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Everyone waited for the episode to start, people kept talking about the trailer they just watched. Bill snapped his fingers making them all disappear. After a couple of moments, they all teleported to the center of the theatre, in their groups but a bit closer.

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Yang shouted while the others groaned and some glared at Bill

"Having you all separated doesn't work with me, so I just made you guys sit closer. That won't be a problem right?" Bill asked darkly and Yang was about to shout out but Blake covered her mouth.

"No problem at all, Right guys?" Blake asked and the cast all nodded

Summer and Amber stayed sitting next to Bill as he laughed "Excellent! Now everyone ready for the show?"

"Uh... am I in this one again?" Jaune asked nervously as all eyes turned to him then back to Bill

"Yep!" Bill laughed as he started the screen and all the cast sat down and looked at the screen

The camera opened to a red haired woman walking on a bridge with glass triangles in the background

"Oh! Look Pryyha! You're in this one too!" Nora shouted excited

Pryyha smiled and nodded "Indeed I am, though I do wonder what my role will be in this one?"

"Seeing as last time you were blondie's wife; it shouldn't be that impressive." Mercury said, Pryyha scowled at him as some of the teens glared as well. Emerald smiled sheepishly at them while slapping Mercury on the head.

The camera then switches to Pryyha holding up an old picture, taking it from a suitcase

Pryyha: I joust to want to save the world

The camera then pans to Pyrrha's face as she looked at the picture in sadness

"Why did you stop?" Ruby asked feeling a little sad that her friend gave up on saving the world

Pryyha frowned as she looked at herself, she seemed so sad and yet she hid her emotions so well. What has happened to her that caused this? Ozpin also scowled, giving up on something as big as the world isn't easy, something did happen, Pyrrha's face was of one of a warrior.

The camera zoomed into the picture, it was in black and white. It showed Pyrrha holding a shield and sword, as she was in armor while wearing a black cloak. Next to her was Jaune as he looked like he was in a soldier's winter clothes, next to Jaune was Nora, to the left of Pyrrha was Scarlet and next to Scarlet was Cardin.

Some were shocked and others were slightly surprised as they looked at the picture.

"It looks like there was a war." Winter stated as James nodded

"Looking at the picture, it must be a very old war." James replied

"Dang! How old are you in this, P-money?" Yang asked surprised as the other teens looked at her.

"Apparently very old." Pyrrha said, she looked to Jaune and saw that he was studying his picture.

'I can't believe I'm a soldier.' Jaune shouted internally, he was shocked and a little happy that he was fighting to protect... well something.

The camera then switches to Pyrrha in leather armor on top of a mountain looking at a falling down plane.

Pyrrha: This beautiful place.

The plane landed in the ocean

Some smiled at that while others were intrigued by the plane.

Pyrrha jumped off the cliff in a diving position

Pyrrha: But the closer you get...

She dove in the water and began swimming

They jaw dropped

"I don't think anyone can dive that high!" Weiss shouted looking at their Pyrrha astonished

"That was..." Taiyang started

"Approximately, 30ft." Oobleck finished

The jaws dropped even further while Qrow took a chug from his drink

Pyrrha: The more you see the great darkness within.

Pyrrha was helping a soldier onto shore

The council all looked straight at Salem who rolled her eyes.

The camera panned to soldiers jumping off boats.

"Oh no." Qrow muttered

The camera went a lot of soldiers running on the beach and on the other sides people with horses were charging as well. The camera then switched to zoom in on the people on the horses, all of them were women in armor.

This time most of the peopled were surprised

"Is that?" Winter asked shocked

"I think they are." Blake said shocked as well and wide eyed

"What?" Ruby asked looking around

"The amazons." Ozpin summarized, bewildered

"The ama-what?" Yang questioned

"An ancient civilization of all female warriors that is isolated from men. They are well trained and skilled enough to take down the best of hunters, they don't even use advanced weaponry." Penny said robotically

Ruby gasped "And Pryyha is one of them?"

Pryyha nodded dumbly as she was stunned

Yang smirked "Now that's my kind of island! Where do we find them?"

"They were wiped out by unknown means." Blake said making Yang frown

"I... I'm sorry" She apologized feeling terrible

"Let's just keep watching." Bill stated

The Amazons fought as they killed the soldiers, who retaliated with their own weapons. One amazon jumped from the cliff and shot her arrow that was connected from a rope. The amazon swung towards Pyrrha and shot an arrow, a soldier shot as the bullet flew slowly past a shocked Pyrrha and a Disorientated Jaune.

Pyrrha: I learned this the hard way, A long, long time ago.

The amazon swung behind them and the bullet directly hit her

Jaune pushed Pyrrha out of the way as she looked at the dead amazon in sorrow.

Most of the room gasped, Tyrian wanted to laugh but Bill snapped his fingers covering his mouth with tape

The group took it hard but none took it harder than Pyrrha. It was like she just watched a sister die and tears welled up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away not wanting to show weakness. Jaune looked at her sadly but he was glad that he was there to save her from getting hit with the bullet.

"I'm sorry, Pyrrha I" Ruby began but Pyrrha just smiled at her

"It's fine Ruby." Pyrrha said silently clenching her fists.

Ozpin sighed in sadness and sympathy for his student. Something told him that this wasn't the only tragedy that they would see in the theatre



"What is your mission?" Sienna's voice was heard.

The camera panned to all the Amazon's standing at an alter

"To stop the war." Jaune stated

"What war?" Pyrrha asked

The camera then switched to Pyrrha looking at Jaune confused as she stood by Sienna who was in golden armor, a fur coat and a golden tiara.

Sienna spit out her popcorn onto Adam, much to his dismay. The group looked at her shocked as well, she suddenly smirked liking her look.

"Well, being a queen of highly trained warriors doesn't sound so bad." Sienna said as Adam rolled his eyes

"Wait, you don't think that you're her mom in this are you?" Vernal asked, pointing to Pyrrha

Sienna's eyes widened in horror as she looked at Pyrrha who in turn was looking at her with a confused expression. Sienna and Pyrrha had a staring contest for a while until Sienna sighed

"If it's her then I wouldn't mind that much" Sienna said, this made Pyrrha smile slightly as she turned back to the screen. The two ignored the shocked looks they were getting from the group, they just looked back and continued to watch.

The camera panned to Jaune on his knees looking scared

"The war to end all wars" Jaune said

This got a few gasps from the audience as they looked at Jaune, who in turn looked shocked as well. Jaune was proud that he was supposed to stop a war that could save so many people but could he do it by himself?

The camera switched to Jaune walking towards a building in a pilot's uniform as there were other surrounding soldiers and other surrounding planes.

The camera then switched to Cannon shells surrounding a chemical that was being brewed by scientists.

James: Weapons far deadlier than you could ever imagine.

The camera showed a chemical gas engulfing a gas mask and disintegrating it while Ilia watched in fascination.

The cast was surprised, shocked while some were fearful. Ilia couldn't believe that she would, no that she could create such a thing, it was just bad. Some looked at James with narrowed eyes as they were accustomed to his mass armada tendencies.

"James please tell me you couldn't?" Glynda asked him, he frowned and sighed

"I know that sometimes I may go too far, but this would be just plain evil." James finished as,he was still frowning seeing that he was the bad guy in this one. Adam scoffed

"With all the things that you humans have done so far; I wouldn't be surprised." Adam finished

The other Faunus in the room frowned. They were not sure if they were against him or agreed with him.

The camera switched to James entering a room

"I welcome the atlas." James said

The camera then switched to Ilia throwing the chemical in a room, then the camera switched to a big explosion on a tower.

The beacon students gasped

"Oh no..." Weiss said covering her mouth

Ilia was starting to feel worse wanting to disappear but Blake held onto her hand. She looked at Blake who was giving her a reassuring smile, Ilia blushed and smiled shyly. Kali and Ghira watched the entire interaction with smiles on their faces as well.

"This is bad." Ruby stated, looking at the screen

The camera switched to an ancient kingdom that was beautiful and was surrounded by nature.

The cast was amazed by such a sight and some were wishing to just live in such a place.

"Whoever you are, you are in more danger than you think." Jaune said

The camera then switched to Sienna and Pyrrha talking at night

"I cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost." Pyrrha stated

Some of the cast smiled, Nora patted Pyrrha on the back while Ren gave her a thumbs up

"Well said, miss Nikos." Ozpin said, some of the cast rolled their eyes while the Beacon students were smiling.

The camera switched to Pyrrha picking up a shield, then it switched to her in front of a sword.

"Be careful, Pyrrha." Sienna said wisely but a little worried.

Sienna was surprised to say the least. She sounded so mature and wise, and she really seemed to care about this Pyrrha. Looking at Pyrrha now, she did seem like her alternate self in some ways. Maybe after this viewing she could try ant talk to her, just to know her. Little did she know, Pyrrha felt the same way.

The camera then switched to a city that was surrounded by smoke

The cast frowned, this was not the place they wanted to live in.

The camera switched to Jaune walking past a group of people in a suit.

Ozpin: Who is this woman?

The camera showed Pyrrha in a coat and a hat looking at Jaune expectantly.

"She's my um... secretary." Jaune said

The women's heads snapped towards Jaune angrily

"Really? Just a secretary?" Coco asked raising an eyebrow, with narrowed eyes.

"Well um..." Jaune thought of the words

"I hope that's not all you think of me Jaune?" Pyrrha asked hurt

"I better not be!" Yang shouted as Jaune looked towards the guys secretly begging

The guys just watched with smiles and some at their popcorn enjoying the show.

The scene changed to a man shooting a gun at Jaune and Pyrrha blocking it with her bracelets. Jaune touched the bracelet and it was still searing.

"She... she's a very good secretary."

The rest of the criminals shot at them and Pyrrha blocked each one, while Jaune punched one.


Some of the women looked at the bracelets with interest.

"Damn." Yang muttered thinking of ways to make amber and Cecilia be able to block bullets like that.

Ruby was drooling at the sight of them, muttering some incoherent nonsense about weapons relating to them. Pyrrha thought about adding them to her armor as Sienna, Raven also thought about the same.

The camera switched to Jaune and Pyrrha walking past injured war soldiers

Pyrrha: It is our sacred duty to defend the world.

The respectful members of the group gave a silent prayer to the soldiers while others rolled their eyes at what Pyrrha said.

"And it is what I am going to do." Pyrrha finished.

Pyrrha smiled at herself feeling proud, Sienna also felt strangely proud as well. Ozpin smiled as well while the rest of the students cheered for her.

"Gotta admit. Kid's got guts." Qrow said sipping his drink.

The camera switched to a cannon being fired.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted worried

It then switched to Pyrrha walking out of the trench in slow motion as she wore a golden tiara, red armor that had a golden eagle outline in the front, a blue skirt, her shield on her back and her indestructible bracelets as her hair was untied and waving in the wind. She looked like a warrior.

The group were in awe as some were looking at the differences between their Pyrrha and the alternate Pyrrha. Jaune blushed as he looked at Pyrrha's beautiful alternate self, Ruby was in total awe, Yang was smirking proudly and the rest cheered for her. Said person was really feeling proud, embarrassed and in awe. Pyrrha felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked to see Sienna giving her a small smile and a nod, she did the same.

"Miss Nikos, you seem to grow into a fine warrior. I hope you live up to your other self." Glynda said smiling proudly as Pyrrha blushed while nodding.

Pyrrha then deflected a bullet with her bracelet and kept on walking.

The camera switched to a plane shooting at other planes.

It then switched to Pyrrha smashing through a window while holding her shield.

The group kept looking in awe of the warrior, Raven was thinking of inviting Pyrrha into joining her tribe.

The camera switched to Pyrrha walking in a blue dress while a sword was strapped to her back, Jaune was looking at her with a spark in his eyes.

Yang began to smirk "Oh, is someone falling for a certain someone?" She teased as Jaune blushed

"Two times in a row, it's like the universe wants you guys together." Blake said smirking as well, making Jaune blush harder as Pyrrha blushed as well.

Velvet started to feel really jealous so to take her mind off it, she ate her popcorn while looking elsewhere. Fox was concerned for his teammate.

The camera switched to Pyrrha riding a horse and cutting an enemy

Some flinched at the scene

The camera showed a plane being flown past a building

"Awesome" Sun muttered in awe as Nora nodded

The camera then showed Jaune and Pyrrha about to kiss

The others smirked at the two who blushed and looked away from each other, but they were secretly smiling.

The camera showed Jaune pointing a gun at a group

"Go Jaune!" Ruby shouted.

"Go get em' fearless leader!" Nora joined in as well.

The camera showed Pyrrha doing a flip over a fence as she drew her sword.

"Again, Damn." Yang stated

The scene then showed Pyrrha using a golden lasso to pull down something as a building exploded.

"This universe is crazy." Weiss shouted

"You don't know the half of it, but believe it or not. There are even crazier." Bill said and the others looked at him in surprise and shocked.

"How many?" Salem asked

"Rice grain remember?" Bill said

The camera showed Jaune riding a bike in the woods at high speeds.

"Dang, Jaune. Maybe you can ride Bumblebee once in a while." Yang said in respect as Jaune grew excited.

The camera then showed Pyrrha doing a flip while kicking James who was trying to slash her with a sword.

Pyrrha was shell shocked at the thought of having to fight someone like James Ironwood but her alternate self-seemed confident enough. James on the other hand was worried if this was truly him on the inside, a weapon loving war general. Winter squeezed her boss's shoulder as a sign of being there for him.

The camera showed Pyrrha sliding on the flour and slashing through a column

At this point everyone knew that the alternate Pyrrha was a badass.

The camera showed Pyrrha jumping from a destroyed earth mass and crossing her arms in an X formation as lightning began to flash around her.

Now this was surprising. Not only was she a badass but now she had apparently lightning powers.

"You have lightning, Just like me! Pyrrha!" Nora shouted hugging Pyrrha, who hugged her enthusiastic teammate.

The screen showed a golden eagle that made the shape of a 'W' and under it was 'WONDER WOMAN' while an awesome guitar was played in the background.

"That is awesome!" Ruby shouted

"It oddly, fits her." Weiss admitted

"Pyrrha you are the Wonder Woman." Yang said giving her a friendly shove.

"I guess I am." Pyrrha said sheepishly.

"Be proud of it kid. It's not every day that we're in the presence of a Wonder Woman." Qrow said smirking and she blushed

The others laughed

The camera then showed Pyrrha in a big purple dress while Coco was smiling at her.

"Guess I'm here too?" Coco asked shocked

"Guess you are." Yatsuhashi said smiling

"How can a woman possibly fight in this?" Pyrrha asked while doing basic combat leg moves

Some snickered at the scene

"Fight? We use our... principles. Although I am not opposed to engaging in a bit of fisticuffs should the occasion arise." Coco answered doing some karate moves.

The group laughed as the screen went dark and Coco had a small depression cloud as she was mumbling something about being too weak in that universe.

"So next one?" Bill asked\

"Did you see her? She was like Pwah! And yah! And boom! And Jaune was like whoosh!" Ruby said doing karate moves while Nora watched with stars in her eyes.

Ilia smiled sadly "I hope... I don't become that version of me."

"You won't." Blake said smiling as Ilia blushed once more.

"What do you think, Wonder Woman?" Yang asked smirking.

Pyrrha blushed and nodded

"But in all honesty, you become a fine warrior in the future, miss Nikos." Ozpin said smiling

"You know she's just a pawn to you." Salem mumbled while rolling her eyes

"I still can't believe that I am a mother." Sienna said.

"Welcome to my world." Raven said to her, blankly

Bill spun the remote ready to start.

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