[]-Chapter 1: Gathering-[]

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{..}= Thoughts
[..]= Actions
...= Singing
(..)= Whisper

Angel: Why hello there, readers. I apologize for not uploading due to personal problems.. but take this RWBY reaction as an apology for me not uploading daily. Anyway, I'll be bringing Universe#500 RWBY where several of my ocs are in that universe and I'll have assistance, Jacob Smith, to select the reactions and observe if anyone were to cause any type of trouble or destruction in the spatial theater room to report back to me. Now then, let's gather them and bring them here.

Angel disappears and reappears in a.. bathroom..? Angel looked around and the first thing he saw was Weiss in a white towel looking at him with blush then yelling at Angel.

Weiss: Kyaaa!! Who are you!?

Angel: I'm Angel and-

The bathroom door slid open and the rest of the team came into the room with their weapons.

Ruby: Weiss!!! Are y-

Ruby went silent as she saw Angel standing in front of Weiss as she was in her towel. Blake was blushing and imagining what was just happening and Yang's eyes turned red, she spoke up.

Yang: Alright! Whoever y-

Angel: I'm Angel.

Yang: Let me f-

Angel: Off you go now.

Yang: Wait h-

Angel snaps with finger as the team RWBY are engulfed by a white pure light and vanishes. Angel walks out of the bathroom to the door but before he could open it, a hyperactive brown hair, ruby color eyes, and tan skin young girl opened the sliding door to meet Angel standing there.

???: Hello, who a-

Angel: Jessica Robbin, age 17, weapon combination of a two katana to a longbow, semblance known as aura projectile, and born in Mistral.

Jessica went silent and pulled her katanas then pointed them towards Angel but he wasn't unfazed by her action. Jessica hears the door slide open and they both see team JNPR walking out of their dorm, then Jaune stops Jessica pointing both of her katanas at someone.

Jaune: Jessica, what are you doing?

Jessica: Th-

???: Jessica!

They all turned to the voice and saw the rest of Jessica's team walking towards them.

???: Babe, why are you pointing your katanas at him?

Jessica: Ugh! This bastard knows who I am!!

Angel: No, I don't.

Jessica: You said my name.

Angel: No, I didn't.

Jessica: Yes, you did.

Angel: No, I didn't.

Jessica: Yes, you did.

Angel: No, I didn't.

Jessica: Yes, you did.

Both teams watched them argue back and forth, so one of Jessica's team members yelled out.

???: Will both of you just shut up!!

Angel and Jessica both argue as they turn to face her.

Angel(m): Oh yea, Miss Clover or should I say Sofia Clover on team JSPR and the lover of Jessica Robbin. A prodigy in fighting, card playing, and weapon smithing, also the daughter of a famous huntsman, Jack Clover known as Jack of all trades.

Sofia: What is happening h-

A portal appeared and Angel's assistance stuck his head out of the portal.

Jacob: Boss, have you kidnapped the-

He saw Angel with team JNPR and JSPR there. Both teams became alerted when they heard the word kidnapped but John's head went back into the portal and the portal grew so big that it began to pull in both teams. Jaune and two members of the team JSPR were pulled inside the portal along with Ren, Nora and Pyrrha. Sofia and Jessica stood their ground but Angel used a spell called slip beneath both of their feets and both of them slipped, losing their balance and pulled into the portal.

Angel: Alright, John, close the portal now.

John stuck his right hand out of the portal with a thumbs up and pulled it back in as the portal closed.

Angel: Now let's get this over with.

Angel just suddenly appeared sitting on top of Ozpin's table but he is met with team CFVY, Glynda, Ozpin, Ironwood, Winter, Qrow, and the daring huntsman in Vacuo, Badger Wilson.

Angel: Hello there and bye.

Before they could do or say anything, Angel snapped his fingers and they all disappeared as they were dragged into their own shadows. Once they were taken away, Angel decided to use a single that can bring everyone by groups to the spatial theater and now with John Smith.

Jacob is standing on the stage looking at a holographic screen and also keeping an eye on team RWBY, JNPR, and JSPR in case they were to do anything wrong or terrible but their semblance and aura is completely useless because they don't have it. Weiss is now in comfy clothes and not in a towel anymore due to Jacob giving her comfy clothes to wear, and Ruby gets up from her seat, but Yang grabs her wrist because she doesn't want Ruby to get hurt.

Ruby: I'll be okay and plus I want to ask him some questions, that's all.

Jacob: What questions do you have, kid?

Yang lets go of Ruby's wrist and Ruby says.

Ruby: I have a question?

John: I have an answer.

Ruby: Why did you kidnap us?

Jacob: Put it simply because my boss, the person who gathers you all here to react and for you all to have a break once in a while since we can't have any of you overwork yourself in school and your roles as huntsmen/huntress. So he decided to host this reaction as a vacation for you guys and other people who are coming here as well.

Blake: There are other people coming as well?

Jacob: Indeed, Blake.

Jessica: How does he know everything about me?

Jacob: He is your creator and he knows what is happening in your world even though he is not there but that doesn't mean you should underestimate him so easily and including me as well.

Nora: Really now?

Jacob: Yes.

Nora: Say our name.

Jacob: Okay. Team RWBY, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna. Team JNPR, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren. Then the last team JSPR, Jessica Robbin, Sofia Clover, Patrick Rome, and Rosaria Willow.

Nora: What about our semblances, hm?

Jacob: Ruby's semblance is Petal Burst, Weiss's semblance is Glyphs, Yang's semblance is Burn, and Blake's semblance is Shadow. Jaune's semblance is Aura Amp-

Jaune: My semblance is Aura Amp?

Jacob: Basically you can amp or boost someone's aura including yourself.

Jaune: So cool!

Jacob: Pyrrha's semblance is Polarity, Nora's semblance is High Voltage, and Ren's semblance is Tranquility. Jessica's semblance is Aura Projectile, Sofia's semblance is Aura Mastery, Patrick's semblance is Elementalism, and Rosaria's semblance is Chlorokinesis. And last but not least the others have come.

Team CFVY, Glynda, Ozpin, Ironwood, Winter, Qrow, and Badger Wilson all appeared in the room near the stage and seats.

Glynda: Students! Are you alright?

Patrick: We're fine, Ms. Goodwitch.

Ironwood: Who are you?!

The adults look at Jacob and Jacob gives them a blank expression then he says.

Jacob: [looks and the holographic screen disappears] Well then, I'm Jacob Smith and my role is a universal observer.

Ozpin: Universal observer?

Jacob: Basically I observe different universes checking up if there is any sort of corruption, something or someone that isn't supposed to be in that universe.

Then the Professors from Atlas and Beacon appeared.

Oobleck: Where are we?

A young man in his mid 20's with white hair, blue eyes, and tan skin.

???: Ah, hello there, general Ironwood.

Ironwood: Hello again, Prof. Lopez or Adam Lopez.

Adam: Why are we in a theater..?

Ironwood: We're getting answers from him.

He points to Jacob.

Jacob: Before you all start to ask me questions, let me do this.

Jacob claps once and the adults were in their assigned seats behind the four teams.

Jacob: Ask away.

Qrow: Is there anyone coming here as well?

Jacob: Yes.

Ozpin: Who are the others?

Jacob: The Grimm Queen and her inner circle, along with other groups of people.

Glynda: Are you insane!? Bringing her and her minions here is death!

Jacob: I know and plus your semblances, aura, and weapons are ineffective in this spatial theater.

Before Jacob could say anything, two beings appeared in the theater and looked at John.

G.O.L: Is this what you're doing?

G.O.D: Hello Ozpin or should I say Ozm-

G.O.D gets punched in the gut and sent back flying, everyone was stunned to G.O.D get sent flying. G.O.L looked at Jacob but Jacob was just standing there with a blank expression and G.O.L swear that he saw Jacob's left hand glowing.Before G.O.L could say anything, his brother got up and sent darkness towards Jacob but John simply tapped the stage with the tip of his shoe and the darkness disappeared which stunned everyone and Jacob tapped the stage with the tip of his shoe again, then two similar people appeared behind Jacob. Jacob called two other brother gods but their aura was oozing fear in the theater and Jacob said.

Jacob: Hello Universe#100, Solaris and Oblivion.

Solaris: Hello Jacob, what have you brought us here today?

Jacob: Solaris and Oblivion, can you possibly take those false gods to the 'place'?

Oblivion: Of course, Jacob.

G.O.D: Wh-

Jacob: I also forgot to say this, I command those who hold the title of god but you two aren't gods but false gods that only care about themselves. So boys, take them away.

S/O: Understood./Roger.

Solaris grabs G.O.L using golden chains and Oblivion wraps himself along with G.O.D with his wings and the four disappear. Then other groups appeared, which were Salem and her inner circle, The White Fang, Ace OP, Branwen Tribe, The Parents (except Jacques), all of the four academy students, Nicholas Schnee, and any siblings.

Everyone: Y-

Jacob uses his power to manipulate time and time skip through the whole and also bring the dead back alive.

Watts: What happened?

Jacob: Anyway, my name is John Smith and I'll be your host today. If you have a question, just ask away and I'll answer them but before that let me do this.

Jacob claps once and changes things like giving Neo the ability to speak, Fox the ability to see, Pietro the ability to walk, giving Yang, Tyrian, Ironwood, and Mercury their organic body parts back, healing Adam's scar, changing the two immortal back to their original self, and clear any sort of trauma from anyone.

Jacob: Well then, any questions?

No hands were raised but Salem raised her hand.

Salem: I have a question?

Jacob: And I have an answer, so what is it?

Salem: Why are we here?

Jacob: You're to react and relax. While your world is being renovated right now by my boss, so yeah. Anyway if you're feeling pretty hungry or thirsty right now, just simply think about it and it'll appear next to you on your personal table.

After Universe#500 got their food, snacks, or drinks and John said.

Jacob: First reaction, we'll be seeing a compilation of random moments that each of you had or possibly a slight future that you'll be seeing.

The room goes dark and the screen begins to light up as it shows Jaune's dad (John) and Sofia's dad (Jack) look 16 years old on the screen, and immediately both John and Jack realize what they were going to watch.

John: Hey Jack, what have you been up to?

Jack: You're going to love what I did to make your dog take his medicine.

John: What's that?

Jack: Okay, so I grabbed one of these brownies, right? And I put the medicine, [John smiles disappeared when he heard brownie] the tablet inside the chocolate, and I-

Jack/Mercury: Those are chocolate, aren't they?

Tai: Jack.. [looks at him] ..why?

Jack: Not like you're any innocent as well!!!

Summer: How dare you say that to my husband!?

Jack: I-

Jack: Yeah and so I put the chocolate next to his dog dish-

John: You totally get that you're not supposed to feed chocolate to dogs, right?

Jack looks at John with a questioning look.

John: Because feeding chocolate to a dog would be the most idiotic, abusive thing [Jack is crying after what he has done and eating the brownie] you could do to one.

Jack: Chocolate is poisonous to dogs?

Badger: How do you not know this, Jack?

Jack: I was never really a dog person to begin with..

John: Yeah and I know you understand that because only a moron would not get that. Right Jack?

Sad music plays as Jack looks away from John.

Jack: You didn't have to play that sad music in there...

Jack's wife (Isabella) rubs his back in comfort and hugs him.

Jacob: Still had to be done.

John: Jack.

Jack: I'm so sorry.

John: Jack, where's the brownie- where's my dog?

Qrow: "Where's the brownie?"

John: Look, I was stressed and panicking about my dog, so I couldn't say that question right.

Qrow: No, I understand how you act.

John: Thank you.

Qrow: No problem.

Jack: I didn't know any better.

John: Jack, children know not to feed chocolate to dogs.

Jack: Oh God, I'm so sorry.

Jack tries to eat the brownie but gets slapped by John.

Sofia: Dad, why did you try to eat that brownie?

Jack: I.. emotional eat to suppress my feelings in that situation but nope.. I got slapped by John.. and that slap lasted for 2 hours... [sniffs]

John glares at Jack with disappointment.

John: I don't want an apology, I want my dog!

Jack: I thought he would like it- please forgive me!

John grabs a photo frame with two golden retriever puppies.

Girls: KYAAAA!!! SO CUTE!!!!

BOYS(m): Too loud!!!

Ruby: You had two golden retriever puppies!?

John: Yeah... had...

Isabella: How could you, Jack!?

Jack: I'm sorry! Okay?! My parents nor teachers never really told me about animal physiology and even though I asked them!

Oobleck: He's not wrong.

Jack: See! Even Bart agrees with me because he was there as well.

Oobleck: But then again, you never really cared to listen to the lesson or gather some basic information about these types of animals.

John: This is the 2nd dog you've killed, Jack. [crying]

Jack: Oh, God. [crying]

Isabella: You and I are going to have a talk, do you understand? [smiles]

Jack: Y-yes ma'am.. [frighten]

Sofia(m): I almost forgot how mom is more scary when she is mad..

John: You look at them!

Jack: I am! I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you proud!

Jacob: Want a 30 minute break, everyone?

Peach: That would be great..

Jacob: Okay then, a 30 minute start now.

The room's lights slowly turn on and the screen turns black. Jacob looks at his watch and says that 30 minutes have passed.

Jacob: Alright, 30 minutes have passed.

Glynda: It's only been a minute.

Jacob: 30 minutes have passed already and onto the next reaction, also this in the future for team first year students to their second year and beacon has more teachers and staff. But this reaction that you all are going to react is about chewing gum.

Weiss: That's it, just chewing gum?

Jaune: I mean what type of gum are we talking about?

Weiss: Really?

Jaune: I'm just curious about what type of flavor gum is.

Jacob: It's spearmint.

Jaune: Ah, it's a good flavor.

Jacob: Yep, it is and here. [Jaune: What are you talking about?]

Jacob summons a small packet of spearmint and teleports it on Jaune's lap.

Jaune: Oh sweet! Thanks!

Jacob: No problem and now onto the reaction.

The room goes dark and the screen begins to light up as it shows a classroom with 40 students [Fox: Wait 40 students?] and a man that looks to be in his mid 20s [lie] was teaching math.

Yang: I want him.

Tai: Yang.. no...

Jacob: Also Yang before you wanna date him, I should tell you this. That man on the screen is not in his mid 20s but he's in his early 40s.

Yang: Wait really?!

Jacob: Yes and his age is 43 years old.

Summer: Why does he look so young and how old was before?

Jacob: It's because of his semblance and his semblance basically makes him immortal-ish.. He was 23 years old when he became immortal-ish.

Salem: How so?

Jacob: His semblance is called Everlasting.

Ozpin: Why is it called Everlasting?

Jacob: Basically any non-living object that he touches has an everlasting aura effect but that effect will disappear in a year, however he wanted to test out what happens when he touches a living being with his semblance. So his curiosity got the best of him because he used his semblance on himself and he felt fine, but immediately his body felt like it was being torn apart and burning in his body, he was screaming agony and calling out for help then it went on for several hours.. days.. weeks.. months.. and then years.. until the pain went away at the age of 42.

The students were terrified of what happened to him..

The adults were shocked that the man went through 19 years of pain.

Ozpin and Salem felt bad for him..

(Beacon Student- B.S)

B.S: How will he.. uh y'know.

Jacob: Well he can die but it has to be someone with silver eyes.

Ruby, Summer, and Maria heard this, they realize that he needs to die by someone with silver eyes.

Blake: Wait, what's his name?

Jacob: It's Max Black and uncle of Mercury Black.

Mercury was shocked to hear that he has an uncle.

Jacob: Let's continue the reaction and I'll bring more guests here, understand?

Everyone nods and the screen plays.

It shows Rudy Rose.. [Ruby: Hey!] I-I-I meant to say Ruby Rose the team leader of team RWBY in her second year and is 17 years old is chewing gum and sitting between Jaune and Blake.

Glynda: Students... [sigh and eats her strawberry shortcake]

Max: Now you've got to remember, the pythagorean theorem [ruby chewing gum can be heard] is your friend. [Max breaks his yardstick ruler against his knee, it spooks the students, and makes Ruby stop chewing her gum] Who is chewing gum in my class? [Jaune and Blake look at Ruby but Ruby is shaking head no]

Qrow: It's gonna end well.. [drinks bottle of grape juice]

Raven: Mhm.

Vernal: It's just gum, like jeez.

Max: Oh, so you stopped chewing, huh? You stopped chewing 'cause now you're scared. Everyone open your mouths. Right now. Open your mouths. Hm?(2x) [The students opened their mouths and Max went to Jaune] Jaune, was it you? Open- [Max looks at Jaune's mouth and slaps Jaune] Stupid kid...

John and Juliet Arc [mother] were furious to see Max slap Jaune, his Jaune's team members were in rage to see their team leader get slapped, and his 7 sisters were glaring at Max with hate.

The teachers were disappointed to see Max slap and calling a student stupid is unacceptable.

Students weren't happy about him being a teacher.

Jacob saw this before and the reaction continues.

Max: I'm 'gonna cause havoc. Okay. So this is what 'gonna happen. [drops his broken yardstick onto the floor and unbuckles his belt]

Peach: He's gonna threaten them to find the person [Ruby] is chewing gum.

Ruby: I'm gonna get hit..

Blake: You won't, Ruby and I promise that.

Ruby: Really?

Blake: Mhm.

Max: I'm sick and tired of you kids thinking [Ruby looking away from Max holding his black leather belt] this is your domain. Jaune, step up right now. [Jaune/Jaune: What-] We're gonna show what happens when people don't represent themselves in this class. Others get hurt! [Jaune: It wasn't me-] Jaune, right now. [Ruby starts to chew her gum in fear and when Ruby looks at Max, she jumps a little to see that Max saw her]

Yang: If he's gonna hurt my sister, he's gonna get it.

Jacob: So you're gonna add more torture to a man who went through 20 years in agony, huh?

Yang: Wait- I didn't mean that!

Jacob: How cruel are you..

Max and Ruby have a staredown and Max said.

Max: Watchu got in your mouth, Rudy? [Ruby is in fear and Max walks up to Ruby] Rudy, I'm gonna hurt you. [Ruby on the verge of crying] If you don't admit to your faults right now, you will be the reason this class is never heard from again. Do I make myself clear? [Ruby shaking in fear and finally burst]

Ruby: YES, it was me! I'm sorry! Yes, I'm chewing gum. I'm sorry! [crying]

Ruby cries while Summer hugs and comforts her.

Qrow and Tai want to talk with Max and his teaching methods.

Max: Can I have a piece?

Ruby looks at Max in shock.

The room's lights slowly turn on and the screen turns black. Everyone except Jacob was in shock to hear Max's answer.

Port: All that threatening for a piece of gum..

Peach: How is he even a teacher?

Jacob: He has a teaching license for math and combat, so onto the next reaction.

Patrick: What? [woke up from his sleep] What happened..?

Rosaria: Oh, Patrick. I forgot that you fell asleep, we're going to watch another reaction right now.

Patrick: Okay.. [yawn] mmm...

Rosaria: Also anything you think will appear like food, snacks, or drinks.

Patrick: Thank you.. Rosaria.

The screen begins to light up as it shows Tai in his mid 20s walking in the park in Vale but a blonde woman with a monkey tail holding a paper label "Child Labor Petition" went to Tai and said.

Sun: Mom, is that you?

Ai Wukong: Indeed, it is.

Tai: Oh oum..

Ai: Sir, sign our child labor petition?

Tai: No. Sorry, I don't have time right now.

Ai: Sir, just a minute of your time!

Tai: No. Like I said-

Ai: Sir, don't you want to help the children?

An: You sound so desperate, Ai.

Ai: I was.

Tai: NAH!

Hazel: What?

Neo: Did he just say, "Nah."?

Roman: He did.

Ai: What?

Tai: I want 'em to work HARDER.

Ai: Sir?!

Summer: Tai?!

Tai: I want them scrolls made CHEAP.

Ai: Wha-

Ai: I'm still shocked to hear that.

Ironwood: I didn't know you were like this Tai.

Oobleck: Same here.

Tai: Put them tiny hands to work.

Ai: Oh my Oum?!

Tai: Sweatshops? I call that recess.

Ai: Oh no!

Tai: That dust ain't 'gonna mine itself!

Ai: SIR!

All students and parents looked at Tai with judgmental eyes and Tai felt them all.

Raven was smiling because she made a good choice of marrying him.

Tai: Make the wage match the age. [Ai looks on the verge of tears] In fact, don't pay them at all. [Ai gasps] Just do it.

(Shade Student- S.S)

S.S 1: That's too far, man.

S.S 2: I agree with her.

(Atlas Student- A.S)

A.S: I also agree.

Tai slumps down in his seat.

Ai: OOOHHhh...

Tai: If they strike, we strike 'em back.

Ai: Sir, please. Think of the orphans!

Tai: What are you 'gonna do, tell their parents?

Some people: Damn!

Ai: Oh OUM.

Tai: Made is Anima? More like made in preschool.

People who live in Anima all look at Tai with disgust.

Tai: I didn't mean that!

Li: But you said it though.

Ai: [went back to normal] Sir! It's FOR child labor.

Tai: Oh, in that case- [writes down his name onto the paper]

The screen goes black and Tai feels scared now because of what he said. Jacob snapped his finger and more guests appeared.

Oscar (best boy), Max Black (Immortal-ish Uncle), Roma (Roman's twin), Eve (Adam's older sister), Joshua (Father of Isabella Arc), Alisa (Mother of Isabella Arc), Bleiss (Weiss's twin), Gretchen (Hazel's twin), Theodore (Shade Headmaster), Leonardo Lionheart (Cowardly lion), Anders (Father of Nora), Astrid (Mother of Nora), and Asger (Nora's older brother), Team SHCK, and Team ZERO.

Leader of Team ZERO, Zach Archer's aura flared up and caused everyone except Jacob, his team, Team SHCK, and Adrian to suffocate.

Ghira: What is this.. ugh..!

Kali: I feel weak..

Neptune and other students puked into a blackhole portal that Jacob created.

Salem and Ozpin were struggling to resist it but couldn't.

Jacob claps once and Zach's aura disappears and everyone is panting or gasping for air. Everyone looks at Zach in fear or shock because of his monstrous aura. Zach looked at Jacob and said.

Zach: Thank you for doing that.

Jacob: You're welcome and to the next reaction. [The guest who arrived went to sit down] For this next reaction, Team ZERO and SHCK do you remember taking care of Team RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, and JSPR?

Seth (Leader of SHCK): Yeah, why?

Coco: Wait, what do you mean take care of?

Eric (ZERO): You four teams were hit by an age semblance from one of our third year peers. Causing all of you to turn to the age 5 and 4.. [ looks at Ruby] so Ozpin thought it was a good idea for both teams who rarely even come back from missions.. [cough] Ozpin [cough] to watch over 4 young teams.

Ozpin: But still did a good job.

Kelly (SHCK): It was tiring to put the most energetic kids to sleep first.

Ozpin: Why are you complaining about taking a couple childrens?

Heather (SHCK): Huh.. you didn't even help us and you didn't tell the teachers and staff about what happened to them.. until you finally explained to us at the end of the day.

Pyrrha: How come we don't remember all of this?

Roxy (ZERO): Because the aging semblance tends to change your mind when you turn into a kid again and then turn back to your older self.

Pyrrha: I see.

Jacob: Onto the reaction now.

The screen begins to light up as it shows Eric pretending to sleep and to see if any of the childrens would react.

Little team CFVY found Eric on the floor and not knowing what to do, Velvet hid behind Yastu, Fox holding Velvet's hand because he would wander off somewhere, and glorious Coco went to Eric and crouched down to poke his face to see if he's really asleep.

Coco: Poke. [poke Eric face](5x) [Eric didn't budge] I'm bored... [yawns] tired...

Coco: I did that to you?

Eric: Yep.

Yastu walked to Coco. Velvet and Fox follow Yastu, then Velvet yawns.
Velvet: [yawns] Me.. tired...

Yastu and Fox yawn at the same time.

Willow: Aw, how cute.

Kali: Mhm.

Adam: I'll admit it's cute.

Eve: I agree too.

Team CFVY blushed out of embarrassment.

Team RWBY giggles at Team CFVY.

Fox let go of Velvet's hand and walked to where Eric was lying then he laid across his stomach then fell asleep.

Eric(m): If they want to sleep, I'll let them sleep plus I'm getting tired laying here.

Soon Yastu layed next to Eric's right arm, Coco went grab her blanket and came back to wrap herself and Velvet beside Eric's right arm. Eric peeks a little to see Team CFVY sleeping with him and smiles, then soon after he falls asleep.

Peach: I still have photos of this.

Abel (Coco's father): Do you mind sending them to us?

Peach: Of course! [smiles]

Abel: Thank you.

Coco: No! Don't!

Next clip shows Ren, Nora, and Jaune. Jaune and Ren knock over Nora's painting of Seth and her fighting Grimms together.

Ren: Jaune! He did it! [points to Jaune]

Jaune: No, you did!

Nora starts to cry about ruin painting, both Ren and Jaune start tackling each other then Nora joins in to hit both of them.

An: Oh goodness..

Isabella: Uh oh..

Joshua: Where's the caretaker?!

Seth came back from the cafeteria to make lunch for them and saw them fighting.

Seth: Oh my oum!? [quickly sets their lunch on a table and uses his semblance as three ghost-like hands appears to split the three apart] What happened here when I was gone?! [Ren crying and covered in bruises, Jaune crying and bleeding from his nose, and Nora hugging Seth's left hug]

Seth grabs his scroll and contacts Heather to give a first aid kit quickly because a fight broke out.

Seth: [three ghost-like hands wipe their tears away and also Jaune's nose bleeding] Okay, what happened here?

Nora, Ren, and Jaune spoke at the same time but Seth yelled to silence them.

Winter: Why did you yell at them?!

Klein: That's not how you control the situation.

Seth: I did that to silence them because I can't understand three people talking at the same time and also we already told Ozpin, it was a bad idea to watch over them because we had no experience.. Well actually only 3 people have experience taking care of kids which is Zach, Oliva (ZERO), and Heather.

Jaune, Ren, and Nora looked at each other and back at the screen.

Anders: What were you doing before?

Seth: What I was doing before, was getting our lunch but I couldn't leave those 3 [Ren, Jaune, and Nora] alone, so I asked them if they wanted to come with me to the cafeteria to get their lunch and eat there. They said, "No." and I asked again, "If they're sure?" Then they said, "Yes, we're sure." So I sighed and said, "Try not to cause any trouble, I'll get our lunches from the cafeteria and bring them back, so that we can eat." And the rest is what you saw just now,

Anders: [looking at Seth with suspension and looks at Jacob] Jacob?

Jacob: It's all true.

Watts: What is his semblance?

Seth: My semblance is called Specter, basically I can become a ghost, summon ghost-like limbs to help deal with these types of situations, and even take control of someone's body for about 12 hours as a ghost. Downside is that my physical body is vulnerable to anyone or anything.

Salem(m): Interesting.. It seems like my hus- I mean.. Ozpin has amazing assets to his little team..

Seth: [sigh] I'm sorry for yelling at you but I just need one person talking to me, okay?

They nodded and Nora grips tightly on Seth's left leg, Seth looks down and picks Nora into his arms then hugs her gently. Ren and Jaune both Seth's legs and they started to cry again, Seth asked Ren and Jaune to move back a little in which they did, so that Seth could sit down on the ground, and then let Ren and Jaune hug him and Nora, after a while Heather comes bursting through the door and before she could yell, a ghost-like hand covered her mouth.

Heather [looks down to the 3 sleeping on Seth peacefully and the ghost-like hand disappears] Oh... Seth, here's the first aid kit..

Seth: Thank you, Heather. Just place the first aid kit on the table right beside.

Heather: About them? [place the first aid kit on the table beside her]

Seth: Leave them be for now.

Next clip shows Zach taking care of Team RWBY as they're in Vale.


Zach: Okay, we got everything that we need so far now. Yang, can you check the items on my scroll here?

Ruby: I wavt to do it too!

Zach: You can help your sister.

Ruby: Yay!

Summer: Aw!!! It's nice to see Ruby and Yang as kids again!

Tai: I agree.

Qrow chuckles.

Kali: Ghira, look at our baby!

Ghira: I can see that, dear.

Willow: How cute.

Bleiss: I agree.

Whitley: Mhm.

Klein: Still beautiful as a kid.

Winter takes photos on her scroll.

Team RWBY blushed out of embarrassment.

Team CFVY(m): Ha! Take that!

Blake: Mr. Zach?

Zach: [chuckles] Just Zach and no mr, okay?

Blake: Okay, Zach?

Zach: Yes, Blake?

Blake: Did we get the book that I wanted?

Zach: Yes and I'll say what we have bought on my list.

Blake: Okay.

Zach gives head pats to Blake and she smiles.

Blake looks at Zach and at the screen smiling at this scene.

Zach: Ready, Yang and Ruby?

Yang/Ruby: Ready!

Zach: Okay, [ahem] Milk? [Y/R: Check!] Eggs? [Y/R: Check!] Cookies? [Y/R: Check!] Cereal? [Y/R: Check!] Blake's book? [Y/R: Check!] and finally, paper towels? [Y/R: Check!] Okay, it seems like we're done with our shopping adventure and- Yang, Ruby, and Blake?

Y/R/B: Yes?

Zach: Where's Weiss?

Willow: How could you lose my daughter!?


Yang: Some girl said that she knew you as a friend then she took Weiss because she said that you texted her to take to the bathroom.

Zach: What?! Why didn't you say anything!

Yang got scared from Zach's yell.

Weiss: So we randomly trusted a total stranger.

Tai: Don't yell at my- [Zach glares at him and Tai goes silent]

Ruby: We.. trouble?

Zach: I would say no but in this case, yes.

Blake: Zach?

Zach: Yes, Blake?

Blake: The girl was wearing light blu jeans, white shoes, round glasses, white shirt, black jacket, she had brown hair, and her name is Mary Wilson.

Zach: Thank you, Blake and- wait you said Mary Wilson, right?

Blake: [nods] Why?

Zach(m): That bitch..

Cinder: May ask why?

Oliva: Mary Wilson is Zach's ex-girlfriend, masochist, and a pedophile to only young girls.

Everyone had a disgusted expression and Jacob should've killed her when he had the chance.

The Schnee family were angry about this.

Zach: Okay, I'll be sending you girls along with the groceries back to the dorm and I'll go look for Weiss, okay?

Y/R/B: Yes.

Zach: Good. [snaps his finger and portal rips through the air] Go now. [Yang and Ruby carry the groceries into the portal and Blake carries her book into the portal, the portal closes] Now, time to find Weiss and that bitch..

In an abandoned warehouse, Weiss is tied in a chair as Mary blushes at Weiss.

Willow: Zach, please tell me that you saved Weiss?


Winter: My mother is asking Zach, did you?

Seth: Just stop, Zach is not gonna answer.

Mary: You look so beautiful, snow angel. [walks behind Weiss and sniffs her]

Weiss felt very uncomfortable but her team comforted her.

The villains were disgusted because they would never go this far.

The adults were furious about Mary's actions.

Weiss starts to cry and suddenly the door flies by Mary as she stands up, Mary looks at the entrance and sees Zach standing there with red glowing eyes.

Mary: Babe! I'm so happy to see y- [she was met a fist and sending her flying]

Zach turns around to Weiss crying and sees a resemblance of little sister, Zach's aura flared up so much causing the surrounding area to change.

Weiss: Who is that?

Zach: My younger sister, Abigail Archer.

Tyrian: Is everything changing?

Salem: Is that your semblance, Zach?

Zach: My semblance is Overhaul, allows me to break down and rebuild anything I touch, making me a master over matter. My semblance is incredibly versatile and can be used for killing, healing, modifying elements, stealing semblance, combining them, and giving semblance to others. Also I'm your descendant.

Salem: Whose?

Zach: Yours.

This shocked everyone except his team and Team SHCK.

Ozpin: But how?

Zach: Because my mother told me that my great(10x) grandmother, the youngest child, survived your battle and fled the area in search of a safe place to call home.

Jacob: What everything Zach just said is all true.

Salem: So.. [crying]

Zach gets up from his seat to his 1000 years old grandmother and hugs her. Jacob teleports them out of the room to another room where they can discuss.

Ironwood: Come on, you seven didn't say anything?!

Eric: Why should we?

Carl (SHCK): That is only a family issue and even if we try to tell you guys about this, we'll be killed right away but we didn't because we trust Zach.

Roxy: Also we can't have Atlas try to kidnap our leader/friend and use him as a tool in this shadow war.

Jacob summons two more guests which are Ace Blaze and Lily Gold, both of the best duo team leaders of the recon squad in Atlas but they were labeled traitors for no reason.

Ace: Where are we..? [saw Ironwood]

Ironwood: Ace.. Lily..

Harriet: Traitors!!!

Ace: Us?! Traitors!?! We didn't betray you but you betray us instead!!

Elm: Jacob! Why would you bring them here?!

Jacob: Can I not?

Elm/Harriet: NO!

Jacob: Let me ask you this, are you the host?

Elm: No.

Harriet: No.

Jacob: If you were the host you would have the choice to bring them here or not but you aren't though. Please sit down and react, we need anything like clothes, food, or drinks just think about it and it'll appear on your personal side table.

Ace and Lily went down the stage and sat far away from Atlas.

Concrete spikes shot up and went to Mary at incredible speed. Mary had little time to react, however she managed to dodge all of them at the last second.

All Students and Adults: HOW?!

Ace: Why is he trying to kill her?

Oliva: That girl on the screen is our leader's ex-girlfriend, masochist, and a pedophile to only young girls.

Lily: Really?

Seth: That girl in the chair is her. [points to Weiss] Before you ask, she and other students were hit by an aging semblance from our third year peers by accident.

Mary: [moans] I miss on how you try to hit me~

Zach shows a disgusted expression and unties the rope on Weiss' wrist, Weiss jumps off the chair into Zach's arm and Zach holds Weiss close to his chest.

Mary: We can be family~

Zach: [tch and teleports Weiss back to the dorms] How about, no.

Mary: Aw~ Oh well [lunges towards Zach at incredible speed, however Zach moves faster than her without her using her semblances]

Zach: Gotcha.. bitch.. [slams his fist down on her back and shatters her spine as she yells in pain and pleasure]

Marrow: What's her semblance?

Carl: Which one?

Marrow: What do you mean by "which one?"

Carl: She has two.

Weiss: Two?! That's impossible for someone to have two semblance.

Kelly: It's rare for someone to have two semblances.

Heather: Her semblances are Instant Healing and Hurricane Stride.

Mary's spine instantly heals and kicks Zach in the face knocking him back and Mary quickly gets back up and rushes towards Zach using her semblance boosting her. Zach recovers from the kick and Mary drop kicks him in the stomach causing Zach to cough up blood then sending him back a little.

Zach: [coughs up blood] I'm guessing.. He gave you a drug, huh?

Sienna: Drug?

Mary: Mhm~ [kicks a pebble and the pebble pierce through Zach's aura] [Zach: Ugh!] Purfect~

Pietro: How!?

Zach slams both his hands on the ground and the ground changes into spikes and each spike pierces through Mary's limbs and causes her to scream in pain. Zach got up and raised his hand into close hand causing Mary as her blood began to boil like crazy, Mary was actually crying and begging Zach to stop but Zach wasn't listening and continued to boil her insides alive.

Port: He's taking it too far!

Tyrian: No, she deserves it!
A.S: We get that she's a pedophile but this is too far!!!

Lily: I agree but we don't even know who she is entirely except them. [Team ZERO and SHCK]

Jacob: I'll list her crimes, [ahem] terrorism, theft, assault, murder, sex crimes, child abuse, rape, drug offenses, kidnapping, imprisonment, enslavement, fraud, robbery, arson, embezzlement, negligent manslaughter, and so on. The list goes on down and she's already wanted dead in all four kingdoms already.

Roma: What's her bounty?

Jacob: It was 50 Trillion lien.

Everyone except ZERO, SHCK, and Adrian: What?!

Emerald: That much lien! You can do anything with that amount?!

Mercury: And- [cut off as Mary's screams in agony and Jacob teleports Saphron, Terra, and Adrian to another room]

Zach closes his hand tightly but Mary's screams go silent and she falls limp. Seth, Carl, and Eric appeared at the open door entrance panting because they ran to Zach's location using a GPS on their scroll. They saw Zach walk up to Mary's lifeless body and he places his other hand on her face and her body disintegrates instantly. Zach turns around to Eric, Carl, and Seth standing there in shock and they see Zach with lifeless eyes.

Zach: Let us never speak of this again?

Eric, Seth, and Carl nodded their heads, Zach created a portal for them to return back to the dorms.

Jacob: Break time?

Everyone nods.

Jacob: Alright, intermission time.
[]-Total Word Count: 6821-[]

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