Her Son Still Can't Stop Growing at Night Part 1

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(Author: You got my blessing!!!)

After a 5 hours break and 1 hour of dinner from the last reaction, I told everyone to prepare themselves because we'll be reacting a horror video and I gave everyone blankets, pillows, whatever they ask for to make themselves comfortable. Also refill their drinks and snacks just in case.. As for me I'm genuinely shaking in IRL and even if typing this thinking that someone is watching me.. *shudders*

Here we see a disturbing figure with long ass arms, legs, hunched back, bald with slight dirty blonde strand of hair that is crawling down the hallway and heavy breathing can be heard, then suddenly let out a horrific inhumane scream and start banging it's head against the door. 


Team RWBY, NPR, CVFY, SSN, CRDL, and everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?

Ozpin: Oh my oum.. I-I-It is him... 

Seeing glimpse of what is going to happen in the video.. We see Yang in front of the camera and behind is fire place.

Yang: We received an email, from woman named Cinder. A 53-year-old mother, who believes there is something horribly wrong with my son.

Cinder: I don't like this already.. 

Cinder stands up from her seat and goes over to Emerald and Mercury. She right between them for comfort, Emerald hugs Cinder to calm her down and Mercury just pats her back. Once they were down the video continues.

Yang: Cinder says her son doesn't talk to her anymore, and it seems like  he can NOT stop growing to the point where he can barely fit in his clothes. She says he's been pulling out his hair, and won't let her see his face. She sent us this video, for proof:  

Cinder is holding her phone in her right hand and plate of meat..? as she opens the door and saw her son standing in the corner with his back facing his mom. 

Cinder: Jaune.. I-I brought you your dinner, do you want it..?

Jaune turns his head to face his mother and said.

Jaune: NO.

Cinder drops the plate on the floor when Jaune quickly turned his head to his mom.

Cinder uses the blanket she has asked for from me and wrapped herself in it.

Tyrian maybe a murder but this is something that he definitely doesn't want to witness it himself.

The two brothers felt fear for the very first time and now understands why their creations fear..

Salem hugs Ozpin tightly and not letting go. Ozpin wraps his blanket around himself and Salem.

Yang: So tonight we've decided to head out to her house, and see what's happening with her son, when she's not watching him. Let's go. 

Yang: Wait who is holding the camera?

Angel: Ren.

Ren looks at Angel with fear in his eyes then looks back at the screen as Nora holds Ren's hand gently to calm him down in which Ren calmed down.

10:17 PM
On the road..

Ren: So, what do you think's going on with this lady's son? I really don't understand the problem. 

Yang: Okay, so from what she said in the email, her son's been growing super fast for some reason.. and acting really creepy towards her.. 

Ren: Dude, that doesn't make any sense! How do you know sh'e not just hitting a growth spurt or something? 

Yang: I don't think this lady would contact us if he just having a normal growth spurt. 

Ren: Dude, if this woman's having problems with her son, they should be going to therapy. 

Ren: This version of me isn't wanting to want because he is scared of what might happened..

Yang: Let's just get there and see what with we're dealing with, okay? 

Ren: Okay, fine.

After couple of minutes of driving and getting to the destination. 

Scroll: Your destination is on the right.

Ren: Wait, right here, right here. This is it, bro!

Ren points to the right 

Yang: Okay. I'm pulling over.

 Yang pulls over to the right, roll down the car windows, and looking at house.

Ren: Something seems really wrong here, dude, the windows are all dark. Dude, I don't if know if I want to meet these meet people, this could just be like a waste of time.

Everyone: Because it is..

Angel: Can't turn back now, can we? 

Yang: Well at the very least, let's just go in and meet Cinder, and try to talk to her son, okay?  

Ren: Okay. 

They both unbuckle their seat belts and exited the car.

Yang: Alright, let's uh- knock on her door.  

Yang and Ren reach the front door, Yang knocks on the door five times. Waited for a bit for Cinder and the door open slightly showing Cinder's face through the crack.

Yang: Hi- Cinder, right? 

Cinder: Yeah?

Yang: Hi, uh- you emailed us about your son? We told you we were coming tonight?

Cinder Okay?

Yang: We uh- can come in, right? 

Cinder: Okay. 

Yang: Okay.  

They entered the house.

Ren: Dude, it seems like she didn't know we were coming.  

Yang: Bro, she's probably going through a lot. Cinder, is your son home right now? 

Cinder: He's resting.  

Yang: Uh okay, uh, let's just- sit down and talk with you, okay? Come on, let's sit and talk. Okay, Cinder.. thank you for uh-letting us sit down  with you. Uh can you give us more details about what's going on with your son?

Cinder: My son.. it's my fault.. I should've done something sooner. 

Yang: Uh, so you told us in the email you sent us, that- You know, he's been acting- really strange.. Can you go into that more? 

Cinder: He's- he's still my boy. He just doesn't talk to me anymore.. 

Yang: I mean I can see you're very- concerned about him, which is, you know- a good thing, but..When did all of this start happening with him?

Cinder: After Michael passed..  

(Author: I'll be doing part 2 tomorrow.) 

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