[]-Chapter 4: Zach Archer-[]

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Jacob: This next reaction is gonna be about Team ZERO but it's the same thing that happened to Team RWBY, JSPR, JNPR, and CFVY as kids instead this time, it's Zach.

Oliva giggles.

Roxy: Oh yeah.

Jacob: I'll show you on screen and also. [teleports Salem and Zach back to the theater]

Zach and Salem laughing when Salem said.

Salem: Ozma was screaming like a little girl when he saw a frog in my hand. [laughing]

Ironwood: You're scared of frogs?

Ozpin: [cough] no comment.

Zach wheezes like a tea kettle and this surprised his team, SHCK, 3rd, 4th year students, and teachers from beacon.

1st and 2nd year students in Beacon were confused why they were surprised to see Zach laughing or wheezing.

Ruby: Why are you all surprised to see him laugh?

(1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year)
4th B.S: Why we're surprised that Zach laughs is because he's the type of person who doesn't express that much emotion and he always has a stoic facial expression. For us, it's normal to see him with a stoic expression but not like this that you're seeing.

Zach struggles to breath and Salem stops laughing as she looks around to everyone looking at her and Zach. Salem went beet red, Salem looks at Zach who was still wheezing and looks at Jacob, he nods his head and teleports Zach away. Salem regains her composure, she goes back to seat, and sits down.

Jacob: As I was saying before the wheezing incident happened just now, this is about Zach as a kid again. Also I'll bring Zach's family here.

Jacob claps once and Zach's family appears. Abigail (Zach's lil' sister), Susan (Zach's mother), Alan (Zach's older brother), and Jason (Zach's father and from the dead). Susan hugs Abigail close to keep her safe and Alan's eyes glow silver until both Alan and Susan see their husband/father. Jason saw his kids and wife then spread out his arms for a hug, Susan carrying Abigail in her arms hugged Jason with tears streaming down her cheek, and Alan's eyes stopped glowing and went to his father with tears streaming down.

The adults smiled at Zach's family little reunion but Badger, John and Jack were shocked to see their dead friend again.

The young audience smiled as well.

The veteran huntsmen and huntresses were stunned to see the adaptive huntsman, Jason Archer.

Villains went silent as they saw Jason Archer.

After the whole family reunion and Jacob explaining some details to them. The screen shows kid Zach with Roxy and Eric as they're in Ms.Goodwitch. Ms.Goodwitch scolding some 3rd and 4th year students because they overstep the boundary of sparring into fighting.

Glynda: Not my favorite memory.

Some 3rd and 4th year students who were doing joint training together began to laugh, chuckle, and giggle at this memory.

Glynda: What's so funny?

Roxy: You'll see.

Zach: That's a monster.

Roxy: What's a monster?

Zach: [points to Glynda scolding the students with angry expression and tone] That's a.. monster..

Seth along with some 3rd and 4th year students giggles at Zach's comment to Ms.Goodwitch.

Glynda: Wait what?

Seth: Zach kept on calling you a monster because you were scolding the students with an angry expression and tone, then ever since this incident he still called you a monster once in a while.

Glynda: Really?

Seth wipes his single tear and nods.

Roxy: But that's your teacher.

Zach: No [shakes head], that's a monster.

Some students were recording everything with their scrolls.

Next clip shows Zach sleeping peacefully but a faint memory appears on the screen. It shows Susan in her late 20s and is slightly pregnant, Alan in his tween age, Zach as a kid, and Jason in his early 30s in his combat outfit along with Jack in his late 20s standing behind Jason.

Jason: [kneels down to Zach] I come to say goodbye.

Zach: Where are you going?

Jason: Ahh, just on a little trip...

Zach: Dad... Will I ever see you again?

Susan looks away and starts to tear up, Alan looks down at the floor struggling not to cry, and Jack closes his eyes and looks away with sorrow.

Neo: Where are you two going?

Jason: Do you know the last disaster from 10 years ago by any chance?

Neo: No.. I don't think so, why?

Jason: Well, 10 years ago was when a war happened between humans, faunas, and... grimm or also known as The Bloody Warfare.

Penny: Are you saying that you and your friends had to go to war?

Jason: Yes but not by choice. We were forced to go to war by our government and only the husbands and teenagers from 13 to 17 went to war. All of the adults disagreed with bringing teenagers into battle but if we didn't cooperate with the government they would kill our families then us.

Badger: We didn't have a choice but to cooperate with our government...

John, Jack, and along with other veteran huntsmen who were forced to go to war nodded their heads.

Jason: Sure... Sure you will Zach. You know goodbyes aren't forever~ [smiles]

Zach: Then [hugs his father and says in a sad tone] Goodbye daddy... I love you~

Jason: Yeah, I love you too.. [hugs Zach back]

Jason stops hugging Zach and stands up to spread his arms out for Susan to hug him for the last time, Susan kisses Jason on the cheek, she steps back with tears streaming down her cheek and Zach went hugs his mother, Jason walks up to Alan who was struggling not to cry but Alan felt a pair of arms wrap around him and it was his dad, who was hugging him. Alan starts to cry heavily and hugs his dad knowing that this is the last time that he's going to see him again. Zach sees his dad say something to Alan but he couldn't hear what his dad told his big brother. Alan nods his head, wipes his tears and Jason breaks away from the hugs then walks to the door where Jack was standing, Jason turns around and gives one last smile to his loving family and Zach smiles back at his father.

Everyone except Jacob and Tyrian were in tears, however Tyrian wanted to forget that memory of going to war at the age of 17.

Raven wipes her tears quickly hoping no one would see her crying but Jacob notice but kept quiet.

But that memory was filled with bloodshed everywhere. Zach heard explosions, gunfire, and metal clashing into each other then Zach turns around to see a tall black lanky figure with a white skull mask and red dot eyes looking at him then lunges at him.

Jason: What the hell is that?!

Alan: Hey! What is that thing?!

Zach's loud cries alerted his team, they went to check up on Zach and saw him crying in his sleep. Oliva hugs Zach close to her and she sings a sweet song which calms Zach down, his team decides to sleep near Zach in case he cries again.

The screen turns off and everyone looks at Jacob for answers.

Alan: Oi! What the hell was that?!

Jacob: A grimm...

John: There's no way for a grimm to attack, including in a dream..

Ozpin: Salem.. by any chance, did you create that?

Salem: What.. no!? All the grimm's that I've created so far are mindless and there's no way for me to create a dream walking grimm like that.

Jacob: Yes, Salem did not create that grimm but that grimm manifested from people's dreams or nightmares.

Peach: So you're saying that this grimm that we saw on screen.. manifested itself in Zach's memories?

Jacob: Yes and this grimm can force someone to kill themselves including children to the point where they lose their sanity each and every night of torment.

Jaune: That sounds so...

Patrick: Horrific?

Ren: Painful?

Ace: Suffering?

Max: Agony?

Jaune nods his head.

Jason: How did Zach get this grimm?

Jacob: Ever since he's gotten into Beacon and this very grimm targeted Zach because he was bottling up his negative emotions for the past 10 years.

Abigail: Big bruwher Zoch in paivn?

Alan: Yes.. he's in pain... {mind: Damn it, Zach! Why didn't you tell me, mom or anyone about this!? Damn it!!!}

Port: Is there any way to get rid of this grimm?

Jacob: Yes and no.

Jessica: What do you mean by that?

Jacob: You see, you can get rid of that grimm by expressing all of your negative emotions but the downside is that this grimm doesn't go away until whoever it is tormenting has to die then it will dematerialize. But since it's Zach.. his emotions had him bottling up for the past 10 years only made this grimm stronger and more intelligent of using certain memories for Zach to create more negative emotions for it to feed on. Zach basically became a livestock to this grimm now..

Salem: You mean that my great(10x) grandson has to die?

Jacob nods his head.

Jacob: However.. [this got everyone's attention] Zach needs to let go his negative thoughts and emotions out as the Grimm that is using him as source disappear forever.

Jason: So there is a chance for Zach to survive against this Grimm?

Jacob: Yes but only a 0.05% of survival. The Archer Family, would you like to see Zach?

Alan: Yes, we would like too.

Jacob: Okay, I'll be sending you all to Zach's location immediately.

Jacob snap🫰 and the Archer Family disappears.

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