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Mortal Kombat 11 Trailer

"What do you mean?" Blake asked inquisitively.

"All I'm saying is that this one is a bit graphic." Bill explained "Oh, who am I kidding! It's a lot graphic!!"

"You seem strangely excited to see this." Winter said suspiciously.

"Of course I am! Blood, Gore and fighting are one of the many things I like." Bill said.

"So people are going to die?" Jaune asked, a little scared.

"No." Bill answered and some sighed in relief "Two people are going to fight to the death!!!"

Ruby gulped "Oh no..."

"Oh yes!!" Tyrian shouted in glee.

Most faces became fearful and nervous at what they were about to see while Nanny Glynda and God Raven rolled their eyes.

"Now I see what you meant about deep-seated issues." God Raven said.

Nanny Glynda shook her head and started writing on a clipboard she took out of her bag "This will take a while."

Some would be lying if they weren't excited to see this universe.

"Well whatever, it probably isn't that bad." Yang said as she rubbed her sister's back soothingly.

"Yeah. We'll be ready for whatever you got." Mercury said smugly.

"Well since I believe none of you..." Bill snapped his fingers and green buckets appeared on everybody's lap "Use this if you can't handle it and don't mess up my floors."

Bill teleported back to his seat and pressed start on the remote as everybody watched.

The trailer started and the first to be seen were the dead bodies of monks that sat in rows, there was lightning in the sky and it briefly lit up the monks face to show that they were only skeletons.

Some grew fearful at what they were seeing while Tyrian was having the time of his life.

"What happened to them?" Velvet asked fearfully.

"Nothing good." Yatsuhashi answered.

Dead bodies were shown all around the ground with weapon like spears and swords sticking out of them.

"Was it a war?" Taiyang asked.

"No spoilers." Bill answered.

The area was shown to be a temple as the camera looked to the skies and two figures collided with each other. The one that came from the right spun the other figure as flames came from their hand and slammed them to the ground then they stabbed them with a short sword.

"Whoa!! Did you see that?!" Yang shouted with a grin.

"Not even 20 seconds in and somebody already died." James said.

Ruby, Oscar, Velvet and Jaune held onto their buckets as they had a feeling that this would get extremely bloody.

The figure sheathed their short sword and stood up, backing away from the one on the ground. This figure is revealed to be Yang but she looked different. Her eyes were red with a fiery aura emanating from them, her right arm was replaced with a robotic arm and she had Raven's sword strapped to her back. Yang got into a fighting stance as she glared at the figure on the ground.

Everyone was shocked to see Yang like that, some thought she looked badass but others were trying to figure out what happened to her to turn her into what she was.

"What the hell happened to me?!" Yang shouted.

"What happened to your arm?!" Ruby shouted fearfully.

Raven widened her eyes as she spotted her sword "That's my sword..."

"This Yang looks like she could kill you at any second." Jaune said as he gulped.

"What happened to you?" Blake asked sadly.

"She looks more vicious and brutal." Weiss muttered with wide eyes.

The figure stood up, brushing off the stab wound like it was nothing. This figure was revealed to be Nora but she also looked different. She wore golden armor with an eyepatch on her right eye as red electricity sparked around her.

Everyone was once again shocked to see Nora like that.

"Is that me?" Nora asked in shock.

"Why do both of you look so angry at each other?" Pyrrha asked.

"Beats me." Sun said.

"Wait. Does that mean you two are trying to kill each other?!" Weiss shouted.

"But why!? You two are friends." Ruby reasoned.

"I guess we aren't in this universe." Yang responded.

Summer grew worried, friends shouldn't fight and it just wasn't right. Yang may not be her real daughter but she still loved her all the same. Raven didn't like seeing her daughter hurt but she wouldn't admit that out loud, if all things considered. She wanted her daughter to win.

"Please be okay." Ren said fearfully, Nora grabbed his hand and gave him a smile to calm him down.

"This is gonna be fun." Mercury said with a smirk.

"Agreed." Emerald said.

Cinder noticed the fire and grew very interested in this Yang's powers.

"This is gonna be fun!" Tyrian shouted in glee.

Nora growled and leapt towards Yang. She flew in a superman position and sent Yang onto a wall, Nora flipped and landed on her feet. Yang got up and aimed a punch with her fist on fire but Nora blocked it.

"I can use fire!?" Yang shouted in glee.

"Interesting." Cinder thought as she studied the other Yang's fighting style and her use of fire.

Yang used her other arm to punch Nora in the face, who spat out blood, she aimed another punch to the face but Nora caught it and kneed Yang in the gut.

"This isn't right; friends shouldn't be fighting." Summer muttered.

"Well right now they aren't friends, so... Kick her ass Goldilocks!!!" Roman cheered with Tyrian and Bill alongside him.

"Idiots." Everyone else said, though Ruby didn't say it out loud but sure thought it.

Nora slammed her hands on the back of Yang's head and brought her down to her hands and knees, she then grabbed a nearby spear from a dead body. As Yang got up, Nora shoved the spear into Yang's chest until the entire blade went through her back.

"WHOA!!!" Emerald shouted with wide eyes.

"I WAS NOT READY FOR THAT!!!" Mercury shouted.

"YANG!!!" Raven, Taiyang, Ruby, Summer and Qrow shouted in fear and worry.

"Aww! It's over already?" Tyrian asked sadly.

The entire Xiao Long and Rose family was in distraught when they saw that. Their friends weren't much better.

"What..." Yang muttered

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Nora said as she started crying, Ren hugged as a form of comfort.

"Ruby..." Qrow muttered as he watched his niece cry as well.

Bill rolled his eyes "News flash! She's not dead!"

Everyone looked at him in shock.

"W-what?" Summer asked as she sniffed.

"It'll take more than that to kill this Yang." God Raven said.

"Oh you two, hush! Let them have their moment, they're only human and faunus." Nanny Glynda said.

"Wait so Yang's alive." Taiyang asked hopefully.

"Kind of." Bill answered.

"What?" Glynda asked.

"Too much information to explain." Bill said as he rolled his eyes, maybe he should make them watch death battle...Nah!!!

Nora kicked Yang, removing the spear, and Yang got up to miss a kick to Nora.

"How is she still alive!? Aura doesn't work like that!" Winter shouted.

"They don't use Aura there." Bill replied.

"Well some do and some don't." God Raven said.

"So this Yang doesn't?" Blake asked.

"Nope." Bill said.

Nanny Glynda looked at Bill and leaned over to him with her clipboard "Now Bill, would you describe yourself as an egomaniac or an egotistical bastard?"

Bill deadpanned "Back off Glynda." He said as he shoved her away.

Yang went for a side strike but Nora ducked, Yang hit Nora on the side then she gave her a couple of punches to the face. Yang went for another punch but Nora blocked it and hit Yang in the face then she hit her in the face again but with a superman punch.

"Well lightning girl is gonna win, hands down!" Mercury said.

"I don't think so; I still think goldilocks has what it takes." Roman said.

"No way! Lightning girl is a way better fighter." Mercury argued.

"Then how about a wager?" Roman asked with a smirk.

"I'm listening." Mercury said with a smirk of his own.

"10,000 Lien. The winner gets all the spoils." Roman bet as he held out his hand for Mercury to shake.

"Deal!" Mercury shouted as he shook Roman's hand.

"I'm surrounded by incompetence." Cinder said with a sigh.

Yang drew Raven's sword and slashed Nora across the chest then she slashed downward, making Nora bend down. This gave her the chance to stab Nora in the chest with Raven's sword then she used her shorter blade to stab Nora in the face as blood sprayed everywhere.

And that was it. Jaune, Ruby, Nora, Weiss, Summer and Oscar all spewed the guts out into the buckets they were provided as mostly everyone else's face turned into a shade of green

"This is just horrible!" Pyrrha shouted as she was trying not to hurl.

"What reason is good enough to make them hate each other to such an extent!" Ren shouted, which was highly unlike him.

"She does need some work but this Yang's skill with my sword is good." Raven commended

"Well that settles it! A stab through the head must be fatal, pay up sucker!" Roman shouted as he held out his hand in front of Mercury.

Mercury shoved it away "Not yet, I know you're gonna lose. So just sit down and watch."

"So...much...blood..." Ruby groaned as she was a bit light-headed.

Yang kicked Nora as she flew into the air but Yang had also connected two chains on Nora and used the to pull her back towards her. As Nora was pulled back, Yang kicked the short sword that was lodged in Nora's head and it was shoved deeper into Nora's skull as more blood flew out.

Everyone was shocked, wide-eyed and had their jaws dropped at the brutal spectacle they have just seen. Yang's combat prowess is amazing and her skills are way more brutal than they first thought.

"H-H-How is that even physically possible!!!" Weiss shouted.

"AWESOME!!!" Tyrian shouted as he thought about incorporating that move with his tail.

Sienna would be lying if she wasn't also thinking about using that move since her weapons also use chains.

Raven started to smirk "I have never been more proud in my life."

"Nora, I'm sorry." Yang apologized since there was no way that anyone could get up from something like that.

"Trying to kill each other aside, I think it would take a lot more to kill other me." Nora replied as her eyes never left the screen.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how powerful are these two Mr. Cipher." Oobleck asked.

"Well these two are like Ozpin, Raven, Qrow and Tyrian combined so I would say 9..."

Everyone widened their eyes at the triangles estimation.

"9!?" Winter shouted.

"Thousand." Bill finished.

"9 thousand!?" Glynda shouted this time.

God Raven rolled her eyes as she saw where this was going.

"Oh no, scratch that! It's over 9 thousand!!!!" Bill shouted.

Everyone was dumbfounded as the triangle laughed maniacally as Nanny Glynda kept on writing in her clipboard.

Yang grabbed Nora and spun her around as she took out a kunai knife, she stabbed Nora in the back then slashed her stomach as Nora spun around and summoned her hammer as it glowed with red electricity.

"Did Nora's hammer just pop out of nowhere?" Jaune asked with wide eyes.

"I can do that!?" Nora shouted.

Nora kept spinning as she hit Yang with the hammer with every spin. Nora switched the angle she was hitting and smashed Yang's face on the right side, knocking out a few teeth and spew unreal amounts of blood.

"There shouldn't be this much blood in the human body!" Blake shouted with her eyes wide, she felt her stomach churning and seeing more would surely make her vomit.

"We were so not ready for this." Yang said, she wanted to look away but she couldn't. She had to see this to the end.

Yang fell to the ground with a groan, she tried getting up but Nora kicked her to the same wall.

"Boy, she must really love that wall." Militia said as she rolled her eyes.

Nora teleported in front of Yang and grabbed he collar, pulling her off the ground.

"She can teleport too!?" Weiss shouted.

"Some have semblances like that but they are extremely rare." Glynda summarized.

"Come on Blondie!" Roman cheered on.

"Shut up! Torchwick!" Yang shouted angrily.

"Yeah! Kick her ass! Kora!" Mercury shouted.

"It's Nora, you idiot! And you shut up too!" Nora shouted.

Both men pouted and huffed as they watched the trailer as some snickered.

Yang went for a punch to the face with her left hand but Nora caught it and broke her middle finger.

Everyone cringed as they saw this, Sun and Neptune even hid their fingers.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Oscar muttered as he puffed his cheeks.

"You and me both brother." Jaune said as he clutched his stomach.

Ruby was already hurling for the second time in her bucket.

Nora kicked Yang in the leg and broke it, causing Yang to fall.

"Oh my God, you literally broke my legs." Yang said in silent shock.

"Why you!? Why couldn't it be Cardin or Dumb-curry over there!?" Nora shouted.

"Hey!" Mercury yelled out offended.

"Oh my..." This time it was Taiyang who puked in his bucket.

Nora kicked Yang in the face as she hit the wall then she punched her in the face again then she kicked her in the stomach then she kicked her in the chest as her ribs were shoved all the way to her spine.

Everyone was shocked at the amount of brutality they were seeing but not Tyrian, he looked like he won the lottery.

"She's down! You can stop! Please!" Ruby shouted tearfully.

"Ruby..." Yang muttered.

"Please get up Yang..." Raven said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh great Lien Gods, please hear my prayers." Roman said as he started to pray.

Nora punched Yang in the face a few more times and now her face was a bloody mess, she grabbed Yang's hair and used it to slam her face into the wall.

This angered Yang, nobody has ever grabbed her hair like that. This Nora had to pay.

"Just end it already!" Weiss shouted.

As if her prayers were heard, Nora generated a large electrical current between her hands and grabbed Yang's face. The electricity poured into Yang's skull and over charged her brain until Yang's head completely exploded into a bloody mess. Yang's body fell to the ground as Nora stood up.

Everyone watched on in shock as they thought it was finally over, with Nora as the victor. The theater was silent as everyone's faces started turning green, some were strong enough to hold it in but some just had to puke.

"YES!!!!" Mercury shouted.

"No!!!" Roman shouted "I never win!!"

"I...I...It...It's...over...right?" Velvet asked.

"Not yet." Bill said.

Nora sensed someone's presence as she turned her head to look at the new challenger. Brown boots were shown walking towards her.

"What?" Mercury asked as he was confused, along with everybody else.

Nora completely turned around to look at the new arrival and she saw it Yang but this one was different. This one looked like the one in the theater with them, no robotic arm, lilac eyes, same original outfit, shotgun gauntlets and no swords.

"WHAT!!!?" Almost everyone shouted but no one was louder than Mercury.

"There was another Yang!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"This one looks like..." Blake drawled out as she looked at their Yang.

"ME!?" Yang shouted.

"B-But...How!?" Weiss shouted.

Taiyang passed out into Qrow's reluctant arms as Bill shrugged.

Yang activated her semblance as her eyes became red and her hair was on fire. She used her shotgun gauntlets to fly at Nora with high speeds, blowing right through her. Nora's stomach was completely burned to a crisp as only her spine remained, Nora cried out in agony.

Everyone turned green and had their eyes wide as they stared at the scene, their jaws were dropped and it seemed like it was a room fool of statues.

Yang reloaded her gauntlet as the clip fell off then she punched the back of Nora's head and blew it straight off as it flew to the sky.

"Get over here!!" Yang shouted as she used her gauntlets to launch herself to the sky and punch Nora's head as the bullets pierced through.


Nobody moved and nobody spoke as they watched the scene unfold before their very eyes.

Salem was shown standing next to a giant glass hourglass.


Bill turned off the screen as he flew to the front.

"So what'd you think?" Bill asked, but nobody answered or even looked at him. They just stared at the screen with their jaws dropped.

"Anyone?" Bill asked as he looked at God Raven and Nanny Glynda for help but they shrugged, not sure what to do.

"Uh...okay. Since you guys are in shock I guess. We'll take a five-minute break, go to the bathroom and clear your minds." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and the doors opened "Just make sur-"

Bill couldn't finish his sentence as everyone was already out of the theater and sounds of puking were heard throughout the MMC.

"Oh boy..." Bill said with a sigh.

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