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Bumblebee Trailer

Bill was about to press the remote for the trailer but he stopped when Ruby shouted.


Bill sighed and rolled his eyes as he looked at the girl "What?"

"You should be youst to this but what's it about?" Ruby asked

"I'm not a fan of spoilers so this is the last time you ask me got it?" Bill asked seriously.

Ruby nodded innocently and Bill stared at her for a few moments before nodding.

"It's about your sister." Bill said.

"What? It's about me?!" Yang asked excited.

Bill just nodded and floated back to his seat.

"This should be fun." Taiyang said.

"Great." Raven drawled out as she rolled her eyes.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Yang said.

"Okay. Let's begin." Bill said as he clicked the remote.

The trailer started by showing a large red bridge over an ocean then it showed Yang on a motorbike, wearing headphones.

"I'm Yang Xiao Long, I'm 18." Yang voiced over.

"Wait, Yang is 18 in this one?" Taiyang asked.

"Seems so." Ozpin said.

"Forget that! What happened to my bike?! Why am I riding that thing!?" Yang asked/shouted hysterically.

"C'mon, it's not that bad." Jaune said.

Yang glared at him and he shrunk back in fear.

"Today actually." Yang finished as she was shown walking towards a small yellow beetle that was mostly covered by a tarp.

"Is the beetle for sale?" Yang asked Qrow who was sitting across from her.

"Now I'm getting a cruddy car?!" Yang shouted

Mercury and Emerald laughed while some chuckled.

Yang was shown unwrapping the car from the tarp then she was shown looking around the car while inside it.

"It's yours kid." Qrow said.

Yang was shown starting the car and as it started she looked amazed

"Happy birthday." Qrow finished.

Yang grinned at her uncle who gave her a thumbs up.

"Thanks Qrow." Yang said.

"No problem kid." Qrow said.

"So what's this supposed to be called, Cars?" Tyrian asked jokingly.

"Why do I get the feeling that you jinxed us?" Watts asked.

Yang's car was shown driving into the garage of a small but nice house. Then Yang was shown looking proudly at the car but suddenly a part under the car fell and Yang frowned.

Some laughed at this as Yang gave Qrow a dull look.

"Seriously?" Yang asked.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you broke it on the first day." Qrow said.

Yang rolled her eyes as Ruby tilted her head to the side, Pyrrha noticed this and leaned in to speak to her.

"Are you alright Ruby?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just that... that part that fell doesn't look like any car part I've seen." Ruby said.

"Wait you know things about Cars?" Jaune asked.

"Only a few things. Picked them up when I was helping Yang with her bike." Ruby said.

Yang took a flashlight and looked under the car. She got under the car and moved the flashlight around, she eventually reached a strange looking piece that slightly resembled a face.

"That's a little weird." Nora said.

The face's eyes lit up with a blue light and Yang looked shocked.

Multiple gasps were heard through the theater.

The car started to transform above Yang and it eventually fully transformed into a big robot.

"Woah!" Ruby shouted as everyone gawked at the mechanical marvel.

"Yang's car is a robot!" Nora shouted as she broke the silence.

Yang's jaw was dropped but she soon replaced it with a giant grin.

"I LOVE YOU QROW!!!!" Yang shouted as she jumped and hugged the man.

As he was hugged he dropped his beer and it fell spilling all over the floor. Qrow turned full white as his soul was leaving him.

"Eww! Now it's all over my shoes." Winter said with a frown.

"Is that atlaentian tech?" James asked.

"I don't think So." Ozpin answered.

Penny couldn't describe it but she felt a kinship with the robot car.

"Oh my God." Yang mumbled "What are you?"

The Robot was shown falling from the sky and landing on the ground with a big thud.

"A robot." Weiss said.

Yang rolled her eyes "Thanks princess smartass."

Some laughed at the comment.

The Robot is show now in car form driving up a hill then Sun is shown in the car with Yang.

"So you have no idea where he came from?" Sun asked.

"Sun's back." Ruby said.

"No idea." Yang answered

Then Sun was shown with his shirt off as both him and Yang stood on their seats and raised their arms up through the skyline as they both screamed in joy.

"You guys are having fun." Sun said with a smirk.

Yang shrugged "Eh, I don't mind."

The Robot was shown waving and Sun gave him a small smile.

"Wow." Sun simply said.

"Awww. He's adorable." Ruby said.

"She's not wrong." Summer said.

"You're taking this much better than I expected." Ren said.

"Maybe this is a more calmer Sun." Jaune suggested.

"Oum knows we need more." Glynda muttered as Oobleck and Port cracked up.

Yang and the robot were shown walking through the woods.

"Here's the deal." Yang started.

James was shown walking with his forces.

"People can be terrible about things they don't understand." Yang continued as the robot was shown being shot at by military vehicles.

"She's not wrong." Ghira said thinking about all the faunus injustice as Kali rubbed his arm soothingly.

James sighed "Seriously? I'm the bad guy again?"

Bill shrugged "Hey it's not like I make this stuff, it's your other life not mine."

James didn't answer as he sat back down with a frown.

"From now on the only person you can show yourself around is me." Yang finished as the robot was shown transforming on the beach they were on.

The Robot transformed but the sand flew at Yang and into her hair. The Robot noticed this and rubbed her hair.

"Oh I'm good." Yang said as the robot continued to rub her hair but a little faster.

"No I'm good thanks." Yang said.

Most of the girls cooed at the adorable scene and some men. Yang however was now completely in love.

"Ruby I want him." Yang said.

"What?" Ruby asked confused.

"I want him to stay with me, I want him to hang out with me, I want him to be my little buddy forever." Yang said as she stared at the robot like a mother looking at her child.

"Wouldn't she be mad about her hair by now." Weiss asked.

"I don't think she cares." Blake said looking at Yang.

A car and a helicopter were shown on a desert. They soon transformed and stopped in front of a small army comprised of James and Oobleck in front.

"There are more of them!?" Winter asked in shock.

"These ones look more advanced though." Ozpin said.

Yang grew worried for her new baby.

"There's a war raging on our planet." The red one said in a female voice.

It showed a hologram of Yang's robot "If this criminal isn't found, that war may find it's way here."

A metal comet is shown crashing into a gas station.

"Wait they're aliens!!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"No way!" Roman shouted.

"Witch's, magicians, Amazon's. I don't know how much more I can take." Cinder said

"Don't forget the circus, superhero, girl with two souls, frats, sororitys, zombies and now alien robots." Nora said popping out of nowhere.

Cinder frowned at her in confusion as she watched her disappear and reappear back in her seat.

"A war criminal?" Glynda asked.

"No way! He acts nothing like a criminal!" Yang shouted.

"They must be lying." Summer said in full defense of Yang.

"Is there anyone that can help you?" Yang asked as she stood with him looking at the bridge.

"Do you have a family." Yang asked.

The camera showed the robot pointing at Yang's chest as she looked at it Then back at him.

"Oh me?" Yang asked slightly confused and slightly happy.

By now most of the theater loved this robot all except Tyrian because he was insane and Cardin cause he was a jackass, heck even Salem liked the robot.

"I'll always be your family!" Yang said as  she hugged the screen.

Bill used his powers to make her float back to her seat.

"I'll just add wipe the tv on my chore list." Bill muttered and both Summer and Amber giggled.

The Robot was shown semi transformed with Yang and Sun inside as it climbed around a tunnel and fell on top of the hood of a police car.

"That looks so fun!" Nora shouted.

"Yang is so lucky." Ruby said.

"You're telling me." Yang grumbled.

The Robot is shown revealing a blade in its left arm as it ran and easily cut through two trees.

"Maybe we should start development on our own bots." James mused.

"NO!" Raven, Amber, Summer, Glynda and Bill shouted.

"But-" James started but he was cut off.

"We already have enough trouble with the ones we currently have. Now creating ones like him will be like yelling for criminals like Roman to steal it." Glynda said and most of the women nodded with her.

James sighed "Fine."

Roman shouted across the theater "Hey!"

"They're calling an army." Oobleck said as more robots were shown in an area filled with tech.

"That must be their planet." Blake summarised.

"We wouldn't survive a full scale invasion against those things." Oscar said gulping.

"I've seen first hand what these things really are." James said.

Another robot was shown in the form of a jet and then transforming onto an evil looking one.

"That one looks like it's bad news." Coco said.

"Agree." Fox said.

Yang's robot was shown laying down as a hologram of a blue, white and red robot was shown.

"Bumblebee." The Robot started in an epic voice.

Some of the teens widened their eyes.

"Bumblebee?" Ruby asked in shock.

"As in my bike Bumblebee?" Yang asked with equal shock.

"This too much of a coincidence." Taiyang said.

"Who cares! His name just make a me love him even more!" Yang shouted in glee as she squealed in delight.

Some looked at Yang weirdly but she ignored them.

The camera showed them back on Bumblebee's planet as a robot is shown launching another transformer which was a panther from its chest.

"There is only one way to end this war." Optimus said.

Everyone leaned in awaiting Optimus's next words.

"You must protect Remnant and it's people." Optimus finished.

Most smiled at this while Salem scowled and rolled her eyes.

"At least we've got one on our side." Jaune said.

"Yeah but can he do it alone?" Neptune asked.

"He's not alone." Yang said

Bumblebee was shown walking out of smoke as it reached out.

"Take it down!" James shouted as he held onto Yang.

Harpoon were shown being shot at Bumblebee and puncturing through him. He was shown falling and getting dragged.

"Fight back Bee!" Yang shouted

"No!" Yang shouted as her eyes turned red and she glared at James.

"Why?!" Saphron shouted angrily.

"I-I don't know?! I didn't do anything!" James defended.

"But you would've if you could." Raven said

"What if it was dangerous?!" James shouted.

"Well you can clearly see HE isn't." Yang said still glaring.

James was shown shoving Yang to the ground. Bee saw this and he got angry, he activated his helmet and got up. His right arm changed into a blaster and he fired.

"Yes! Fight back!" Yang shouted

"Take them down!" Ruby shouted

"Break their legs!" Nora cheered.

"This far more advanced than what tech we have. Watts take some notes." Salem said.

"Already doing so mentally, mistress." Watts answered.

Yang was shown hugging Bumblebee.

"Aww!" Most of the audience said.

The red transformer was shown turning into a jet as it had a machine gun underneath as it pointed at Yang who was on a tower.

Multiple gasps were heard.

"This is bad." Ruby mumbled.

"I knew they were bad." Nora said.

"Where's that car when you need him." Qrow said.

"This is how we stop them." Yang said.

Starscream was shown grabbing Bumblebee and dragging him up a mountain then Bumblebee and Yang were shown on the ground reaching for each other.

"I'll never look at my Bumblebee the same ever again."Yang said

"Why can't this one be here with us?" Ruby asked.

Zwei barked as it also liked Bumblebee.

"You've got me." Yang said.

As Bumblebee was shown drifting then he transformed while launching at the blue deception.

"Woah!" Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Oscar shouted.

"Ok. That was cool." Mercury said.

"Cool? It was awesome!" Emerald said.

'I wish I had one.' Neo wrote to herself.

Yang was shown running under the two transformers that fought (Bumblebee and the blue deception). The blue one kept tying to get to Yang but Bumblebee protected her all the way.

"That's my boy." Yang mumbled as she cried tears of joy and happiness.

"That just might be the best gift i ever gave her." Qrow said.

"So cool." Ruby drooled at the sight.

"At least this Yang is well protected." Raven said with a sigh


"This is officially the best universe." Yang said.

Most rolled their eyes while some agreed

Bumblebee was shown breaking down a small door as it maneuvered itself inside but bumped into a lot of things due to its enormous size compared to the house. It eventually reached the couch and sat down.

"God I'm so screwed." Yang said said with a groan.

Bumblebee's weight was too much for the couch as it completely broke.

Most laughed at the scene as Bill floated up to the front.

"What'd you think?" Bill asked.

"I'm happy that this one is a little happier." Summer said.

Amber nodded "Agreed."

"Can't you just bring Bumblebee here and let me be his best friend?" Yang begged.

"Sorry no spoilers. Now moving on." Bill said.

"Wait what do you mean-" Weiss started but she was cut off.

"Moving on!" Bill shouted as he started the next trailer.

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