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An abandoned theater floated in the void of space time through the endless cosmos long forgotten, until the theater shined bright and rainbow smoke surrounded the theater completely engulfing it. After a few more minutes the rainbow smoke disappeared and the theater was now new and refurbished, shining brightly. Inside through the doors to the cinema stood a yellow triangle with legs and hands, a black bow tie, black top hat, black cane and one eye, this was the legendary watcher but he liked to go by Bill.

“This is perfect!” he shouted gleefully and excited as he floated looking around the cinema.

The cinema was dark red in color with black luxury, comfy seats, dimmed lights, an exit and a giant flat screen, all in all… this room screamed awesome movie night or weeks or months or years! You never know since…

“Time is irrelevant!” Bill shouted as he burst out laughing.

He stopped laughing and cracked his fingers “Time for the main event.” He said mischievously

With that he disappeared and left with an evil laugh.


Beacon Academy, Team RWBY’s Dorm

It was night and the students of beacon were all returning to their dorms and some were already in their dorms. Team RWBY was doing their usual activities, Ruby was reading a magazine about weapons, Weiss was studying, Blake was reading her ‘special’ books and Yang was playing with her scroll.

It was all normal until a light flashed causing them to jump in shock, coming out of the light was Bill who was twirling his cane. He looked over the four girls and smirked but you clearly can’t see it since he was a triangle!

“Greetings Humans and Faunus!” he shouted

The four girls all looked at each other shocked and back at Bill, a random talking triangle just invading your dorm can do that to a person. Ruby being the first to get out of her shocked gulped and approached the triangle but before she could do that Yang grabbed her arm and stood protectively in front of her.

“What the heck are you!” Yang demanded, ready for a fight.

“Oh, Temper, temper! Hasn’t anyone ever taught you any manners?”

Yang glared at the triangle ready to jump at it but Ruby quickly got in front of her looking sheepish.

“Sorry! Yang is just being Yang. Anyway hi! I’m Ruby, who or what are you?” Ruby asked ignoring the jaw drops her teammates sent her.

Bill chuckled “What a delightful little girl! You might just be the kindest teenager I’ve ever met.”

Ruby blushed slightly embarrassed “Uh thanks.”

“Anyway! Name’s Bill and I’m from a different multiverse.”

They all looked confused

“A different universe?” Weiss asked

“Yep! You don’t have to believe me; I just came to fetch you. You guys have been chosen.” Bill said

Okay now they were really confused, just what the heck is the floating triangle that apparently came from a different universe talking about? Ruby couldn’t understand a thing it was talking about, Yang was ready for a fight if needed be, Weiss frowned thinking that the triangle was lying and Blake was skeptical but willing to accept since there was a literal floating triangle in front of her.

“Chosen for what?” Ruby asked

“To watch!” he shouted and with that he snapped his fingers and Ruby disappeared.

The three looked shocked “RUBY!”

Bill snapped his fingers again causing Weiss to disappear, Blake looked horrified and Yang’s eyes turned red as her rage overtook her.

“YOU’LL PAY!!” Yang shouted jumping at Bill who only rolled his eyes floating through her heading to Blake who backed away. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers making her disappear, Yang watched the entire thing and was shocked that she just floated through him.

“You know your rage will be your downfall one day.” Bill said looking at her seriously.

Yang grit her teeth and started attacking Bill and he yawned since all the punches and kicks just went through him. They were unrelenting and Bill was getting irked since he was wasting nothing, damn time being irrelevant. He raised his hand as she started looking scared knowing what he was going to do.

“Sayonara.” With that he snapped his fingers leaving an empty room, he opened one of his triangular boxes taking out a check list. He ticked on team RWBY and groaned at the long list.

With that he disappeared, to the next location.

Team JNPR’s Dorm

Team JNPR had heard voices and shouting in team RWBY’s dorm thinking about going to check on their friends, but before they could leave a light appeared and revealed Bill floating in front of them. They were all shocked while Ren and Pyrrha stood battle ready, the other two gawked at the triangle.

“Greetings! Hopefully you guys will be more reasonable.” Bill said as they all took a step back.

“W-what are you?” Jaune questioned.

“Déjà vu, anyone? Anyway I don’t have time for this so…” He trailed off and snapped his fingers four times making them all disappear.

Disappearing once again.

Team CVFY’s Dorm

Team CVFY was currently asleep after a long day of training only to be woken up by the appearance of Bill.
They jumped in shock but before anything was said, Bill snapped his fingers making them all disappear. He giggled and vanished to his next location.

Team CRDN’S Dorm

Team CRDN were all working out and just being a bunch of brainless buffoons but stopped when Bill appeared in front of them, the three members were scared but Cardin was just shocked at the entity.

“Boo!” Bill shouted

The three members ran out screaming like little girls but Cardin stood in place now frozen in fear as Bill laughed at his teammates. After his laugh, Bill wiped a tear out of his eye and snapped his fingers causing Cardin to disappear as he vanished as well.

Ozpin’s Office

Ozpin sat in his office as he discussed plans with his fellow teachers, all was normal until Bill appeared. The teachers widened their eyes and got battle ready if the entity was a possible threat but Ozpin just remained calm and assessed the situation.

“Greetings, Wizard!” Bill shouted tipping his head to Ozpin who narrowed his eyes.

Glynda raised her cane but Ozpin raised his hand stopping her as well as shocking the remaining teachers.
“Hello Mr.…” he trailed off.

“Name’s Cipher! Bill Cipher! And I’m here to say that all of you have been chosen.”

“Chosen!?” Port shouted confused.

“For what?” Oobleck asked

“Guess you guys will just have to see.” He said cryptically and with that both Port and Oobleck disappeared with just the snap of his fingers.

Seeing a threat Glynda raised her whip and activated her semblance but her surprised Bill remained unaffected.

“You were always my favorite, Goodwitch!” Bill shouted and made her disappear, now leaving only him with Ozpin.

Ozpin looked calm but inside he was slightly worried since this ‘Bill’ just appeared and made two Hunters and a huntress disappear with just the snap of his fingers. Ozpin gulped and reached for his cane only to find Bill with his arm raised ready to make him disappear.

“Why are you doing this?” Ozpin asked trying to buy time

“Because I’m bored, Wizard.” He said with venom laced in his tone, all terms of playfulness gone just hatred and disgust. Bill snapped his fingers making Ozpin disappear and he sighed.

Vanishing as if no one was ever there.

Junior’s Bar

Junior sat and enjoyed his free time, the club was closed today. He took a sip of his drink and sighed, wanting to take another sip he raised the glass only for a bright flash to appear and cause his drink to disappear from his hand. He looked around only to see Bill chugging the rest of his drink to god knows where since he doesn’t have a mouth.

Bill let out a huge burp that shook the building, turning to Junior who backed up in fear. He raised his hand and laughed “See ya, chump!” with that Junior disappeared, Bill vanished too.

Team SSSN’s dorm

Bill appeared to see the boys all passed out with food lying around the entire room, laundry all over the floor and the smell of an unflushed toilet also filled the room. Bill groaned and snapped his fingers making Neptune, Sun and Scarlet disappear and he flew outside of the room.

“And Monty calls me an animal.” With that he vanished

Abandoned Warehouse

Roman, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury all sat in in an office as Roman and Cinder discussed plans for their next heist while Emerald and Mercury sat bored. Suddenly Bill appeared while he twirled his cane and tipped his hat.

“Greetings scumbags!” Bill shouted gleefully

Emerald and Mercury jaw dropped at the triangle, Roman sighed frustrated since the craziest things always happen to him while Cinder glared at the mention of scumbags. It was a couple of seconds of silence until Roman cleared his throat and smirked at Bill.

“Greetings to you triangle! What do we owe the pleasure?” Roman asked

“Oh you know, you’ve been chosen blah, blah snapping my fingers and such.”

The group looked confused while Cinder looked interested as she smirked evilly

“How about a deal? You tell us what you want and we get something in return.” She said as the other three looked at her like she was crazy.

“Oh ok! I want to snap my fingers and you can get whatever you want, deal?”

Cinder raised an eyebrow at the random request but nodded anyway
“Deal.” She simply said as Bill laughed evilly

“Adios!” with that he snapped his fingers and all four of them disappeared

“Trying to trick me, who does that dummy think she is?” he said rolling his eye

Before he could leave the door opened, he turned to see Neo looking at him shocked and he looked at her wide eyed. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, Neo smiled and waved, Bill did the same and snapped his fingers making her disappear as he vanished as well.

Island of Patch, Taiyang’s House

Inside a small house, Taiyang slept on the couch as his dog Zwei slept next to him on the floor and the T.V was on a random channel. Bill appeared in a bright flash, startling the two occupants and jolting them awake.

The two looked at Bill in shock, Zwei started but Bill ignored them and floated around the room as he inspected the place.

“So this is where it all started huh?” Bill said to himself, he was still staring at the wall until Taiyang cleared his throat.

He turned to see a growling Zwei and a battle ready Taiyang “Who or what are you?” Taiyang asked calmly.

“Oh me? Name’s Bill!”

“Okay… Bill what do you want?” He asked/ Demanded

“Just came to make myself less curious, and with that I bid you adoo!” Bill snapped his fingers making Taiyang and Zwei disappear.

“Now for the Drunk!” He said Vanishing

Old Bar

Qrow took another gulp of his drink, slightly tipsy even though this was his 5th bottle. The bar was slightly empty only some random people looking for a drink and the bar owner, all was normal until Bill appeared in front of Bill, shocking the people and causing him jump off his chair.

“Sup Branwen!” Bill shouted
Qrow stared at the triangle for a few seconds and then looked at the drink in his hand “How strong is this stuff?” he muttered

“Look I’m getting bored so I’m just going to hurry this up and don’t worry, all your questions will be answered okay?”

Qrow blinked and slowly nodded in confirmation, making Bill laugh as he snapped his fingers making Qrow disappear.


James and Winter sat in an office as they were looking through files for the Atlantian army while Penny just stood by the wall on guard. Bill appeared in the middle of the room causing James and Winter to look at him in shock, Penny scanned the unknown entity and started getting battle ready. James pulled out his gun and Winter drew her rapier, Penny jumped at him ready to strike but disappeared as he snapped his fingers. The two looked at him in shock as they stood on guard.

“What the Hell are you!” James demanded ready to pull the trigger.

“The Watcher.” Bill said and snapped his fingers making them both disappear as he vanished as well.

White Fang Hideout

Adam bowed to Sienna as he began his report and Ilia hid in the shadows listening in. Suddenly a white flash appeared and Bill floated in twirling his cane. All three members were shocked at the sight, Sienna stood up and narrowed her eyes while Adam held onto his weapon, Ilia stared at the scene in shock.

“What the Hell?” Adam exclaimed, while Sienna studied Bill

“Well that’s just rude!” Bill said in mock hurt as he snapped his fingers making Adam disappear

Sienna looked shocked at the scene while Ilia looked horrified. Sienna took out her weapons and began to shoot but the bullets passed right through Bill while he yawned, Sienna jumped ready to slice Bill but he snapped his fingers making her disappear.

Ilia started to walk slowly to the exit, hoping Bill wouldn’t see her but he just turned around and looked straight at her. She froze, but it was impossible! She was invisible, he couldn’t see her… right? Bill raised his hand and giggled sending chills down her spine.

“Aster la vista baby!” he shouted and snapped his fingers making her disappear as he vanished while laughing to himself.

Belladonna Household

Kali and Ghira both sat and ate dinner in a comfortable silence, even though Ghira ate like a complete animal so there was actually no room for talking. Bill appeared in an empty seat shocking both the Belladonna’s, Ghira even spat out his food.

“Room for one more?” Bill asked innocently

Ghira stood up and got in front of his wife while he glared menacingly at Bill

“What are you?” He asked in a low tone

Bill sighed “I’m gonna take that as a no.”

Kali spoke up “Are you just hungry?” she asked surprising her husband

“Nope! But you seem like nice people so I guess it didn’t hurt to ask

This time Kali stood next to her husband and smiled “Why thank you. I am Kali Belladonna and this is Ghira, who are you?”

“Bill, Bill Cipher! Nice to meet ya!” He held out his hand to her as she shook it, doing the same to Ghira who stared at him for a second until he gave a small seeing that Bill was friendly.

“A pleasure.” Ghira said

“The pleasure is all mine! Oh and by the way, try to keep the peace for a short time until I arrive!” Bill said

Ghira and Kali were confused, Kali spoke up “What- “But before she could ask, Bill snapped his fingers making them both disappear.

“Nice cats.” He simply said then he vanished.

Branwen Tribe

Raven attacked Vernal with a slash who dodged and shot at her but Raven deflected. Vernal went for a slash of her own but Raven parried and kicked Vernal in the stomach knocking some of the wind out of her.

Raven too this chance to slash her, sending Vernal flying back. Vernal got back up and was just about to attack until she heard clapping. Searching for the sound both Raven and Vernal saw Bill sitting on one of the crates nearby with his legs crossed.

“That was cute, boring but cute at the same time.” Bill said floating towards them who raised their weapons up ready to attack

“What are you?” Raven asked

Bill groaned “You have no idea how many times I’ve been asked that tonight.”

“Well what’d you expect, you’re a floating pyramid with one eye.” Vernal said, raising her eyebrow.

“True! But anyway, before you go I’m gonna give you guys a message, relay it to the others: Calm down, I’ll explain everything soon!” Bill said and now they were confused

“What do you mean, before we go?” Raven asked but stood on guard as Bill raised his hand, Vernal doing the same.

“Bye!” Bill snapped his fingers making them disappear, he sighed this time.

“Now for the witch, that’ll be fun.” He said sarcastically as he vanished

Unknown location

Salem sat on her throne as Hazel sat to her right, Tyrian sat to her left and Arthur Watts sat next to Hazel. Salem has been having a feeling in her gut telling her that something might happen but she wasn’t sure what. A light appeared surprising all the individuals, when the light vanished Bill sat at the opposite end of the table to Salem.

“Greetings, Witch!” Bill shouted, and started emitting a suffocating aura to the other people in the room besides Salem.

Salem studied Bill for a moment but also felt the power he emitted as she smirked

“Greetings to you…” she trailed off hoping for a name

“Cipher, Bill Cipher! And I’m here to say that you have been chosen!” Bill shouted while Salem narrowed her eyes at the triangle, hoping he could elaborate.

“Chosen for what?” Watts gasped out

“To Watch!” he said as he snapped his fingers making everyone disappear besides Salem. She was about to attack until Bill raised up his hand freezing her body in place

“Listen Witch! I don’t care what your deal is with the wizard but you and I know both know who he truly is, nod if you agree.” Bill said seriously
Salem took a second but nodded nonetheless knowing full well who Bill was talking about.

“Good. I know you’re smart so once you reach where sent you, I want you to keep the peace until I arrive. I still got some things to do and that place is new so I don’t need any blood on any single spot okay?” Bill asked as he unfroze Salem who thought about what he said but nodded nonetheless.

“Where am I going?” she asked

“To have some fun!” Bill shouted laughing snapping his fingers making a thunderous clap causing her to disappear

Bill vanished as he laughed

Beacon Academy

Bill appeared underground in the basement of Beacon, he looked up at the machine and saw Amber lying unconscious. He cracked his fingers as his hands turned yellow and a yellow beam of light surrounded the machine lighting up the entire place with a flash.

The light disappeared and Amber stood groggily as she looked at her surroundings

“W-Where am I?” Amber asked, she then spotted Bill and screamed as she backed away in fear.

“Oh, no. Hey it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you, alright.” Bill said soothingly which relaxed Amber slightly

“W-what are you?” she stuttered

“My name is Bill Cipher, what’s your name?” Bill asked even though he knew her name

“Amber.” She said smiling slightly

“Now I know this is sudden Amber, but I need you to come with me. It won’t be dangerous and I promise it’ll be a lot of fun. The most fun you’ve had in a while, what do you say?” Bill asked

Amber thought about as the memories of her near death flooded her she doesn’t know what happened but she felt as if she could trust Bill and he did say that she could have fun, that was something she missed for a long time. After thinking about it she nodded and smiled looking at Bill as he held out his hand.

She took his hand and he chuckled
“Hold on tight! We have one last stop to make so try not to puke!” he laughed as she giggled.

She was already having fun, they both vanished in a white light leaving the Academy.

Island of Patch, Summer Rose’s Grave

The two arrived in front of Summer’s grave and looked around. Amber saw the snow but didn’t feel cold, she looked at Bill’s hand realized that he was really warm. Bill floated towards the grave with Amber and he sighed.

“Bill, why are we here?” She asked as he let go of her hand and she started missing the warmth.

“Getting a big surprise!” he exclaimed as his hands started to glow purple.
His eye glowed purple and a purple flame engulfed him.

“You might wanna take a step back.” He warned and she did so.

The grave was ignited with the purple flame which glowed brighter and brighter until it exploded with a flash blinding Amber. As Amber got her bearings she saw Bill floating normally, when she approached him she saw a woman in a white cloak standing in front of him. The woman had pale skin, short black hair that had red streaks and silver eyes.

“Hello Summer!” Bill shouted as Amber stood next to him.

Summer studied the triangle and the girl shocked, last thing she remembered was darkness until a purple light flashed and now she was here, it was all so hazy.

“Who are you guys?” Summer asked and Bill chuckled

“Both of you might wanna sit down, this may take a while.” Bill said as he created a small house with a table and three chairs. He sat down and motioned for them to follow, which they complied.

“Now where do I begin?”


In the MMC (Multiverse Movie Center) a portal appeared on the large glass roof, it was yellow in color. Soon enough Ruby fell through the portal and landed on the ground with a thud. Ruby groaned as she slowly got up and started to look around. She was in a bright place that was clean and very shiny, it had stalls for different food items and an accessory shop. The floors were so clean, you could eat of them and a symbol of Bill was engraved on the wall with a large statue of him in the center of the room as he held a large bucket of… popcorn?

“Where am I?” Ruby asked as she looked around. She then noticed that she was in her regular huntress clothes which confused her since she was in her pajamas a second ago.

A second later another thud came from behind her, she turned and was relieved to see her white haired teammate.

“WEISS!” Ruby shouted as she dashed and engulfed Weiss in a bone crushing hug.

“Ruby. Let. Me. Go!” Weiss breathed out.

“Oh sorry.” Ruby said sheepishly as she quickly let go of Weiss.

Weiss took the time to look around and Ruby noticed that Weiss wasn’t in her pajamas anymore. They both heard a sound and looked up to see some kind of portal, but what came out of the portal was another figure who quickly landed with grace. They saw that it was Blake and were relieved that she was alright.

“Uh… what just happened?” Blake asked as Ruby shrugged and Weiss groaned in frustration.

“Well, what I know is that some strange floating triangle showed up out of nowhere and made us appear in this place!” Weiss ranted

“Is Yang, gonna be okay?” Ruby asked worried

Before anyone could answer, screaming was heard. They looked up and saw Yang falling straight towards them, they all moved out of the way as she fell face first.

Yang groaned “Thanks for the help guys. You’re amazing teammates.”
WB rolled their eyes as Ruby quickly helped Yang up but was quickly engulfed in a hug from her big sister.

“I thought something happened to you back there! Thank Oum!” she said relieved as Ruby returned the hug.

“Not to ruin the moment but what are we going to do!?” Weiss shouted frantically

“I think you should be asking, that guy.” Blake said as she pointed at the statue of Bill.

“Yeah! Where is that dumb triangle, because I got a serious bone to pick with him!” Yang declared as she punched her palm, eyes turning briefly red.

Screaming was heard and RWBY looked up to see Jaune, Pryyha, Nora and Ren falling towards them. Ren landed as gracefully as Blake and caught Nora while Pryyha did the same and caught Jaune. The team looked around and blinked when they saw their friends.

“That was awesome! Can we go again!?” Nora shouted but pouted when Ren shook his head.

“Where are we?” Jaune asked as Pryyha put him down.

“That’s what we’d like to know.” Weiss said as team JNPR looked at them in surprise

“Oh man! Are we glad to see you guys!” Jaune running up to them as his team followed.

“Did you guys meet Bill too?” Ruby asked innocently.

They looked at each other confused

“Who?” Team JNPR all asked as Yang groaned.

“The triangle!”

They all got a look of realization and nodded

“Yes, we did. He just talked about something and snapped his fingers, next thing we know is we’re here falling.” Pryyha explained as some thought about it.

“Come to think about it, he did say that we were chosen. So I guess you guys are too.” Blake said.

“Chosen? Chosen for what?” Jaune asked

“To watch!” Ruby shouted “ Whatever that means.” She said and began walking around the place with Nora looking at all the stuff, Yang followed them to make sure they were safe.
Screaming was heard once again and this time it was Coco, Velvet, Fox and Yatsuhashi. The group caught some of them while the others landed on their feet. They all got up and looked around frantically, sighing when they saw team RWBY and JNPR.

“Man, am I glad to see you guys.” Coco sighed as she stretched

“W-what happened?” Velvet mumbled.

“Apparently you guys were chosen just like us.” Weiss said

“For what?” Fox asked

“To watch or something.” Jaune said sitting on the statue’s pedestal

“So all of us have seen the triangle.” Yatsuhashi summarized which the people nodded.

Ruby, Nora and Yang came back running while each of them were holding different snacks and candies.

“Guys! Guys! This place has got snacks!” Ruby shouted holding up a bag full of cookies

Ruby and Nora started gorging on their food as Yang looked surprised to see team CVFY here.

“So you guys are here too, huh?” Yang asked which they nodded

The portal made popping sound what came out had them all shocked. They saw their teachers floating down to them thanks to Glynda’s semblance, the teachers had the same expressions when they saw their students.

“What are you all doing here?”
Glynda asked surprised and a little worried.

“We should be asking you the same thing.” Coco said hand on her hips.

“It appears the that Mr. Cipher sent us all to an unknown location. Do any of you have signals to your scrolls?”
Ozpin asked and frowned when they shook their heads signaling that they didn’t.

“Well no worries children! You don’t have to be scared. You know this reminds me of a certain story...” Port started as Oobleck shut his mouth quickly

“This not a time for one of your pompous story’s” Oobleck reprimanded

“Pompous!” Port shouted angrily, glaring at Port.

The portal popped again and the person fell to the ground fast. The person groaned and he slowly stood up looking around as the others stared at him, some were glaring.

“Cardin.” Jaune spat out.

While Cardin narrowed his eyes at Jaune “Arc.” He stated

The two had a serious staring contest but stopped when Ozpin cleared his throat.

“Right, now that we’re done with that. Does anyone know why we are here besides the words ‘chosen’ and ‘to watch’.”

The teens shrugged as the teachers shook their heads as well

The portal made a popping sound and another figure fell to the floor

“They just keep popping out.” Ren said

The person stood up and some didn’t recognize him while Glynda stood protectively in front of the students, it was silent until…

“JUNIOR!” Yang shouted in shock making all heads turn to her.

Junior saw Yang and groaned “It had to be you.” He said

“Hey you’re not a sight for sore eyes either!” Yang stated crossing her arms

“Uh, Yang do you know this guy or something?” Ruby asked curious

“Yes, Miss Xiao Long. Please indulge us on how you know this man.” Glynda demanded sternly narrowing her eyes at Yang who gulped.

“W-well y-you see…”

“She wrecked my Club.” Junior stated, while the others looked at Yang shocked

“Why would you do that?” Weiss asked her teammate.

“What? No! I just needed information and he wouldn’t give it to me.”

“So wrecking his club was the best option?” Coco asked

“He wanted to kick me out!”

“Because kicking a teenager out of a night club is a bad thing.” Junior said as he was secretly loving this.

“Well… I uh” Yang stammered trying to come up with a reason while Cardin was trying his best to hold in his laughter.

“We will have a serious talk about this later miss Xiao Long, understood?” Glynda asked sternly

“But he- “Yang was about to speak but was cut off

“Understood?” Glynda asked again, more stern while glaring.

Yang frowned and slowly nodded as she looked down

The portal popped once more as three figures fell but were caught by Glynda’s semblance and let down easily. The teens were surprised to see the sleeping forms of Sun, Neptune and Scarlet. They all glanced at each other then back at the boys, Junior rolled his eyes and kicked the boys jolting them awake.

The group sweat dropped and slowly looked at Junior.

“Did you have to kick them?” Jaune asked

Junior shrugged “Hey it worked, didn’t it?”

Sun groaned “What happened?”

“You were chosen, now get up.” Blake said coldly

Some people shivered at her tone

‘So cold’ some people thought
After a minute of explaining the group dispersed into small groups, some explored while some talked about ways of getting out of the room. The portal made a pop sound again and four figures fell through the first was Roman who landed face first, next was Mercury who landed on top of him, then Emerald who barely landed on her feet and last was Cinder who landed expertly.

The group widened their eyes as Cinder’s did the same. Roman was about to get up when Neo landed standing on his back as her heels dug deep into his spine, he groaned but got up nonetheless seeing that their group was surrounded.

Glynda’s eyes widened as she spotted Cinder “You!”

Cinder met her eyes and glared while Ruby widened her eyes when she saw Roman “Romeo!?” Ruby shouted pointing at Roman. It took a couple of seconds until Junior, Mercury and Emerald burst out laughing while Cinder smirked and Neo smiled. The rest of the teams who knew about Roman tried to hold back their laughs while Yang and Sun just also laughed out loud, even Ozpin smiled
Roman was seething as he glared at Ruby and was red from embarrassment and anger.

“It’s Roman! Not Romeo, get it right Red!” he shouted

“Oh, right sorry Richard.” Ruby said innocently.

This time everyone laughed even Glynda chuckled at the criminal’s expense, Yang, Mercury, Sun, Jaune, Emerald were rolling on the floor clutching their stomachs while Roman grew even redder as he gritted his teeth.

“That’s it!” he shouted ready to run at her but was detained by Glynda’s semblance, as well as the rest of Cinder’s group.

“Not so fast, Richard.” Glynda said
smirking as the teens cheered and laughed. Even Mercury was still laughing while Ozpin, Port and Oobleck chuckled.

The portal popped open and a man screaming with a dog barking was heard, Ruby quickly ran up the wall and caught the two midair. She dropped the man who let go of the dog and she quickly realized who it was.

“Dad!?” Ruby shouted in shock, then looked at the dog “Zwei!?”

Yang ran to her father and hugged him as Ruby scooped up the dog hugging both of them. After the family moment they saw everyone staring. Taiyang cleared his throat and looked around at the people in the room

“Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?” Taiyang asked

It was then Yang started explaining to Taiyang while Ruby played with Zwei, with some of her friends.

“You mind letting us go?” Mercury asked as Neo pointed to him and nodded.

“Letting a dangerous criminal with his associates to roam free?” Glynda scoffed “I don’t think so.”

Cinder watched the entire scene as she looked around, she heard a whistle. Looking down she saw Cardin staring at her smirking, he then winked and she recoiled in disgust but then glared at Cardin like she wanted to kill him. Which she did.

The portal popped once more
“Oh here comes another one!” Nora shouted pointing at the portal.
Immediately everyone felt a strong smell of alcohol fill the area, some immediately knew who this person was.

“Oum! Is that alcohol?” Weiss asked

Taiyang sighed “Oh no.”

Qrow landed on the floor sliding past everyone as he hit the counter.

“Ow.” He said as he stood up and patted himself down

“Uncle Qrow!” Ruby shouted running up to him as the rest of the family followed

He looked around the room and sighed “Everyone saw the triangle?” he asked as they all nodded.

“Okay, where is it?” He asked while some looked away while some were uninterested

“We don’t know, but he did say he would explain everything.”

“He?” Qrow asked

“Oh, his name is Bill.” Ruby said

Qrow slowly nodded and looked around the center “Nice place. Any drinks nearby?”

Junior came up to him and nodded his head “Follow me, I’m a bartender.”

The two moved to the bar in the corner as Cinder studied him

‘Another trained hunter? This is bad, I have to get out of here or everything I’ve worked for will be for nothing.’ Cinder thought

The portal popped once more as Penny, Winter and James landed on the ground safely. Ozpin smiled slightly at the sight of another friend while both people looked around, Penny scanned the room finding Ruby making her way over to her.

“Penny! You’re here too?!” Ruby asked after hugging her friend

Penny smiled slightly “Yes. What occurred earlier was quite strange.”

“Ozpin.” James addressed as Ozpin nodded.


“Winter?” Weiss asked in surprise while her sister looked at her in slight surprise as well.

“Weiss. You’re here as well?”

“Uh, you know this woman Weiss-cream?” Yang asked

Weiss smiled proudly “Yes. This is Winter Schnee, my sister.”

“A pleasure.” Winter simply said with a blank face

The room went silent until the teens jaw dropped “SISTER!!??!”

“Wait, you mean to tell me. Snow Queen over here is really just a snow princess?” Yang asked in shock, both Schnee’s glared at Yang who shrank back from the double glare.

“Oh yeah. And let me tell you Yang, her sister is even worse.” Qrow said frowning at Winter who glared at him.

“What are you doing here, Drunk?” she said coldly while Qrow smirked

“Aww! You missed me, didn’t you?”

“Even when Hell froze over, I wouldn’t ever miss you!”

“You know hatred can easily, mean love in Atlas.”

“Go die in a corner, you drunk!”
The two went back and forth while teens sweat dropped. Ozpin just sighed and saw the criminals being held by Glynda who looked tired.

“It’s okay Glynda, you can relax. They won’t try anything, will they?” Ozpin asked as they shook their heads.

Glynda let go as the criminals dropped on the floor, and started taking deep breaths. The portal popped once more as three figure’s fell to the ground. Once they stood up everyone widened their eyes when they saw Sienna, Adam and Ilia standing in the middle of the group.
The seconds were tense as Adam and Ilia spotted someone they knew.
“Blake!” they said at the same time. Said girl widened her eyes as she saw the last few people she wanted to see.

Now the tension was really high as everyone was slowly reaching for their weapons, the portal popped once more and this time everyone looked up and saw two figures jump and roll. Standing tall they looked around and everyone heard glass breaking, they looked to see Qrow glaring at one of the women.

The two were Raven and Vernal.
“Raven!” Qrow shouted in rage as she glared at Qrow.

“M-mom?” Raven heard and saw a petrified Yang standing in front of her with tears slowly building in her eyes.

“Yang.” She said as they both reached for their weapons.

“Tell me why. Why did you leave dad? Why did you leave Ruby? Why did you leave Qrow? W-why did y-you leave me?” she asked broken hearted as some started feeling bad and others watched the scene waiting for what’ll happen next.

After a couple of tense seconds Raven finally spoke “Because, you are weak. You all are.”

This completely broke Yang’s heart as she finally got the reason from her mother after so long, Taiyang’s eyes were shadowed as Ruby cried, Qrow finally snapped “YOU HEARTLESS BITCH!!” he shouted as he attacked.
This caused a chain reaction and everyone started to attack everyone. Gun shots filled the area with slashes and the sounds of metal and steel clanking.

The portal popped as Kali and Ghira landed in the middle of the fighting. They looked around and everything was an actual royal rumble. Ghira and Kali had spotted their daughter in one of the fights and rushed towards her avoiding any confrontation.

“Blake!” they both shouted as they held her.

“Mom? Dad?” Blake asked shocked.

The portal popped once more but no one cared as Hazel, Tyrian and Watts fell through. Only Cinder’s group spotted them and their eyes widened in fear, if those guys were here then she wasn’t far behind. Tyrian looked around and smirked at the brawl but before anything could happen a pop echoed around the room and the portal disappeared.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked up, Ozpin’s group’s eyes widened in horror as some were scared while a few were intimidated. Floating down and landing in the center of it all Salem looked around. She looked at Ozpin and glared but snapped back to her original goal.

“Greetings everyone. This may be a shock to some of you but for those who don’t know who I am, I am Salem. Creator of Grimm.” She said calmly

“Salem…” Ozpin growled but Salem just merely glanced at him.
“Bill has asked me to keep the peace between all of you until he returns. So it’s either I force every single one of you to keep quiet and I treat you like children or we remain civil until this entire situation is resolved. Your choice.” Salem finished as she waited patiently.

Ozpin sheathed his cane and walked towards one part of the room.
“Students! Teachers! Council! Follow me.” Ozpin said as he walked.

Glynda followed as other students and teachers and the rest of the council reluctantly followed. Salem sat by the statue as the rest of her group sat with her, including Cinder’s group. Junior went back to the bar as Taiyang and Qrow sat with him.

Raven and Vernal leaned against one part of the wall as Adam and Sienna did the same, Ilia followed after Blake. Ghira and Kali silently thanked Salem as she just nodded to them, they went over to Ozpin’s side.
Everyone and everything was silent, no one dared to speak until…

“Anyone up for a game of I spy?” Ruby asked as everyone started staring at her

“I spy with my little eye… something… red.” Ruby said smiling

“Your cape” Everyone said, bored of the game

“How’d you know?” Ruby asked for the tenth time as everyone groaned
Suddenly a yellow portal appeared and everyone stood up waiting impatiently as they surrounded the portal. The first was Amber who came out wearing a white dress shirt with black jeans and brown boots plus a green cloak. She looked around as everyone stared at her, Ozpin stepped forward in shock as Cinder glared at her ready to attack but waited since Salem just remained calm.

“Amber?” Ozpin asked surprised as he reached out to her but she stepped back in fear.

“Hey! Keep your hands to yourself, Wizard!” Bill’s voice rang out as he floated through the portal glaring at Ozpin and pushed him back.

“Bill, Is this the place?” Amber asked shyly, not joust to so many eyes on her.

“Yep, this is the MMC! And- hey what the! Why are there bullet holes on my walls and scratches all over the place!?” Bill shouted looking around the place

Most of the occupants just looked away pretending not to notice while some didn’t care.

Bill sighed “FINE! Whatever, Summer get in here! So we can get this over with.”

At the mention of Summer, Taiyang, Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Raven, Ozpin, Glynda and Salem perked up. A silhouette appeared in front of the portal and stepped through entering the center causing everyone to gasp at who it was. The woman who stood in front of them was an older version of Ruby but she wore a white cloak.
“So this is the place? It’s… nice?” Summer said as Bill frowned

“Don’t patronize me, Rose.”

“S-summer?” Taiyang asked as he stepped forward with tears in his eyes and she smiled “Hi Taiyang.”

He immediately engulfed her in a hug as Qrow came running into the hug. Eventually the entire family came and hugged their long lost family member, Ruby was bawling her eyes out and the same was with Yang, Ruby didn’t want to let her mother go at all. When Summer made eye contact with Raven she gave a small smile while Raven looked at her in disbelief and looked at the ground not meeting her eyes.

After what seemed like hours the family finally calmed down and everyone was gathered in the center of the Centre while Bill floated in front of them with Amber standing on one side while Summer stood on the other.

“Alright! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the MMC but since you guys messed it up I’m gonna have to fix it so thanks… a lot! Anyway, I brought all of you here because of two reasons. One, I’m bored and as a God it does get boring so this is something new for me. This place is a theater were you guys will be watching different forms of you in different trailers or showcases of your alternate lives. Let me blow your mind a bit, your universe is like a one rice grain in a big bag of rice. So I brought you here to have fun and enjoy our time together, don’t worry time is irrelevant here so while you guys were here for like two hours only one second passed in your world. Any questions?”

Everyone was silent until Salem asked “You said you brought us here because of two reasons, what is the other?”

“Oh, I just love you guys!”

“Sorry for being rude but how is Amber healed and how is Summer alive?” Ozpin asked

“Simple, I am a God.”

“What makes you think we won’t fight back?” Cinder asked smirking
“You must’ve felt it by now. I took away each and every one of your powers!” they all gasped besides Salem, Ozpin, Amber and Summer as he laughed “He, yep and I even did this.”

He snapped his fingers and all their weapons disappeared making them cry in shock “Calm down, I can give them back if I want to but for now.” He snapped his fingers making doors appear on the walls leading to small rooms. “Get some sleep! I see exhaustion all over your faces and you can’t watch something if you fell asleep so I’ll give you guys ten hours of rest but after that, get ready to have some fun!” Bill shouted “Oh and by the way, Summer and Amber you guys are staying with me so I can keep an eye on you. Sorry guys but these two are the best people in this room and knowing that half of you tried to kill both of them just doesn’t help your case.”

As they made their ways to their rooms some saying good night Bill chuckled “This is gonna be fun.” Making Both Summer and Amber smile, with that they vanished.

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