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The cast walk out of the theater and as soon as everyone is out, the doors slam shut. The MMC was lit up with blue shining lights as space seemed darkened almost as if it was night, however that worked.

Most of the cast's eyes were dreary and some people were yawning, Ren was carrying an already asleep Nora on his back.

"Well that was something." Cinder said.

"Never thought Raven would be a God." Vernal said.

"I'm so proud of myself though." Raven said with a satisfied smirk.

"Though it is unnerving that she can cause Bill trouble." Ozpin said.

"Wait does that mean she can come here?" Weiss asked.

"I doubt it." James said as he crossed his arms.

"It is a possibility." Salem said.

"This is all intersesting and all but I think it's time to go to bed." Yang said as she pointed at Ruby.

Everyone was surprised to see Ruby sleeping as she stood straight, snoring away with some drool.

"Oh, she's so adorable!!" Summer gushed as she looked at her daughter.

"In any case, Yang's right. We should get some sleep." Qrow said.

They all agreed and Yang picked up Ruby, walking to their room as their teammates followed. Once everyone was gone, all that was left was Summer, Amber and Oscar who stood in front of the theater doors.

"So your name is Oscar right?" Amber asked.

Oscar blushed and rubbed the back of his head "Yeah."

Summer smiled "Why are you so nervous?"

"I guess I really don't know how to interact with people, there aren't much people on my farm." Oscar said.

"You live on a farm?" Amber asked.

Oscar nodded as he looked down. He then felt a hand on his head and saw Summer patting it.

"Well I guess this is a perfect chance to interact. We'll be here for a while and making friends isn't that hard." Summer said.

"Really?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah, what about that Ruby girl? You two already have something in common." Amber said.

"We do?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah. You're both fans of Spider-Man." Summer said with a small giggle.

Oscar blushed red as he remembered how he acted when they saw Spider-Man's universe.

"I'll try." Oscar said.

"Good." Amber said as she knocked on the theater doors.

Sounds of buckets and cups falling over were heard then Bill shouting in frustration. The doors opened to reveal Bill wearing goggles, rubber gloves and an apron.

Amber chuckled "You look like a mom."

"What are you even doing in there?" Summer asked amused.

"Cleaning." Bill said "Anyway, you guys ready for bed?"

The three nodded and Bill snapped his fingers. The three were transported to a room with three large luxury beds and a few paintings with another room leading to the bathroom.

Amber plopped onto the bed and sighed.

"It feels good to lie down." Amber said "My butt was getting sore."

"At least we can get some sleep now." Summer said as she got under her covers.

"Hey, when we were watching the other universe's, sometimes you were really stressed. Are you okay?" Amber asked.

Summer sighed "I guess watching my family go through things like being in a zombie apocalypse and my best friend being a drug mule just causes me heartache."

"Wait Raven Branwen is your best friend?" Amber asked

"The scary lady?" Oscar asked

"Yes she is... well was." Summer said sadly "Ever since I well, died. Things changed... she's changed."

"Why don't you two talk it out?" Oscar asked

Summer smiled "I guess I could try."

Amber clapped with a big grin "Great! Now can we go to bed?"

Summer laughed "Yes."

They switched off the lights and got settled in their beds

"Good night." Oscar said.



The next day or 10 hours later, the cast started waking up. Ruby yawned as she woke up. Looking around, she saw that the other three bunk beds in their room were empty.

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took a shower. She opened the door and went out, closing it behind her.

"Ruby!!" Yang shouted as she waved her hand in the air.

Ruby saw everyone having breakfast at separate tables, her team was having breakfast with team JNPR and CVFY.

She walked over to the table as she said good morning to anyone she passed, some said good morning back while some just ignored her.

She sat down and Blake slid a tray of eggs and bacon in front of her. Ruby immediately started to scarf down the food, Weiss rolled her eyes while Yang laughed.

"So who's ready to see more universe's?" Coco asked.

Nora, who was eating a mountain of pancakes, raised her hand in excitement.

"They are interesting." Blake said.

"My favourite is the Bumblebee one." Yang said.

"Of course that's your favourite." Weiss said as she rolled her eyes once more.

"Oh? And what's your favourite Ice princess?" Yang asked.

"Ice princess? What happened to Ice Queen?" Weiss asked.

"I think your sister is more suited for that title." Yang said as she pointed at an arguing Qrow and Winter.

Whatever." Weiss said. "And if you must know, my favourite was The Greatest Showman."

"Oh yeah that one was cool! What about you Blake?" Ruby asked.

"Beyond Two Souls...for now." Blake said.

"Well mine was The Amazing Spider-Man." Ruby said.

"Which one?" Jaune asked.

"Both of them!" Ruby shouted.

They continued to talk as Oscar sat with the adults and watched them with envy. Amber noticed this and kicked him under the table.

"Ow!" Oscar shouted, he looked at Amber and saw she was gesturing him to go over there.

"You said you would go make friends." Summer said

"But... but what if they don't like me or they think I'm weird." Oscar said sadly.

"You never know till you try." Taiyang said.

Oscar looked at them and saw they all agreed. He looked at the teens then back at Summer.

"Fine. I'll go but you have to do that thing you said you'd do too." Oscar said.

Summer frowned and sighed "Fine."

"What thing?" Glynda asked.

Summer just shook her head then looked at Oscar "You first."

Oscar gulped and stood up with his tray, he walked over to the team's table and each step was nerve wracking.

Once he reached the table he saw all eyes were now on him and by now he was shaking.

"Uh...Hi." Oscar said then nervously coughed "C-can I maybe join you g-guys?"

They stared at him then Ruby smiled.

"Yeah!" Ruby said as she scooted over for him to sit.

Oscar sat down and saw that everyone was still looking at him.

"Your name is Oscar right?" Yang asked.

Oscar nodded stiffly "Y-yes ma'am."

Some laughed an this did not help his self-esteem

"Don't call me ma'am, you can call me Yang or master Yang. Your choice." Yang said with a smirk.

"Uh..." Oscar did not know how to answer that.

"Sorry about her. Yang is just being Yang, I'm Ruby by the way." Ruby said.

"Nice to meet you Ruby." Oscar said as he was getting more comfortable with them.

Summer and the rest of the adults watched from afar.

"Well that worked." Taiyang said.

"It did, didn't it?" Summer said.

"Now it's your turn." Amber said with a smirk

"Do I have too?" Summer asked as she looked at Raven talk with Vernal.

"Yup." Amber said, chugging her orange juice.

"What are you guys talking about?" Winter asked.

Summer ignored her and stood up, walking over to Raven's table.

"No way..." Qrow said with wide eyes.

"Well would you look at that." Taiyang said.

"This is a step in the right direction." Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee.

Summer gulped as she almost reached Raven's table. Raven had stopped talking to Vernal as she stared at the approaching Summer in shock.

"Hi....Raven....Long time no see." Summer said awkwardly.

"Yeah..." Raven said as she tried to look anywhere else.

"Awkward." Adam whispered to Sienna who shushed him.

"Look I just wanted to talk." Summer said as she sighed.

"What's there to talk about?" Raven asked.

Before Summer could say anything a portal ruptured and opened in front of Bill's statue. Everyone looked on in curiosity as they expected Bill to come out.

"Is that Bill?" Emerald asked.

"Must be." Junior said.

Who came out was not what they were expecting. Stepping out of the portal was Raven but this one had a face that showed no emotion and she wore a black suit.

Everyone was shocked to see Raven and looked at their Raven. Two Raven's!!!

"Is that?" Watts asked in shock and slight fear.

"The other Raven." Hazel said.

Ozpin spat out his coffee onto James who screamed in pain.

"So she is a God." Ozpin said in a terrified voice.

Raven slowly stood up as she looked at herself wide eyed.

God Raven looked at her other self and walked towards Raven with a blank face. Vernal got in front of her in a protective manner but all God Raven did was raise an eyebrow.

"Stand aside." God Raven said, her voice was like Raven's but it sound like multiple voices spoke with her.

Vernal was terrified but she wouldn't budge as Summer stood next to her.

"What do you want?" Summer asked.

"To talk to her." God Raven said as she pointed at her other self.

Raven stood there in shock as God Raven stared in silence.

"Now, please move." God Raven said.

"It's okay Vernal." Raven said as she put a hand on her shoulder.

Vernal looked at her in shock and reluctantly stepped back.

"So you're real." Raven said, God Raven smirked.

"Everyone you've seen is real." God Raven said.

"You know?" Raven asked in slight shock.

God Raven nodded. "I don't have much time so I'll keep this brief." She said.

Raven nodded as the rest watched.

"It will Fall, Red is dead and the eyes are the key." God Raven said, confusing everyone.

"What?" Raven asked confused.

"That's all I can say." God Raven said as a portal appeared behind her.

"Wait! Will you come back?" Raven asked.

God Raven gave a very small smile "Maybe."

Then she was gone, leaving everyone speechless.

"What the fuck!" Roman shouted after a long period of silence.


After those events everyone slowly got back to normal and began talking again while others were deep in thought about what God Raven said.

The doors of the theater burst open and Bill floated out, he saw everyone looking at him except Raven who was still thinking.

"What's up with her?" Bill asked as pointed at Raven.

"Two words, God Raven." Mercury said.

Qrow shivered as he heard those words.

"God Raven?" Bill asked confused then he widened his eyes "She came here!?"

Most nodded and Bill groaned.

"Are you kidding me!? Did she do anything?" Bill asked.

"Not really, she just said some words that made no sense." Ruby answered.

"What?" Bill asked.

"It will Fall, Red is dead and the eyes are the key." Penny repeated automatically.

Bill squinted his eyes in confusion then a light bulb appeared above him.

"Oh! Yeah don't worry about that." Bill said.

"We shouldn't?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, but if you figure it out then good job! But onto important matters, are you all ready?" Bill asked.

They looked at each other and some shrugged the rest nodded yes.

"Awesome! One rule, don't make such a mess this time." Bill said as he gestured for them to enter.

Everyone walked inside as Bill stood at the doors.

"Here we go again!" Bill said and the doors slammed shut.

God Raven sat on Bill's Statue's head and smirked.

"Indeed." God Raven said then she disappeared.

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