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Mary Poppins Returns Trailer

Bill floated back to his seat and pressed the remote to begin the trailer, everyone was either waiting in anticipation or gorging on their popcorn.

A row of houses was the first to be shown then the camera switched to show an older looking Jaune Arc as he looked at an older looking snow globe in his hand.

"So this one is about Jaune again huh?" Yang asked.

"Not necessarily." Bill answers.

"I think we should start keeping count on the amount of times Jaune shows up in these things." Emerald says.

"Way ahead of you." Junior says as he writes in a small book.

"I honestly can't remember why we kept most of this stuff to begin with." Jaune says as he was shown carrying a box with a large green kite sticking out of it.

Pyrrha saw this and swiftly moved to grab the kite.

"Don't you remember that kite?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at the kite reminiscently "You joust love flying it with mother and father."

"And the happy couple returns!" Roman announced and some laughed.

Jaune and Pyrrha dawned a tint of red on their faces but it came with small smiles as well. Velvet frowned as a hand was placed on her shoulder, she looked to see Coco giving her the "We have to talk" eyes and she just nodded.

Qrow tapped Jaune's shoulder and Jaune looked to see Qrow holding up four fingers as he was wiggling he's eyebrows with a smirk. Jaune laughed nervously as Saphron and Pyrrha looked at them strangely.

Jaune was shown holding the box with the kite inside of it as he walked outside of his house.

"Those days are long behind me." Jaune says as he places the box on the ground and goes back inside the house.

Ruby frowned "What happened to Jaune?"

"Yeah, why is he such a downer?" Yang asked.

"Guess some me's aren't the best me's." Jaune came up with an answer.

"Why don't you give it to your kids?" Neptune asked "I mean, you've gotta have kids by now."

Pyrrha blushed "Maybe not?"

"Doubt it." Saphron muttered, rolling her eyes as she remembered how big the Arc family could be.

The wind blew heavily, which caused the kite to fly away. The camera switched to show the kite being flown by a boy with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Uh-huh." Saphron said as she chewed on her popcorn.

"Never knew Arc would have such game." Mercury said.

"Oh! He's adorable!" Summer and Pyrrha exclaimed.

"Congratulations." Ren said as he pats a now red-faced Jaune on the back.

"Well at least he won't be chasing after me anymore." Weiss muttered.

The wind grew stronger as the kite was flying deeper into the clouds, Sun was shown helping Jaune's son pull the kite.

"Awesomeness had arrived!" Sun announced.

"Congrats, monkey boy!" Cardin said as he rolled his eyes.

The wind kept growing stronger as the clouds parted to show a figure holding an umbrella over their head.

"What the...?" Yang shouted.

"How is that even possible!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Magic." Bill and God Raven answered.

Sun smiled as the figure floated down towards them.

"As I live and breathe." Sun said.

The camera showed Glynda landing on the ground and closing her umbrella, she was wearing a large blue coat, a red hat, red heels and she was holding a medium sized bag.

Everyone besides the deity's jaw-dropped at the sight, Glynda looked like she was about to pass out.

"How the Hell is that even possible!?" Mercury shouted.

"I'll tell you after the trailer." Bill answered.

"So this Glynda knows magic?" Ozpin asks in shock.

"I don't know." Bill answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?" James asked.

"That will be explained after the trailer." God Raven answered.

"This is still shocking." Glynda said, trying to wrap her head around what she just saw.

'Hey! She stole my style!' Neo wrote as she showed it to Roman.

"But you don't float around with yours." Roman said.

'I could if I wanted to!' Neo said with a pout.

Roman rolled his eyes at that.

"I was flying a kite and it got caught on a Nanny!" Jaune's son shouted as he looked at his parents.

The door opened to reveal Glynda, she walked in and looked at both Jaune and Pyrrha. They both looked at her in shock as Jaune dropped his pile of papers.

"Glynda." Jaune breathed out.

"Goodwitch." Pyrrha finished.

Jaune and Pyrrha's son looked between the adults strangely.

"So they know her." Taiyang summarized.

"Did that child just say Nanny?" Glynda exclaimed is shock.

"I mean you're already kind of a Nanny..." Qrow said.

"I am a teacher! I educate children! I don't...." Glynda stopped as realization hit her.

"Take care of them?" Raven asked with a smirk.

Glynda looked at Ozpin with a frown "I need a vacation and a raise."

Some chuckled at that as Ozpin laughed nervously.

Glynda was shown walking into the house and placing her things on a nearby table as two more kids rushed inside, it was a little boy and a little girl. The girl had red hair with blonde tips and blue eyes and the boy also had red hair but he had green eyes.

"Oh! More munchkins!" Summer cooed.

"Well you've been busy, Vomit boy!" Yang shouted as she wiggled her eyebrows with a smirk.

"They're perfect." Pyrrha muttered.

"You came back!" Pyrrha exclaimed.

"You seem to have hardly aged at all." Jaune said.

Saphron punched Jaune in the shoulder.

"Ow! What the heck!" Jaune shouted.

"Haven't I taught you anything!? Never say anything about a woman's age!" Saphron whisper-shouted.

Glynda looked at him in slight shock.

"Really! One never discusses a woman's age Jaune. Would've thought I taught you better." Glynda said as she looked at a mirror.

Most of the women in the theater looked at him as he sunk down in his seat.

"Sorry." Jaune said.

Glynda smiled at the mirror and walked away but her reflection was still there, smiling and watching her walk away.

Everyone was shocked at what they saw, some even wiped their eyes to prove it.

"Wow!" Nora said.

"But...How!" Weiss shouted

Bill sighed "Magic."

"She must be very powerful with her magic then?" Cinder questioned.

"You have no idea." God Raven said as she rolled her eyes.

The scene changed to show a car being driven on a road as the cherry blossoms were blown off their trees by the wind, Glynda was shown admiring the beauty.

"That is beautiful." Summer said.

"Yeah, she is." James muttered.

"What?" Glynda asked.

James blushed "Oh, nothing!"

Ozpin, Qrow, Taiyang and Winter smirked at each other as they saw that.

"What brings you here after all this time?" Pyrrha asked as her and her family followed Glynda to the living room.

"Same thing that brought me the first time, I've come to look after the Arc children." Glynda answers as she inspects the house of any dust.

"Us?" One of the kids asked.

"Oh yes, you too." Glynda briefly answers.

Some looked at Jaune with amused smirks as he looked at them in confusion.

"What?" Jaune asked.

"You're in trouble~" Yang sang.

"This Glynda looks as strict as the one we have." Qrow states.

Taiyang chuckled but they suddenly got slaps on the back of their heads. They looked around and were shocked to see Glynda cracking her knuckles and glaring at them as Winter was laughing behind her.

"Ours is worse." Taiyang whispered nervously.


Pyrrha was shown looking worried then the camera transitioned to all three of Jaune's kids standing in a one line, looking at him sadly.

"We're about to lose our home!" Jaune exclaimed "Everything's fallen to pieces ever since your mother-" Jaune didn't finish as he put his face in his hands and started crying.


Multiple gasps were heard throughout the theater.

"So Pyrrha is..." Ruby muttered as tears welled up in her eyes.

"What happened?" Jaune asked as he looked at Bill.

"If I knew what happens in billions of universes, do you think I would still be here? I'm only showing you a glimpse of their lives, if you want to know so badly then go find out yourself." Bill said.

"Besides, I think you should worry about your own universe." God Raven said.

"What do you mean?" Ozpin asks.

"She's talking about your fight against each other, you have your own problems to deal with. Isn't that right Raven?" Bill asks as he narrows his eyes a God Raven.

God Raven rolls her eyes "Right."

Salem stayed silent as she watched the two Gods 'What have you got planned, Cipher?'

The three kids looked at each other sadly as they were ready for bed.

"I miss mother." One of them states sadly

Glynda was shown looking out of a window.

Pyrrha frowned and felt the urge to go hug her kids and tell them it would be okay.

"Magic Nanny is going to do something isn't she?" Coco asked.

"I believe so." Ozpin says with a smirk.

"Nothing's gone forever. Only out, of place." Glynda sang to the children


Some smiled at the heartfelt message while some found Glynda's voice soothing.

"You have a beautiful voice Glynda." James complimented.

Glynda blushed and fixed her glasses "Why thank you, James."

"I didn't know you sang?" Ozpin asks his secretary

Glynda coughed as her face became redder "Well...I dabble."

Roman and Neo suddenly appeared next to her.

"Lady, have I got an offer for you!" Roman announced "Listen Glynds, can I call you Glynds? Sure I can! How do you feel about show business!?"

Neo was next to him, holding pictures of movie stars and singers.

"Well I-" Glynda began but she was cut off.

"I mean that voice of yours is just perfect! Absolutely perfect! You could be a star!" Roman said.

"I think her answer is-" James was cut off as Roman kept talking while Neo wrote Glynda's name on the picture of a star.

"Think of all the money you could earn for Me-I mean for you! You could have it all, just sign here!" Roman said as he took out a contract and shoved it into Glynda's face.

Glynda stood up and grabbed the contract, she ripped it into a million tiny pieces and they fell into Roman's hands. His face was of pure horror and he looked like he lost everything.

"That's quite enough! I don't know what you're selling but I am not buying! I am a Huntress and it's my job to keep men like you in line! So please return to your seat or I will personally ask Bill to briefly return my Semblance and I will teach you the meaning of pain!" Glynda threatened.

Everyone either was in shock, feared for their lives or jaw-dropped as they looked at Glynda. Neo didn't waste time as she dragged Roman back to their seats as the teared up contract was still in his hands and he was still staring at it.

Neo pulled out a sign as she walked back with Roman and it said 'DREAM KILLER!!!'

"It's good that you came along when you did, Glynda Goodwitch." Sun said as he was shown talking to Glynda.

One of Jaune's kids was shown looking at Glynda walking towards him. Her bag and umbrella fell from out of nowhere, into her hands.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" Glynda asked.

"You know; you shouldn't lie to children." Ozpin said.

Amber and Salem rolled their eyes at that while Glynda gave him an amused smirk.

"I didn't lie to the boy; he just wasn't being specific." Glynda answered.

Glynda was shown with all three of Jaune's kids and Sun as she spun a bowl in front of them. The bowl spun as blue cartoon flowers spun with it and erupted around them. The flowers kept spinning as they completely surrounded them and blocked them from view. The flowers eventually dissipated and revealed all five of them in cartoonish outfits in a cartoonish looking land.

Most widened their eyes in shock as Yang, Ruby, Nora, Summer, Jaune and Oscar jaw-dropped.

"Did she just transport them into a literal La-La Land?" Hazel asked in shock.

"Yes." Most of the theater answered in equal shock.

"So this one is more powerful then all of us?" Ozpin asked.

"All of you, not me and him." God Raven answered as she pointed between her and Bill.

"Oh come on!!" Cinder shouted.

"Well at least they're having fun." Pyrrha smiled sadly.

"Where's Jaune in all of this?" Ren asked.

Bill shrugged.

Glynda was shown bopping a cartoonish Grimm on the nose.

"My Grimm are cartoons?" Salem asked in shock and confusion.

"Yang I don't think we can fight anything that adorable!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Look away dear sister!" Yang shouted as she covered Ruby's eyes "It's too cute even for you."

Most of the theater sweat-dropped at their childish antics while Summer, Qrow, Taiyang and Raven smiled at them.

Glynda and the children were shown swimming under the sea.

"Wouldn't they drown?" Emerald asked.

"I'm tired of questioning the rules of reality at this point." Cinder answered.

All five of them were shown taking a leap of faith as people were shown floating in the sky.

"Let's just throw gravity out of the window too!" Weiss shouted

"Professor Goodwitch must be the best nanny ever! Jaune your kids are so lucky!" Nora shouted.

Jaune chuckled "Yeah, I guess so."

"So you've been off filling the children's heads with stuff and nonsense!" Jaune shouted.

Glynda was shown twirling in the ocean as the kids swam by her and knocked of some gold coins in a treasure box.

"Congrats Jaune, you sound like my dad." Weiss said dully.

"A fate worse than death." Qrow said as he took a long chug "I pity you Arc."

Jaune turned pale white at the thought of Weiss' father.

"You've forgotten what it's like." Salem said.

Glynda was shown standing with the kids as papers started flying around them.

"To be a child." Salem finished as Jaune smirked at her.

"Now I need a drink." Salem said, she couldn't believe that she was actually giving one of her enemy's pawns advice.

"She is right though; you were kinda acting like a jerk." Ruby said.

"Yeah, I was." Jaune replied.

The five were shown in a cartoon carriage as it bounced then Sun and Glynda were shown dancing together.

"This could be one of my favorites." Sun commented.

Glynda Goodwitch

"Beautiful." James muttered out loud.

Sun Wukong

"Yep. One of my favorites." Sun agreed.

Jaune Arc

"We'll be seeing more of him." Yang commented.

Pyrrha Nikos

"At least my kids are happier." Pyrrha said.

"Spoken like a true mother." Sienna said proudly.


"A good Salem, Well I'll be damned." Ozpin said as he wiped his glasses.


Ozpin was shown dancing on a table.

"Didn't know you danced." Glynda said with a smirk.

"Didn't know you sang." Ozpin shot back with a smirk of his own.

Roman was about to comment on that but Neo stopped him by shoving popcorn into his mouth.

"Anything is possible." Jaune's daughter said.

"Even the impossible." Glynda finished.

Weiss scoffed "Easy for her to say, she's got magic!"

"It's because you don't believe ice-princess." Yang said.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Weiss shouted.

Yang didn't answer as she hummed with a smirk on her face, infuriating Weiss to no end.

"Off we go!" Glynda said as she fell into a bathtub and disappeared into the water.


"Wow!" Yang, Ruby, Nora and Jaune shouted.

Bill floated to the front as he was flipping his remote.

"Now can you answer our questions?" James asked.

Bill was about to answer but...

"I think I can help!" A voice said.

They looked around as a pink portal opened above Bill and bubble water rained onto him. Suddenly a body fell on top of him and it revealed to be Glynda Goodwitch.

"What!" Yang started.

"The." Blake continued.

"FUCK!!!!" Bill shouted as Glynda's heels were digging into his back.

"Language!" Nanny Glynda and Jaune reprimanded.

"How...What...When...Why!!!" Glynda freaked out.

"Hello, it is nice to meet you all. I am Glynda Goodwitch and I am here to take care of you all, so to speak." Nanny Glynda said.

"Take care of us?" Ozpin asked.

"Hello Raven!" Nanny Glynda shouted.

Raven waved awkwardly as God-Raven groaned.

"Hi...Glynda!" God-Raven said vehemently.

"What do you mean take care of us?" James asked suspiciously.

"Well currently I'm in a room filled with weapon loving, egotistical, misogynistic maniacs and some of them clearly have deep seated issues." Nanny Glynda explained as she tapped Bill's back with her umbrella.

"I do not have deep seated issues!" Bill shouted and Nanny Glynda dug her heels deeper into his back and most cringed.

"So I am here to keep you in line, help you get along and keep an eye on these two." Glynda said as she pointed at Bill and God-Raven.

"So you're our Nanny now?" Taiyang asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Glynda answered.

"What if we don't want a nanny?" Mercury asked.

"Too bad." Nanny Glynda answered as she stepped off Bill.

Bill got up with a groan as he dusted himself off.

"What makes you think I agree!?" Bill asked

"Because I don't care and you are unstable." Nanny Glynda answered as she floated to a seat next to God-Raven.

Bill groaned as he looked at the shocked faces.

"You guys okay?" Bill asked.

"This is so bizarre." Glynda said as she stared at her other self.

"Tell me about it." Raven said.

"Well moving on!" Bill shouted "Who of you have iron stomachs?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion until Amber spoke up.

"Why do you ask?" Amber asked.

"Because the next one's gonna be rough." Bill answered.

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