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Captain America: The First Avenger Trailer

Each of the MMC bathrooms were occupied by the people of Remnant who were in the process of puking their guts out. Nanny Glynda created clones of herself to help or soothe everyone as they emptied their stomachs, some like Tyrian and Salem didn't even need help since Tyrian enjoyed the last trailer fully while Salem did feel sick but she managed to hold it in.

"There, there, just let it all out." Nanny Glynda soothed as she rubbed Ruby's back and wiped her tears.

Ruby seemed to the worst one that was affected since she couldn't stop crying and she emptied all the food in her stomach out.

"T-thanks..." Ruby muttered sadly.

"I know what you saw was a bit rough to say the least but remember that not all of your different lives are happy, most do what they can to survive." Nanny Glynda said.

Ruby blew her nose "I...I...guess you're right."

"And you've seen some pretty bad things before the one you've just seen, am I right?" Nanny Glynda asked.

Ruby slowly nodded "Yeah...We have..."

"Now come on, let's get you a snack so we can go back. I'll make sure Bill refrains from making you watch something like that for a while." Nanny Glynda said.

Ruby nodded with a small smile as she got up "You know you're a lot nicer than professor Goodwitch."

Nanny Glynda chuckled "Of course dear, she wishes she could be me."

Ruby giggled as they walked out of the bathroom. As they came out, Ruby saw everyone being helped by different clones of Nanny Glynda, either talking to them or making them snacks.

"You can make more of yourself?!" Ruby asked in shock.

"Yes, basic spell but effective." Nanny Glynda said.

"Can you teach me some magic?" Ruby asked with stars in her eyes.

Nanny Glynda smirked at her "I don't see why not although we'll just stick with the basics, we wouldn't want you to be OP now would we?"

Ruby tilted her head in confusion "OP? What's that?"

Nanny Glynda chuckled as she walked away, leaving a confused Ruby. A yellow blur breezed past Nanny Glynda and tackled Ruby to the ground, Ruby groaned as she was being crushed in a bear hug by her sister.

"Sis! Are you okay?! Did you puke?! You smell like you puked! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Yang shouted rapidly.

"Yes. Yes. Rude. And yes again." Ruby answered as she pushed Yang off her. "Are you okay?"

Yang sighed "Yeah, seeing something like that was scary but I'll be okay."

Ruby looked behind her and towards Nora who looked sad but she was scarfing down an unprecedented amount of pancakes.

"Is Nora okay?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. She's a little shaken up but we both agreed to not think about it and just move on." Yang said as the rest of their team approached them.

"You guys okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Yang said as she brought her sister into a side hug.

"I still can't believe that triangle would show us that kind of stuff." Weiss said.

"Well he did warn us." Ruby defended.

"Yeah but that was brutal, inhumane in fact." Weiss shot back.

"Why? You would do the same thing to those creatures you call Grimm without a second thought, why was that so different?" God Raven asked as she appeared out of nowhere.

The four girls jumped at the new arrival as Yang started to feel a bit awkward at her presence. Weiss regained her composure and narrowed her eyes at her.

"Because they weren't Grimm." Weiss said.

"So? What's so bad about the Grimm?" God Raven asked.

"Grimm are evil monsters that kill innocent people." Blake said.

"How's that different to any of you? I mean Cinder and the rest of her goons do the same thing, do you want to kill them?"

The girls widened their eyes "What!? No!" Weiss shouted.

"You do realize that you and the Grimm aren't that different right? I mean you designed weapons capable of killing millions and you're saying they are only for Grimm? If you fight an enemy then all they want to do is kill you, not knock you out. When you're in a fight, there is no good or bad. There is only the winner and loser, only one of you can live." God Raven said.

"You're saying that we should just kill people?" Yang asked as she glared at God Raven.

"I'm not saying that, all I'm asking is: Why is it that when you slaughter Grimm without a blink of an eye yet you can't do the same to someone who is 'Evil'?" God Raven asked as she walked away.

The group was silent as they watched her walk away, all of them thinking about what she just said. Bill floated out of the theater doors and looked around, seeing that everyone was done messing up his bathrooms.

"Okay! Now that you're all done, can we please go in and continue?" Bill asked as he gestured to the theater.

Everyone reluctantly walked through the doors and some were groaning at how painful their stomachs were. As God Raven entered, Bill stopped Nanny Glynda from entering.

"Not you." Bill said.

"What?" Nanny Glynda asked as she narrowed her eyes at the floating triangle.

"Since you decided to stick around and you oh so graciously provided us with clones of yourself, then you can clean the bathrooms." Bill said.

"What!? Why!? What's your game Cipher?" Nanny Glynda asked as she glared at him.

"Hmm Nothing, I mean you are a Nanny so I guess it means you'd have to clean up after the kids you're taking care of. Well your kids made a mess." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and all of Nanny Glynda's clones got a mop and a bucket with cleaning supplies. "And you gotta clean up after them."

"Why you, son of a-" Nanny Glynda was cut off as Bill slammed the doors shut.

He let out an evil laugh as he floated to the front of screen. Some looked at him disappointedly, some were laughing.

Bill rolled his eyes "She deserved it."

"That was mean." Ruby said.

"It's what she gets for trying to pry into my mind. Anyway, you guys ready for this one?" Bill asked.

They looked at each other uncertainly as some were scared that they might see some more gore.

"Is it as bad as the last one?" Summer asked fearfully.

"Nope!" Bill said as he looked at God Raven "You ready Raven?"

She took out her book and pen and nodded at him "Always."

"Wait does that mean this is about Marvel?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah, more superheroes!" Nora shouted excitedly.

"I wonder who's gonna be in this one." Ozpin thought out loud.

"I just hope it's awesome." Mercury said with a smirk.

Bill didn't answer as he floated back to his seat and sat down.

In an old city, cars were shown driving though the road as people peacefully walked on the sidewalk, the camera switched to shown Jaune sitting in the backseat of a car with Glynda.

"I know this neighborhood, I got beat up in that ally." Jaune said as he pointed to an alleyway.

"So you're bullied in this one too." Ren commented.

Jaune sighed "Yeah, I guess."

"Wait, you're being bullied?" Saphron asked defensively.

"Not anymore, I took care of it." Jaune said as he calmed his sister down.

Jaune was shown aiming a punch at the bully but the bully just shoved him onto a trashcan.

"You just don't know when to give up." The bully said.

"I can do this all day." Jaune said as he got back up into his fighting stance.

Most smiled at the young man's attitude while those who knew him were proud of the young man's attitude.

"Jaune isn't one to give up, even in another universe." Pyrrha said.

Jaune blushed as he rubbed the back of his head with a grin "Oh shucks."

Jaune went for another punch but the bully gave him a strong right hook.

"Do you have something against running away?" Glynda asked.

"You start running, they'll never let you stop." Jaune said.

Glynda looked away with a small smirk on her face.

"Whoa..." Oscar said in awe.

"He is brave I'll give him that." Glynda said

"The kid isn't wrong." Qrow said.

"Yeah but sometimes you gotta know when to fight and when not to." Taiyang said.

"When did you get so cool, vomit-boy?" Yang asked with a smirk.

"Hey!" Jaune said.


"You're really gonna do this now?" A soldier asked as Jaune was shown getting out of the car.

"There are men laying down their lives, I got no right to do any less than them." Jaune said as he was shown stepping up to a pedestal with a soldier's armor but he wasn't tall enough to reflect his face on the head.

"I don't think you can do any less than them Arc." Roman commented as he chuckled.

Some snickered at the scene while some glared at those who were laughing.

"Don't listen to them Jaune." Ruby said.

"It's okay, at least my heart is in the right place." Jaune said.

"Heart can only get you so far son." James said, this Jaune reminded him of him when he was younger.

"I can offer you a chance." Arthur said to Jaune as two big metal doors were shown being opened with Jaune and Glynda standing in front of them.

"So I have returned." Arthur commented as he stroked his mustache.

"I don't trust that guy, be careful Jaune." Saphron said.

"Why?" Jaune asked.

"Hello! He turned into a monster lizard and tried to kill you in another universe, remember?" Weiss reminded.

"Whoa Weiss I didn't think you cared." Ruby said.

Weiss rolled her eyes "Of course I care you dolt, I care about all of my friends."

This brought smiles to the good guy's faces when they heard this.

"Our goal is to create a new breed..." A general said as he walked in front of his lined up troops.

The camera showed soldiers fighting in a war and running through explosions.

"Of super soldiers." The general finished.

"Super soldiers?" Taiyang asked.

"Sounds like something you would do Ironwood." Qrow commented.

James rolled his eyes, he wasn't going to answer the drunk idiot because if he did then he knew that he would lie. They have tried a super soldier program but the results were horrific, every single test subject died and those that lived were suffering. He vowed to never go to such lengths ever again and hoped that Oum would forgive them for what they've done.

"What's a super soldier? Like a soldier with super powers?" Oscar asked.

"I think Huntsmen and Huntresses are already considered as super soldiers." Blake commented.

"Interesting." Cinder said with a smirk.

Glynda was shown blowing a whistle as Jaune was handed a contract.

"When you brought a 90-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide." The general said as he and Watts were shown walking through the base.

Jaune was shown to barely do one push up.

Mercury, Emerald, Cardin and Roman burst out laughing at the pathetic display.

"That has to be embarrassing." Raven said.

"This Jaune is just as bad as ours." Vernal said.

"What do you think?" Adam asked as he looked at Sienna.

She shrugged "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

"You can barely do one push up, Arc?!" Mercury shouted.

"And I thought you couldn't sink any lower." Emerald said.

"Hey!" Jaune shouted.

"Of course Jaune can do one push up, he can even do a hundred!" Saphron shouted back.

"What?!" Jaune shouted.

"Doesn't he give up at ten?" Yang whispered.

"Shhh..." Ruby shushed.

"I am looking for qualities that aren't physical." Watts said as Jaune was shown powering through barbed wire with the other soldiers.

"What kind of qualities?" Coco asked as she was skeptical.

Pyrrha smiled "Heart."

"You win wars with deaths." The general said as he pulled the clip off a grenade.

Most gasped at that while some wondered what the insane general was thinking.

"Grenade!" The general shouted as he tossed the grenade at the soldiers.

All the soldiers ducked out of the way but not Jaune he ran towards the grenade.

"Everybody down!" Jaune shouted.

Everyone gasped in shock.

"What is that idiot doing?!" Weiss shouted.

"Is he insane!?" Militia asked.

Jaune got on top of the grenade and covered it up with his body, waiting for the explosion but it never came.

Glynda smiled as Jaune looked around.

"Is this a test?" Jaune asked.

"He's still skinny." The general said as he walked away with a frown while Watts smirked.

Some laughed while most were surprised that Jaune would go to such lengths to protect everyone.

"What is wrong with that guy!?" Ruby shouted.

"Understandable, all generals have to be hard on their troops." James commented.

"Throwing a grenade isn't being hard on them, it's just plain evil." Amber said.

James scoffed and muttered softly "You apparently never fought in a war."

"Kid I don't know if that was brave or just plain stupid." Qrow said as he was impressed.

"Of course it was stupid, he could've died." Winter said.

"But he didn't." Qrow retorted.

"Well I think he was very brave." Pyrrha said as she gave his hand a squeeze.

Jaune smiled with a blush, both not noticing Velvet watching them with a sad frown and Saphron starting to smirk as she began to put the pieces together.

A machine was shown getting started up, Jaune looked at the machine nervously.

"Whatever happens, stay who you are." Watts started as Jaune laid on the machine with his shirt off and boy was he skinny.

The scientists plugged tubes to the machine as it got ready, Jaune shut his eyes as a blue liquid entered the machine and the doors shut.

"Not just a soldier, but a good man." Watts finished.

"Didn't think you would be one to give inspirational speeches." Hazel commented as he looked at Watts.

"You underestimate me Hazel." Watts said.

"Hmm, maybe you're not as evil as you seem Watts." Salem said as she narrowed her eyes.

Watts widened his eyes "Of course I could still steal candy from a baby and strangle him while I eat it in front of him."

"The Hell?" Roman commented as he listened in.

"That's taking it way too far." Hazel said.

Watts ignored him as he was focused on Salem's reaction but she was already bored with the conversation and Watts sighed in relief.

"Is it too late to go to the bathroom?" Jaune asked as he was inside the machine.

Watts snorted as the general shook his head with a smile.

"Do you always crack jokes when you're in a serious situation?" Saphron asked.

Jaune rubbed the back of his head "Kinda..."

"Yeah he does but when the time calls for it then our fearless leader is always...our fearless leader." Nora said.

"He is a great leader." Ren said.

"And we wouldn't have it any other way." Pyrrha said as she pats him on the back.

But this was a little too hard since Jaune fell out of his seat, he's popcorn and drinks falling on top of him.

"Whoops." Ruby commented.

"Seriously!!!" Bill shouted as he looked at the mess.

"Sorry..." Pyrrha apologized.

Yang and Nora helped Jaune up and onto his seat but he was still sad about his food.

"Aw man!" Jaune exclaimed.

The machine was activated and inside Jaune began to spasm with his teeth clenched while Glynda watched him worriedly.

Qrow and Raven noticed this and they both smirked.

"Oh no / Oh yes." Both Raven and Qrow said.

Jaune roared as the screen went dark, the machine was then shown opening up with a much buffer Jaune inside. His abs were more defined, his muscles were bigger and he had a six pack.

Everyone widened their eyes as the change while some jaw dropped.

Cinder smirked "This one may be my favorite."

'Me too.' Neo wrote with a smirk of her own.

"Hubba." Melanie started.

"Hubba." Militia finished.

Yang whistled with a slight blush on her face, in fact every woman was blushing and admiring the new and improved Jaune. Except Salem for obvious reasons, Summer because she only cared about Taiyang, Saphron because she was his sister and Amber but her reasons were unknown.

"Well...this is a change..." Weiss said as she was red.

"A very nice change if I may add." Kali commented with a smirk.

"Kali!?" Ghira shouted.

"Did I say that out loud?" Kali asked in embarrassment.

"Look who became mister ladies' man~" Saphron teased.

Jaune blushed but for some reasons he felt eyes on him, he looked around and saw that all the guys were glaring at him.

"We're gonna have a conversation about this Arc." Roman said as he punched his palm.

"A nice long conversation." Adam said through gritted teeth.

Jaune gulped as he nervously laughed.

Summer helped Jaune out of the machine as she looked at him.

"You actually did it." Summer said in shock.

Glynda briefly touched Jaune's abs but it was so quick that most didn't notice.

Glynda blushed as Qrow had a Cheshire grin, every student and teacher and parent jaw dropped at what they just saw.

"So Glynds, didn't think you were into underage boys." Qrow began.

Glynda glared at him "What are you insinuating?"

"Oh nothing." Qrow said with a shrug "But if you aren't busy with anything then I wouldn't mind a few private lessons of my own."

That was all it took for Glynda to start beating the crap out of the poor guy while the rest watched in horror.

Raven rolled her eyes at her brother's screams "Idiot."

"Is she actually into Jaune!?" Yang shouted.

"I mean this is a different universe...and she technically isn't his teacher." Velvet said as she tried to give Glynda the benefit of the doubt.

"Lucky bastard..." Sun said as he glared at Jaune.

"Hey it's not like I asked for this! And besides, maybe she doesn't like other me." Jaune defended.

"Somehow I doubt that." Ren said.

Watts looked worried as he spotted a White Fang soldier holding a lighter who was glaring at him, the soldier lit the lighter and the camera then showed the entire lab being blown up.

"So the White Fang are still present even in the Marvel universe." Ghira said with a sigh as his wife rubbed his arm as a form of comfort.

"You have low expectations if that surprises you about Marvel." God Raven muttered as she wrote everything down.

Jaune was shown holding the soldiers collar as they were outside on the streets.

"Who the Hell are you?" Jaune interrogated.

"The first of many." The soldier answered.

Jaune was shown looking at Glynda tiredly with worry as she looked at him with equal worry.

Blake gripped her seat as she narrowed her eyes at the screen "Adam..."

Ilia noticed this and grabbed her hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Why am I not surprised." Vernal said as she rolled her eyes.

"Look on the bright side." Raven said with a smirk.

Vernal raised an eyebrow "What?"

"We get to see Jaune Arc kick his ass."

Adam's eye twitched "We'll see about that."

Adam's back was shown as the camera showed a lot of White Fang soldiers and their symbol was shown.

"The White Fang are a Faunus terrorist group led by Adam Taurus." Glynda explained as Adam's angry face was shown.

"I'm in charge?" Adam asked in surprise.

Sienna widened her eyes 'No! He isn't ready to lead!'

The soldiers all saluted as Adam was shown pulling a sheet off something. He was shown standing in front of an electrical field as a building exploded.

"He thinks he's a God and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it." The general said.

"Adam always has been...intense." Kali articulated.

"Intense?! He's psycho!" Roman shouted.

Adam growled "You're one to talk."

"At least I'm classy!" Roman retorted.

"We're not even close to this technology." Summer said as Adam's plane was shown and a giant explosion followed.

"A lot of people are gonna die if SOMEONE doesn't stop him." Ruby said as she was smiling innocently at Jaune.

"Miss Rose is right; you are a super soldier." Oscar said.

"Miss Rose?" Ruby asked in surprise.

Oscar blushed "Yeah, you're like the same age as me yet you're doing all these cool things in our universe and other ones. So I thought maybe you could be my mentor...or something..."

Some were surprised at this while the others couldn't care less.

"Uh...sure. I guess." Ruby said since something like this has never happened before.

"That was unexpected." Yang said with wide eyes.

"No kidding." Taiyang said.

"I asked for an army and all I got was you." The general said as he was standing in front of a table looking at Jaune with a lot of other men who sat at the other side of the table. "Congratulations, you just got promoted."

Jaune was shown saluting to the General and Summer was then shown.

"Mrs. Rose." Jaune said "I had some ideas about the uniform."

Jaune said as he handed Summer a piece of paper.

"So my mom made your superhero suit?" Ruby asked.

Jaune shrugged "I guess."

"Not as cool as how Ruby became a hero but I guess it's okay." Yang said.

Summer grinned "I'm making a superhero suit? Ooh! I wonder if it'll have any weapons."

"That would be so cool!" Ruby cheered with her mom.

Raven and Weiss sweat dropped 'They never change.'

A shield with a star was shown getting picked up as Jaune's back was shown in his suit but he was still shadowed.

"You're gonna get so many girls." Summer said.

Yang and Taiyang jaw dropped "They're the same!!"

"I guess other us' do have something in common." Summer said.

Ruby giggled "Of course we do."

"Oh Oum, she's so cute it's sickening." Cinder said with a frown.

"Did you just say Red was cute?" Roman asked.

Cinder rolled her eyes "You're delusional."

Jaune was shown in his Superhero suit with his shield, busting through two metal doors and shooting up the place with his squad behind him.

"Flashy yet simple, I like it." Summer said.

"In the heat of battle, what you wear won't matter." Ozpin said.

"I think Coco missed that lesson Professor." Fox said with a smirk as he dodged a hit from his teammate.

Jaune was shown on a zip line then he was shown walking on top of a train.

Team RWBY shuddered as they remembered their train mission.

"Flashbacks anyone." Blake said

"Captain, we are much alike." Adam said to Jaune.

Jaune was shown jumping out of an exploding building and into the air as he was surrounded by explosions.

"You just love making me worry don't you?" Saphron asked in worry.

"It's not my intention to do this stuff." Jaune said.

"Why can't you just be in a universe where you don't do anything crazy for once." Saphron asked as she groaned in frustration.

"I've been asking myself that for a while now." Pyrrha said.

"I don't know if I could do this." Jaune said.

"You won't be alone." Glynda reassured as Jaune was shown walking with his fellow soldiers.

'This is not happening! Oum please tell me that this won't happen? He's my student for God's sakes!' Glynda Internally shouted.

Jaune was shown fighting Adam then he was shown running through the streets.


Jaune punched the glass open of a submarine.

"Go Jaune!" Ruby cheered.

"What do you think is his superhero name?" Nora asked.

"Jaune Wonder?" Coco suggested.

"Super Jaune?" Weiss suggested.

"Jauney Blaze?" Sun suggested.

"Okay that one was just weird." Neptune said.

A missile was shown aiming for Adam's ship


Jaune was shown fighting off White Fang soldiers with his shield then he was shown riding away from yet another explosion with his motorcycle.


"Do you just blow up every building you're in?" Emerald asked.

Jaune blushed in embarrassment.

"What made to you so special?" Adam asked Jaune.

"Nothin' I'm just a kid from Vale." Jaune answered.

"Greatness comes from small beginnings." Bill said with a sigh.

"That's a beautiful quote, where's it from?" Amber asked.

Bill shrugged "Search me."

Jaune was shown jumping onto a chain and swinging on it, the camera then showed Jaune kissing Glynda on a car.

Qrow spit out his drink "I KNEW IT!!"

"THE SIGNS WERE SO OBVIOUS!!" Raven shouted.

"No, no, no, no, no..." James muttered.

"YOU LUCKY BASTARD!!" Most of the men shouted.

Jaune was then pelted with popcorn, candy and drinks from all the guys.

"This can't be happening." Glynda groaned with a face palm.

Pyrrha and Velvet were trying their hardest to contain their anger while Yang laughed at Jaune's situation and his red face.

Fighter planes were shown then Jaune was shown riding his motorcycle the Jaune was shown gaping at Glynda who wore a beautiful red dress.

"I need a vacation." Glynda said as she was dying of embarrassment.

Jaune was then shown throwing his shield to the camera as words appeared around it.


"Captain Vale? Not bad." Vernal admitted.

Adam rolled his eye "It's dumb."

"Jealous much?" Vernal asked.

Adam scoffed but chose to say nothing.

Jaune was shown taking down a soldier but another with a flamethrower appeared and forced Jaune to hide behind a pillar.

"Hey!" Glynda shouted as she appeared with a machine gun, she started shooting it as multiple explosions were shown.

As the explosions died down, Glynda approached Jaune.

"You're late." Jaune said

"Well nobody's perfect." Glynda retorted.

"Really Jaune?" Yang asked.

Jaune awkwardly coughed "Hey look, there's Bill."

Bill floated to the front "So?"

"I like Captain Vale." Taiyang said.

"Nah, I'm still a fan of Iron Rose." Qrow commented.

"Captain Vale!" Jaune shouted.

"Iron Rose!" Ruby shouted.

The two glared at each other as sparks of electricity flew between them.

Bill rolled his eye "Is that all?"

"Can we just move on from this?" Glynda begged.

"Are we feeling embarrassed Glynda?" Qrow asked with a smirk.

Glynda once again beat the Hell out of him as everyone rolled their eyes when they heard his screams.

'Idiot' Everyone thought.

The doors of the theater burst open and everyone turned to see an angry Nanny Glynda.

"BILL!!!!" She shouted.

"Sup!" Bill shouted.

"You condemned me to clean 41 bathrooms filled with puke and all you have to say to me is "Sup?!""

"Yo?" Bill asked.

Nanny Glynda growled but then she sighed, regaining her composure "Whatever, at least I'm done."

"Oh by the way, Jaune made a mess and it's kinda your job so..." Bill said as he gestured to the mess.

That was when Nanny Glynda lost it and screamed so loud that it was heard through the void the MMC was in.

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