[]-Chapter 2: God of Flames and Forge[]

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{..}= Thoughts
[..]= Actions
...= Singing
(..)= Whisper

Jacob: Alright, is everyone ready?

They all nodded.

Jacob: For this reaction, is gonna about a different reality of your world.

Ace: How different?

Jacob: It's like the original timeline of Remnant but with a twist to it. I'll show it on screen of those do not exist in that universe.

On screen, it shows Team ZERO, SHCK, Ace, Lily, JSPR, Sun's mom, etc.

Jacob: These are the people who do not exist in that universe.

Zach: So, what is universe about?

Jacob: Universe#850 is about a god who wield flames that represents humanity's power and strength, also he created the ability to forge for humanity. He is the God of Flames and Forge.

Salem was frowned upon hearing another god and she bet that god is gonna be the same as those two idiots.

Ozpin was skeptical but curious on how this god behaves.

Jacob: I'll start the prologue first then the bio of this god after.

The room goes dark and the screen starts to light up as everything is starting, the audience heard a male voice.

Eons ago, there was a certain god created something for humanity known as the forge. The forge was only used to create anything for humanity well almost anything, since this god decided to put the limit of what humanity can create and forge. Suddenly two new gods appeared to the world that this god was on and they change the name from Earth to Remnant,

Qrow: Wait(3x), Earth?

Jacob: That was your original planet name but those two left your world as an incomplete work and this naming your world, Remnant.

Oobleck: So our world is incomplete but is that why you said, your boss is renovating our world as we speak?

Jacob: Yes and he's adding more life to your world.

he was not pleased that his own world is being used an experiment rather than let humanity have their freedom. So confronted the two but gotten it into a fight, however the God of Flames and Forge was struck down from skies-

The young audience were shocked to hear that the two brothers used this god's world as an experiment.

The heroes were speechless and the villains were stunned.

Salem was curious on why this god cared about his world and even confronted the two brothers.

to the ground creating a massive heatwave burst that almost killed humanity. Humanity became afraid of him because he almost killed them off and they went to the two gods for protection, the God of Flames and Forge tried to explain his side of the story but no one believed it. And so he left vanished leaving no trace of him but his only creation to humanity the forge..

Ruby: Why didn't anyone believe him?

Jacob: They did not know but they were afraid to believe him.

Neo: Those two brothers should be killed in every universe.

Some agreed to Neo's statement.

Jacob: Yes but no.

Cinder: Why not?

Jacob: There some other realities that the two brothers proved themselves to be true gods like fixing their mistakes such as letting Salem be with her lover once again or creating a almost perfect world for everyone to live in. There are many realities of those two but we may never know if they will change.

But as today, the God of Flames and Forge became a myth among humanity and evil rose up as the two gods disappeared from "their" creation known as Remnant. He, the God of Flames and Forge has returned to Remnant once again..

The screen changes and reveals the God of Flames and Forge bio.

Title- God of Flames and Forge
Age- 4 billion years or 4 eons

Ace: 4 billion years old?! How old is our and their planet?

Jacob: Your planet's age is 500 million years old and in Universe#850 planet's age is 1 billion years old.

Height- 30,000
Weight- 357 Trillion pounds

The young audience were amazed to such armor and Ruby was drooling.

Her parents, uncle, and sister laugh at Ruby's behavior.

Eye of Asura
A single swing can generate a deadly heatwave that melt or crisp his enemies but they are still alive since he can manipulate the temperature of the slash.

Some of veteran huntsman and huntresses thought about it being still alive while burning.

Ruby and Summer were shocked to hear such weapon.

Cinder, Salem, and Raven wanted weapon for their own benefits.

Eye of Asura is forged by using his and Asura, the God of Wraith's blood droplets with other unfamiliar metal known as Starqize to creating this sword.

Starqize is metal only found when the sun explodes and small debris of rock chunks scattered everywhere in space.

Weiss: Have you ever wielded that sword, Jacob?

Jacob: I have once and it felt like my life was drained away every second that I held that sword.

Human Name- Shirou Emiya
Title- Genius, Mastery of the Forge, or Humanity's Everlasting Flame
Age- 17
Height- 6'0"
Weight- 135 lbs

Single females blushed seeing a fine and handsome boy.

Boys respected him and Jacob smiles seeing his old friend again.

Scarlet Night

Dust Used
Hard Light


Dust Used

Ruby, Summer, and other students loved his weapons including those people who loved ranged weaponry.

Some people who use the revolver or hand cannon gave him a thumbs up.

Love Interest

Velvet was surprised to see her name on the screen and she blushes for some reason.


Coco was caught off guard when she heard her name.


Roman was skeptical when he saw his daughter's name on the screen.

Roman: Hm..

1. Aura Construct
Shirou can construct anything with his own or another person's aura at will. But downside, if the he or another person has below 10% aura, the Shirou is unable to construct anything.

Port: That's a very versatile semblance.

2. Replenish

Max heard the replenish and he frowns at his horrible memory of it.

Mercury pats his uncle's back to comfort him.

He can replenish but downside is that they will feel severe headaches once a week when he use this semblance.

Adopted Daughter

Willow: Adopted daughter?

Name- Amber Emiya

Amber heard her name.

Age- 4
Race- Human
Height- 3 ft 4.5 in
Weight- 35 lbs

All females except Salem, Raven, and Vernal adores Amber.

Semblance- Elemental Healing
The power to heal by using the elements.

This is got Patrick's attention when he heard that she has an elemental semblance like him but more in a support type area.

Jacob: Now that you know is he and his adopted daughter, we'll head into the actual story now.

Author POV
Metal slashing against each other, we see two figures fighting one another. A female seem to be in her mid 20's, her appearance outfit is black and white, red accessories is a rose symbol, quiver, white cloak, hair color is black and red, and her eyes are silver.

Ruby: Oh, it's mom!

While the man seems to be in his mid 20's, his appearance is pale young man with gold eyes and a brown ponytail braided to resemble a scorpion's tail. He wears a white sleeveless jacket with leather belts strapped to it, along with white pants. His jacket is open, exposing his bare chest, which is crisscross led with prominent scars. His arms are covered with cream-colored bandages and leather vambraces. He also wears leather boots covering his entire shin with knee guards.

Tyrian smiles with pride and Jacob smiles.

The villains smiles at Tyrian's action.

The female is bleeding heavily from the ambush attack and her aura isn't regenerating, the man laughs at her seeing that she is going to die.

The Rose, Xiao Long, and Branwen felt irritated at his laugh towards their mom/wife/friend.

She lost her balances due to blood loss and unable to catch her breath, she looks at the man with disgust, anger, and fear...

Summer remembers this and looks down with sadness and fear.

Tai hugs Summer.

Qrow pats her back.

the man walked over to her and stops about 3 inches away from her. He smiles and feels his right arm preparing to kill and she closes her eyes and accepted her fate..

Ruby and Yang: No!!!

Tyrian smiling like crazy when he remembered that he killed a silver eyed warrior.

The heroes look at the Ruby and Yang with sorrow then at screen.

The villains smiles.

Students who had lost their love ones in front of them felt sadness, anger, and mostly depression.

Other students saw this and tries to comfort their classmates/friends/lover.

The teachers smiled at the students then looked at screen.

Summer POV

Summer: Uh?

Everyone was wondering why didn't die or how is she not dead.

Ruby and Yang both Summer because they felt relieved knowing their mom is safe.

I slowly open eyes and saw that the person who was trying to kill me disappear

Everyone was shocked to see that Tyrian disappeared.

until I heard a muffle and looked up to see some kind of red armor  grabbing the person's head. I scooted away from the thing or figure as soon as I got distance away from them, I decided to see what the thing was and it was a red knight that its height is 8 ft tall and holding my assassin by his head.

???: W..w.ho are you?!?!?!

The knight looked at him then me.. and back to my assassin.. before I could do anything, I heard an its voice.

???: A̸̝̽͝ḧ̴̨̝f̶̰͗̇ ̸̼̽͋y̸̟̯̿͐m̴̨̚͝g̵̟͎͝ ̸͈͚̂a̵̬̼͗̿ḫ̸̳͌,̷̩̎̂n̵̞͘g̷̲̳̓̈́ ̶̨̒̆a̸̺͂h̴͎͕̀̑f̶̰̒ ̵̢͇͑y̶̬͠m̸̥͋͂g̷̮̾ ̷̫͗̀ā̸̹͍͠ḧ̷̖̫́̍ ̶̢̫̑̕l̶̘̠͑͛ ̵̖̗͌ä̷̧͍́h̴̠͐ ̷͙͠͠f̷̟͐ä̵͙̠h̵̯̅f̴̖͒͐ ̷̦̦̅s̵͎̈́h̸̺̤̃u̷̦̚ḡ̸͉̠͑ǵ̵̠̆ò̴͚̣̿ṯ̴̡̀͂h̶͍̿̈́?̸͕͙̈̉ (Who are you and what are you doing to this woman?)

Pietro: What language is that, Jacob?

Jacob: I'll explain it after the reaction.

Pietro nods and looks at the screen.

???: Stop- argh!!

I watched as the 8 feet tall red knight slowly begin to crush his head and his screams became loud and unbearable to withstand the crushing. My opponent screams went silent and his body went limp, I felt my heart beast faster as it begins walking towards me and I yelled in terror knowing what it can do to me. But I felt a hand touch my head and my body felt light all of sudden, I opened my eyes to see a green glow around my body and my wounds were disappearing.

Ruby: But his semblance wasn't healing..

Jacob: It's magic.

Weiss: But isn't magic just a fairy tale?

Jacob: Then ask the Headmaster of Beacon or the Queen of Grimm.

The light disappears and the knight pulled his hand away from me and I looked up to the knight taking a few steps back.

Ghira: Why is he taking a few steps back?

{Summer: Did the knight just heal with his aura or semblance?}

Before I could ask anything to the knight, I heard a faint engine sound and turned around to see a bullhead coming. I sighed in relief and remembered the knight. So I turned around to the knight but he wasn't there, I begin to question myself if that I ever saw the red knight or that I was losing blood but my aura slowly started to regenerate again back when the knight touched my head.

(Summer: Thank you.. whoever you are... thank you for saving my life...) [smiles]

The screen goes dark and Jacob turns to the audience.

Jacob: How was it?

Summer: I have a question.

Jacob: Shoot.

Summer: Is the other me alright now?

Jacob: Like physically or in a relationship?

Tai: What do you mean by relationship?

Jacob: Well the other Tai has cheated with another woman in that universe and now Summer divorce Tai and took Yang and Ruby with her. Summer asked Ozpin for assistance and Ozpin gave her and her kids a place in beacon.

Summer gasp.

Yang and Ruby gasp in shock.

Qrow almost chokes on his drink of beer. [cough(8x]

Raven was silent but she glares at Tai.

Tai was shock at other self and questioned why his other self would do that.

Jacob: So um... break?

Jack: Yes.

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