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The MMC floated in the dark and vast inclusion of nothingness as all of its light were dimmed which would be a clear signal that most of the people and beings within were asleep, keyword on the most. While everyone slept, Salem picked up newer comics and books on The Umbrella Academy within the Universal Library and used her card to swiftly get her to the tables in the center of the vast library for her reading session.

Upon arrival, Salem's smile had turned into a frown since the lamp on one of the tables was on and someone was sitting there reading already. Salem let out a silent curse as she approached the table and sat across the person with a glare.

"Ozpin." Salem stated.

Ozpin looked up from his book as he kept his expression neutral "Salem."

"So Bill showed you this place as well?" Salem asked as she paged through her book.

"On the contrary," Ozpin replied as she looked up at him "Miss Belladonna was more than happy to explain The Universal Library to me and Book Bill was quite helpful as well."

Salem turned around and saw Book Bill rolling a cart of books as he waved enthusiastically at them.

"Hn." Salem simply grunted as she looked back at her book.

The two didn't talk for a while as they continued to read in silence with the occasional low noise of Ozpin sipping his coffee.

"May I ask what you're reading?" Ozpin asked after a long while.

"Do you need to know?" Salem retorted.

Ozpin shrugged "Just curious."

Salem stared at him for a moment then she looked back at her comic "The Umbrella Academy."

"Ah, I expected that." Ozpin said with a chuckle "You've grown to be a somewhat super fan of them."

"They intrigue me." Salem said as she looked at him "And you? What's got you still up this late?"

"Attack on Titan." Ozpin said as he showed her the book cover "Quite an interesting story and a traumatic experience that our other selves are going through."

"The ones with the cannibalistic giants, yes that one was a sight to behold." Salem said.

"The real giants were the monsters from the Godzilla universe." Ozpin replied.

"You're not wrong." Salem said as she stretched and closed her book "If those things were to ever appear on Remnant then I will switch sides to assist you."

"Don't tempt me, I might start praying for such a thing to happen." Ozpin said with a smirk.

Salem stared at him and gave him a small smile "One can only hope."

She stood up and took out her card with her books in hand "Once I return these, I'll be leaving."

Ozpin nodded as he went back to his book but then he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see her.

Salem kissed his cheek which surprised him as she smiled "Goodnight Ozma..."

And with that she launched away, leaving a dumbfounded Ozpin.


The next day Ruby stretched as she finished changing into her regular outfit and left her team's room. She widened her eyes when she was greeted by a smiling Penny at the door.

"Salutations Ruby Rose!" Penny greeted.

"Uh...hey Penny." Ruby greeted awkwardly.

"How did you sleep?" Penny asked.

"Good." Ruby replied.

"That's good, do you want me to come with you as you get breakfast?" Penny asked.

" think I'll go by myself..." Ruby said as she walked past Penny briskly.

"Oh..." Penny said as she frowned while watching Ruby walk away.

Ruby sighed as she got to the line of people waiting for their food and she looked to see Blake clearing her throat while looking at her.

"What was all that about?" Blake asked.

"Oh you saw that huh?" Ruby asked.

Blake nodded as they picked up their food trays and started placing all kinds of food on them.

"It's just...Penny scares me." Ruby whispered.

"She scares you? Since when?" Blake asked.

"Since we saw her kill me as a killer clown, that's when!" Ruby whisper shouted.

"Ruby you know that wasn't our Penny right?" Blake asked.

Ruby nodded as they walked to their team's table "I know that but the nightmare I had yesterday was bed wetting scary and now I just see her as It every time."

"Please tell me you didn't wet your bed." Blake begged.

"What!? No! It's a metaphor." Ruby explained with an embarrassed blush.

"You need to work on your metaphors." Blake stated as they sat down and were greeted by an arguing Yang and Weiss.

"All I'm saying Ice Princess is that some archery classes from her would turn you into a total badass! You saw how your other self handled herself, this could be good for yourself and you might enjoy yourself." Yang said with a smirk.

"Stop repeating the word self!" Weiss exclaimed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruby asked.

"Ice Princess here doesn't want to take some archery classes." Yang explained.

"From a criminal of her caliber!? No thank you!" Weiss stated.

"C'mon! Think about the team! If you do it then I won't be the only badass in our team." Yang begged.

"I'm gonna ignore the fact that you said that." Blake said.

"Archery classes from who?" Ruby asked.

"Hawkeye of course!" Yang exclaimed as she pointed to Cinder's table and they all looked.

They were currently playing keep away with Roman's hat and he wasn't enjoying it one bit.

"Morning gals." Nora greeted as she sat down with the rest of her team.

"Yo." Yang greeted.

"Morning." Ruby greeted.

"Hey." Blake greeted.

"What's Jaune up to now?" Weiss asked as she watched him kept thrusting his left arm forward.

Nora giggled "Since I can call Mjolnir at any time, Jaune's been trying to call his shield."

"I beckon you!" Jaune exclaimed.

"I don't think it works that way." Blake said.

"We told him that as well but he's a stubborn one." Ren said.

"Yeah, it's not like Ruby can summon her suit here." Yang teased.

Ruby looked down in depression "Believe me, I've tried."

"Morning." Coco and her team greeted as they sat down with Oscar and Whitley with them.

They greeted them back and started talking about all the stuff they've seen.

"I really wonder what superhero I'd b in Marvel." Oscar said.

"Me too, the possibilities may be endless." Whitley said.

Oscar smiled as he held up his milk carton "We'll just have to see."

Whitley did the same and they drank their milk at the same time.

Coco felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Saphron with a determined smile on her face.

"You're Coco right?" Saphron asked.

"Uh, yeah?" Coco asked.

"I need fashion advise." Saphron stated.

Upon hearing that, Coco kicked Jaune out of his seat and pulled Saphron down onto the chair.

"What do you need ma'am?" Coco asked with an interested smirk with a notebook in hand.

"I need advice on what to do with gater skin." Saphron said with a smirk as Jaune face palmed.

By Adam's table, it was calm with conversation of different events on the universes and some theories. All of this was interrupted by someone clearing their throat and it was revealed to be Nicholas standing before them with a smile.

"Good morning." Nicholas greeted.

A round of mornings came from them all except Adam who was just glaring at him.

"Ah, well..." Nicholas said as he got on one knee and bowed his head to them "I've come to apologize. On behalf of the Schnees, I've come to ask for forgiveness for any-"

"Get up." Adam stated.

"Sorry?" Nicholas asked.

"I said get up." Adam said with clenched fists.

"Adam..." Sienna warned.

All eyes were on them now as they felt the atmosphere of the room tense up between the two.

"But it is my duty to beg for forgiveness in the stead of my family." Nicholas explained.

"Forgiveness?" Adam asked as he chuckled "You think a simple sorry is going to fix years upon years of torment?"

"No! I never meant it like that..." Nicholas said.

"Get out of my sight." Adam said as he went back to his meal.

Nicholas stood up and started walking away but stopped to look back at them "I'm sorry..."

Adam snapped his plastic fork and stood up, giving Nicholas a fierce right hook. He kept hitting and hitting with each hit fueled by his rage.

"Adam!" Blake shouted.

"Father!" Willow shouted and she was about to run towards him but stopped when Nicholas held his hand out.

"Adam stop this!" Sienna shouted.

"Shut up! He deserves this! They all deserve this! His entire family should've never existed!" Adam shouted as he kept punching.

"Do something!" Winter shouted towards God Raven and Nanny Glynda.

"Why? Not like I care." God Raven said.

"I'm afraid this isn't my business dear." Nanny Glynda said sadly.

"It's all your fault! You created the goddamn SDC, forcing all the faunus to become slaves to your greed! I've seen men, women and even children work and die in those mines! I've seen things that no child should ever see and for what!? Dust!? Something so measly is worth the lives of thousands to you!?" Adam shouted as his hits got slower and tears started to fall from beneath his mask.

"Adam..." Ghira muttered.

By now Nicholas was on his knees as he placed his hands on the ground and slammed his head to the floor "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I founded the SDC as a place where humans and faunus can work together for a better future! It was never my intention to cause such pain! If I knew this was going to happen then I would've left it in more capable hands! I'm sorry!"

Adam raised his leg above Nicholas head as it shook while he gritted his teeth. Adam roared as he brought it down, not on Nicholas' head but right next to it.

"Adam." Ghira said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

Adam shrugged it off as he walked away, kicking his chair on the way. The Schnee's ran towards Nicholas along with some other while some watched.

"Well that was something." Roman said.

"Eh, I enjoyed it." Tyrian said as he chuckled.

"Father, are you alright?" Willow asked as she helped her father sit by a wall along with Weiss, Winter and Whitley.

"I'm he okay?" Nicholas asked.

"Why would you ask about him!? He's the monster that did this to you grandfather!" Whitley exclaimed.

Nicholas shook his head "No, he's no monster...he's a product of my foolishness."

"Pop-pop you're not foolish." Weiss said.

"That's right, you're not the one at fault here." Winter said as she leaned by the wall with her arms folded and glared at Jacques "Far from it."

Nicholas shook his head as Amber handed Willow a cloth and Willow started wiping the blood from her father's face.

"I don't care who's fault it was...I will be the one to fix it. I give you my word." Nicholas said.

"Inspiring words," They heard someone say and turned to see Sienna looking at them "Do you actually mean them?"

Nicholas nodded without hesitation as Sienna stared at him for a moment then walked away.

An hour later, things had calmed down and the cast was relaxing with some avoiding others for some obvious and some not so obvious reasons. Bill appeared in the room with a flash as he spun his cane and tipped his hat to them.

"Hello there!" Bill said in an altered voice that made God Raven laugh as she recognized the voice while Nanny Glynda laughed.

"Finally!" Mercury exclaimed.

"I was bored out of my mind." Cardin said as he stood up.

They all stood in front of the floating triangle who chuckled.

"I was busy." Bill said.

"And exactly what were you busy with?" Salem asked.

"Finding an anniversary gift with a friend." Bill replied which confused them.

"I don't even know why I asked." Salem muttered.

Bill snapped the doors open with popcorn and drinks now in their hands.

"Ooh! I'm so ready!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

"What's next Cipher?" Qrow asked.

"Well all I can say is that life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Bill stated.

"Now that's a metaphor." Blake said as Ruby frowned.

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