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Iron Man 2 Trailer

"Ooh this is another Marvel one, right!?" Ruby exclaimed which excited a few.

"Thunder!" Nora exclaimed.

"NO!!" Everyone shouted in fear as Nora covered her mouth.

"I'm so excited!" Jaune said excitedly.

"Is it a new hero?" Sun asked with a grin.

"Or villain?" Mercury asked with a smirk.

"It's actually-" God Raven was cut off when a purple portal opened and Bill popped through with a construction hat and construction noises ring out from the portal.

"Greetings Remnitians!" Bill greeted.

"Bill!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise and joy.

"When did you get back?" Weiss asked.

"A few hours ago and now we're working on construction." Bill responded.

"I'm sorry for what I did Bill." Nora apologized sadly.

Bill waved her off "It's cool, I just came here to check on you and tell you that I love you all."

"Aww, that's so swe-" Pyrrha was about to say when Bill cut her off.

"Of course I'm not a liar so I'm not gonna tell you any of that." Bill said with a laugh.

"Oh no..." Yang said.

"We're working on rebuilding the theater and yes, Nora you will forever be in debt because this has been taken straight from your wallet." Bill said as Nora widened her eyes.

"What!?" Nora exclaimed.

God Raven snickered "You owe the multiversal council."

"And what's worse is that the council decided to give me the worst construction team ever." Bill said as an explosion rang out from the portal.


"Sorry Sarge!" another voice exclaimed.

"Bill!" Nanny Glynda shouted as Bill groaned.

"Raven here's a continued list," Bill said as he handed her a list of more universes "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye!" Most said with a wave as Bill disappeared with the portal.

"So I'm broke now." Nora said with a groan "Perfect."

"I'll help you out, don't worry." Weiss said.

Nora smiled "Thanks."

God Raven pocketed the list and took out her notebook as she teleported to her bed and started the trailer.

The sound of a judge's hammer being hit were heard as a big white building was shown and inside a lot of professionally dressed people were shown and in front sat Ruby in a suit as she kept looking back and talking to Weiss with Neptune sitting next to her.

"Iron Rose!" Ruby, Yang, Oscar and Nora cheered in joy.

"What's Iron Rose?" Whitley asked.

"Only the coolest superhero you have ever seen." Ruby responded.

"Come on, Captain Vale is still cooler." Jaune bragged as Ruby glared at him.

"No he isn't, Iron Rose is." Ruby exclaimed.

"I feel Hulk is better." Oobleck said.

"Puny mortals, your pathetic natures are nothing to a god." Nora stated proudly.

"Only Oum knows how you are a god in another universe." Weiss said as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I'll ask him; do you know why?" Nora asked with a smirk.

"Because you're a god?" Blake asked dully.

"Because I'm a god!" Nora exclaimed.

"Could we pick up now where we left off?" a man asked as he was shown sitting behind a table with other important looking men. "Ms. Rose, please?"

Ruby turned around with a smile "Yes dear?"

"I forgot how charming you were in this one." Yang said with a teasing smirk "You and Weiss must have so much fun~"

Ruby and Weiss blushed a deep red and avoided looking at each other, opting to shout at Yang.

"Yang!!" Ruby whined.

"Shut up you dolt!" Weiss shouted.

"Ooh I can't wait to see some grandbabies!" Summer exclaimed as the girls blushed even harder.

Some laughed at the small joke as the senator continued.

"Can I have your attention?" the senator asked.

"Absolutely." Ruby answered as she gave him her full attention.

"Our priority here is to have you turn over the Iron Rose weapon to the kingdom of Vale." The senator stated.

"No! Don't do that!" Sun exclaimed.

"You have no idea what these people would do if they got ahold of such a powerful weapon." Amber said with a slight glare to Ironwood.

"Don't worry guys, I love that suit too much to let it go." Ruby said determinedly "I'm sure that other me does too."

"Well you can forget it," Ruby refused "We're safe, Vale is secure. You want my property? You can't have it! But I did you a big favor,"

Ruby stood up and turned around to address everyone "I have successfully privatized world peace."

Ruby said this as she held up two peace signs as everyone clapped and stood up.

Cinder scoffed "I doubt that."

"Well she must've caused some dangerous people to be fearful of her if word has spread about her." Emerald reasoned.

"So wait? Everyone knows that Ruby is Iron Rose?" Jaune asked.

"Yeah, she was told not to reveal it to anyone but Ruby did the complete opposite." God Raven said.

"Yep, sounds like her." Weiss said with a sigh.

"Hey!" Ruby exclaimed as Yang laughed.

"Sound like you too." Blake added towards Yang.

"What did I do!?" Yang exclaimed.

Ruby was shown putting on a pair of sunglasses as the senator spoke "We're adjourned for the day; you've been a delight."

Ruby blew the senator kisses as everyone was clapping.

"That's it?" Ironwood asked "They're not gonna try harder?"

Raven shrugged "What can they do? The suit belongs to Ruby and there is nothing they can do about it."

"Being rich can get you places." Vernal said as she scoffed.

"Man I wish I was this confident." Ruby said as she watched herself with awe.

"You can be Red, just don't give a damn what anyone thinks," Roman said with a smirk "That's what I did."

"And that's how you became a criminal?" Ruby asked.

"A confident criminal." Roman said with a smirk and proud eyes.


Ruby was shown in her Iron Rose armor, standing in front of Weiss who held her helmet as the stood in an airplane and the back door was opened

"Okay give me a smooch for good luck, I might not make it back." Ruby said as Weiss smirked and gave Ruby's helmet a long passionate kiss while Ruby watched in surprise.

Weiss threw the helmet out of the plane then smirked at Ruby "Go get 'em boss."

Ruby gave her a smile as she was about to jump out but then she quickly looked back at Weiss to exclaim "You complete me!"

She then jumped off and fell towards the ground.

"Ha!" Yang laughed as Weiss and Ruby blushed again.

"Oh that was perfect!" Melanie laughed.

"I never thought Weiss would be so rumbustious." Willow said in shock.

"They have a weird relationship." Amber answered as she giggled.

"She's so cool." Oscar said with stars in his eyes.

Whitley was the same as he nodded "Truly amazing!"

"That armor looks so advanced." Robyn said in surprised as she admired the suit.

"It's fast enough to catch up with jets and has small missiles that can destroy a tank, its super cool." Nora explained with a squeal.

Iron Rose was shown flying down towards a stadium as she landed through the roof with a superhero landing onto a stage as the entire crowd in the stadium cheered and fireworks fired and dancers danced in the background. Ruby stood up with her arms open as cybernetic arms took apart the suit.

"Oh it's good to be back!" Ruby said as she was in a suit and clapped while looking at the crowd.

"This Ruby has it all!" Jaune said with a grin.

"Wealth, fame, power. Some would say she has the qualities of a king or queen in her case." Nicholas said with a laugh.

"There has to be a catch." Cinder said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Why can't you be happy for me!?" Ruby asked.

Cinder blinked "Because behind every famous person there's a deep dark secret."

"Well there was that time where Ruby was testing out missiles and selling them to the military before the whole Iron Rose thing." God Raven said nonchalantly.

Ruby slumped glumly "Don't remind me."

Yang hugged her "But you've changed, for the better at least."

Ruby smiled "Yeah, you're right."

The camera transitioned to show that the show was being watched through a small T.V then multiple articles of Ruby Rose were shown hanging on a wall.

"You come from a family of thieves and butchers." Ilia said as she was shown working on something on a table.

"Uh oh..." Yang said with a glare.

"Thieves and butchers?" Winter asked as she looked at Qrow and Raven then she nodded "Pretty accurate."

"Hey!" The brother and sister shouted in offense.

"Why am I vengeful against Ruby Rose?" Ilia asked as she looked around.

"Beats me." Neptune said with a shrug.

Ilia was show constructing something with a blowtorch while using a ROSE INDUSTIRES blueprint "And now like all guilty people, you try to rewrite your own history."

Ruby was shown walking down a hall with a bruised eye and a serious look on her face.

"Well the criminals we do catch try to spin some web of lies when they've been found guilty." Clover said with a shrug.

"Or blame others for them getting caught, taking their associates down with them." Winter added with an amused yet sadistic smirk.

"What happened to me?" Ruby asked as she frowned at the bruise.

"Whoever laid their hands on you is gonna have to deal with me!" Yang growled as she cracked her knuckled.

"Agreed." Taiyang said with his own growl as he cracked his neck.

Ilia was shown painting a small part "And you forget all the lives the Rose family has destroyed."

As Ilia said this, Ruby was shown clapping her hands as he lab lit up then a switch was shown being flipped as a drop of water evaporated onto a glass ring.

"There will be blood in the water." Ilia said as Ruby was shown looking at herself in the mirror with her shirt open as she stared at the reactor in her chest.

"My god...its magnificent." Watts as he stared at the reactor.

"Boy Red, you really screwed the pooch on this one!" Roman exclaimed with wide eyes.

Ruby frowned sadly, she understands why Ilia could hate her. Her other self-did create weapons that must've ruined multiple lives.

Ruby felt arms wrap around her and saw Summer giving her a sad smile "I know what you're thinking and Ruby that's not you, we all make mistakes and even if your other you are slightly different, she's still you. Be proud of yourself and her, she saw her mistakes and she became a superhero so she can save others."

Ruby shed a few tears and cried as she hugged her mother, Summer smiled but then she heard sniffing and saw all the parents giving her a thumbs up as some were blowing their noses.

"And the sharks will come." Ilia spoke as Jacques was shown with his arms raised.

Multiple people groaned as Jacques rolled his eyes with a small hidden smirk.

Ilia was shown developing and creating something then Ruby was shown in a nascar outfit and driving a nascar.

Yang grinned then turned to her team as she was about to speak.

"No." they spoke first as Yang slumped in her seat.

Ruby was shown talking to Ironwood who had a beard and an eyepatch.

Ironwood widened his eyes in shock "What happened to me?"

"That Ironwood has been through some shit." Qrow commented as Glynda blushed while looking at him.

The Iron Rose dancers were shown then Blake was shown entering a ring.

"Blake's here!?" Jaune exclaimed as Blake widened her eyes.

"So what? Blake isn't like a superhero or alien or god or anything?" Yang asked as God Raven smirked and zipped her lips.

"I still am proud to see my daughter as a true soldier." Ghira said with pride.

An iron suit was shown getting developed as Neptune was shown with a serious face then Weiss was shown with a shocked look then Blake was shown taking down grunts as she wore a black skin tight suit.

"Whoa, Blake got moves!" Ruby exclaimed.

Blake smirked, she liked this badass side of her and seeing the previous universe raised her ego quite a bit.

"I got it! Blake's like this cool, super, secret spy!" Nora exclaimed, imitating karate moves.

"I mean Blake's sneaky but a spy? Doubt it." Yang said.

"It I highly unlikely." Pyrrha said.

"Actually she's right on the ball." God Raven said with a shrug.

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at her in shock as she smirked at them.

"Wait so Blake is a spy!?" Emerald exclaimed.

"Spy, Assassin and more." God Raven replied.

They all looked at Blake and slightly shifted away from her, she was a soldier in the last universe and a spy in the current one. Blake Belladonna was dangerous.

Ilia was shown hammering something on an anvil then an arc reactor was shown getting picked up. Ilia was shown walking on the nascar road with only a sports bra on and orange pants with metal wirings around her upper body as an arc reactor was on her chest.

Everyone widened their eyes in shock at the level of expertise in engineering that the other Ilia had.

"You built a second one?" Glynda asked in shock.

Cinder smirked "Impressive."

"I don't understand it; I know nothing about engineering or technology." Ilia said in shock.

"Well other you seems to be an expert." Oobleck said as he hummed.

Ilia was shown with long electrical whips in each hand as she used the one in her right hand to whip right through Ruby's car as it flipped in the air and landed with a crash.

They jaw dropped at the powerful weapons as Yang's eyes became red and she lunged at Ilia, only to be held back by Taiyang.

"Calm down Yang, she didn't do anything!" Taiyang shouted.

"Yang! Ruby's fine!" Raven shouted as Yang started to calm down but her glare on Ilia remained.

Ruby was shown, injured on the ground, as Ilia was approaching her. Ilia whipped the electrical whips in front of her as she kept on approaching Ruby then Ilia was shown laughing as Iron Rose looked over her shoulder.

"Impressive form." Sienna complimented.

"This is not gonna end well for you." Blake said as she looked at Ilia who sighed and nodded.

"Vengeance is not the way." Willow said sadly.

"Tell that to her and Qrow Branwen." Junior said.

Iron Rose was shown flying away from multiple iron suits as they fired at her then she was shown flying under a bridge and they followed her as the cars under them exploded.


"Wait there are more of them!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"How many of these things did you make?" Jaune asked as Ruby shrugged with a grin from seeing all the iron suits.

"Knowing Ruby." Yang said as she face-palmed "A lot."

Iron Rose or Ruby was shown standing next to War Machine or Neptune as their face plates went down and Iron Rose was shown firing repulsor blasts at the suits while War Machine was loading them all up with bullets.

This shocked most as Ruby screamed in joy as Neptune cheered.

"I get my own suit!" Neptune cheered "Awesome!"

"I want a suit." Sun muttered with a pout.

"I mean, it's bigger and more gun heavy that Ruby's." Pyrrha analyzed.

"That make is unique." Coco commented.

"It make it awesome!" Ruby exclaimed as she started shouting 'pew' with finger guns as Neptune joined her.

God Raven teleported to the front with a smirk on her face "I did say you were gonna marvel at it."

Some groaned at the pun while Taiyang and Yang laughed with Raven secretly giggling.

"That was so cool!" Ruby exclaimed "I can't wait to see more!"

"Wait, if Captain Vale, Iron Rose, Nora and Hulk all exist in the same universe then how come they never met?" Ozpin asked.

"Well they do meet eventually." God Raven said.

"Oh please show us!" Nora begged as some were excited to hear that "PLEASE!!"

"Nope, we're gonna wait a bit for that." God Raven said which disappointed as few "For now I'm just going to show you a universe that you will be fortunate to see."

"Was that another pun?" Weiss asked angrily.

God Raven didn't answer as she chuckled and winked.

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