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Happy Death Day Trailer

"Wish that it never ended?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ooh! Is it about a wish granting genie!?" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

God Raven chuckled "No I'm not showing you that...yet."

"So genie's do exist!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

"Well I don't really care about these weird riddles just as long as we see something awesome." Mercury said with a shrug.

"Some of you might enjoy this one," God Raven said as she winked as Tyrian who grinned.

"This is gonna be bad then." Watts said with a sigh.

"Let's begin!" God Raven said as she teleported to her bed and started the trailer.

The trailer started by showing a sleeping Yang while a song played in the background.

"Yeah! I love the ones about me!" Yang said with a smirk.

"Great...another boost to her annoying ego." Weiss said as she face-palmed.

Yang groggily woke up and looked around the room in confusion, she picked up her scroll to see her dad was calling her and chose to ignore it.

"Well that was harsh." Taiyang said.

Yang shrugged with a nervous smile "Sometimes you just call too much."

"Yeah it kinda gets annoying." Ruby said.

Taiyang dropped his head down in depression as Summer and Raven soothed him while Qrow laughed.

"Oh hey," Jaune said with a smile as he stood up "You're up."

"Am I in a dorm room?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, I folded you pants for you." Jaune said as Yang stood up in only her shirt and panties as she took her pants from Jaune.

"Great." Yang said nonchalantly.

Jaune spat out his drink in shock as most were shocked at the sight.

"Well I didn't expect that." Yang said as she laughed.

"Jaune you sly dog~" Saphron teased.

"ARC!!!" Taiyang and Raven shouted as they glared at him in anger.

"So Yang and fearless leader did the devil's tango?" Nora asked.

"I didn't do anything! I don't even like Yang that way!" Jaune defended.

Yang smirked internally as she hugged Jaune's arm and rubbed her breasts against them with a pout "Aww I'm hurt Jauney..."

Jaune turned red as Pyrrha angrily separated them "L-Let go of him!"

Yang raised her arms up in defense "Chill Wonder Woman, I'm only kidding. I like Jaune as a friend, that's it."

"Lucky bastard!" Roman, Sun, Neptune and Junior growled as Jaune who had a nosebleed.

Meanwhile Taiyang and Raven were being held back by Summer and Qrow as they tried to kill Jaune.

Yang started taking off her shirt just as the door burst open to reveal Sun.

"Dude did you get that-" Sun cut himself off as he was shocked to see Yang.

Yang, now changed, stormed out of the room as Sun leaned towards the door to let her out. Jaune looked disappointed in Sun as she left.

"Well I would've loved to see more in my opinion." Mercury said with a smirk.

"Ten bucks and I'll give you a picture." Tyrian said as he wiggled his camera.

Yang was shown leaving through the entrance of Beacon Academy and into the populated courtyard.

Velvet excitedly approached her and tried handing her a flyer "Stop global warming?"

Yang shook her head and walked past her as a couple was shown running off the grass as the sprinklers turned on and a person's car alarm rang out.

"Never pegged you for and activist." Coco said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey the world is gonna end eventually and it's gonna be our fault." Velvet defended.

Weiss rolled her eyes "Sure..."

"Are all these things happening at the same time?" Blake asked.

"Weird." Ruby commented.

Yang was shown entering another building and she was about to go upstairs but Coco stopped her.

"You sneaky little biatch." Coco said with a smirk as Yang shut her eyes "Maybe you should switch to water next time."

Yang gave her a fake smile as she walked back upstairs "Super helpful."

"Don't be late for the party tonight." Coco reminded.

"Okay." Yang said.

"Byeeee." Coco said.

"Byeeee." Yang responded.

"Argh I hate it when girls do that." Qrow said.

"Why do you guys do that?" Neptune asked.

"It's to let a girl you don't like know that you don't like her." Yang said.

"But we keep it civil." Weiss added.

"So other me has a problem with this Yang?" Coco asked.

"I don't have a problem with you." Yang said with a shrug.

"Me neither." Coco said.

"I don't understand women, if you have a problem with someone then settle it with your fists." Sun said.

"Damn straight." Qrow said with a smirk as the other guys agreed.

"My point exactly." Weiss said as she shook her head.

The scene changed to show Yang with her back turned as someone stood behind her.

"Yang happy birthday." Pyrrha said as she held a cupcake in front of her as Yang turned around and looked at it in surprise.

Yang blew the candle out as a huge party was shown.

"Thanks Wonder Woman." Yang said as she elbowed her.

Pyrrha rubbed her arm in pain as she gave Yang a smile "No problem."

"Two universes where its Yang's birthday...interesting." Ren said.

"You don't think a certain alien robot's gonna show up this time do ya?" Nora asked.

"After what we've seen, I wouldn't be surprised." Ren said.

"What is the point of this one?" Glynda asked.

"It is a bit boring, right Ozpin?" Ironwood asked.

"Lackluster is the word I'd use." Ozpin said with a sigh.

Mercury was shown smirking at Yang as she smiled back at him.

Mercury smirked "No one can resist the merc."

Emerald pulled on his cheek "Hey you're in fantasy land, wake up."

"Yang please tell me..." Taiyang said mournfully as he gripped the couch and his eye twitched.

"I have standards dad geez." Yang defended.

"Other you doesn't." Blake said with a frown.

Yang was shown walking through a hallway then entering a room and fixing herself up in a mirror, not noticing someone behind her.

Multiple shocked gasps rang out through the theater as Salem smirked.

"Interesting." Salem said.

Yang looked back at the mirror and screamed when she saw the figure, she turned around to see a person dressed in all black with a baby face mask on.

"Ok that's just creepy." Yang said as she was a bit unsettled.

"Anyone else getting serial killer vibes?" Emerald asked.

Everyone nodded as Tyrian laughed and cheered in joy.

"Run Yang run!!" Ruby shouted.

"You scared me." Yang said then the person was shown grabbing her and shoving her to the ground, they broke a bottle and raised it up to stab Yang as she screamed.

"Fight back!" Yang shouted angrily.

"I can't watch." Oscar said as he covered his eyes.

"Damn it!" Taiyang cursed angrily at seeing his daughter in peril.

The person stabbed Yang and she was shown back to where the trailer started, on a bed in Jaune and Sun's room.

"Wait...what?" Nora asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Cinder asked as the rest were confused as well.

"Why is it starting all over again?" Penny asked.

Yang woke up with a gasp as she looked around frantically and held her chest in confusion.

"Hey, you're up." Jaune said with a smile.

"This is really weird." Jaune said.

"So she knows what happened but her whole day started over again?" Raven asked.

Yang was shown running out of Beacon Academy again though she was frantic and confused.

"Look I know this isn't gonna make any sense," Yang started as Velvet approached her.

"Stop global warming?" Velvet asked as Yang shoved her away and the sprinklers turned on again as well as the car alarm.

"Seriously what is happening!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"Is she dead and stuck in limbo?" Roman asked and most looked at him in surprise "What? I read."

'Very studious.' Neo wrote.

"Thank you Neo." Roman said as Neo smiled and blushed.

"I feel like I'm losing my mind," Yang continued as she was walking up the stairs.

"You sneaky little biatch." Coco said again as Yang turned around in shock.

"Can someone really relive the same day over again?" Glynda asked in shock.

"Amazing." Ozpin muttered as he was truly invested.

"Happy birthday." Pyrrha said again with the cupcake in hand.

Ruby gasped as she held Yang's shoulders "Do you know what this means!?"

"What?" Yang asked.

"INFINITE BIRTHDAYS!!" Ruby screamed "Oh you could get so much stuff and so much cake and-"

"She's going to keep dying though." Sienna interrupted.

Ruby frowned "Oh..."

"So I get to have infinite birthdays in exchange for infinite ways to die?" Yang asked "I don't want that deal."

"It truly is limbo." Ozpin said.

"I've already lived through this day," Yang continued as she was shown talking to Pyrrha "And somebody's gonna kill me."

"Good, telling Pyrrha might help her and then the killer won't be able to take them both on." Jaune said.

"I mean if Pyrrha believes her." Ren said.

"Hopefully I do." Pyrrha said.

Yang was shown hammering a nail into a wall then admiring her work as she was actually boarding up the windows "Let's see you get in here now."

She heard a creak and jumped as she looked towards the closet, she slowly went towards it with her hammer raised as a weapon. The curtains behind her opened to reveal baby face watching her.

"Oh no..." Yang said.

"Turn around!" Taiyang shouted.

"How did they know!?" Winter asked in shock.

Baby face approached her slowly as they held up a knife, the screen went dark then Yang was shown screaming as the knife went through the door with blood on it and Yang was shown screaming awake, back at Jaune and Sun's room.

"Well that was a whole lot of wasted effort." Cinder said.

"Who are they?" Emerald asked.

"Must be someone who's close to Yang if they knew about her plan." Blake summarized.

"Yeah but what did I do to them!?" Yang asked.

"You are obnoxiously mean to some people and you do have an inflated ego and you have punched everyone in class and you do make terrible puns and-" Weiss listed off as Yang cut her off.

"Okay! I get it! I'm not perfect!" Yang said with a frown as she folded her arms.

"Is everything okay?" Jaune asked in surprise of her outburst.

Yang didn't answer as she grabbed her scroll and screamed at it before throwing it "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"

"You're losing your mind." Ruby said.

"This might be the craziest experience I've ever experienced." Yang said.

"Help her Jaune!" Saphron exclaimed.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know...something!" Saphron exclaimed with a shrug.

"Assuming that I believe that any of this is even possible," Jaune started as Yang looked at him boredly.

"Sprinklers." Yang said as the sprinklers went off.

"Car alarm." Yang continued as the car alarm went off.

"This is terrifying." Amber said.

"Really?" Willow asked.

"I don't want to be able to memorize my days to the exact detail, I'd rather be dead." Amber said.

"But the thing can't die." Robyn said.

"I know." Amber said with a groan "I'm so glad I'm not in this universe."

"The way I see it," Jaune continued as he was shown sitting in a café with Yang then Yang was shown getting stabbed overhead by baby face then she woke up with a gasp.

"You have an unlimited amount of lives," Jaune continued as Yang was shown hiding from baby face in a parking lot "Unlimited opportunities to solve your own murder."

Yang was shown looking through a drawer then opening the fake top to reveal baby face's mask under it.

"Well that's some superpower then." Qrow said.

"But there has to be a catch though right?" Winter asked.

"Maybe." Clover replied.

"So I'm supposed to keep dying," Yang said as she was shown being drowned then hanged then getting hit with a bat as she was shown falling back onto the bed "Until I figure out who my killer is?"

"That's just all kinds of messed up!" Coco exclaimed.

"You are never leaving for college young lady!" Taiyang said.

"Oh come on! College looks like it's gonna be killer!" Yang said with a smirk.

"Can the baby face guy kill her for that, please!?" Cinder asked God Raven who smiled and shook her head.

"Boo..." Ruby booed "Boo I say, boo."

"You just don't get comedy." Yang said with a humph as she folded her arms.

"You wanna live to see tomorrow right?" Jaune asked as Yang was shown running through a hospital with baby face on her tail then she was shown screaming in anger on the bed.

"Imagine trying to convince Jaune, every time you die." Blake said.

"I already have a hard time at convincing him about his science homework." Weiss said with a groan.

"Hey!" Jaune exclaimed.

Yang was shown writing in a notebook and the words were 'SUSPECT LIST.'

"Whoever's killing you," Jaune said as baby face stabbed Yang again in the stomach then Coco was shown raising her arm as people cheered for her "Knows it's your birthday."

Flashes of Velvet, Pyrrha, Mercury, Coco, Fox were shown "Pretty much the entire school knows."

"My money's on Mercury, he seems like the type." Jaune said.

"I am the type, pay attention Arc." Mercury said with a smirk.

"It has to be that Pyrrha girl." Tyrian said.

"How do you know?" Jacques asked.

"I have an eye for these things." Tyrian said with an unsettling grin.

"These are signs of major trauma," Ozpin said as he pointed at an X-ray then Yang and Coco were shown about to get hit by a bus with Yang waking up again "You should be dead."

"Hey don't rope me into this." Coco said.

"You could be the killer." Yang said.

"I'm not!" Coco said.

"Oh really?" Coco heard as she looked to see Sun and Neptune eyeing her suspiciously with moustaches on their faces "We've got our eye on you."

"Nothing gets past the junior detectives." Neptune said.

Baby face was shown running towards the camera then Yang was shown holding her heels and a pillow with sunglasses on as she signed Velvet's petition then pointed at the car as its alarm rang.

"Trying something different might change something." Glynda said as she was a bit unsure.

"You relive the same day over and over again; you start to see who you really are." Yang said as she as shown walking out naked with a smile this time.

"YANG!" Taiyang exclaimed in shock and anger.

"Yup." Yang said with a smirk.

"Awesome." Sun, Mercury and Junior muttered.

"That is unacceptable behavior Ms. Xiao Long!" Glynda shouted.

"Didn't you do the same thing?" Qrow asked.

"You're the one that took my clothes and towel when I was showering." Raven said angrily and Qrow laughed mischievously.

"That was the first time I ever saw you naked." Taiyang said with a chuckle as Raven punched him.

"Shut up, both of you!" Raven shouted as Qrow and Taiyang continued to laugh.

Summer tried not to laugh as she covered her mouth while some looked at them in confusion while Glynda growled.

"Why is it so funny for you guys?" Vernal asked.

"Because...because Glynda caught her and used her crop to whip her back our room!" Taiyang exclaimed

"That was the best day ever!" Qrow exclaimed as Raven kept kicking him in the shins and soon others laughed at that.


Yang was shown tying her hair into a ponytail then sheathing a knife.

"Finally she's fighting back." Yang said with a sigh.


Yang was shown looking around with an axe in hand as baby face was creeping closer to her.

"I really wanna see how this one ends." Emerald said excitedly.

"Me too." Tyrian said with a grin.


Baby face was shown as Yang was shown pointing a gun at them then firing.


"You can do it Yang!" Ruby cheered.

"I'll finish them, with a Yang!" Yang exclaimed, only to be pelted with popcorn.

"I did it!" Yang shouted as she was shown speeding down the road then police lights were shown behind her.

The scene changed to show Yang looking at Junior who stood by her window, suddenly he was hit by a car as Yang looked on in shock

"I'm a police officer!?" Junior shouted "This sucks!"

"Tell me about it." Roman said as he shook his head.

"Well now you're not." Melanie said.

"Because you're dead." Militia clarified.

"Thanks..." Junior said as he rolled his eyes at them.

A gas tank was shown leaking as baby face stepped out of the car and walked towards her.

"Doesn't this guy ever die!" Yang exclaimed.

"Who knows." Vernal said.

Yang was shown breathing heavily in the police car as baby face looked at her then baby face dropped a candle as the gas lit up and spread towards the car Yang was in.

"Holy fu-" Before Yang could finish, the car exploded with her inside then she was shown opening her eyes, back on the bed as flames surrounded her eyes then it transitioned to show a birthday cake with the title written in red frosting and a bloody knife next to it.


"Gee dying on my birthday has never been so fun." Yang said with a frown.

"I gotta hand it to the killer, they are creative." Cinder said.

"Although there could've been a lot more blood and gore, this was fun." Tyrian added.

God Raven teleported to the front "So? Any thoughts?"

"I think this wins the award for showing the most recurring deaths." Blake said.

"It was a little scary but now I wanna know what happens in the end." Ruby said.

"The next one better be as good or better than this one." Raven said.

"Don't worry it'll be good." God Raven said.

"What is it?" Winter asked.

"Let's just say that the next one shows a pair with serious issues." God Raven said.

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