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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer

"So what's this one about Bill?" Oscar asked.

Bill shrugged as he floated back to his seat "Arc."

Roman groaned "Another one?"

"Nope. A continuation." Bill said.

"Of what?" Blake asked.

"You'll see." Bill said as he pressed the remote and started the trailer

The camera started and the first thing they saw was a familiar red spider symbol.

Ruby gasped "Spider-Man!" She shouted in excitement

"So he survived." Hazel said with a very small amount of respect.

"Unbelievable!" Watts shouted angrily.

The camera then revealed the spider symbol to be the back of Jaune's suit as he was falling down to the ground. At the last minute, Jaune shot a web and swung back up into the sky.

Saphron breathed out in relief then slapped the back of Jaune's head.

"Ow! Hey!?" Jaune shouted.

"Don't do That! You're making me worry." Saphron said.

Jaune rubbed the back of his head as he mumbled 'fine' with a pout while some snickered.

"Everyday." Jaune started as he was shown sitting on a ledge of a building.

"I wake up knowing that the more people I try to save." Jaune continued as he was shown swinging in just in time to catch police car that was flying towards a police man.

"Woah!" Nora and Ruby shouted with stars in their eyes.

"He really is a superhero." Oscar said in awe.

"Incredible technique." Port complimented.

"The more enemy's I will make." Jaune continued as he was standing in a graveyard.

The camera showed a man in a giant armored suit with a giant horn in the front.

The camera then showed a man with green eyes then the his back, he was in a green armored suit with spiky orange hair.

"As if a giant lizard wasn't enough!" Weiss shouted in shock.

"Jaune you can't possibly fight them all alone?" Saphron asked.

Jaune shrugged "Who else Will?"

No one answered because they knew he was right.

Jaune was shown swinging through the city.

"And it's just a matter of time." Jaune continued.

A blue electric hand was shown clenching into a fist. The camera showed an electrical surge spreading through the streets, destroying everything in its path.

"Before I face those with more power than I can overcome." Jaune finished as he looked at the camera with his suit on.

"Powers of electricity?" Oobleck asked.

"So like Nora's semblance?" Pyrrha asked.

"Noo!" Nora cried "I'm a villain?!"

"Calm down, being bad isn't the worst thing in the world." Emerald said as she rolled her eyes.

Nora pouted at her "Says you!"

Jaune was shown swinging through the city.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late." Jaune said as he was shown approaching as smiling Weiss.

Weiss groaned in annoyance as she shook her head while Jaune blushed.

"Oh yeah, this was a thing." Neptune with slight jealousy.

"You okay there, buddy?" Sun asked

"I'm fine." Neptune said with clenched teeth.

"I had a traffic thing." Jaune said as he was shown sliding down a car in his suit.

"Did your traffic thing happen to involve being shot at by machine guns?" Weiss asked as they walked.

As Weiss talked, a large amount of police cars were shown  then men were shown shooting at machine guns then Spider-Man was shown expertly avoiding bullets from a machine gun being shot at him at point blank then he kicked the assailant all while in the air.

"Yeah. Yeah, that was implied. I was implying that." Jaune said as he laughed while Weiss giggled.

Many were impressed by the alternate Jaune's skills.

"So Weiss found out he's Spider-Man." Coco said.

"Does that mean Ironwood knows?" Qrow asked.

Taiyang shrugged.

"Did you see how he avoided all those bullets and took down those bad guys?!" Nora asked in awe and Ruby and Oscar nodded excitedly.

"He's so....flexible." Militia said.

"Yes he is~" Melaine said as she licked her lips.

Roman and Mercury started making gagging noises behind her.

"You know, you guys actually make a cute couple." Saphron said and they both blushed.

Jaune was then shown swinging through the city at high speeds.

"That must be the most fun and fastest way to travel." Yang said.

"Doesn't he get sick?" Weiss asked.

"Oh Weiss, Superheroes don't get sick." Ruby said as she rolled her eyes.

Weiss looked at her with a deadpan and chose to ignore her.

Next Neptune was shown looking at Jaune with a smirk.

"Jaune Arc." Neptune said.

"Neptune Vasilias." Jaune said back.

"Oh so Neptune is in this one." Ruby said.

"What is he? The jealous boyfriend?" Yang asked with a smirk.

Neptune glared at her as well as Weiss while some laughed.

Neptune was shown activating a holo desk as Jaune was sitting and watching.

"You're gonna wanna see this." Neptune said.

"Vasilcorp and you under surveillance." Neptune said as Jaune looked shocked as he saw his pictures.

"Why?" Jaune asked as Neptune sat down.

"Isn't that the question of the day." Neptune said

"Oh! Does he know?" Nora asked

"I hope not." Ruby said.

"Is it me or does this Neptune look more evil?" Jaune asked.

"What?!" Neptune asked shocked.

"Yeah." Blake answered.

"Yep." Ren said.

"He does." Saphron added.

"Like a snake." Ilia said.

Jaune was shown swinging in front of a speeding truck that plowed through cars.

"Stop that thing Jaune!" Yang shouted.

"Hey you said my name." Jaune said

Yang rolled her eyes as she flicked his forehead "Whatever vomit-boy."

Jaune was shown standing in front of Summer.

"There's something you're not telling me, aunt Summer." Jaune said.

"Oh yeah. I was his aunt." Summer said. "And Ozpin was my husband."

For some unknown reason the entire Xiao Long and Rose family shivered at the same time.

"I once told you that secrets have a cost." Summer said.

As Jaune opened a secret entrance under a subway rail.

"So true." Ozpin said as he sighed.

The council felt the same way and looked down in guilt.

"The truth does too." Summer said.

"Also true." James said.

Jaune was shown watching a video of his father in the secret lab.

"My name is Jonathan Arc and I have discovered what Vasilcorp was going to use my research for." Jonathan said as multiple inventions were showcased like mechanical octopus arms and mechanical wings.

"I have a responsibility to protect the world from what they're capable of." Jonathan finished.

"If he knew they were dangerous then why'd he invent them?" Mercury asked.

Neo rolled her eyes 'Scientists.'

"I always hated science when I was a kid." Roman said.

"Hating and flunking it are two very different things." Cinder said

"BURN!!" Ruby, Emerald, Yang, Mercury and Nora shouted.

Large doors were shown opening as Neptune approached them in awe.

"What is all this?" Neptune asked.

"The future." Jacques Schnee's voice was heard.

"His back." Adam said with a growl.

Some of the faunus started glaring at the screen.

"We literally can change the world." Neptune said as electricity took form of a human body.

"Living electricity, any not of this and I might start being drinking like that Qrow Branwen guy." Roman said.

"I heard That!" Qrow shouted.

"What about Jaune?" Neptune asked as he was looking at a bedridden Jacques.

"Not everyone has a happy ending." Jacques said.

Most of the room glared at the man at either hatred or the protectiveness for Jaune.

"Weiss your dad is an-" Yang shouted

"Language!" Jaune cut her off.

The camera showed the armored man on the street then it showed Spider-Man holding a sewer cap as he flew towards the rhino like armored man like he was going to hit him.

"Go Jaune!" Nora shouted

"Take him down!" Sun joined in.

James was shown fighting off a man in what looked like a plane.

"Oh, I thought he was dead." Amber muttered boredly.

"This is bigger than you can handle." Weiss said.

Then Adam was shown, but he was completely blue and was releasing sparks of electricity.

Most of the audience gasped.

"Woah." Vernal said.

"You're living electricity." Sienna said shocked.

"Think of all that power." Adam said with a smirk as he thought about using it on humans.

"Arc is screwed." Neptune said.

"I don't know, we shouldn't count him out just yet." Sun reasoned.

Multiple buildings were shown burning and exploding.

"Such power." Salem said with interest.

"I made a choice." Jaune said. As he punched someone.

Then Jaune was shown swinging around the green goblin. He grabbed a web line then kicked him in the chest.

"This is my path." Jaune said.

"You can't take them all alone! You dolt!" Weiss shouted.

"What were you thinking?" Pyrrha asked.

"Will you stop being reckless, Mr.Arc?" Glynda asked as she was worried about her student.

Saphron hugged her brother "Idiot."

Jaune felt bad that he made everyone worry so much even if it was another him.

A plane was shown on fire and headed for a crash landing.

Adam was shown roaring.

"Soon everyone in this city." Adam started "Will know how it feels to live in a world, without power."

Adam said as he made everyone run away by blasting electricity at them.

Some looked at Adam in fear but he was now smiling at the chaos he was causing to the humans.

"Adam this isn't the way." Ghira said worridely.

"Without mercy." Adam continued.

As he created a shockwave that blasted cars to the sky and destroyed everything in its path.

"Come on Jaune." Ruby muttered.

Spider-Man was shown shooting a web downward.

"Without Spider-Man." Adam finished.

"He's like an actual villain." Ren said.

"Adam..." Blake muttered sadly.

"You stay away from him you monster!" Saphron shouted.

"If only I could have such power." Cinder said, completely entrapped by the electric power.

Spider-Man was shown avoiding electrical blasts from Adam. He swung as an electrical bolt hit the web but he  quickly caught a steel tube and swung around it as it was destroyed by Adam.

"Awesome." Oscar, Ruby, Yang and Nora said in awe.

"Keep fighting Jaune!" Saphron shouted.

"Don't you dare give up!" Summer shouted.

"Don't lose other me!" Jaune shouted


"Well that's accurate." Qrow said.

"This Jaune would be an excellent Huntsmen." Ozpin said.

Bill floated up to the front.

"Well?" Bill asked.

"It was Awesome!" Ruby shouted.

"He was like pew! And electric guy was like zzap! But Jaune was like their!" Nora said as she made the moves.

"All I can say is that it was really Shocking." Yang said smirking

People looked at her in horror.

"What? Why are guys so shocked?" Yang asked.

"Yang please stop." Ruby begged.

"I just hope the next one will spark my interest." Yang continued.

Everyone groaned.

"Please stop!" Roman begged.

Raven stifled a chuckle.

"They're not bad." Raven said.

Everyone looked at her like she was insane.

"Moving on!" Bill shouted as he was also desperate to stop the puns

"Yang you're puns are terrible." Weiss said.

"Say Watt!? Oh my Ohm! You guys are mean in this current situation." Yang said.

People started groaning and begging her to stop. Some there popcorn at her and some booed.

"MOVING ON!" Bill shouted.

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