patience to write down everything, so yeah.

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