Part 2

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(Start at 3:45 and ends at 8:26)

Yang: Michael was your husband? 

Cinder nods her head.

Cinder: Jaune ran into the woods, he was gone for about three days. I almost called the police.. But eventually, one night, he came back into his room, through his window..

[Ren] The window?  

Ren: Why didn't he come through the front door?

Cinder: I don't know, he just completely shut down.. And now he wears this strange mask.. 

Yang looks at Ren with confuse expression then back at Cinder.

Cinder: It's just like he's not my Jaune anymore.. 

Cinder looks down about tear up again.

Yang: We, you mentioned that his father passed away.. Are you sure this ain't, like, some type of grieving?

Cinder: No, this isn't grieving.. it's physical too! 

Yang: What do you mean by that? 

Cinder: It's as though his bones, they don't fit into his skin anymore.

Yang looks at Ren again but this concerning and slight hint of fear on her face.

Cinder: I love my son. He's my whole world, but- this isn't Jaune. 

Cinder looks down.

Angel(Mind): Should tell them this video is just fake or... 

Curse(Mind): Don't because it'll be funny to the ending.. hahahaha...

Angel(Mind): This the first we both agree on something..

Yang: Cinder.. Uh- is it okay if Ren and I, uh go talk to Jaune now? 

Cinder: Uh- yeah but, he's been puling out on his hair, lately..

Yang: Okay.. That's fine.

Roman/Coco: Mhm, sure it's fine..

Cinder: Just don't say anything. I think he's self conscious of it. 

Yang: Okay, where's uh- his room?

Cinder: It's upstairs.. on the left

Yang and Ren both got up from their chair then head to see Jaune..

Yang: Okay, alright, come on. 

11:34 PM
Outside Jaune's Rooms..

Yang: Okay, let's go talk to Jaune.

Reaching to Jaune's bedroom door.

Yang: Are you ready?

[Ren] Yeah.

Yang knocks on Jaune's bedroom door lightly.  

Yang: Jaune? Uh- I'm gonna open the door.. 

Yang opens the door for slight opening to see Jaune sitting on his bed and Jaune facing towards the wall while brushing the few strand of his hair but also hearing heavy breathing..

Yang: Uh, my name is- (Jaune head quickly tilted to the right and hearing crack) Yang, I'm friends with your mom. Um she invited me here to talk to you to make sure you're okay.

(Behind the camera) Ren scared shitless and shaking..

(Neck crack again) Jaune: Little penny pocket (neck crack)

Yang: Are you feeling alright?

Sage: C-can we take 30 minute break, please..?

Angel: Okay.

(Author: Break is done.)

Yang: Your mom's, uh- been worried about the way the way you've been acting.

Jaune: is a little socket.

Jaune stops brushing his hair, he slowly sets down his arm onto his leg, dropping the brush onto the floor when mentioned his behavior.. 

Yang: Jaune? Do you think, you could turn around, (Jaune heavy breathing quickly calm down..) talk face to face?

Jaune slowly rotates his head to the left hearing cracks in his neck and then faces at Yang.

Jaune: Yes.

Yang looks at Ren with shocked expression and freaked out Ren.

[Ren] Dude, we should go! We gotta go now!

The younger audience screamed and covered their eyes when Jaune turn his head around. The adults covered their eyes or feeling disgusted.. And I put up my acting of being scared while I'm just laughing at RWBY cast reaction and RWBY cast calms down before continuing onwards.

[Yang] Hold on, hold on.

Jaune rotates his head back again. 

Yang: Okay Jaune, uh- if you wanna talk more, Ren and I will.. be here all night. 

Yang closes the door before Jaune sat up from his bed.

[Ren} Dude, I gotta talk to you. 

Yang: Okay, come on, go over here.

Ren: Dude, did you see his face? What was that?

Yang: I don't know, I think it's his mask. 

Ren: Why's he wearing a mask?

Yang: I have no idea.. it could some sort of grieving thing, after his dad passed. 

Cinder: It's not grieving..

Ren: How could that be a grieving thing? 

Yang: Dude, I don't know, I mean- We came here to set up cameras, so why don't we just start setting them up? 

Ren: Dude! I'm afraid to see what this guy even does at night..

Yang: Bro, let's just set up the cameras.

Ren: Okay.

11:40 PM
Setting up cameras

Yang: (Sets up camera #1 on a cabinet) That's good. Come on. Okay, put a camera up here (place camera #2 on the window) Okay come on.  

Yang: Okay, Jaune went to the bathroom, let's go put a camera in his room. 

Yang and Ren both enter the Jaune's room.

Ren: Aw dud, it smells so bad in here..

Yang: Okay, uh- I gotta hide this thing.

 Ren to the side of the bed where Jaune was sitting and see a plate with black substance on some sort of meat.

Ren: Hey, what's this? Dude, there's like some sort of m- meat or something here..

[Yang] Dude, don't- don't mess with that.

Ren pokes the meat, the meat immediately reacts by jumping.

Ren: Ah!

Ruby and Nora throwing in the bucket.

Summer hugs Tai for protection and Qrow spits out his drink.

Salem and Ozpin's inner circle gag.

The two brothers felt like throwing up.  

Yang: Dude, what's the problem?

Ren: Dude, it just moved! 

Yang: Huh?

Ren: That meat just moved, bro!

Yang: What are you talking about? Let's just go, I set up the camera up. 

Ren looks back to the corner then faced forward.

Ren: Okay.

Both exit Jaune's room.

Yang: Yo, let's up camera in Cinder's room.

Yang knocks on Cinder's door and the door opens revealing Cinder, Cinder let's them in to set the camera in her room.

Yang: Okay, Cinder, so uh- we set cameras all over your house, and we put one in Jaune's room, too.

Cinder: I'm not sure, he's gonna like that. 

Yang: Uh- why? Um, well he doesn't know that we put on in there. At least, I hope not. 

Cinder: I just don't wanna make him anrgy.. (starts tearing up) I just want my old Jaune back. 

Yang: Okay Cinder, Ren and I are gonna do our best, but uh- we need to see how your son, acts at night first. Cinder listen, It's alright, okay? Ren and I are gonna do the best we can. We just need to, watch the- footage from these cameras, we know what's going on with him, okay?   

(Author: I'm gonna end it here but don't worry part 3 will come out in 3-4 days.)

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