[]-Chapter 3: John's daily life-[]

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{..}= Thoughts
[..]= Actions
...= Singing
(..)= Whisper

Jacob: After reacting to the God of Flames and Forge. We'll be reacting to Jaune's dad daily life before marriage.

John: Here we go now.

Jack: What was your life before marriage?

John: Crazy.

The room's light goes dim and the screen shows John in his teenage age around like 16-17 years old and seems to be in his room wearing headphone and a mic in front of him.

John: I remember this.


(Verse 1:)

John the brave huntsman, he's the first in our tale,
With his bow and arrow, he's never known to fail,
From dawn 'til dusk, in the forest he'll roam,
Tracking down the prey, bringing justice home.

Badger the daring huntsman, a force to be feared,
Never backing down, when danger appears,
He's got nerves of steel, and a heart full of fire,
In the face of challenge, he will never tire.

These huntsmen four, legends of their kind,
With skills unmatched, their courage intertwined,
From the woods to the valleys, they'll chase their game,
They're the hunters of honor, with a legacy to claim.

(Verse 2:)
Jack the famous huntsman, known far and wide,
His name echoes through the land, like a timeless guide,
Through forests dark, and mountains high,
With every hunt, his fame will multiply.

Jason the adaptive huntsman, his skills know no bounds,
He's mastered every weapon, and every hunting ground,
From open fields to icy lakes, he will swiftly adapt,
Never failing to seize, with precision untapped.

These huntsmen four, legends of their kind,
With skills unmatched, their courage intertwined,
From the woods to the valleys, they'll chase their game,
They're the hunters of honor, with a legacy to claim.

Together they'll stand, a brotherhood strong,
In unity they'll triumph, nothing can go wrong,
With their sights set high, the hunt's just begun,
Through trials and challenges, their legend will be won.

(Verse 3:)
John, Badger, Jack, and Jason, a team of great might,
Their stories intertwining, like stars in the night,
In tales yet to be written, their names forever etched,
The huntsmen of prowess, their legends unmatched.

These huntsmen four, legends of their kind,
With skills unmatched, their courage intertwined,
From the woods to the valleys, they'll chase their game,
They're the hunters of honor, with a legacy to claim.

John the brave, Badger the daring, Jack the famous, and Jason the adaptive,
Their journey continues, their spirits remain invective,
From generation to generation, their tales will be told,
The huntsmen's legacy, forever bold.

Jaune: I didn't know that you can rap.

Badger: This actually surprised me because the last time that you rapped sounded like a child who couldn't even speak correctly.

Jack: Yeah.

John: Your turn, bud.

The screen shows a bed.

Qrow: A bed, really?

John: You'll see.

A pair of arms poked out beneath the bed and John places his microphone in front of the bed monster.

Ruby: Is that a bed monster?!

John: It is and he's the one scares children who don't go to bed.

All the older audiences went silent and remembers that their kids ask them to check beneath their bed in case for monsters.

The screen volume went silent as the bed monster started doing rapping hand gestures and John getting hyped up.

Ozpin: Why did the volume go silent?

John/Jacob: Demonic language.

The dorm slowly caught on fire and John smelled smoke, as he witnessed the dorm catching on fire.

John: Dude! Stop!

Jack: Huh, so that's why the dorm caught on fire.

Badger: Not only our dorm but almost half of the dormitory on the west side was almost destroyed.

John: Sorry...

Next clip shows a Team BJS (Blue Jays) dorm room as party lights are flashing beneath John's bed.

Jack: Oh yeah, this.

Cinder: Why do you sound this disappointed?

Badger: Because it was nightmare trying to sleep at 1 am..

Jack: Not only that.. John was thrown out of the dorm into Team STRQ dorm room.

STRQ remember John crashing through into their dorm.

John: A pleasant moment... ugh.....

John, Badger, Jack, and Jason wakes up from the muffled music soundtrack beneath John's bed.

John/Badger/Jack: Jason...

Isabella: Jack, dear, are you alright?

Jack: Yeah, just that.. it's been a long time since I last saw Jason's face.

John looks down and Juliet hug's her husband.

Summer, Tai, Qrow, and... Raven had their head down.

The veteran huntsman and huntress looks away from the screen with sorrow.

Coco: Dad, why are you looking away from the screen?

Abel: You see.. Jason was an amazing leader and friend to all of us, however he was killed in battle between Grimm and Faunas..

Sun: What was his last name?

Ai: His last name was Archer and Zach is the son of Jason Archer, the leader type huntsman.

John: He also told us about the silver eyes..

Ozpin: He did?

John: Yes, but us, veterans kept quiet because most of us have silver eyes.

Ironwood: Then why didn't you help us end this war?!

Badger: Why should we.

Harriet: Why?!

Vine: Harriet, calm down.

Harriet: No because this war between Grimm and us people won't have to deal with this!!!


Harriet went silent.


Jack panting and looks away from Harriet.

Most of the veteran huntsmen and huntress look at Harriet with disappointment.

Timeskip break

Jacob: After that commotion about silver eyes.. um.. You'll be seeing cheated wife.

A male doctor in his mid 30s and a female nurse in her early 30s enter the room. The screen shows John in his mid 20s and his pregnant wife in her early 20s that is about to give birth.

Doctor: Okay! Who's ready to have a baby?

Wife: That would be me. Please, get this thing out of me!

Oobleck: Why is it saying wife?

Jacob: I put there because she is a whore.

Ruby: Swear jar!

Pulls a jar labeled swear jar but Jacob used telekinesis to grab the jar out of Ruby's hand and yeets it to a black hole and disappears.

Jacob: You were saying?

Rudy \A/N: I know messed up but meh./ sit down in her seat.

Nurse: We actually have a new system that will relieve your pain while in labor by transporting the pain to the father, if you're up for that?

{Moms: Why couldn't we have this when I was in labor?!?!!}

Wife: Oh... [looks at John]

John looks at his wife and to the doctor and nurse then said.

John: Yeah, okay, fine. Just get it over with.

Nurse: Okay, we'll start off with 20% going to the father then.

Wife: Okay.. [feels a bit of relief] That's a little better.

Badger: I almost forgot that Jacob said,"Cheated Wife." So what does this... [realization] Ohhhh, I see now.

Some people figured it out right away and said nothing about it.

John: Wow, I'm not feeling anything. [looks at the nurse] Turn it up to 40% ma'am.

Nurse: Okay, going 40%.

John: Wow, I like this system. I don't feel anything. [scroll vibrates and John grabs his scroll from his pocket] Excuse me. [answers his scroll] Hey, what's up, man?

The screen shows a split screen as John is on the left and his friend is on right screen.

{Jack: Oh.. him...}

Friend: Dude, I feel like I'm passing a kidney stone that size of a watermelon right now.

John's friend is sweating and grunting in pain.

Adam: I see, what's going on here now.

Ilia: What?

Adam: The father on the right is him.

Ilia: Oh...

John: Dude, you need to get that checked out. [put his scroll down for a moment and looks at the nurse] Turn it up to 60%, ma'am.

The nurse turns it up to 60% and John's friend yells.

Friend: [groans in pain] It's getting worse!

John: Aw dude, it's getting w-[realization]

The those who didn't get it at first realized.

The wife looks at John with regret. The Doctor and Nurse looks at John with gasp or shock. John turns off his scroll and looks at the nurse.

John: Turn it up to 100%, ma'am.

His friend was calling him but a sudden pain kicks in and he starts screaming in pain.


The next clips begin to play and John was about to drinks a bottle of red wine but Badger throws his throwing knife towards the glass bottle and shatters.

John glares at Badger with murderous intentions but Badger was unfazed from John's glare.

The screen shows two teenagers which were John and Badger playing a two player fighting arcade machine in public.

John: You're about to lose~

John starts messing with Badger and Badger spams the buttons since he was close to losing.

The camera changes to show four teenagers which were Jack eating a lollipop, Isabella holding cat plushie, Summer drooling at the cookie shaped animals and Qrow drinking his flask.

Summer: I remember this.

In the background, you can see John and Badger fighting each other.

Jaune: Oh Oum...

Juliet: [sigh] Idiot...

The camera changes to show a teenage gorilla Faunus in line while looking at phone and teenage Jason in the background waiting for his sushi.

\A/N: Their age is 18./

Blake: Sushi...

A plate of different types of sushi appears on her personal table and Blake begins to eat.

Jack: Oh hey, it's George. I wonder how he is doing?

Jack hears an ahem and turns around to George sitting behind him.

George: Hey.

George has a deep voice.

Jack: Heya pal, long time no see!

George: Indeed but let's focus on the reaction.

Jack: Alright. [smiles and turns around to face the screen again]

Everything was peaceful until a sudden rumble, this got everyone's attention and they turned their heads to the sound.

Jack squints his eyes to see what and Jason hears... water? So Jason looks up from the cart and faces where everyone was looking.

Port: Oh this incident in Vale.

Ren: What incident?

Port: A water dust outbreak.

The zooms towards the stairs that a random civilian was walking up as huge flood rushed the stairs which caused a panic.

The 1st and 2nd year students were spooked by the sudden jumpscare.

John and Badger ran as everyone was running away. A boy was eating a lollipop and staring at the water.

Yang: Why is he just-

Then John quickly grabs the boy.

Yang: staring..

George saw this and ran away as possible. Qrow, Jack, Isabella, and Summer were in shock but ran away.

Ruby: Mom! Uncle Qrow! Why didn't do anything?

Summer: Well we didn't have our weapons with us because we were out shopping.

Jason stood there and his eyes begins to glow silver as Summer turns her head saw Jason's body disappear from her view.

{Summer: What the-}

Summer trips over her own foot and falls to the ground, Qrow heard a yelp and turns around to Summer on the ground. Qrow tries to get to Summer but he is pushed back by the crowd.

Tai/Ruby&Yang: Summer!/Mom!

Summer: It's alright.

Qrow sighs but smiles.

Qrow: Agh! Summer!

The crowd tramples over Summer and Summer couldn't get up from her spot but Qrow managed to get through the crowd and pick Summer off the ground onto her feet then start running.

The students sigh in relief but they completely forgot the huge flood.

Qrow and Summer runs but the huge flood caught up to them. In a moment of shock, Jason appears holding a broken piece of a building wall and places in front of him, Qrow, and Summer. Jason held his ground and put all his strength pushing the wall, Jack and John helps Jason to push the wall but a crack appears next to Jack.

Jack: Crap! Agh!

The huge flood begins to push Jason, Jack, and John back a bit but George appears and put his hand on the crack sealing the leak and lets out a roar.

Jack was frightened but relieved.
They held the wall up for about 30 minutes and the huge flood disappears. John, Jack, George, and Jason push the wall down and crumbles as it breaks. George walks away while John, Isabella, Qrow, Jack, Badger, and Summer went to their dorms.

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