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John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum Trailer

Everyone stood in the MMC and watched the theater burn to the ground, Bill floated to the floor and dropped his cane. He fell to his knees and sobbed while punching the ground.

"You maniac! You burned it down!!" Bill shouted "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!"

"I'm sorry guys..." Nora apologized as she felt terrible about what she did.

"Alas it all had to end." Salem said in disappointment.

"A moment of silence for all the universe's that had yet to be seen." Ozpin said as he put his hand on Salem's shoulder, she nodded as did the rest.

They were silent as the sounds of the fire cracked and burned while they stood and watched, some like Ruby, Nora and Jaune let out a cry of sadness.

"No..." Bill muttered darkly.

"Bill?" Nanny Glynda asked.

Bill stood up and floated above them, staring down at them determinedly "I will not give up on this, one mishap won't stop me from reaching my goal. We will reach the end; we will reach the endgame."

"How? The theater's destroyed." Blake asked.

"We will rebuild and make it better!" Bill exclaimed.

"Sure you can rebuild the theater but the multiverse viewer isn't something you can just replace." God Raven said.

"Multiverse viewer? Do you mean the screen?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, the multiverse viewer is given to a god of high ranking and it serves a specific use. The one we had was special; we're going to have to make a request to the council Bill." Nanny Glynda said.

Bill groaned "Those windbags hate me after you know what happened."

"What happened?" Summer asked.

God Raven smirked "Let's just say he tried to throw the biggest party in the multiverse and everyone didn't take to kindly to it."

"Man, now I wish I was there." Yang said with a smirk.

"Us too." Neptune and Sun said in unison.

"That's why I'm going with you, unlike you I have a perfect record. I shall appeal to them and make the request." Nanny Glynda said.

Bill sighed "Fine, I have an extra but this one isn't as big so you guys will have to make due."

"Really!? We can continue watching?" Oscar asked excitedly.

"Yeah, me and Glynds over here will be gone for a while. Raven you're in charge while we're gone." Bill said.

"Yes!" Raven exclaimed.

"Not you, I meant the other one." Bill specified.

"Yes!" God Raven exclaimed with a smirk.

"Let's go." Bill said as he held Nanny Glynda's arm.

She opened her umbrella and they floated up to the roof as a purple portal opened and soon they were gone.

"All right losers, let's go." God Raven strutted past them as she snapped her fingers and a black door appeared from out of nowhere.

Everyone followed her as she entered the room except Nora who rubbed her arm and looked down sadly. Someone grabbed her hand and she looked up to see Ren smiling at her with all her friends smiling at her as well.

"We forgive you." Ruby said.

"But-" Nora tried to say.

"We actually might've done the same if we had that kind of power." Coco said.

"I know Ruby would've." Yang said.

"Point is, we forgive you and you don't have to feel as if this is your fault." Ren said.

"Even if it is." Weiss muttered as Blake elbowed her on the arm.

"Thanks guys..." Nora said as she shed some tears.

God Raven growled "Let's go kiddies! I don't have all fucking day!"

They all ran into the room after that and only to be revealed to a nice looking room with a large, long black sofa, a queen sized bed and a fireplace.

"Where are we?" Ruby asked.

"This is my room, break anything and I will wipe you from existence." God Raven threatened.

"Noted." Taiyang said as everyone nodded fearfully.

"Nice digs." Qrow commented.

"Thanks, get yourselves settled on the couch and I'll get you some refreshments." God Raven said nonchalantly as she teleported away.

They all sat on the couch in their respective groups though space was a bit limited so they had sit closer to one another.

"This I won't get joust to." Ruby commented as she sat down.

"Why not?" Jaune asked, who was sitting next to her.

"Sup Red." Roman said as he sat to her right.

"That's why." Ruby said with a sigh.

Whitley sat down and smiled at the person sitting next to him which was Oscar.

"Whitley Schnee, you may have heard of me?" Whitley greeted as he held his hand out for a handshake.

"Can't say I have." Oscar responded as he shook it "O-Oscar Pine..."

"Woman, you sit with me." Jacques said to Willow.

"Nah, you get to hang with us." Tyrian said as he wrapped his hand around him and dragged him to where Salem and the others were sitting.

"Unhand me this instant you animal!" Jacques shouted.

"Careful there Mr. Schnee, he takes tongues." Hazel said with a smirk.

Jacques gulped as Tyrian laughed crazily, Amber held Willow's hand and gestured to an open seat with the parents.

"Come on." Amber said and Willow nodded.

God Raven came back with a tray of assortments of drinks and snacks as buckets of popcorn floated behind her then towards every guest.

"So GR, what are we watching?" Emerald asked.

"GR?" God Raven asked.

"Y'know, God Raven. We can't call you Raven since there's already a Raven." Emerald said.

"And two would just get confusing." Mercury added.

God Raven rolled her eyes as she looked at her watch "The screen is supposed to be arriving soon, Bill's sending it here."

As she said that, a large flat screen that went all the way down to the floor and took up the entire fire place wall appeared. They widened their eyes as a list popped into existence and fell into God Raven's hands.

"Small? This isn't small!" Winter exclaimed as she looked at the screen.

"It is smaller than the one in the theater but even so," Ozpin said.

"It's too big!" Weiss exclaimed.

"That's what she sai- OW!" Qrow was about to say but Winter had punched him in the nose.

God Raven ignored them as she looked over the list of universes, Bill had specified that she had to pick from any of those.

She smirked as she picked one "Let's watch something a little familiar and enjoying the exploits of a true killer."

"True killer?" Summer asked warily.

"You're not gonna show us some serial killer or something, are you?" Militia asked.

"Please tell me you will!" Tyrian begged happily.

God Raven shrugged "Hey, you call him whatever you want."

The lights to the room turned off as the screen lit up with just a play button in the center, she walked to her bed and sat down, starting the trailer as everyone watched.

Sounds of thunder and lightning rang out as the overhead of a city was shown.

Roman ducked and looked around as they looked at him weirdly "Sorry...flashbacks."

"Qrow, what have you done." Ozpin voiced over.

"I think I know what this might be." Salem commented with a smirk.

Militia squealed "Qrow Branwen!!"

"I think you have a fan Qrow." Taiyang said with a laugh.

"Don't need one." Qrow said as he drank his liquor to ease the uncomfortably he was feeling.

"This is gonna be cool." Ruby said excitedly.

"What is so important about this 'Qrow Branwen'?" Clover asked.

"He is an unkillable killing machine." Yang said with a smirk.

Clover rose an eyebrow "Is he that good?"

"See for yourself." Ironwood said.

Winter gulped with a blush as she was secretly excited to see this Qrow.

Qrow was shown disheveled and tired but still in his suit as he ran through the busy city in the rain with Zwei alongside him.

"You look like you've been through some stuff man." Taiyang said as he looked Qrow over.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I've been fighting for too long." Qrow said.

"The path of vengeance never ends well." Ozpin said with a sigh.

"I'm just glad Zwei has been safe through this." Summer said as Zwei barked in agreement.

"What happened to him?" Cinder asked as she looked at God Raven.

God Raven looked to the left and right then groaned "I have to explain it?"

"Well you do know what happened." Ren said.

"How are you so sure I do?" God Raven bluffed.

"Do you?" Raven asked with a knowing smirk.

God Raven rolled her eyes "Qrow hunted down and killed Cardin in the wrong place so now he's being hunted because he broke the rules."

"He what!?" Cardin yelled in fear.

"So he basically killed someone in a safe zone." Roman summarized.

"Correct." God Raven said.

"What's a safe zone?" Jaune asked.

"In the assassin world, there's a specific place where assassins get to hide out and they have rules. One of those rules is to not kill one another in that safe zone." Cinder explained.

"Wow, that's surprisingly civilized for a group of killers." Weiss said.

"Honey we do things clean, you huntsmen and huntresses are just messy." Cinder said with a smirk which earned a glare from a lot of people.

"There's no escape for you," Salem said as Qrow continued to run then he was shown looking around him as people passed "The high table wants your life."

"So everyone wants you dead." Raven said with narrowed eyes "Somebody's going to die."

"A whole lot of people are." Qrow said with a smirk and Raven replied with a smirk of his own.

"'re scaring me." Yang uttered.

"Don't worry about it honey," Raven said as she took a handful of popcorn and shoved it into Yang's mouth "Here have some popcorn."

"Aunt Raven scares me." Ruby said as she shivered.

"Ditto." Summer said.

"So I am here as well," Salem said with interest "Seems as if I am an ally."

"Lucky." Sienna, Vernal, Emerald and Kali said.

Qrow was shown running through an alleyway with Zwei then he was shown entering a building as two men held the doors open for him. Qrow was shown holding a wooden cross as Salem sat across from him.

"Tell me what you want." Salem said.

"Passage." Qrow uttered.

Salem looked sympathetic "I can't help you."

"Even the dark queen can't help him?" Roman asked "You're getting screwed by the minute big guy."

"We'll just see how things go first." Qrow responded.

"Though I am getting worried when I see you seeking help from someone like Salem." Glynda said.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Salem yelled as she stood up angrily.

Glynda stood up as well and the two met as both glared at each other "You know exactly what I mean!"

"Ooh...kick her as teach!" Coco exclaimed.

"Tear her to pieces my queen!" Tyrian yelled.

"Now, now, let's just calm down." Ozpin suggested and Saphron face-palmed as the two glared at him now.

"You never tell a woman to calm down." Taiyang said.

"Why not?" Sun asked.

"You never tell a woman to calm down Sun!" Blake shouted.

"Okay, but why?" Sun asked.

"Never tell a woman to calm down!" Blake repeated as the woman all cheered in agreement.

"I get it, but-" Sun started but he was cut off.

"Never tell a woman to calm down!" Blake shouted.

"Okay!" Sun exclaimed.

"Say it with me," Blake said as she pushed his cheeks together and mouthed the words as he spoke "Never tell a woman to calm down! You get it?"

"Yes I promise!" Sun exclaimed.

Neptune shook his head as the girls laughed "I have no words for you."

"You sure told her." Cardin said as he shook his head in disappointment.

God Raven growled as he watched Salem and Glynda shout at Ozpin "Sit down before murder you both!"

Both women growled and glared at each other as they walked back to their seats.

Qrow was shown leaning by a wall as he looked at his watch frantically, he was shown running into a building then the scene changed to reveal Qrow holding an open book as he stared at an old black and white photo of him and Summer.

Most gasped in shock at this as Qrow nearly dropped his bottle.

"No way..." Taiyang said in shock.

"Mom and Uncle Qrow were married!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"That is so weird!" Yang exclaimed.

Qrow was conflicted, on one hand he was happy because he had a long time crush on Summer but never acted on it and his best friend won her but on the other hand he felt sad that even in another universe he wasn't happy, because the woman he loved was dead.

"Different universe, different outcome I guess." Taiyang muttered but when Summer held and hugged his arm, he smiled.

"You're not mad?" Qrow asked carefully.

"Why would I be? For a long time, I really thought Summer would be into you." Taiyang said.

Summer giggled "Qrow's like my best guy friend nothing more."

Raven burst out in laughter as Summer looked at her confused.

"What'd I say?' Summer asked in confusion.

"That must hurt dude!" Roman exclaimed with a laugh.

Qrow rolled his eyes "I'm over her okay? Geez, there are multiple great women out there."

"Like you'll ever find one." Winter said with an amused smirk.

"You know what ice queen-" Qrow was about to say but Nora cut him off.

"Okay, can we just continue!? Please!?" Nora asked as Qrow grumbled with his beer.

"Time's running out on him though." Vernal commented.

Ozpin and Glynda were shown walking through the hotel.

"Do you expect him to make it out?" Glynda asked as Ren was shown walking towards Qrow with a pocket knife, hidden behind his back.

"I'm so sorry Ren but you're dead." Pyrrha said.

"I expected that, but at the very least my skills were tested on him." Ren said as he actually admired Qrow Branwen and his endeavors.

"A 14 million Lien bounty on his head," Ozpin said as papers were stamped and people on motorcycles were shown driving down a lowered road "And everyone in the city wants a piece of it?"

Taiyang was shown approaching Qrow then Ozpin and Glynda were shown back at the hotel "I'd say the odds are about even."

Everyone jaw-dropped and had their eyes wide in shock at the ridiculous amount of money on his bounty.

"I'm sorry how much did he say!?" Roman shouted.

"1-1-14 million..." Cinder muttered in absolute shock.

"That's what I thought I heard!" Roman exclaimed as he grabbed a pencil from Neo's pocket and lunged at Qrow, trying to stab him.

"It's not me you idiot!" Qrow yelled as he held Roman's arm back.

Roman blinked in realization and nodded with an awkward cough, he helped Qrow up and sat back down "I realize my mistake, but do you know how hard it is to be a wanted man!? My bounty is only 500,000 and now captain 14 million balls over here is flaunting it like I'm worthless!"

"Guess I'm just that cool." Qrow said with a smirk.

Roman tried to lunge at him again but Junior and Neo held him back "I'll kill you!"

"This Qrow Branwen must be a deadly combatant if every person wants him slain." Nicholas said with respect.

"You don't know the half of it." Yang said with wide eyes.

"The most wanted man in Vale, impressive Branwen." Ironwood said as he clapped.

Arthur watts was show stitching Qrow up as he laid on a table, watching the clock as it almost struck six o' clock.

"Doc, five seconds." Qrow said.

"So he is a man." Arthur commented, he was starting to think that Qrow Branwen was unkillable.

"Qrow Branwen, ex-communicado in effect in," Willow announced as she counted down.

Ren was shown with his men as they aimed their guns all around "3"

"Shit's about to go down." Mercury said in anticipation.

Back in Arthur's office, Qrow was still getting stitched up "2"

Everyone leaned in as they were excited to see the upcoming carnage.

Qrow was shown running through the streets again "1"

"Here we go." Ozpin said as the countdown ended.

"Take them down uncle Qrow!" Ruby cheered.

The clock rang as it reached its time as Qrow was shown arming himself with guns and armored men were shown entering a dark area.

"And away we go." Ozpin said as he looked at his scroll.

Yang ate her popcorn in anticipation as Summer gulped in worry for Qrow.

"Take em down." God Raven and Raven whispered with smirks on their faces.

Qrow was shown holding a powerful machine gun as he shot at a man then shot at two other men, when the gun ran out of bullets, Qrow threw the gun so hard I hit the man in the face and knocked him off his feet. Qrow grabbed the other man and took his pistol as he used him as a shield while shooting the man hit with the machine gun who got up.

"SWEET OUM!" Roman yelled as he watched.

"That was amazing!" Clover exclaimed in shock.

"He threw the gun!?" Ruby exclaimed "WHAT MANIAC THROWS GUNS PEOPLE!!??"

"Qrow Branwen that's who!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Fuck that was awesome!" Yang shouted.

Soon everyone was cheering at the sheer amazingness of Qrow's fighting style.


Six men on motorcycles, three on the left side and three on the right side, drew short katana's as Qrow looked back on his own motorcycle ahead of them and the scene changed to show Qrow slashing at one of them.


"He's unkillable..." Jacques muttered in shock.

"This man may be the deadliest man I have ever seen." Hazel said.

"He's so cool!" Tyrian exclaimed as others agreed.

"Parabellum." Salem, Ozpin and Nicholas said in unison.

"Bless you." Summer responded.

"No, it's what those words mean." Ozpin explained "If you want peace, prepare for war."

"That sounds ominous and cool at the same time." Raven said.

"Salem actually taught it to me..." Ozpin said with a sigh as she smirked.

They all widened their eyes in shock.

"Pardon?" Ironwood asked.

"She sent it to me through a text." Ozpin said with a sigh "The devil emoji lost its intimidation factor though."

Some chuckled at this while Salem pouted.

Roman was shown holding a pigeon in the rain.

"Again with the pigeons." Roman said with an eye roll.

Winter was revealed as she walked then Qrow was shown fighting a group of men as one threw a knife at him and it landed between his legs. Qrow grabbed it and threw it into a man's shoulder.

"Okay, that was such a close call!" Jaune shouted as he crossed his legs.

"Way too close." Whitley said.

"Glad he can adapt to every situation." Winter said with a slight blush.

"Impressed ice queen?" Qrow asked.

"He impresses me," Winter said "You not so much."

Qrow rolled his eyes as his former team laughed at him.

Qrow was shown holding a gun as he entered a mirrored area, he suddenly turned around and shot at Ren who was just a mirror image.

"Your guys' fight must be epic." Yang said.

"Hey GR, how skilled is Ren in this universe?" Neptune asked.

God raven sighed angrily and looked at him "He's almost at Qrow's skillset, so he could kill anyone in this room besides me."

Some shifted away from Ren except Nora who hugged his arm lovingly as Ren smiled "My ninja."

Bookshelves were shown as Qrow kicked a man then he was show slamming a book that was already in the man's mouth deeper.

They cringed in pain as they saw this except Tyrian as he laughed.

"Death by book!" Tyrian yelled "This guy is so creative!"

Qrow and an armored man fell into a pool as they continued fighting, Qrow was back in the mirror area as he kicked a man through a glass structure.

Summer cringed "That's gonna leave a mark."

Qrow and Ren were shown briefly fighting as a ballet woman was shown stand on the tips of her toes and Qrow was then shown riding a horse through the busy streets of Vale as the motorcycle men chased him, Qrow was shown pushing a man's head down to his motorcycle then shooting him in the neck.

"Where did he get a horse!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Weiss do we seriously have to go through this again?" Ruby asked.

"But...but..." Weiss muttered.

Blake sighed "Everybody!"

"Because it's Qrow Branwen!" Everyone except the newcomers and Weiss said.

Qrow was shown walking through the desert as he held a bottle.

"Now he's in the desert!?" Pyrrha exclaimed.

"This guy is literally the definition of unbelievable!" Robyn uttered in shock.

Raven was shown walking with two dogs by her side then Qrow was sown as he sat on a couch.

"Raven, we're not going in like the old days just a conversation." Qrow said warily.

Raven grinned "Yeah right, let's cause some chaos! Like we used to!"

"You were crazy back then." Qrow said with a laugh.

"Still am." Raven laughed.

"The two Branwens working together again, never thought I'd see the day." Ozpin said with a chuckle.

"Things are about to get dangerous." Taiyang said.

"Were they like this ultimate team back then?" Yang asked.

"They were the best team when they needed to be and we were just their cheerleaders." Summer said with a laugh.

"Doggies!" Ruby exclaimed as Zwei barked happily.

Raven walked towards Qrow as she loaded a gun, she kneeled and petted her dog as she looked at Qrow "Nothing's ever, just a conversation with you Qrow."

"Damn straight!" Qrow exclaimed as he high fived Raven.

"Yang your mom is so cool!" Sun said.

"You know it!" Yang said with a smirk as Raven elbowed her playfully.

Qrow was shown walking Past Glynda with a very large gun in hand.


"That's a very big gun." Saphron said with wide eyes.

"It's beautiful." Ruby muttered with stars in her eyes.

"Parabellum fits him perfectly." Salem said with a smirk.

Qrow and Raven were shown shooting together then Raven's dogs were shown running and barking as they jumped over a table and bit two different guys as Raven slid under the table while Qrow trapped a man and shot at others.

"That was amazing!" Ruby exclaimed "We gotta try that with Zwei!"

"After the last time with Zwei!?" Weiss asked "No way!"

"He's a good dog." Oobleck commented as he pets Zwei.

God Raven teleported in front of them with a remote and looked around.

"So were you satisfied?" God Raven asked.

"Oh yeah!" Nora exclaimed.

"Qrow was like bam! And wah! And pow!" Jaune said as he reenacted the moves.

"And Raven was like bam! Bam! Bam! Pow!" Ruby joined in as the others laughed in amusement at their reenactment.

"That was one of the most dangerous universes." Hazel said.

"Agreed." Cinder.

"Alright well, we're gonna move on and believe me when I tell you it's gonna be big." God Raven said with a smirk.

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