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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Trailer

"Wait, which captain are you referring to?" Sienna asked.

"The Marvel one obviously." Bill said.

"Yes!" Jaune exclaimed excitedly.

"No!" Roman exclaimed disappointedly.

"Captain Vale is back baby!" Nora exclaimed with a grin.

"Even though Iron Rose is better, I wanna see what Jaune's been up to." Ruby said with a smile.

"Hey! Who said Iron Rose was better?" Jaune asked.

"Me. I did." Ruby said with a smirk "Can't stop me from speaking the truth."

"That's not the truth, Captain Vale is way cooler." Jaune said.

Ruby scoffed "On what planet?"

"Remnant, that's what planet." Jaune stated.

"Oh yeah? Well..." Ruby dashed off in a flurry of petals around the room and back in her seat as she fiddled with random junk in her hands until she smirked and showed him a small circular pad that activated and a holographic version of Ruby blowing a raspberry towards Jaune popped up from it "This is what I think of ya Cap!"

Everyone jaw dropped at the sight as Bill sighed and rolled his eye.

"H-how'd you do that!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah Rubes, how!?" Yang asked.

Ruby's smirk slowly disappeared as she blinked in confusion "I...I...I don't know! It just felt like I could and I did."

"That is so weird." Nora said.

"Alright calm down you two, we aren't even at that point yet." Bill said.

"What point?" Weiss asked.

"Nevermind," Bill said as he teleported to his seat "Let's just watch and enjoy this."

The trailer began by showing multiple people in a caged room as a man shut the cage door.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists," Blake explained as a doctor was shown standing by a hospital bed as a man raised his hands to reveal that one of them was cybernetic.

"A metal" Mercury said with a shrug "I mean not as cool as a metal leg but close enough."

"So this is after the Avengers right?" Jaune asked as Bill nodded.

"Looks like the whole team is dealing with their own issues." Qrow stated.

"I'm saving the world." Nora said.

"I'm dealing with trauma and saving my...girlfriend." Ruby muttered the last part with a blush.

"Yeah...that's a thing in this universe..." Weiss muttered with a light blush.

"And Jaune is...?" Pyrrha asked.

"We'll just have to find out." Yang said.

"At least Blake's fine." Ruby said optimistically.

"I'm sure I've got my own issues that need to be dealt with." Blake said.

"She is a super spy in this one after all." Ren said.

"The ones that do call him the Grimm Soldier." Blake stated to Jaune as Ren was shown on an operating table with his shirt off.

"The Grimm Soldier?" Ren asked.

Salem face-palmed "I should've came up with that and copyrighted it."

"Now that's a cool name." Jaune said with a smile.

"And this version of you is ripped dude!" Sun exclaimed.

"Very~" Nora said with a smile as she giggled while playing with her hair.

"I wonder what happened to his arm." Cinder said.

"Something bad I guess." Junior said with a sigh.

"That's how these things usually go." Melanie added.

"He's a ghost," Blake stated as Ren was shown walking through a snowstorm as Jaune was shown with his shield strapped to his back "You'll never find him."

"Way to be optimistic Blake." Yang said sarcastically.

Blake rose an eyebrow "When have I ever been optimistic."

Ruby was about to say something but then she shut her mouth as he thought about it "Good point."

"The shield is a great weapon for him, don't you think?" Saphron asked as she looked at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha didn't answer because she wasn't even listening as she stared at Captain Vale's ass.

"Pyrrha?" Saphron asked.

"Uh huh! Yes! I agree!" Pyrrha said hastily as she snapped out of it.

"Well this isn't good, I don't want to be your enemy." Ren said as he looked at Jaune.

"Yeah, I hope things end well." Jaune said with a frown.

"Doubt it." Roman said.


A ship flew through the clouds at night as Blake was landing on a ship with some other soldiers towards Jaune who strapped his shield to his back and walked with her.

"They do covert missions as well?" Ironwood asked in surprise.

"Is it really such a surprise?" Ozpin asked.

"Well for Black Cat I can understand but Captain Vale seems more like a standout symbol that could be easily recognized which is bad for covert missions." Ironwood explained.

"Good point." Ozpin said with a hum.

"I joined SHIELD to protect people." Jaune stated as the SHIELD offices were shown and the SHIELD symbol was in the lobby.

"Which is a very noble and good cause and that makes me proud of you." Saphron said to Jaune who smiled.

"Captain, to build a better world," A suited man said as he stared out of a window then Jaune was shown hiding behind a pillar "Sometimes means tearing the old one down."

"That's not technically true." Ozpin articulated.

"Throw morals out the window and it's completely true." Tyrian said with a smirk.

"I highly doubt Captain Vale would agree with any of that." Glynda said with a frown.

"Yeah Glynds' boyfriend is too much of a boy scout to do something that morally bad." Qrow said with a smirk.

Glynda blushed as she glared at him "He is not my boyfriend."

"Keep telling yourself that Mrs. Arc." Qrow teased as Glynda fumed and Ozpin held her back from killing Qrow.

"Now you know how I feel." Winter said.

"Well that makes enemies." Jaune stated as Ren was shown walking along the street holding a gun then firing it towards a truck and it launched a disk that slid on the road and attached itself under the truck which caused it to explode from under it and fly towards Ren who smoothly stepped out of the way as Jaune looked on in shock while Ren approached the truck with James inside looking warily at the approaching Ren.

Everyone looked on in shock as the room went quiet from the ensuing scene.

"Run." Qrow said to Ironwood.

"Ren is not messing around!" Yang exclaimed.

"What kind of gun was that!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"I don't know but I don't wanna get hit by whatever comes out of it." Mercury said warily.

"Why am I even doing this?" Ren asked.

"I don't know but I know that I'll stop you and help you somehow." Jaune said to Ren with a determined smile.

Ren chuckled "Why do you want to save me so bad?"

"Because you're my friend and that's the only reason I need." Jaune replied as Ren sighed with a small smile.

Jaune and Blake were shown observing a surgery as Jaune spoke "He's fast."

Jaune was shown running with his shield in hand through a building as he looked up to see Ren running on the roof and he was faster.

"Did they make him a super soldier as well?" Whitley asked.

"If he's beating an actual super soldier in a foot race then my money's on yes." Roman said.

"Strong." Jaune stated as Ren kicked a man and he flew in the air.

"Kick a man in the nuts Ren and you have ended an entire family." Sun stated.

"Almost as impressive as Captain Vale destroying that punching bag." Hazel said.

"Who's stronger is the true question." Watts said.

"Got a metal arm." Jaune stated as Ren was shown on top of a car as he used his metal arm so smash through the front window and grab the steering wheel as he jumped onto a truck as the car he was previously on flipped on the road.

"Yeah whoever was in there is dead." Junior said.

"He's more super soldier than Captain Vale." Robyn stated.

Glynda rolled her eyes "Please, Captain Vale is peak superhuman. The Grimm Soldier may be impressive but he is nowhere near Captain Vale's level."

"Told you she liked him." Qrow whispered to Winter who let out a small giggle.

"Notice how she avoided using their names." Winter whispered back.

Qrow smirked "Oh yeah, good eye Ice Queen."

"Are you ready?" The man in glasses asked Jaune "All it takes is one step."

"Who is this guy?" Ruby asked.

"Someone super shady from the looks of it." Saphron said with narrowed eyes.

"People are gonna die." Jaune said as Ren was shown walking with armed men then Jaune was shown running towards them as they fired and he blocked with his shield.

"Aim for the legs! Why don't they ever aim for the clear blind spots?" Cinder asked in annoyance.

"You do realize he's technically your teammate right?" Emerald asked.

"When have I ever cared about that?" Cinder asked which made Emerald frown as she was hurt by that.

"I can't let that happen." Jaune stated as Jaune was shown crashing through a window as he landed onto a roof and threw his shield towards and escaping Ren who turned and caught it while glaring at Jaune who glared back.

"Dude he just caught your shield!" Neptune exclaimed.

"Oh shite." Yang said with a grin.

"What is that arm made of!?" Nora exclaimed.

"Maybe the same material as Jaune's shield if it can survive catching it without being sliced in half." Ren guessed.

"Two close friends fighting...this isn't right." Pyrrha said with a frown.

"Imagine if he threw it back." Mercury said.

"That would just be mocking him to the fullest extent." Emerald said with a smirk.

"Captain Vale needs my help." A man stated as Ren threw the shield back at Jaune.

"Ohh this dude is cold!" Emerald exclaimed as Mercury laughed.

"When do we start?" Cardin asked.

"We just did." Jaune stated as he was shown running with Cardin who activated his black jetpack powered wings and flew under a ship as he dodged gunfire.

Almost everyone widened their eyes in shock from what they were seeing and some jaw dropped.

"WHAT!?" Cardin exclaimed.

"Cardin's a superhero!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"And he's working with Jaune!?" Nora exclaimed.

"We've seen unbelievable but Oum this is pushing it!" Coco shouted.

"What's with the wings? I mean they're cool but where were you when Roman attacked!?" Yang exclaimed.

"What's my superhero name anyway? Bird boy?" Cardin asked in disgust.

"No," Bill said as he rolled his eye "Nevermore."

"Like the Grimm?" Qrow asked.

"If I had copyrighted all my Grimm then all of you brats would've been so sued!" Salem shouted angrily.

"I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend..." Jaune said with a sigh but then he burst into comedic tears "But I wanna be Ren's friend!"

"I don't think these versions of you are enemies at all." Saphron said.

"So what? Cardin is like what Neptune is to Ruby towards Jaune?" Ren asked.

"You make is sound like I-I'm..." Neptune said in fear.

"A sidekick?" Cinder asked with a smirk.

Neptune fell to his knees "NOOOOOO!"

Cardin joined him and the two howled out a powerful "NOOOOO!"


The helicarrier was shown launching up into the air.

"Is that some kind of flying base?" Ironwood asked.

"Looks to be the sort." Clover stated.

Jaune was shown riding a motorcycle as a jet flew past him and turned ahead of him as it fired multiple rounds of bullets which caused Jaune to throw his shield and that flew and hit the wing.

"That shield makes no sense." Weiss said.

"I got a good throwing arm?" Jaune said sheepishly.

"Disobeying the laws of physics is more than just having a good throwing arm." Weiss stated.

"The price of freedom is high," Jaune said as Blake was shown jumping off a bridge and using a grapple to hold to under the bridge as flaming car was launched off the side with her and once she swung to the ground safely, the flaming car landed behind her and exploded "And it's a price I'm willing to pay."

Ghira sighed in relief "That was a close call."

"Blake you're a badass." Yang said with a smirk.

"She's not wrong, you go girl." Coco said with a smile.

Blake smiled "Thank you."

Adam rolled his eyes 'Please, I taught her that.'

A man was shown firing a mini gun then Jaune was shown crashing through a bus window onto his shield as Ren slid on the road and reloaded then used his metal arm for grip and stability.

"Ren may just be everything Captain Vale is but badder." Ruby said.

"I believe in Captain Vale; he will stop this Grimm Soldier." Whitley said with a determined smile.

"You told me not to trust anyone." Jaune said as James was shown with Jaune eyeing someone as Blake looked behind her.

"Wise advice, many people will disappoint you in life." Raven said with a frown.

"Pot finally met the kettle?" Qrow asked as they glared at each other.

"This is how it ends," Jaune said as Cardin flew towards the helicarrier then Ren was shown using a grappling hook to grab onto Cardin's wings and slam him down as Cardin stood up and fired his guns while Jaune fought a group of men in an elevator "Everything goes."

"Things are getting really intense now." Roman said.

"Where are you Arc!? I don't wanna fight the Grimm Soldier!" Cardin exclaimed.

"Wait, are you scared of him?" Jaune asked.

"Have you seen the crap he's been doing this whole time? Of course I'm scared of him!" Cardin shouted.

Ren smirked "That does put a smile to my face."

"Looks like you're giving the orders now, captain." James stated as Jaune kicked his shield up with all the men that attacked him lying on the floor.

"Damn right." Jaune stated as he broke the cuff on his right arm.

"Language!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Seriously? Even to yourself?" Yang asked.

"Gotta keep myself in check too." Jaune replied with a smile as Yang rolled her eyes.

"Took out a whole group of guys, impressive." Taiyang said.

"Well he is Captain Vale..." Pyrrha said.

The helicarrier was shown crashing into a building as Jaune and Ren met once again as Jaune blocked the bullets Ren shot at him as Cardin ran from a collapsing building then Jaune was shown running towards Ren who sent a punch at him and he blocked it with his shield.


"Now that's a title." Qrow said with a smirk.

"This may be my favorite out of all of them." Yang said.

Ruby gasped "Traitor!"

Yang shrugged sheepishly "Sorry Rubes."

"The Grimm Soldier is a force to be reckoned with in his own right." Winter stated.

"Very true." Ironwood said.

"How do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Cardin asked.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Jaune replied as Cardin was shown flying and dodging missiles and Blake avoided another explosion while Jaune fought Ren who overpowered him and grabbed him by the neck.

"Sound logic." Ren said with a nod.

"Aww, it ends there!?" Whitley exclaimed sadly.

Bill teleported to the front with a shrug "Sorry?"

"Did you just say sorry in the form of a question?" Weiss asked.

"I really don't care," Bill said as he flipped his remote "So what'd you think?"

"The Avengers are going through some crazy shit man." Qrow stated.

"Qrow!" Summer admonished.

"What? They are." Qrow said.

"Articulate it better." Summer said.

"Now I wonder what I'm dealing with." Oobleck muttered.

"Anger issues." Bill answered towards Oobleck.

"Well that's a given." Oobleck said with an understanding nod.

"All in all, it was great and out of all of them. This is my favorite so the Marvel universe at least." Yang explained.

"Traitor!" Ruby shouted once more.

"I really do hope that Jaune and Ren form a friendship and stop fighting one another." Pyrrha said.

"Can't spoil it for ya so sorry?" Bill asked.

"You really gotta stop that." Jaune said.

Bill chuckled "Anyway, did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah!" Almost everyone replied.

"Really?" Bill asked.

"Yeah!" Almost everyone shouted.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked.

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted.

"Great because now it's time for something depressing." Bill stated and all the happy faces turned to confused ones.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"You heard me," Bill stated "Depressing."

"But why?" Weiss asked.

"I've come to realize that I haven't shown as much faunus as I wanted in these things and to meet my non racism quota, I decided to show you something that includes a whole lot of them." Bill explained with a shrug "So...T-H-U-G-L-I-F-E."

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