If RWBY Universe had powers?

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Angel: Okay, this reaction doesn't have any videos but will react to if your guys universe had powers instead of semblances or aura?

Ozpin: Why powers?

Angel: You'll see and we'll start off our lovely goofy boy, Jaune Arc.

Jaune Arc
Age- 17
3 Powers
1. Matter Creation- The power to create matter. User can create any type of artificial, organic and inorganic matter, as well as objects, either from nothing, by using the existing sources of matter and energy or through other immaterial sources.

Oobleck: My word.. Mr. Arc has an amazing power there..

Ozpin(mind): This Jaune Arc might.. no is able to surpass The Four Maidens..

2. Regenerative Healing Factor- The power to rapidly heal. The user possess a regenerative healing factor, meaning that they can rapidly heal and get restored to their optimal and full health/state at an extremely fast rate. Unlike Healing, regeneration/healing factor is a process that happens unconsciously without the need for activation, resulting in a constant state of optimal health. 

So much so that users can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs, and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping aging, something natural regeneration can never accomplish (or does so extremely slowly).

The regeneration process also increases the speed of processes the body uses in the healing such as endorphin production to mitigate pain reducing the amount of time and severity the subject feels discomfort leading to an increased pain threshold.

Ruby: What is endorphin?

Peach: Endorphin helps relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being. But the drawbacks are depression, anxiety, body aches and pains, addiction, sleep issues, and impulsive actions.

Ruby: So it's like um what was it..

Weiss: You mean morphine?

Ruby: Yeah morphine.

Peach: Yes, it's like that.

Cinder(Mind): I need that power..

Angel(Mind): I like to see you try, bitch..

Salem(Mind): So this boy can be immortal with this power..

3. Physic Shield- The user is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or emphatic powers, hypnosis, mental hallucination, and etc.

Users are only resistant, not immune, doesn't work against physical abilities or actual attacks, may require mental discipline and focus to prevent external penetration, and powerful opponents may still be able to affect the user to some extent.

Emerald: That means I'm useless to him in terms of mental.

Salem: Is he able resist my powers?

Angel: It's a 50/50 chance.

Salem: Okay.

Roman Torchwick
Age- 22
2 Powers

Weiss: Why is he next?!

Angel: Cause he's my favorite person, I like his fashion, and his personality. 

Roman: Really?

Angel: Yep.

1. Absolute Thievery- The power to possess the skills that allow one to rob, steal and loot anything/everything.

Roman: I like this already. *smiles*

Neo: Me too.

(Concepts, landmarks, natural elements/forces, intangible objects, physics, laws, themselves, etc.), they are able to not only hide in shadows but even in plain sight, they can slip into spaces that should be physically impossible to fit/slip into, and they can even steal without even having to be present at a location.

Emerald: That's so broken!

Mercury: Ayo, Roman can do anything with that power.

Ironwood: He'll became an actual menace to Remnant without being seen or heard..

Watts: Truly an amazing power that this Roman has.

2. Lie Manipulation- The power to manipulate lies and deception. User can manipulate or induce lies forcing others to cover up the truth. The user can also manipulate deception and all forms of it.

Pyrrha: So that means Roman can get away from possibly situations that he is stuck in.  

Angel: Well any depending on who has the opposite power of Roman and next we have Neo.

Happy Neo noises.

Age- 18
2 Powers
1. Illusion Manipulation- The power to manipulate illusions and causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. Though most illusions only affect sight, more powerful users can manipulate illusions that affect any and every other sense, thus making it no different from reality to the target.

Neo is in awe of that power and Emerald is jealous of Neo having it.

2. Supernatural Condition- The power to possess naturally impossible overall capabilities and attributes. Users possess supernatural capabilities, attributes and aspects that are beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes.

Roman is proud of this Neo or this other version of his daughter.

Angel: This is it.

Nora: That's it?!

Angel: Don't worry, you guys will be able to see your alternate's powers next time. 

Fox: Jaune, Roman, and Neo are incredibility powerful yet dangerous or silent people in that universe. 

Yatsu: Indeed.

Angel: Let's take a 30 minute break shall we?

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