Jaune meets FallenZero10 and Z.J

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(Author: @FallenZero10 is my main account, I'll be continuing to writing her son cannot stop growing part 3 but not just now.)

After RWBY cast took a 3 day and sat in their seat from the horror. I decided to play video while they're on break still until Tyrian notice the video and told everyone, that I'm playing another video. You told everyone that I will not be continuing part 3 but play some other reactions for them to feel better rather than scared or nausea feeling. 

Hazel: Who is this, FallenZero10?

Angel: FallenZero10 or Zero is my other version of me but similar thing is bloodline and difference is siblings.

Ozpin: What do you mean by bloodline?

I just dodge Ozpin's question.

Penny: So I'm guessing Jaune will meet this other version of you?

Angel: Indeed. 

The screen views Jaune on the ground with bruise marks and heavy breathing.

Ruby: Why is Jaune on the ground with bruise marks?!

Juniper: What is your other version doing to me baby?! 

Angel: Those two question, I will not answer because I don't know if they're completely correct.. (mind) Beacause either Jaune is going to die in slowly and painful death or he's training like hell because Zero is forcing him too..

Jaune's heavy breathing 4x.

Zero: Get you fucking fat ass up from the ground right now..?

Jaune: (sits up and looks at Zero with a tired expression) Do we have to continue? I mean your training..?

Zero: We do and I'll be bring my version of you here.

Zero creates a portal next to him on his left and his version of Jaune walks out of the portal. The portal closes off and Z.J (Zero's Jaune) looks at A.J (Angel's Jaune) with a questionable look on his face. 

John: What?

Joan (4th middle Arc): Why does his Jaune look so-

Weiss: Mature?~

Everyone expect RBYP, Neo, and The Twins looks at Weiss with a smirk and Weiss looks down with blush.

Jess (3rd middle Arc): Why does Z.J look so different?

Angel: I really don't know exaclty.

Z.J: Is this really A.J looks like?

Zero: Yep and A.J looks so.. weak and-

Z.J: Dense.

Zero: Exaclty. Also Z.J, I need your help with A.J semblance including his fighting because with those type skills that A.J have isn't really going to help him but instead get him killed if he's not paying attention or die in combat.

Z.J: Alright. (looks at A.J) Get up and pick up your sword.

A.J gets up from the ground, dusting himself, and picking up his sword.

A.J: Okay. (A.J goes into a fighting stance allowing Z.J to know that he's ready)

Z.J: Your stance and body is way too tense but your footing in correct. So let's begin to see your combat skills?

A.J nods his head and Z.J pulls his sword from his back and aims it to the ground which confuses A.J but he ignores it. Z.J taps the ground with the tip of the sword and the ground begins to rumble causing A.J to fall onto his butt.

Mercury: What the hell is Z.J doing?!

Angel: We'll see soon.

The ground breaks behind Z.J and giant stone-like material clutch onto the side of the opening and showing mother nature's guardian. Once it's on the surface, the hole rapidly fixes itself and A.J was speechless as he stares at the nature wood monster.


Angel: That right there is mother nature's guardian.

Port: My goodness.. How is our Jaune going to defeat that thing or monster?

Ozpin: We'll have to find out.

A.J rolled to his right from an incoming attack by the thing just in time and quickly got up onto his feet.

A.J: What even is this thing?!

Z.J: It's the goddess of nature's guardian or it's known as Forest Rune Guardian. I can tell you this, you see the strange symbols on its body?

A.J: Y-yeah!

Z.J: Those are runes that have magical abilities that uses mana. Mana is the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person and runes a charm or a spell as well as a way of writing messages.

A.J: So that means, I- (gets hit by a gust of wind) AH!

A.J flies backward 

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