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Lucy Trailer

Bill floated back to his seat and started the trailer as everyone watched in anticipation.

Red eyes were shown and then they blinked, the camera then showed Raven groggily waking up from a bed as she was only wearing a bra.

"What happened?" Raven asked internally.

Raven widened her eyes as she saw herself while most were shocked. Others like Mercury, Tyrian and Cardin were only focused on the lack of clothing she had.

"Looks like it's your turn." Sienna said.

Raven gritted her teeth "I had to start half naked."

"This should be fun." Qrow grumbled.

"Mom..." Yang mumbled sadly.

Ruby saw this and held her hand as support, Yang gave her a small smile in gratitude.

Summer looked at her friend sadly, it's been so long since they've spoken.

Raven was shown at a large party, dancing and clearly drunk.

"I already hate this version of me." Raven said.

"Its weird. She has Raven's looks and Qrow's drinking habit." Ozpin said.

Some laughed at this while the siblings weren't so amused.

"HEY!" They both shouted.

Raven was now sitting upright on the bed as clothes were thrown at her. She looked at the counter and saw medical supplies then looked down to see her stomach bandaged up.

"What did you do to my stomach?" Raven asked in slight fear.

Some gasped in horror of this and Raven was actually very concerned now.

"Oh no..." Vernal said in shock.

"What?" Ruby asked confused.

"Of all the things that could happen." Yang said as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Raven was shown caught by the White Fang as they dragged her through the halls and then Adam was shown with some blood on his face.

"What's going on?" Raven asked in fear as she was almost in tears.

Then Raven was shown surrounded in an elevator filled with White Fang members, all holding onto her.

Raven glared at the Adam "You!" She said venomously.

Adam rolled his eyes "Oh please. You and I both know I wouldn't go that far and remember that this two different versions of us."

"It may be two different versions but I know you would go that far." Raven said.

They both glared at each other but said nothing more.

"We've merely slipped you a package." Watts said as doors were shown opening.

The camera showed bags of blue drugs being poked with a straw.

Adam was shown sipping his drink on a couch as Watts was talking to Raven.

"Into your lower stomach." Watts said.

"I still don't understand." Ruby said as she tilted her head.

"For goodness sake! She's a drug mule Red!" Roman shouted.

"What's a drug mule?" Ruby asked

Most widened their eyes in shock.

"Oum." Vernal said in shock.

"A drug mule is a person who transports drugs to different areas illegally by storing the drugs in their body." Raven said emotionlessly as she stared at the screen.

"Why would someone do that?" Ruby asked shocked.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Raven shouted as her eyes glowed, glaring at the now scared Ruby.

"Hey calm down, it's okay." Vernal said as she soothed her.

"And you're going to transport something very special for us." Watts said as Raven was handed a passport and a plane ticket.

"I work for the faunus terrorist?" Watts asked as he was unimpressed.

"They can't all be winners." Bill said as he shrugged.

A bag was covered over Raven's head as she was shown being transported and she was breathing fast in fear.

The bag was taken off Raven's head as she looked around. The White Fang member in front of her smirked as he touched the hem of her shirt, she noticed this and moved away. He grew angry and hit her in the head.

Most glared in anger while some watched in sadness.

"What has the White Fang become?" Ghira asked.

"Things have changed dad." Blake said sadly.

"You need to teach your dogs some respect Adam." Raven said angrily.

Adam frowned, even he had limits.

Raven fell to the ground and the White Fang member kicked her in the stomach. The other member dragged the angered one away as Raven gasped. The drug bag ripped open as the drugs entered her nervous system, Raven began spasming and shaking on the cold floor.

"That isn't good." Qrow said in actual worry.

"That bastard!" Yang shouted angrily.

"What happens when that many drugs enter the human body?" Port asked.

"We'll just have to see." Oobleck said.

The screen went dark then it showed Raven blinking awake but her eyes were blue then they became the eyes of a Grimm then they became the eyes of a reptile then they went back to normal.

Everyone, besides Bill, in the theater gasped at this.

"What is happening?" Glynda asked.

"I don't know.." Ozpin said as he watched intently.

"Interesting." Salem said as she watched closely.

"Does she have superpowers now?" Nora asked.

"If so, then I have to get me a bag of that ASAP." Roman said.

Raven picked up the chair she was sitting on and she sat back down as her face was completely blank and emotionless.

"It's like she doesn't feel anything at all." Sienna said.

"I don't like this." Jaune said.

A White Fang member entered the room as Raven looked at him and he looked back at her. Raven slowly opened her legs as he looked between them while she smirked.

Most blushed at this.

Raven jaw dropped in horror

"Well this took a turn of events!" Tyrian said with a smirk

"Ruby! Yang! Cover your eyes!" Summer shouted.

"You too Jaune!" Saphron shouted already doing it for him.

"Bill?!" Taiyang shouted.

"Calm down! I would warn you if I was gonna show you any of that." Bill said, rolling his eye.

"Wait does that mean you are?!" Weiss asked as she was red.

Bill didn't answer as he just giggled perversely.

The White Fang member approached her and she grabbed him by the belt and flipped him in the air. As he fell to the ground Raven used the belt to grab the table across from her that had a gun and keys on top of it.

Most were relieved when they saw this, none more than Raven.

"Thank Oum! Now please tell me I kill Adam in this." Raven said.

"I'm sitting right here." Adam said.

"I know." Raven said happily.

Raven grabbed the gun and cocked it. She was shown walking out of the room to a group of White Fang members who were playing a card game.

"Hey." Raven said.

They all turned around as Raven mercilessly shot all of them.

"Wait so you're a badass in this universe now too?" Vernal asked.

"You think I'm a badass?" Raven asked.

Vernal blushed "Yeah."

Raven grinned and gave her a thumbs up "Then I completely agree!"

Adam and Sienna rolled their eyes while Vernal giggled.

'She is so whipped!' Adam and Sienna thought.

Raven walked towards two taxi drivers talking.

"Hey! You speak english?" Raven asked.

"No. No. No." One man said and Raven shot him.

She aimed the gun to the other one.

"You speak English?" Raven asked.

"Yes!" The remaining man said fearfully.

"Take me to the hospital now." Raven said.

"H-hospital." The man repeated

"I like my style." Raven said with a smirk.

"What? Shoot first and ask questions later?" Winter asked.

"I asked him didn't I?" Raven said with a shrug while the teens were horrified

Raven was shown aiming her gun at three surgeons.

"Somebody put a bag of drugs inside me, I need you to take it out." Raven said.

One of the surgeons fainted.

"It's leaking." Raven said.

"Straight to the point." Cinder said with a smirk.

Jaune gulped "Who knew Yang's mom was so scary."

"I change my mind, this is a universe I can definitely enjoy." Raven said with a satisfied smirk.

Ozpin was shown teaching a class filled with students.

"It is estimated most human beings only use 10% of the brains capacity." Ozpin said.

"That is true." Oobleck agreed.

"Even for faunus." Kali said.

Raven was shown driving a car as another car was rolling towards her, she effortlessly avoided the car as her face stayed blank.

Everyone gasped.

"Does that mean?" Glynda asked in shock.

"The drugs are making Raven use more than 10%?" Blake asked.

"So she's smarter. So What?" Cardin asked rolling his eyes.

"I don't think it only makes her smarter." Sun said.

"Imagine life we could access 100%" Ozpin said as Raven was shown walking through a hallway with her gun.

"Interesting things begin to happen." Ozpin said.

"Think of all the possibilities." James said.

"It's completely unknown and that may be the best part." Watts said.

Ozpin was shown sitting on a couch, his scroll rang and he answered it.

"Hello?" Ozpin asked.

Raven was shown still with a blank face.

"Professor Ozpin, I just read all your research on the human brain." Raven said as she was hacking through multiple files on a computer at an amazing rate.

"So now she's super smart?" Ruby asked

"I think she's more than that miss Rose." Ozpin said.

Raven was shown appearing on Ozpin's t.v.

"It's a little rudimentary, but you're on the right track." Raven said

Ozpin was clearly shocked but he tried his best to keep his composure.

"Why thank you." Ozpin said.

"So now the other me can hack anything in the world?" Raven asked.

"Apperently." Ren said.

"Ohh~ Mama likes." Raven said with a smirk.

"I've accessed 20% of my cerebral capacity." Raven said as she was looking at her hand as another hand appeared behind it.

Everyone was once again shocked.

"Uhh... What?" Nora asked.

"She unlocked 20% of her brain Nora." Pyrrha explained.

"Ohhh....Woah!!!" Ruby, Nora and Yang said.

"This universe is a scientific goldmine." James said.

"This universe is doomed." Salem and Bill said.

They both looked at each other and agreed with a nod.

Raven was shown looking at a tree.

"I can see all living things." Raven said as the tree showed thousands of green organisms around it.

"She's essentially becoming..." Winter muttered.

"A god." Ozpin finished.

"Raven is a God?" Qrow asked. "Those are words I never want to say again."

"Too late." Raven said as she recorded it with her Scroll.

"When did you start writing Chinese?" Vernal asked.

"Since an hour ago." Raven answered.

"Gotta get me these drugs." Roman said.

"Agreed." Junior said.

Raven was shown walking, now wearing a dress then her hair changed to blonde ant it was straightened.

Most of the audience jaw dropped.

"Okay. Now I want these powers." Emerald said.

"She can automatically change her appearance." Ozpin said as Glynda wrote it down on her Scroll.

"What happens once she reaches 100%?" Taiyang asked.

"I have no idea." Ozpin said.

Qrow laughed "For once."

A city is shown as rainbow lines were shown everywhere in it. Raven is shown in a car with Taiyang as she was looking at all the lines, she swiped through the lines then expanded one as Taiyang looked at her strangely.

"Winter, remind me to research increase in brain capacity." James said.

"Yes sir." Winter said.

"Oh, here we go." Amber said rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry, I can make him forget anytime." Bill said.

Amber smiled.

Raven is shown looking at the camera as the universe was then shown.

"We can unlock secrets beyond our universe." Ozpin said.

"Yeah like the human race needs to know more about what they will destroy." Bill muttered rolling his eye.

Adam was shown with a large group of White Fang members with a lot of guns.

"I'm not even sure that mankind is ready for it." Ozpin said as a rocket launcher was shot.

"It's not!" Salem, Bill, Ozpin and Amber said.

Raven is shown hugging someone as all their veins were shown.

"It's like all the things that make me human are fading away." Raven said as she took two knives and stabbed Adam in the legs.

Adam screamed in pain while Raven's face stayed blank.

"So this power has a price." Raven said sadly.

Meanwhile Adam grit his teeth in anger.

Raven grabbed Adam's forehead and travelled into his mind.

"She can see through people's minds?!" Jaune asked shocked.

"Women should not have these powers." Sun and Neptune said.

The women scoffed and rolled their eyes.

Raven was shown flicking her wrist and a man just flew through the wall.

"I must have this power." Cinder said.

Raven was shown fading as she used her powers to make people fly.

Raven was then shown looking at a very busy cross section. She waved her hands and time literally stopped.

Everyone was once again flabbergasted.

"She can stop time?!" Yang shouted

"This Raven is so powerful!" Summer said.

"You think that's rough, I had to ask permission from her to show this." Bill said.

Everyone looked at him shocked.

"How powerful is She?!" Sienna asked.

"She controls her universe." Bill answered.

By now everyone couldn't believe it while Raven was proud of herself.

Raven was shown appearing up time then she was shown walking towards Taiyang who was pointing a gun at her as well as his men.

"I don't think you should do that." Ruby said.

Raven held up two fingers and everybody passed out except Taiyang.

Everyone jaw dropped at the spectacle.

"She's even more powerful than me." Salem said in shock.

'Oh come on!!' Cinder thought.


Bill floated up to the front.

"Well?" Bill asked.

"It was scary." Oscar said.

"Well it should be kid, even I struggle with keeping her calm." Bill said.

"Wait. She knows who you are?" Raven asked.

"She knows who you all are." Bill said.

Everyone stiffened at the news.

"Wait is she here?" Weiss asked cautiously.

"No, I would know. But moving on, it's time for you guys to get some sleep." Bill said.

Yang yawned "Yeah you're probably right."

"Cool." Bill snapped his fingers as the doors open "Get a good night's rest, we made great progress. Summer, Amber and Oscar you can leave with them to talk a bit but if you want to sleep just knock on the theater doors."

"Wait? What are you gonna be doing?" Mercury asked.

"Stuff. Now go." Bill said.

Everyone stretched as they stood up and piled out of the theater. The doors closed and the lights switched on, Bill groaned as he saw the popcorn and drinks on the floor.

A broom and dustpan with a mop and bucket appeared.

"Work..." Bill groaned.

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