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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Trailer

"So are these puns gonna be a regular thing with you?" Cinder asked as Yang was laughing.

"Maybe, maybe not." God Raven said with a shrug.

"You said we'd be fortunate, so I assume you were talking about a universe that involved great wealth?" Ozpin asked.

Roman and Emerald had giant grins with lien signs for eyes "WEALTH!!?"

"'re kinda right." God Raven said which excited a few as she teleported to her bed and started the trailer "You'll just have to see."

The trailer began by showing a pathway through thick forestry then a large tree then a rocky area with a river travelling along it then a waterfall then an ancient ruined city surrounded by water then a ruined castle that sat on a cliff by the ocean.

"Wow it's so pretty." Ruby said with glistening eyes.

"Y'know I really never took the time to just explore the beauty that is our world." Ozpin said as he remembered how he'd been so busy.

"Why don't we plan a camping trip to just relax for once?" Yang suggested as a few agreed.

"We could make s'mores, tell campfire stories and make pancakes!" Nora exclaimed.

"I don't think you eat pancakes at camp." Pyrrha said.

"Nonsense!" Nora said "You eat pancakes anywhere!"

Taiyang was shown crouching in a cave behind the waterfall as he overlooked the view of the forest.

"My end is near," Taiyang spoke as he was shown dodging a shot from a rocket launcher as he was holding an Ak-47.

"Another one about Tai, it's been a while." Qrow said with a smirk.

"This I'm gonna enjoy." Taiyang said with a grin.

"Me too." Summer said as she was ready to see her man go on some crazy adventure.

"Holy crap! Did he just didge a rocket launcher!?" Roman exclaimed.

"That was cool." Yang said giddily as Ruby nodded excitedly, Raven wouldn't admit it but this universe seemed exciting.

"In my final hour, I commend my soul to Oum." Taiyang continued as he was shown looking up at a statue then he was shown holding a pistol as he was hiding behind cover while men surrounded him with laser sights on their guns.

"Dang dad, who'd you tick off?" Yang asked.

"Nobody that I know off," Taiyang said with a shrug.

"This speech sounds familiar." Blake said with a hum.

"It does?" Yang asked.

"I think I read it in a book once." Blake said as Ozpin chuckled.

"It is a quote from someone familiar to the Xiao Long family." Ozpin said.

"It is?" Taiyang asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I assume this universe will explain." Ozpin said and they chose to focus more on it.

"May he have mercy on this unholy place." Taiyang finished as birds were shown flying in the air with trees in the background then Taiyang was shown running through a cave with ritualistic stick figures tied to the top.

"Okay this is a little creepy." Jaune said as he was a bit unnerved.

"What are you doing that led you to this beautiful yet disturbing place?" Summer asked.

"Maybe I'm some archeologist or something." Taiyang guessed.

"Never seen and archeologist with a gun." Junior commented.

"Ying Xiao Long." Taiyang finished as he was surprised at what he just read.

"Ying Xiao Long?" Qrow repeated in confusion.

"My great grandfather." Taiyang said which shocked a few "He went on an expedition and disappeared, nobody knew what happened."

"So this universe's Taiyang decided to find out what happened to him." Glynda said as she pieced it all together.

"Wait if he's dad's great grandpa then he was our great, great...wait?" Ruby said in confusion.

"He was our super great grandpa." Yang said with a smirk.

"For heaven's sake," Weiss said in annoyance "He was your great, great, great grandfather."

"Well he was a 'great' man." Ozpin joked only to receive silence.

"Ozpin never do that again." Salem said with a glare.

"That was just horrible." Yang said as she shook her head while Ozpin frowned.

Taiyang was shown running along some waterfalls with the AK-47 on his back then he was shown entering a balcony.

"So what were you looking for?" Taiyang asked as he looked around an underground, ancient building as Summer held a torch for light.

"At least you're with him, now he won't do something reckless." Raven said with a relieved sigh.

"I don't do reckless things!? That's Qrow's thing!" Taiyang exclaimed.

"Hey!" Qrow shouted.

"Don't worry, I'll keep him in line." Summer said as she pulled on his cheek.

"Gold statue, weight: 20 arrobas." Taiyang said as a drawing of a statute was shown in a journal then Taiyang was shown looking at Summer who held a video camera "That's over 500 pounds, that's gotta be it."

"A five-hundred-pound gold statue!!!" Mercury exclaimed with wide eyes.

Roman howled at the thought of how much money that was Emerald was drooling a river as she imagined swimming in a sea of gold.

"So you guys are treasure hunters!" Ruby said excitedly.

"Thieves is more appropriate." Winter muttered with a glare.

A dried up corpse of a sailor was shown as Taiyang looked around it disturbed and curious.

"The hell happened here?" Taiyang asked.

"Swear!" Ruby exclaimed as she pointed at Taiyang.

"Oh come on, you've seen a lot of people swear in these universes!" Taiyang reasoned.

"Yeah but you never swore and you always tell us not to so..." Yang said with a smirk.

Taiyang groaned as his team laughed at his predicament.

"What the heck happened to that guy?" Nora asked as she cringed.

"Whatever it was, I don't want to know." Ren said with a slight shiver.

Taiyang was shown reloading a machine gun behind a pillar as two men with machine guns of their own approached him while an explosion happened off screen.

"You're trapped Tai!" Ozpin shouted.

"Way to state the obvious." Qrow said while Ozpin shrugged.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die..." Summer prayed as she leaned in towards the screen.

A man was shown punching Taiyang as he got knocked back and luckily missed the shot of a rocket launcher.

"God bless that man for the luckiest right hook ever." Taiyang said with a relieved sigh.

"So close!" Tyrian cursed.

"Roman wants him dead." Cardin stated as Taiyang was shown in a dark area that was surrounded by water as he dodged bullet fire.

"Torchwick!" Ironwood shouted with a glare.

"Ah you know how I work, of course I'm not gonna let some wannabe treasure hunter get a lottery ticket statue." Roman said as if he expected them to understand his methods.

"You assured me that Xiao Long was captured and the island secured." Roman said as Taiyang was shown snapping a man's neck as he fell to the ground.

Some gasped in shock at this while Tyrian laughed and cheered.

"Dad just...killed...someone..." Ruby muttered as she couldn't unsee what she just saw.

"But you wouldn't have done that right!?" Yang asked as she looked at her father.

Taiyang looked away while Yang was shocked while Raven sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"What did you expect him to do? They were shooting at him." Raven asked irritatingly.

"But you don't just take someone's life like that!?" Pyrrha exclaimed.

"Why not? Qrow has done it, Captain Vale has done it, Wonder Woman fought in that war to kill someone, hell even Iron Rose has!" Raven listed which surprised the teens.

"Raven I think that's enough." Qrow warned.

"No, you're not going to be treated like kids if you want to become huntsmen and huntresses. You really think those weapons of yours are just for fighting Grimm?" Raven scoffed "Guns aren't toys, when you made the resolve to fire one then be prepared to die."

"Raven!" Summer yelled angrily which surprised her and silenced her then looked at the students "Look, what Raven said was true but don't just go around killing people or else you'll end up like him."

Summer pointed at Tyrian who was irritating Jacques by crazily twirling his moustache and laughing maniacally.

"Kill when it's absolutely necessary because when you do, it changes you." Summer said as the teens nodded.

"For better or worse." Taiyang finished.

Cinder rolled her eyes "We get it, killing's bad blah, blah, blah, blah! Let's just finish this thing shall we? This universe interests me."

Roman was shown throwing his cigar to the ground as an explosion was shown with Taiyang running from it then Taiyang was shown shooting someone with a shotgun,

Most widened their eyes as they saw the way that man fly from the shot.

"That's what I call airtime!" Roman said with a whistle which made Junior laugh.

"Kill them both." Cardin stated as he was shown pointing at Summer and Taiyang.

Taiyang was shown fist fighting someone in the dark cave then he was shown uppercutting another man off a ship.

"Dad's still got moves." Yang said as she was impressed.

"Who do you think taught you to fight?" Taiyang asked as Yang punched him on the shoulder.

Taiyang laughed as he rubbed his arm and let out a silent "Ow..."

Taiyang was shown throwing a right hook at a man as he ducked and an explosion rang out next to them then Taiyang and Summer were shown on a jet ski as the narrowly dodged a shot from a rocket launcher then they were shown on a motorcycle as they fired a grenade launcher and the car approaching them exploded out of the way as Taiyang was shown narrowly catching Summer as she fell through a wooden bridge.

"Y'know this is how I imagine your vacations going." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Oh no, this is way crazier than what we did." Taiyang said as he chuckled.

"Let's become treasure hunters Ren!" Jaune said excitedly "I got this kit and everything"

"I don't think that kit is gonna help in this kind of treasure hunting." Ren said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure you can," Pyrrha said positively "What's in the kit Jaune?"

"A baby shovel, a fake map and a bag of sand." Jaune said enthusiastically.

Pyrrha's smile became a frown as team RWBY laughed behind her so Pyrrha dawned a sincere smile.

"Maybe next time sweetie." Pyrrha said as Jaune was saddened and confused.

"I assure you," Mercury said as Taiyang was shown hiding behind a pillar with explosions going around and laser sights flashing around.

"Are they really using all this firepower to just kill Taiyang and Summer?" Vernal asked in shock.

"Impressive you two." Raven complimented.

"El dorado is worth more than you can possibly imagine." Mercury said as he was shown talking to Roman as a tomb was shown opening and Taiyang, Ozpin, Summer stood at the entrance.

"El dorado?" Cinder asked.

"The lost city of gold? Isn't that just a legend?" Weiss asked.

"Lost city of gold? There's a city of gold that we didn't know about!" Emerald shouted.

"Read a book for once you pickpocket." Weiss jabbed as Emerald glared at her.

"And now this treasure hunting quest became a race to who will find the treasure first." Sun said excitedly.

"That is so cool." Ruby gushed.

A coin was shown getting inspected near a corpse the Taiyang was shown running as he shot a man then him and Summer were shown back on the jet ski as they drifted to avoid gunfire.

"I'm telling you, this Island is cursed!" Cardin shouted frantically as Taiyang was shown uppercutting a man.

"I mean you signed up for this!" Yang shouted as she looked at Cardin.

"So the golden treasure has a curse behind it, huh?" Hazel commented.

"Fascinating." Watts said as he stroked his moustache.

"Oh no...oh god no!" a man shouted in fear as he looked around, clutching his gun.

Taiyang fired a grenade launcher and everything in front of him exploded, Taiyang was shown running past a man in the rain then he was shown standing in the middle of a pile of bodies.

"Damn Tai, you're fierce" Qrow shouted as he was very impressed.

Raven hugged his left arm with a sultry smirk "Yes he is~"

Taiyang blushed while Summer hugged his right arm with a pout "Taiyang..."

"Help guys...." Taiyang squeaked while the guys whistled and pretended to ignore him.

"This Taiyang is so cool!" Whitley said in joy.

"I hope we get to see more of him." Oscar said with a nod.

A map was shown in a small notebook Taiyang and Summer were shown standing atop a large ruined building then Taiyang was shown standing in front of a large deep hole then an old ancient chapel was shown as the outside of the church was shown ominously near an old tree.


"Fitting since they are exploring something that hasn't been found." Glynda said.

"Man it's' weird knowing that you have an entire history behind your family." Yang said with a smile.

"I think I should start researching more on my great grandfather's exploits." Taiyang said.

"And go on a dangerous treasure hunting adventure?" Summer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh..." Taiyang said as he was afraid to anger her with his answer.

"Let the man do what he wants, he needs some fun in his life." Qrow said as he whispered to Taiyang "Take me with you."

"Can I come!?" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

"Could be dangerous." Taiyang said uneasily.

"Then I'm in!" Yang added in as Taiyang groaned.

God Raven teleported to the front and looked at them "Well?"

"It was good." Cinder said.

"I'd watch more of his adventures if he does go on more." Roman said with a smirk.

"Well he does." God Raven said as some cheered.

"So Cardin, Roman and Mercury die in this?" Cinder asked.

"What kind of messed up question is that!?" Mercury exclaimed with wide eyes as Roman gave her a betrayed look while Cardin glared at her.

"Yes they do." God Raven replied.

"Yes!" Cinder said as she did a little dance.

"Well we're going on to the next one." God Raven said.

"Really now?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah, this one is going to make you wish it ended." God Raven said with a smirk.

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