Random Crack

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Angel: Hahahahahaha.

Tai: Why are you laughing at?

Angel: Some- (giggling like crazy) oh god.. hahaha.. Here goes the video..

We see Yang going to jumpscare Jaune.

Yang: RAAAHH!!

Jaune: AHHHHH!

Jaune backhands Yang in the face as the same screenshot froze in place about six times as music starts to play in the background and Yang lands on the floor then looks at Jaune with tears forming. 

Ruby: ohh..


Yang flinches and regret at herself for doing that.

The screen glitches and see Coco and Velvet together, while Coco is wearing Velvet's shirt.

Velvet: Change your shirt.

Coco: Bruh! First of all, I look good in this shirt. Second of all, I look good in this shirt. And third of all, I look good in this shirt. So tell me that I don't look good in this shirt!

Velvet: I told you to change into another shirt other than mine..

Coco: *blushes* Hehe..

Yastu: Just make out already will ya?

The screen glitches and to see Yang and Weiss inside a car while Barbie music starts to play.

Radio: Come on barbie! Let's go party!

Then Ruby and Blake appears behind Yang and Weiss's seats. Team RWBY starts jamming as they listened.

The screen glitches. Yang and Blake.

Yang: Bitch! Bitch! (whispers to Blake) You Bitch.

Yang hugs Blake tight and said.

Yang: I need you, my bitch.

Blake: Yang.

Yang above blake and hugs blake saying, "Bitch!"

Yang behind a sofa as Blake is sleeping.


Blake: Yang! 

Summer: Yang..~

Yang looks at her 2nd mom with fear and knowing she's getting a woopin' from her.

Ruby: Swear!

Ruby pulls out her swear jar out of nowhere while I look confused on where she even pulled it out from.

Yang: Ruby please.. I don't have any lien left to give you..

Ruby: Then take the spankin' from mom then.

Angel: Do it later.

The screen glitches.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang in the living discussing about something.

Ruby: That's where you come in Yang. You have to hypnotize me, so I can stay asleep.

Weiss: Wha- hypnotize you. Ruby shouldn't you leave that to a trained professional.

Yang: You doubt my skills?

Weiss: Yeah actually I do.

Yang: Chicken butt. 

Yang snaps her finger and Weiss instantly passes out.

Yang waits for a moment then snaps her finger again for Weiss to wake and look around questioning what happened.

Weiss: What the heck?! What happened?!

Qrow: You can do that?

Yang: Yep and it's all thanks to Jaune for helping me to learn it.

Weiss: Wait Jaune, can hypnotize someone?!

Juniper: Yeah he can and even includes my husband as well.

John: Yep. 

John eats a cheeseburger with large fries and a sprite. 

The screen glitches. Weiss walks down the hall and Yang is leaning on the wall. As soon Weiss walks by from Yang, Yang slaps her ass and Weiss looks at Yang a shock expression. Then both dance and we Blake-

Blake: Oh oum...

Ruby glares at Blake.

Yang and Weiss knows what is going to happen.

Students realized what's gonna happened.

The adults questions.

Blake saw Ruby walk right pass her and slaps her bum. But instead of dancing, Ruby hits Blake for hitting her bum.

Tai: How dare you..

Ghira: Blake why..?

Kali: Just why though?

Blake looks down with blush.

The screen glitches, Yang and Weiss together. The camera point of view is front of Weiss.

Weiss: Oh my oum, look at that face.

The camera moves over to Yang with a serious expression.

Yang: If you're feeling suicidal, you've come to the right place.

The screen glitches, Weiss asking for something to Blake and Ruby in the behind Weiss doing something dumb.

Weiss: Can you pass my water?

Blake grabs Weiss water bottle and throws it up in the to kick it to Weiss but instead headshots Ruby.

Weiss: Why?  

The screen glitches, Jaune sleeping on his bed then wakes with spook expression as he saw Ruby at the end of his bed.

Jaune: Woah!

Ruby: Room service.

Jaune: You didn't even knock.

Ruby: Oh I don't work here.

Jaune: What?

Ruby gets on top of Jaune's bed with weird giggles and crawls to Jaune as Jaune is pleading for anyone to help him.

The screen glitches. In the kitchen, we see Ren and Nora.

Nora: Oh.. I remember this now.

Ren: I'm sorry Nora.

Nora: It's fine, Renny.

Nora: Do you have any paper towels?

Ren washing the dishes and said.

Ren: Yeah right up there.

Holy music starts playing, Nora looks up to the paper towels and slowly begins to climb on top of the counter to reach the paper towels. But music stops and Nora slips as she got the paper towels onto the floor.

The screen glitches. Weiss sitting on the floor in front of Blake as they listen to music. 

Blake: I still hate you for that day, Weiss.

Weiss: I know.

Willow: What happened?

Weiss: You'll find out, mother.

Radio: Stroke ah, lick ah, suck on my cock.

Blake: What the fuck!

Hits Weiss in the back of her head and gets up to walk away. 

Weiss: Ow ah ow.. Why did you- ah- did?! Hahaha. You don't like this song. Ha!

Willow: Oh Weiss~?

Weiss: I know mother.. I know..

The screen glitches. We see younger Raven, Summer, Kali, and Ghira.

R/S/G: I remember this well.. 

Kali looks down with embarrassment and wanting to forget this moment.

Summer and Raven notices Ghira and Summer taps Kali on her shoulder to signal that Ghira is near them. Kali notices and prepares herself, she walks up to Ghira but only to push Ghira aside, Summer and Raven notices what Kali was going for. Kali going for a bowl of fish and starts making out with it. Raven, Ghira, and Summer were stunned to Kali making out with food.

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