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Maleficent Trailer

The entire theater watched as Bill stared at a now tied up and duct taped Yang. She struggled and looked at the others for help but they just smiled at her.

Bill snapped his fingers and the duct tape disappeared. Yang took a deep breathe and frowned at Bill.

"Was this really necessary?" Yang asked.

"We're the puns necessary?" Qrow asked.

"They were funny!" Yang shouted.

"NO THEY WEREN'T!!!" The entire theater shouted except Raven who actually liked the puns

"I liked them." Raven muttered with A pout.

"I understand the duct tape but why tie me up?" Yang asked.

"Because you were walking around the theater telling puns to each and every one of us." Cinder said in annoyance.

"It's not my fault you guys don't have a sense of humour." Yang said.

Bill sighed and snapped his fingers, making the ropes disappear.

"In any case, we're moving onto the next one." Bill said.

"What's it about?" Yang asked.

"A witch." Bill answered.

"It's about Glynda?" James asked.

"Really?" Glynda asked

"Not that witch." Bill said and he pointed, his arm stretched until it stopped in front of Salem "This witch."

"Salem?!" The council shouted in shock.

"Her?!" Cinder's group shouted in shock.

"Me?!" Salem shouted.

"Yep." Bill answered as his arm returned to normal.

"Well this is interesting." Salem said as Bill floated back to his seat.

"Lets do this." Bill said as he started the trailer.


A large castle was shown as a large crowd of people were entering it. The camera then showed Salem's shadow on the a wall as candles were blown out.

"Woah!! It's huge!" Ruby said.

Mercury laughed "That's what she said."

Emerald punched him on the shoulder but she snickered at the joke.

The doors opened as the castle chandeliers shook. The camera then showed Salem walking through the crowd with as staff as the crowd parted for her.

"Did they move out of fear or respect?" Jaune said fearfully.

"I'm pretty sure it was out of fear." Coco answered.

"Definately fear." Ozpin said.

Salem stopped as she stood in front of the crowd with a smirk as she tapped her staff onto the ground.

"Well, well." Salem said as she gave a deadly smile.

"I can see how she can be the creator of all Grimm." Blake said as she gulped.

"She's terrifying." Velvet said as she shivered.

Salem smirked, even in another universe she was still powerful. But she was a bit saddened that she was still feared, only a bit.

Salem walked up the small stairs as she approached a baby crib.

"I shall bestow a gift on the child." Salem said as Ozpin was shown, in a golden fur coat and wearing a golden crown, he was on guard as he watched Salem.

"Ozpin's a king!?" Taiyang exclaimed.

"Impressive." Winter said.

"But what child was she talking about?" Kali asked.

"This won't be good." Saphron said.

'Oddly fitting for Ozpin to be a king in our endless game of chess. Even in another reality.' Salem thought.

A baby was shown with silver eyes and short black hair.

Some gasped.

"Is That?" Ruby asked

"Oh no." Summer said with dread.

Salem approached the crib and flicked her hand, making the three fairies fly into a chest.

"Were those fairies?"Junior asked dumbfounded.

Most nodded dumbly while the others were shocked.

"I think I need to drink something stronger." Qrow said.

"Before the sun sets, on her sixteenth birthday!" Salem chanted as green magic surrounded the baby Ruby.

Salem was shown raising her arms up wide as green magic also surrounded her hands. Then the back of Ruby was shown running through a field.

"Is that magic?" Ruby asked in awe.

Weiss scoffed "Magic doesn't exist."

"Then explain what we're just seeing ice-princess." Yang said.

Weiss hesitated for a second "Dust."

"The creator of Grimm uses dust to create Grimm?" Blake asked.

"Maybe!" Weiss shouted.

Blake and Yang rolled their eyes as well as Cinder.

"Idiot." Cinder muttered.

"She will fall into a sleep like death!" Salem shouted as Ruby was shown touching the Sharp end of a thimble.

As soon as she touched it, Ruby fell to the floor with her eyes closed. The camera went black to show Salem causing a shockwave with her magic. As it ended Salem walked away as her eyes glowed green.

"I think you just got cursed Ruby." Nora said in shock.

"Oh heaven's no..." Glynda said as Ozpin glared at the screen.

"This can't be happening." Ruby said fearfully.

"Don't worry Rubes I'll protect you." Yang said

"How?! It's magic!" Ruby shouted as she looked at Salem with fear.

"Why sixteen though?" Hazel asked.

Salem shrugged "Mercy I suppose."

A crow was shown flying from the castle.

Qrow and Raven focused on the crow and looked at each other 'That could be either of us.' They thought.

Salem was shown sitting on a branch as she watched something. The camera showed Ruby looking at Salem through the wall of giant vines.

"Ruby! Why would you go and see Her!?" Yang shouted as she shook Ruby.

"Calm down, miss Xiao Long." Ozpin said.

"Calm down?! How can I calm down when the person who cursed my sister in front of her once again?!" Yang shouted.

"Ruby doesn't know Salem, she was a baby remember?" Sienna said.

Yang blinked in realisation and let go of Ruby while being very red in embarassment.

"Oh..." Was all Yang said as most chuckled or laughed.

"Curious little beasty." Salem said as she now stood with Qrow, watching Ruby.

Qrow spat out his beer onto Winter who screamed and glared at him.

"What the-?" Qrow asked in complete and utter shock.

"You traitor!" Summer shouted playfully.

"What?!" Qrow asked as he was even more shocked.

Salem waved her hand and Qrow turned into the same crow.

"Bring her to me." Salem said as Qrow bowed and flew towards Ruby.

Most of the audience widened their eyes.

"Woah. Magic is no joke." Roman said.

"Unbelievable. I can't even do half the things my other self is doing." Salem said in awe.

Cinder widened her eyes, there was someone more powerful than Salem? And it was...Salem? Cinder rubbed her head as she got a headache

The scene changed to show Ruby in the forest at night as Salem watched her.

"I know you're there. Don't be afraid." Ruby said.

Salem scoffed.

"Then come out." Ruby said.

"Then you'll be afraid." Salem answered as Ruby stepped back in fear.

Oscar gulped "I'm already afraid."

Jaune put his hand on his shoulder "Me too buddy."

"These two have a strange relationship." Vernal said as she watched the odd connection Ruby and Salem had on screen.

"Tell me about it." Adam said.

The camera showed a small community of fairies.

"All the other fairies fly, why not you?" Ruby asked.

"Wait so she's a fairy?" Ruby asked

Salem frowned, she didn't want to be a fairy. Fairies are so... so .... dainty and weak.

Salem was shown with large wings, flying past rocks and maneuvering around them expertly.

"I had wings once." Salem started.

"Look at her go!" Nora said in awe.

"What happened to my wings?" Salem muttered.

Salem was shown using her wings to blow away soldiers.

'Hmm. Maybe I can create a pair of wings of my own.' Salem thought as she rubbed her chin.

"But they were stolen from me." Salem continued as Ozpin was shown.

Multiple gasps were heard.

Salem glared at Ozpin "I should've known."

"Of course." Raven said as she glared at Ozpin.

"It always goes back to him." Amber said as she also glared at Ozpin.

Ozpin felt the glares from the three women and pretended he didn't feel them out of fear for his own life.

"There is evil in this world." Salem said to Ruby as flaming balls were hurled at the wall of giant vines.

A lot of students gasped when they saw this.

"Hatred." Salem continued as Ozpin took of his helmet glaring and stabbing a knife into a table angrily.

Ozpin looked at the other him with sympathy and sadness.

"Finally showing your true colours?" Raven asked still glaring at Ozpin.

Ozpin didn't answer as he looked down guilty.

"And revenge." Salem finished as an army was marching out.

Plant creatures grew from the ground and and roared.

Salem was shown back at the beginning scene as she looked down with fake sadness then looked up and laughed evilly.

"Those look much worse than Grimm." Jaune said.

"I hate to admit it but what she said was true." Summer said.

Salem was shown with her green magic surrounding her hands. She made soldiers fly up and gather together then she made them explode to different parts.

Most of the theater looked on in fear at the power while Cinder was drooling as she wanted it so badly.

"Bring me her head." Ozpin said as his army was shown ready for battle.

Salem looked slightly intimidated by the forces but she was confident in herself.

"All for one person?" Ruby asked

"I think it's enough. She did curse you." Yang said angrily.

Salem was shown as her eyes glowed green.

"I call on those who live in the shadows." Salem said as tree soldiers emerged from the forest.

"Well Ozzy's screwed." Qrow said.

"Qrow!" James shouted.

"What? She's using nature as her weapon." Qrow said.

"I agree." Blake said

The teens looked at her in shock.

"Blake!" They shouted.

Blake just shrugged.

"Fight with me now!" Salem shouted as a wooden Dragon sprouted from the ground and roared at the army.

"You know what I agree with you." Taiyang said to Qrow.

"This is a me I can admire." Salem said.

"I agree." Hazel said.

Ozpin's army and Salem's army ran at each other and clashed at an epic battle.

"My votes on Salem." Ruby said

"Totally screwed." Qrow said.

"We get it." Winter said.

Salem was shown flying and landing on a rock.

"Absolutely screwed." Qrow continued.

"We get it!" Winter exclaimed.

"Is it true? Are you Salem?" Ruby asked fearfully

Salem was shown putting a finger in front of her mouth in a shushing motion.

"Poor Ruby." Summer said sadly.

Qrow was shown in his crow form as he flew towards the knights then transformed into a giant Dragon. He breathed fire on the soldiers who tried to block it with their shields.

"Completely and utterly-" Qrow continued but he was cut off by Winter.

"WE GET IT!" She shouted.


Bill floated up and looked at the group.

"What'd you think?" Bill asked.

"It was strange to say the least." Glynda said.

"Well now we know magic is real." Ruby said.

Weiss rolled her eyes, still not believing it.

"I just hope some of you learned more about each other!" Bill shouted as he looked between Salem and Ozpin.

They both frowned at him but he ignored them.

"Two more and we'll meet up again tomorrow." Bill said.

"Then what are you waiting for, play it!" Ruby shouted

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