Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

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(Author: There was another idea but I decided to do that in chapter 12 because I felt a cold chill down my spine and wanting to forget it but I can't. But I do like the idea though. Thanks you, @Ruby3460 for that horror idea and have anything else. Just comment down below, so on to the reaction.)

Coco: What's next?

Angel: We were going to watch a horror video but..

Velvet: Did you say horror?

Angel: Yep but.. We'll react to later on..

Blaze: What is this next video about?

Angel: Some messed up "kid" show.

We see three people sitting at a table in the kitchen.

Tai/Qrow: Is that Qrow?/Is that me?

Nora: Oh my oum! It's you Renny! And Fearless leader as well!

Ren: Yeah, I can see it too Nora.

Pyrrha: Just why is it so..

Watts: Awkward..

Pyrrha: Yeah..

Hazel: This is suspicious now.

Then suddenly the notepad flips open revealing pencil drawn face. Qrow and Jaune both turn to the notepad with a weird shock expression. 

Raven: So shocked..

Qrow: Whatever.. *drink a bottle of wine*

Notepad: I'm is being creative.

Erebus: Is this a music video? 

Angel: Yes it is, Dark or Erebus.

Erebus: I see then.

Jaune: How do you get the idea?

Whitley: Really now?

Notepad: I just try to think creatively. Now when you look at this orange, tell me please what you see?

Ren: It's just a boring orange.

Ren: Exactly.

Notepad: Maybe to you but not to me. I see a silly face (Jaune: WOW) walking along and smiling at me. 

Ren: I don't see what you mean.

Notepad: Cause you're not thinking creatively. So take a look at my hair.


Notepad: I use my hair to express myself.

Qrow: That sounds pretty boring.

Qrow/Erebus/Cinder: Yeah it does.

Notepad: I use my hair to express myself. 

Shows them looking at the window to only see two clouds in the 2D world.

Ghira: Wow.. so creative there..

Notepad: When you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting? 

Adults/Angel/Q/J/R: NO

Notepad: Come on take another look. 

Pulls out a magnifying glass out no where.

NPR were extremely confused about that.

Jaune: Oh wait.. 

Q/J/R: I can see a hat, I can see a cat, I can see a man with a baseball bat, I can see a dog, I can see a frog, I can see a ladder leaning on a log.

Qrow: I sound so dead..

Tai: Yeah you do as if you're done with life already.

Summer: I feel uneasy all of a sudden..

Raven: Yeah same..

Glynda: Yep.

All the adults nodded their head in agreement.

Notepad: I think you're getting the hand of it now using your minds to have a good time.

Jaune: I might paint a picture of a clown.

Ruby: What a masterpiece.. 

Notepad: Whoa there friend you might need to slow down.

Black sludge pours down onto the painting and in slow manner, and the Notepad is smiling/staring creepily at the painting.

Notepad: Here's another good tip.

R/J: Yeah?

Notepad: How to be a creative whiz kid go and collect some leaves and sticks and arrange them into your favorite color. 

Qrow arranges the sticks to the word to BLUE.

Qrow: BLUE..

Ren arranges the sticks to the word to RED.

Ren: RED.

Then Jaune arranges the sticks to the word to GREEN but denied by the Notepad.

Notepad: Green is not a creative color.

Ozpin: Yes it is.

Salem: That is because you wear the color green, Omza or Ozpin.

Ozpin shrugs at his ex wife and drinks his coffee..?

Notepad: There' one more thing you need to know before you let your creative flow. Listen to your heart, listen to the rain, listen the voices in your brain. 

Kali: I don't like where this is going..

Notepad: Come one guys let's get creative!

We Jaune, Qrow, and Ren make stuff out of randomness but then everything around them started to glitch or phase out of reality into a different mode. Qrow has an animal heart in front of him with gold glitter, Juane doing a weird and crazy movement, the music itself gets louder over time, the skies changed to a rainy and thunderstorm. 

Qrow, Jaune, and Ren begin to doing crazy and oddly dances move..? Qrow picks ups the animal heart that now has glitter all over it, we see Ren cutting a cake and reveals a organs inside the cake.  

The younger audience were to throw up but I came in with the clutch handing them a endless bucket.

Q/J/R hugging each other and Ren finally spells out the word that says "DEATH". A rat hole in the wall with a piece of organ gets taken in, the craziness gets louder, wilder, and creepier then everything went back to normal.

Notepad: Now let's all agreed to never to be creative again. 

It shut itself and flops down onto the table.

Tyrian was completely silent and this slowly reminded about his past before he become of what he is now..

Salem's inner circle were disgusted by the video but they were mostly surprised that about Tyrian's behavior.

Beacon Students were completely traumatized, some were crying, some even gag, throw up into the endless bucket that it'll never fill up..

Blaze: I-I-I.. think it's best that we should take a break now..

Angel:..Of course..

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