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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Trailer

"I completely and wholeheartedly agree with that statement." Roman stated with a proud smirk as Neo pouted and elbowed him on the arm and he chuckled sheepishly "Neo's an exception."

"You said something about familiar territory, so that means we've already seen this universe before." Qrow said.

"Yeah but which one?" Taiyang asked.

"Something that was focused on a thief apparently." Glynda said.

"Thank you Glynda, that narrows it down so much." Ozpin said sarcastically which Glynda rolled her eyes too.

"If it's about a thief then it has to be Captain Roman Torchwick!" Nora exclaimed with a grin ad Roman puffed his chest out proudly.

"I thought we were done with that one?" Jaune asked.

"I never said that." Bill replied.

"So it is!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

"Never said that either," Bill said as he teleported to his seat "Just watch it, jog your memory a bit."

The trailer began by showing paw footprints on some snow then the snow was blown away to reveal ice and a title.


"Naughty~" Qrow said with a chuckle as Winter rolled her eyes.

Taiyang was shown clutching his bleeding stomach as he walked the snowy and frozen plains.

"So," Watts started as Taiyang fell to his knees then collapsed fully on the snow "They have beaten you, hm?"

"It's about adventurer Tai!" Qrow exclaimed with an excited smirk.

"Well this is a nice surprise." Taiyang said with a smile.

"This version of dad is awesome." Ruby said.

"Better than zombie killer dad in my opinion." Yang said with a grin.

"I do wonder how that one's doing too." Blake said.

"Playing golf." God Raven said and Bill burst out laughing as Nanny Glynda frowned at them.

"Really you two! Have some respect at least!" Nanny Glynda admonished as the two continued to laugh while the cast were confused.

"What trouble has he gotten himself into this time?" Winter asked.

"Something that apparently I am associated with in some way." Watts said with a frown.

Summer frowned in worry "I hope he's okay."

"We've seen what he can do before," Raven said with a reassuring smirk "He'll be fine."

"Your quest is over?" Watts questioned as a man was shown standing in front of the collapsed Taiyang who looked up at the man "What if it's only beginning?"

"Damn Tai, what have you been through?" Qrow asked in slight surprise.

"A lot." Taiyang simply responded with wide eyes.

"That man better help you or you'll freeze to death." Sienna warned.

"Guess I shouldn't give him the cold shoulder." Taiyang said with a smirk as most groaned but Yang laughed.

"Doesn't seem like an ice time." Yang stated and the two high fived as they dodged the wave of popcorn thrown at them.

"Some of the most fearsome rulers through history have possessed only a fragment," Watts explained as Taiyang was shown walking into a temple with an AK-47 strapped to his back, then an asura statue was shown as Taiyang was then shown in a brown coat as he stood in a frozen temple "Of the Chintamani stone."

"The what stone?" Ruby asked.

"Apparently a very desirable treasure." Blake said as she was interested in learning about this stone.

"What happened to the whole gold thing?" Yang asked with an amused smirk sent towards her dad.

Taiyang shrugged "Maybe things didn't work out."

"So if the last adventure was a bust, you go on another one?" Saphron asked in surprise.

"This guy must crazy." Mercury said.

"I'd prefer the term spontaneous." Taiyang said with a smirk.

Summer pinched his cheek with a worried frown "Well your other self better survive Mr. Spontaneous."

"I'm sure he will!" Taiyang quickly and fearfully replied.

"What would a man become?" Watts asked as he held a relic in his hands as the asura statue slammed the shattered world it was holding together "If he possessed the stone itself?"

"A monster?" Ozpin guessed.

"A god?" Cinder guessed.

"A being of great power?" Salem guessed.

"All of the above?" Nora guessed.

"I doubt there's such a thing as a stone that turns you into something close or actually a god." Weiss said as she folded her arms.

"Where did you find this guy?" Taiyang asked in amusement.

"That's what I always ask her." Hazel said as he chuckled while ignoring Watts' glare as Salem rolled her eyes.

A helicopter was shown flying over a city then Taiyang was shown crawling under a steel gate as a man held it up for him.

"Ghira Belladonna paid top dollar for Oscar Pine's journals," Raven explained as she was shown sitting at a table with Taiyang and Ozpin as Taiyang looked at a paper with old text then Ghira was shown menacingly walking around in a room "He's been after the Chintamani stone for years."

"Uh oh..." Blake muttered as she felt something off exuding from the version of her dad she was seeing.

"This version of you seems bad and not the good kind of bad." Kali said with a frown.

"He does look angrier." Ghira said with a frown of his own.

"Wait Raven? What happened to Summer?" Qrow asked.

"You guys break up or something?" Amber asked.

Summer frowned "I hope not..."

Raven kept quiet but internally she was squealing in excitement 'Out with the old, in with the new baby!'

"This is weirdly similar to what our dad had to go through." Yang said.

"Awkward." Ruby muttered as Taiyang stared at the screen in fear of making eye contact with both women.

"You have journals?" Whitley asked.

Oscar blushed in embarrassment "N-no...just a diary..."

Whitley smiled "Me too!"

"Really?" Oscar asked.

"Yes, I find it best to keep a log of your day." Whitley replied as Oscar smiled and nodded in agreement.

"You're competing with a psychopathic war criminal for a mythological gemstone?" Summer asked as a man was shown dodging a runaway bus as Taiyang was taking cover while men fired at the bus.

"Am I sensing some history here?" Raven asked in amusement as she pointed between Taiyang and Summer.

"Summer Rose," Summer introduced as she shook Raven's hand "Last year's model."

Roman snorted "Man I'd hate to be you!"

"Jealous are we Sum-sum?" Raven teased.

Summer blushed "What!? Of course not! Don't be ridiculous!"

"This is so weird." Ruby said with an uncomfortable frown.

"I'd tell you good luck but it's me so..." Qrow said with a shrug as he smiled at Taiyang.

Taiyang groaned as he face-palmed 'Oum, why me!?'

"Psychopathic war criminal?" Ghira mouthed distastefully.

"I'm surprised it isn't you then." Vernal said to Adam who just glared at her.

Taiyang, Raven, Summer and Ozpin were shown opening some large doors and shutting them hastily then Taiyang was shown talking to the group "We're gonna snatch that treasure right out from under them."

"They'll never see it coming." Raven said.

"Yeah well, payback's a bitch." Taiyang stated.

"It seems I've crossed the wrong man." Ghira said as he chuckled.

Taiyang smirked "Don't worry about it, I'll go easy on you."

"I would say swear but at this point it's just pointless." Ruby said with a sigh.

Qrow burped "Yup."


"So what's your angle on all this misery?" Summer asked as Taiyang was blown back from an explosion.

"You're gonna get us all killed!" Raven shouted as she angrily kicked a door open.

"Someone's got anger issues." Sienna said.

"You don't know the half of it." Vernal said with a sigh.

"I'm trying aren't I?" Taiyang asked.

"Try harder." Raven stated as Taiyang pouted.

"My friend," Watts said as the room Taiyang was in exploded then a golden relic was unwrapped by Watts "Where did you find this?"

"Ooh shiny~" Emerald said with a smirk.


"You mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Taiyang asked Raven.


"And miss the look on your face?" Raven asked in amusement.

"You and your games." Taiyang said with a sigh.

Raven smirked "You make it too easy sometimes."

Cinder chuckled "I like her."

Taiyang and Summer were shown pointing their guns at each other.

"I know you guys are going through some stuff but there's still therapy you know." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Shut up Qrow!" Taiyang and Summer exclaimed as Qrow laughed along with Raven.

"I know where the stone is." Taiyang stated.

"Pray that he is not bluffing." Ghira said as he pointed his gun at someone.

"Ooh," Kali said as she shook her head with a frown "Yeah I don't like this one at all."

"Your dad scares me." Sun said with a gulp to Blake.

Blake rolled her eyes "Which one?"

"Both." Sun replied.


"It's time to tip the odds," Clover said as Taiyang was shown running from a flaming truck as he shot at it then he was shown sitting next to a smirking Clover that held two pistols as the truck exploded "Back in our favour."

"I'm a criminal?" Clover asked in surprise.

"Maybe," Ironwood said "Being associated with this Taiyang doesn't mean that you are technically a criminal."

"I doubt they acquired those guns legally." Glynda said.


"Sorry pal but you're a criminal." Mercury said to Clover who frowned in annoyance.

"Sweep the city, find him and take him out!" Ghira commanded as Taiyang and Summer were shown running in the rain as they flipped over a demolished wall and took cover. A rocket launcher was shown being fired as Taiyang was pushed back by an explosion then he was shown jumping and sliding down a broken sign as he shot a man with a shotgun.

"The stakes seem to be higher this time." Winter said.

"And the enemies seem to be way more dangerous." Neptune said.

"If you took a rocket launcher point blank then you are something else." Oobleck said.

"I've survived worse but thanks." Taiyang said with a smile.

Raven was shown climbing on top of Taiyang and kissing him then a helicopter was shown firing at both of them on a destroyed bridge.

Summer frowned sadly as Raven felt bad for her friend while Taiyang fiddled with his fingers.

"Eww!" Yang and Ruby exclaimed as they cringed.

Taiyang jumped onto a train as a man held him up by the neck then he was shown zip lining towards a destroyed building as the man threw him to the ground. Taiyang was then shown firing at a man then slamming another into a wall then holding an injured Ozpin as he fired at another man.

"Are there always people trying to kill you?" Winter asked in shock.

"Not anymore." Taiyang replied sheepishly.

"The ones that were, were taken care of." Qrow whispered with a dangerous smirk.

Taiyang then pushed a man off a rod as he was shuffling off the side of a mountain as a tank drove over the edge and he was right under it.

"How are you not dead!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"One of life's greatest mysteries." Taiyang replied with a smirk.

"One of life's greatest mysteries is how in the hell you managed to bed my sister." Qrow said as Summer held in a laugh while Raven glared at him.

Taiyang fired a rocket launcher towards a group of men then he was shown jumping onto another cart on a train but he fell off and held on to the side as a helicopter fired a missile and destroyed the cart he was previously on which was now rolling on the tracks towards him.

"Holy crud!" Nora exclaimed.

"Dad this version of you is awesome!" Yang exclaimed in awe.

"This man must have the God of Darkness' luck..." Salem muttered with wide eyes.


"Well that confirms it." Clover said with a disappointed sigh.

"Another fitting title to a crazy adventure." Ozpin said as he sipped on his coffee.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing." Summer said as Taiyang was shown aiming his gun at two soldiers who ran after him.

"Don't have the faintest idea." Taiyang replied as he fired and the train car exploded.

"Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow." Taiyang said as Summer narrowed her eyes at him.

"If you die then I'll kill you." Summer threatened as she pointed at his chest.

"That doesn't make any sense..." Taiyang muttered.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE!?" Summer shouted.

"No ma'am!" Taiyang exclaimed fearfully.

Bill chuckled as he teleported to the front.

"What'd you think?" Bill asked.

"It was cool, good to see Tai still going on these treasure hunting adventures." Qrow said.

"I swear he's trying to give me grey hairs." Summer said with a sigh then she looked at Ozpin "Now I know how you feel."

Ozpin raised an eyebrow in offence as his fellow council members laughed at him.

"You guys think that this version of our dad would ever meet with treasure hunting Weiss?" Yang asked.

"That would be interesting to see." Weiss said as she thought about it.

"Yeah it'd be cool." Ruby said with a grin.

"Well you're not gonna see it because we got more stuff to see." Bill said as he cleared his throat "Captain!"

"Yes?" Jaune and Roman asked.

"It's time for your winter debut." Bill stated with a salute.

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