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Godzilla: King of The Monsters Trailer

"It's gonna be big?" Glynda asked "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

Salem scoffed "Blonde bimbo can't even read between the lines, real keeper there Ozpin."

Glynda glared at her "I will snap your neck you witch!"

"Isn't that supposed to be you?" Salem mocked with a smirk which made Glynda angrier.

"All right! I'll add a bit of context and Ozpin please keep your women under control." God Raven said as some laughed while Salem, Glynda and Ozpin had small blushes on their face.

"I don't think Glynda is his woman." Ironwood said a little frantic.

"Looking a little nervous there general, anything you want to tell us?" Robyn asked with a smirk.

Ironwood looked around as eyes were on him so he shook his head with a cough "No, nothing."

God Raven rolled her eyes "When I meant big, I meant that this universe will make you glad that Grimm are on your planet instead of what's on your counterparts' planet."

Some were surprised at that and a bit unsure on believing her.

"Are there actually monsters on here that trump my Grimm?" Salem asked.

"See for yourselves." God Raven said as she teleported to her bed.

The trailer started by showing military vehicles driving through a desert area with oil rigs around them, the camera shook as oil suddenly burst through one part of the ground and gigantic spikes erupted from the ground.

"What we are witnessing here," Neptune announced "Is the return of titans."

Multiple shocked faces were visible throughout the room; they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Titans!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"What the hell was that!?" Emerald exclaimed.

A waterfall was shown as colossal moth wings spread out and glowed brightly.

"Is that a giant moth?" Jaune asked fearfully.

If Neo could scream, she would as she jumped on Roman in fear as he tried prying her off.

"Damn it woman! Get ahold of yourself!" Roman shouted.

Weiss shivered "One thing I can't stand are bugs."

Another monster was shown erupting from the ground as it was seemingly a mountain a few moments ago.

"How many of these things are there?" Oobleck asked as the mountain monster was being viewed through a monitor.

"17...and counting." Ozpin replied as a giant raptor was shown roaring on top of an active volcano.

"17!? You're telling me there are 17 of these monsters!?" Saphron exclaimed.

"And counting." Nora reminded.

"One of these will take the entire Atlas military and huntsmen and huntresses to defeat but 17!" Ironwood yelled.

"The whole world is screwed." Qrow said with his jaw dropped.

"Sir, requesting permission to cry." Clover said.

"Granted." Ironwood said as he was losing all hope while Clover sniffed sadly.

"Can't we defeat them in any way?" Glynda asked.

"You can try." God Raven answered as she snickered.

"That's messed up." Ironwood said as he stood next to Scarlet with his jaw-dropped.

"Agreed." Melanie said.

The moth huffed which let out a gust of wind that blew Summer and Ruby back a bit but they smiled and laughed in wonder.

Taiyang grew a bit worried as he saw his family face to face with such a being while the others were shocked.

"You guys got close to it!?" Winter exclaimed.

"How!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Aww, it's cute." Ruby said as she ignored the two Schnee's.

"I know, it's not so bad when you get close." Summer said happily.

"Are they always like this?" Cinder asked as she was weirded out by the two.

"They like to see the brighter side of things." Yang said with a shrug.

Ruby reached out to touch it as Summer held her hand and it got closer to Ruby's hand.

"Huh...maybe they're not so bad." Vernal said in surprise.

"Guess we shouldn't assume even though they are completely different from what we've seen." Blake said.

"Are you mad!? Those monsters deserve to be slaughtered, for the good of humanity!" Jacques yelled.

Adam growled with a glare "Funny, he said the same thing about us."

Sienna nodded with a glare of her own "I would shut up if I were you."

Before Jacques could respond, Tyrian punched him in the face as he fell over and laughed.

"See that, I told you I'd do it!" Tyrian exclaimed.

"We knew it would happen." Watts said.

"You've been whispering it to us for the past hour." Hazel said with an eye roll.

"Take it easy guys, come on." Whitley said a little worried.

"How dare you!?" Jacques shouted as he sat up.

"Please Mr. Schnee, why so serious?" Ozpin asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Shut up you pitiful-" Jacques was about to shout but stopped when God Raven increased his gravity.

He choked as he fell to his knees as God Raven's eyes glowed in anger "If only I could kill you, then I would! But Bill would be pissed at me if I did so sit down and shut up or so help me I will leave you this armless, legless thing, understand!?"

"Y-yes..." Jacques chocked as the gravity stopped and he started breathing heavily.

Willow was about to go help him but Amber held her back "He can take care of himself."

"But a good wife should help her husband." Willow said sadly.

"If he was a real man then he wouldn't need his wife fighting his battles for him, relax he'll live." Amber said with a smile.

"Okay that happened." Raven said as God Raven calmed down.

"Let's continue." God Raven said with an uncomfortable smile as Jacques crawled up into his seat.

Someone was shown standing in a smoky area as the giant moth flapped its wings.

"Mothra." Summer named as she referred to the moth.

The raptor was shown as lava flared around it "Rodan."

"Ghidorah." Summer said as a hydra dragon was shown as one of its heads roared and lightning struck.

"Is that a fucking hydra!?" Mercury shouted in awe and fear.

"We're dead, yeah we're dead." Emerald said as she finally gave up.

"Nothing can stand up to these beasts." Salem said as she felt small compared to them, she hated this feeling.

"What about Mothra? Maybe she can help us?" Ruby asked.

"Against 16 others, I don't think so kid." Qrow responded.

"In every species there's an alpha and from my research, the alpha keeps everyone in line and commands through power." Port explained.

"What's your point?" Adam asked.

"Find the strongest, then you find the alpha." Port asked.

"I assume you mean the Ghidorah then?" Kali asked.

"Maybe." Port said.

"It doesn't seem like the reasonable type." Jaune said with wide eyes.

"So the main three that could be the alphas are a raptor, a dragon and moth?" Sun asked.

"I don't about you but I'm going with the dragon." Yang said with a shrug.

"Oh my." Oobleck uttered as Ghidorah was shown rising from smoke as all the heads throats glowed.

"They're moving like a pack." Taiyang said as Rodan flew over a city and it was completely destroyed in his wake.

"Oh my god..." Summer muttered as she covered her mouth in shock.

"Such destruction..." Ozpin said mournfully.

"Such power..." Cinder muttered with desire.

"So it's as you said," Clover said as Port nodded "Then which one is the alpha."

"Ghidorah." Yang said as some looked at her "It's pretty obvious."

"They're hunting." Taiyang continued as Ruby was shown standing on a roof as she stared at an approaching cloud that covered the entire city.

"Ruby get out of there!" Taiyang exclaimed.

"Why are you just staring at it!?" Mercury yelled.

"Run bitch run!!" Emerald shouted.

"They all respond directly to an alpha." Taiyang finished as Ghidorah roared over a mountain aw lightning struck around him and the camera panned to show a cross while he roared in the background.

"See I was right!" Yang exclaimed.

"Congratulations." Weiss said with an eye roll.

"So that's it we're just all going to die?" Taiyang asked.

"Well if you got a way to kill a three-headed dragon, I'm all ears." Adam said with a sigh.

"We stop this Ghidorah, we stop them all." Taiyang said as Ruby was shown slowly turning around as Ghidorah's eye watched her through a window.

"Farewell red, I knew thee well." Roman said as he pats her shoulder.

"How are you so sure I'm dead!?" Ruby exclaimed.

Emerald and Mercury snickered "I'm pretty sure you are."

The ocean was shown as the waters glowed blue and started collapsing while people watched on a nearby submarine.

"Is there any creature that might stand a chance against him?" Winter asked.

Glowing spikes erupted from the ocean as Velvet watched in shock, a gigantic figure stood up as the ocean water fell around it and it was revealed to be a colossal dinosaur.

Taiyang was shown watching through a screen with Oobleck.

"My god..." Taiyang muttered.

"Zilla..." Oobleck said as Godzilla looked up to the sky and let out a powerful blue energy beam.

Everyone had most certainly had their jaws dropped at the sight, some couldn't believe it while some were getting goosebumps from it.

"What. The. Fuck." Qrow said as his eye twitched and flask fell to the ground "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"What in Oum's name is that!?" Glynda yelled.

"Zilla!? What the hell does Zilla mean!?" Junior shouted.

"Oh Oum, we're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Jaune said as he was shaking.

"Still think Ghidorah is the alpha?" Blake asked with wide eyes.

Yang didn't answer as she was frozen like a statue, she stared at Godzilla and fell to her knees. People were surprised to see her start bowing and worshipping it.

"Yang what are you doing!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"I've seen many things Rubes but there will never be such awesomeness as I have seen today, he is truly the awesomeness of awesomeness." Yang said in a daze.

"What are you talking about?" Weiss asked.

"I will give up my life, for I have seen all that is needed to be seen in this life." Yang said as she grabbed her neck.

"Yang!" Her team shouted as they were about to try to stop her but Raven stopped them.

"I got this." Raven said as she knelt by her "Yang sweetie, I want you to listen to what I'm about to say okay?"

Yang just stared as Raven smiled "I'll take that as a yes. Okay, Yang...Bumblebee."

Yang gasped as she shook her head and looked around "Where am I? What happened?"

"She's good." Raven said as she got back to her seat.

Yang sat back down in confusion "What happened? I blacked out and now everything is hazy."

"You suddenly became this zombie servant when you saw that." Ruby said as she pointed at Godzilla.

Yang widened her eyes as they suddenly became stars "THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!"

"What was that all about earlier?" Summer asked.

"I'd rather not try to figure that grenade of issues out." Sienna said as she shook her head.

A volcano was shown erupting then a giant claw burst out of it and grabbed onto the surface.

"Our planet will perish," Summer said as a building exploded and Rodan's feet were shown then it was shown flying towards a city.

"Way to stay optimistic Sums." Raven said with an eye roll.

"I think staying optimistic about giant monsters that cause natural disasters by just their presence alone is what you would call crazy." Summer said.

A child was shown running from the destructive dust cloud caused by Rodan as a soldier tackled him to a nearby building but he started to fly away but the soldier grabbed onto him, trying to save him.

"Hang on kid!!!" The soldier exclaimed but he flew away as the mother screamed in pain and sorrow.

"Damn this is just horrible." Qrow said as he clasped his hands together.

"Nature's taking back what's theirs." Robyn said.

A person was shown walking up large temple steps towards something on fire at the top.

"Unless we set Godzilla free." Summer said through a broadcast as Ozpin was shown placing a canister in front of Godzilla and touched him on the nose.

"You two share a bond." Willow said as Ozpin looked at her "I can see it."

"Well if Ghidorah is destroying the world, would Godzilla save it?" Oobleck asked.

"Oum I hope he does." Pyrrha answered.

Ruby was shown in the rain as she turned around to see Godzilla had arrived as he roared and Ruby smiled.

"The true king has arrived." Ruby said excitedly.

"You're in the middle of a monster battlefield and that's the first thing you say!?" Weiss questioned.

"I'll be fine." Ruby said as Weiss jaw dropped.

"How do you know!?" Weiss asked.

Ruby shrugged "Godzilla will protect me."

"Damn straight." Yang agreed.

Weiss shook her head and screamed into her arms as Blake sympathized with her.

"Oh sure, let's just invite him for some coffee." Oobleck said sarcastically.

"No, this time we join the fight." Taiyang responded as a large plane was shown with multiple planes around it as the all fired missiles at Ghidorah while Ruby watched in awe.

"Yeah fight back!" Nora cheered.

"Teach them that we won't go down without a fight!" Emerald shouted.

Summer was shown picking up a detonator as she pushed the button "Run."

An ice wall exploded and cracked as Godzilla and Ghidorah were shown fighting as Ghidorah attacked with all three of its heads and slammed Godzilla down.

"Crap!" Roman exclaimed.

"No, he'll win! He has too!" Yang exclaimed with determination.

"This is so cool!" Oscar said as he enjoyed the brief fight.

"I know right!" Whitley exclaimed.

Ghidorah roared as lightning erupted from it as Ruby was shown screaming as a flaming monster fell from the sky and to the ground as the area exploded.

"This is absolutely crazy!" Saphron shouted.

"I've never seen so much destruction!" Glynda shouted in shock.

"Oum I hope Ruby is okay." Summer said nervously.

Pilots were shown firing missiles and shooting guns at Rodan as it screamed in pain.

"Kill him!" Adam shouted.

"Avenge the fallen!" Ghira yelled.

"Slay that beast!" Nicholas shouted.


Godzilla was shown roaring in the night sky.

"He truly is." Ozpin said with a newfound respect for him.


Rodan and Ghidorah were shown flying towards each other and Ghidorah totally overpowered it as he grabbed it.

"Ghidorah has solidified itself into my nightmares." Taiyang said.

"Zilla better win." Qrow said.


Mothra was shown flying towards Ghidorah as he fired his lightning at her.

"Damn I actually liked that one." Hazel said as he clicked his tongue.

"No!!" Ruby exclaimed.

Soldiers were shown firing their guns at a monster then Ruby was shown roaring at Godzilla.

"Damn red, challenging a king? I'm impressed." Roman said with a smirk.

Ruby rolled her eyes "Whatever."

Godzilla fired his breath attack at Ghidorah and it hit him directly, knocking him back.

"This is Godzilla's world; we just live in it." Ironwood said as Winter was shown observing in the plane.

"Damn right." Winter said as Godzilla roared and ran towards Ghidorah who did the same and the two clashed.


"I couldn't agree with that title more." Taiyang said.

"That was absolutely amazing!" Nora shouted with a squeal.

God Raven teleported to the front and looked around "Well?"

"Please tell me those things don't exist in our universe." Saphron said in worry.

God Raven smirked "Hey it's your planet, you go find out."

"I don't think I'll ever forget this one." Oscar said.

"Aye, today we saw a true king." Nicholas said with a respectful nod.

"Well I'm glad and the next one will test if you're manly enough to see it." God Raven said.

"Manly enough? What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss asked.

"You'll find out." God Raven said.

"Uh is it something scary, because I don't think I am manly enough then." Jaune said.

God raven slapped him and shouted "Shut up and be a man!"

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