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Beyond Two Souls Trailer

The crowd was silent as the trailer started.

The first thing that was shown was the back of a girl's shaved head with a scar on it as she was facing Taiyang who was wearing a sheriffs uniform and sat across from her, separated by his desk.

"I found you on the side of the road." Taiyang said.

"So I'm in another one." Taiyang said a little worried that something might happen.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Qrow said.

"Last time I was in a zombie apocalypse, pardon me for being concerned." Taiyang said with a deadpan.

Qrow rolled his eyes "Could have been worse."

Taiyang was going to say something but when he thought about it, he realised Qrow was right in a sense. Things can always be much worse.

"In the middle of nowhere, was there an accident?" Taiyang asked.

"Who's he talking to?" Weiss asked.

Blake shrugged "Don't know but she looks familiar."

"You too! I thought I was the only one. Maybe we know her." Yang said.

The camera showed dark woods with lights shining through them.

The camera then showed the girl was actually Ruby and she looked like she was concerned with something else.

Ruby widened her eyes as she gripped her hair.

"What happened to my hair?!" Ruby shouted.

Yang hugged her sister in sympathy, nothing is as bad as losing your hair. That's why she is so protective of hers.

"Is it me or is something off?" Ren asked, most of the people looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Vernal asked.

"This Ruby looks different." Ren said.

"Yeah! My hair is shaved off!" Ruby shouted.

"No, he's right. It's not about her hair, it's something else." Blake said.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know, just a feeling." Blake answered.

"Did someone try to hurt you?" Taiyang asked.

A flashback of Ruby, with hair, was shown as she beat up a security guard on top of a speeding train was shown.

"I'm pretty sure she can take care of herself." Jaune said

Yang hugged her sister "That's my lil sis."

Ruby tried to push her away "Yaaaaannng." Ruby complained.

"Is that a scar?" Taiyang asked as he walked behind her.

"Duh! Dumbass!" Roman said.

Taiyang rolled his eyes and chose to ignore him.

"Is that recent?" Taiyang asked as he tried to touch it.

Before he could do that, a mug flew from his desk to the wall as Ruby's eyes remained closed.

Most of the audience looked at the scene in shock.

"What just happened?" Nora asked.

"I think Ruby moved that thing with her mind." Weiss said.

"I have mind powers?!" Ruby asked then she got an idea, she looked at Yang and began staring at her.

"Uh....Rubes, what are you doing?" Yang asked.

"Trying to make you float with my mind." Ruby said.

Most rolled their eyes at her while Summer giggled at her daughter's antics.

Taiyang looked at the wall in shock then he looked at Ruby who was now looking at the wall.

"I know, they're coming." Ruby said.

"Who is she talking to?" Emerald asked.

Cinder ignored her and looked very interested as Salem was doing the same as well as Ozpin.

Blake narrowed her eyes "This seems familiar."

The camera showed a child version of Ruby who was sitting in front of cards played out on a table in front of her and wearing headgear.

"Ever since I was born, I've been linked to an entity." Ruby said as a blue line was shown and the table flipped over.

Ruby stood there emotionless as Summer looked at her with tears.

"Her name is Yang and she's always with me." Ruby finished.

Everyone gasped in shock and looked at the two sisters.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"So we're two people in one?" Yang asked.

"No. I don't think Yang has a physical embodiment, I think she's only there..." Raven said.

"In spirit." Blake finished as everyone looked at her.

"Blake?" Sun asked.

"Do you remember the book I was reading when we first met." Blake asked her team.

"Uh..." Yang trailed off as Weiss rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, wasn't it about a man with two souls or something?" Ruby asked.

"Exactly. I think this Ruby is like that man in my book." Blake said.

"A girl who struggles with two souls. Now I've seen everything." Roman said.

Ozpin knelt beside her and looked at her with worry and care.

"We can find a way to protect you." Ozpin said as Yang watched them with the blue spirit line connecting to Ruby.

"This is so trippy." Mercury said.

"Blake where did you get that book?" Ghira asked.

Blake shrugged "I just found it."

Ozpin looked at a now teenage Ruby

"The agency wants you to join their military school program." Ozpin said as different trainees were shown running.

"That's why your head was shaved." Coco said.

"I'd rather be a huntress, where I keep my hair." Ruby said as she gripped her hair tightly.

Ruby was shown climbing through monkey bars then she was shown fighting two soldiers in hand to hand combat.

"They know what you and Yang can do." Ozpin said.

Yang was shown flipping a car and throwing it into the air.

Most jaw dropped at the scene.

"Its like we're the ultimate team!" Ruby shouted and Yang nodded.

"I'll always have your back." Yang said.

Jaune was shown talking to Ruby as he wore a military uniform.

"Watch yourself out there Ruby." Jaune said

"Oh come on! Now you're dating Ruby?" Weiss asked.

"Hey! What if I'm just being a concerned friend?" Jaune defended.

"Kid, the way you said it. Didn't seem like the way a friend would." Qrow said.

Taiyang glared at him "I'm watching you Arc."

Jaune gulped while Ruby was red.

Ruby was shown in a tactical military uniform as she fought a man on a speeding pick up truck. Then Ruby was shown standing in front of an iron door, Yang focused on the door then busted it open.

"These two are the ultimate team." Pyrrha said.

"I've never seen Ruby fight without her weapon." Yang said.

Ruby blushed "I actually can't do any of that."

"Well we're going to start your hand to hand training soon! You can't always rely on your weapon." Yang said and Ruby sighed.

"I know."

Jaune was shown tied up and shirtless as another man was holding a knife.

"You say nothing! You hear me!" Jaune shouted

Most of the Beacon students and adults grew worried for Jaune.

"That voy has the makings of a soldier." James said.

"Something happened last night." Ozpin said as a young Ruby was shown in a car being driven out of the city with other cars.

Ruby was then showed walking through and abandoned and damaged hospital, then she was walking through another floor that was on fire then she was shown walking though a hallway filled with dead scientists and doctors then she was shown standing in front of a broken glass with a dark portal fluctuating on the other side.

"They know only you, knows how to deal with what lies beyond the rift." Ozpin said.

"At least she doesn't have to go through all of this alone." Oscar said.

"One of the benefits of having two souls I guess." Weiss said.

"Sharing two souls." Blake corrected.

"They opened a passage? To Yang's world?" Ruby asked as shadows were flying out and around the portal rift.

"What are they?" Velvet asked with slight fear.

"That's where I'm from?" Yang asked in shock.

"Its like if Grimm had souls." Yatsuhashi said.

The rift exploded as the room Ruby was in exploded and Ruby was now on her knees.

"YANG!!" Ruby shouted desperately.

Yang hugged her sister while Taiyang, Summer, Qrow and surprisingly Raven felt a sting in their hearts as they saw Ruby in such a state.

Ruby was shown out in the cold on a pay scroll.

"My Oum! Ruby what's happening?" Ozpin asked worridely through the scroll.

"I think I might not make it." Ruby mumbled.

Most gasped at what she said.

"" Summer mumbled with tears brimming her eyes.

"Don't you dare say That! Yang will protect You!" Taiyang shouted

Ruby smiled as she saw how protective her family was over her but frowned when Yang was now crushing her from the giant bear hug.

Ruby was shown on a Yang's bumblebee, driving it very fast.

"She's getting away!" Someone shouted.

Yang smirked at seeing her bike and was impressed at her younger sister's motor skills.

Ruby was shown running then a dog caught up to her and jumped, biting her shoulder as they fell and tumbled to the ground.

Some cringed at the fall.

"Who the Hell is chasing her?!" Yang shouted as her eyes turned red.

A car is shown rolling across the street as Ruby fell out of it, onto the street.

"This Red is much more of a badass then ours." Roman said with a whistle.

Ruby is shown in an arctic area the she is shown jumping out of a building as Yang watched over her.

Then the camera showed Ruby hesitating but aiming a gun under her chin.

"Ruby, what have you done?" Ozpin asked.

Most of the room gasped in shock as Summer was completely crying now. Taiyang had tears in his eyes, Qrow clenched his fist. Yang held onto Ruby tighter as Ruby was questioning why she would even think of even doing such a thing.

"W-why?" Ruby asked

"Just like my book." Blake said sadly.

"What do you mean?" Yang asked.

Now all eyes were once again on Blake.

"In my book, the man has lived a life of solitude and betrayal as the people he met either wanted to destroy him and his other soul or abuse it's power. Plus, it doesn't help that both souls struggle to find common ground." Blake explained.

"So this Ruby lived a life like the one in your book?" Coco asked.

"Most likely." Blake answered.

"Not all of them are sunshine and rainbows." Qrow muttered sadly as he took a shot.

Yang is shown zooming into a pilot of a helicopter then his eyes rolled to the back of his head. The helicopter derailed as it spun then crashed into a building as it exploded.

"You can possess people too?" Oscar asked as he looked at her in awe.

Yang shrugged as she rubbed his head. This kid was growing on her.

Ruby was shown with scratches and she was wet from the rain as she picked up a soldier by his collar and glared at him.

"Tell them to leave me the fuck alone! Because next time, I'll kill everyone." Ruby said dangerously.

Everyone was shocked as they looked at the scene.

"Damn!" Tyrian shouted.

"I don't think I ever heard Ruby swear." Jaune said

"That was!" Nora shouted.

"No it wasn't! She's willing to commit genocide!" Weiss shouted.

"If you're pushed far enough then you do a lot of things you might regret." Ozpin said.

"Ruby..." Summer said sadly.


Blake widened her eyes "That's the name of my book!"

"Seriously!" Ilia asked.

"Note to self, talk to Monty about this." Bill muttered before he floated to the front.

"So what'd you think? Bill asked

"I liked the fact that me and Ruby were the ultimate team." Yang said as Ruby nodded.

"It was sad that she was pushed to such an extent though." Summer said sadly.

"Alright! Moving on! Onto the next one!" Bill said as he was trying to avoid any sadness.

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