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The Hate U Give Trailer

"Thug life?" Yang asked in confusion.

"Another one of your vague quotes that none of us have a clue of guessing." Weiss said with a sigh.

"Well they aren't for you, they're for my sponsors." Bill said with his hand on his hips.

"Sponsors?" Sienna asked.

"Wait, you have sponsors for all of this?" Taiyang asked.

"Sponsors, commenters, it's all the same to me anyway." Bill replied.

"Well you did mention something about the faunus so I assume this will be a faunus centered universe." Blake guessed.

"Well this will be torture." Jacques commented as he received some glares.

"Your entire existence is torture." Willow said as she rolled her eyes.

"And it's apparently depressing too." Ilia reminded.

"How depressing can it be?" Sun asked.

"Robyn what happens at the lower echelons of Atlas?" Bill asked.

"Well the...oh no..." Robyn stopped herself with wide eyes.

"Yup! Enjoy, if you can." Bill exclaimed as he teleported to his seat and started the trailer.

"What? What happens?" Whitley asked.

The trailer began by showing a car being started and the radio being turned on as the was shown driving through Atlas at night and music blared from the radio, within the car was Blake and Sun. Blake smiled at Sun and turned to look forward while Sun smirked at her.

"Man you're coming at me for my music but you listen to this old stuff." Blake said.

"Old stuff? Man you better get up out of here with all that, Pac is the truth." Sun said, feigning offence.

"Pac? The goat faunus?" Adam asked.

"Who?" Ruby asked.

"A faunus that revolutionized both rap and spoke the truth through his music." Blake explained.

"I thought he was a faunus terrorist that just hated humans?" Weiss said.

"Your father tell you that?" Adam asked with a scoff.

"Yes...he did." Weiss said as she narrowed at Jacques.

"Try not to be so close minded, the world is not as black and white as you might think." Ghira suggested.

"His music was fire." Neptune said.

"It still is." Sun exclaimed with a grin.

"Huh, we should listen to some if it's that good." Yang suggested.

"A listening party with you guys would be fun." Jaune said.

The car parked as Sun rested his arm over Blake's side of the seat.

"Sun, I got a girlfriend." Blake said as she looked at Sun.

"Yeah I heard but it's all good." Sun said with a shrug.

"Really?" Blake asked.

"We've been together our whole lives Blake," Sun said with a smile "We got time."

"So you two are childhood sweethearts huh?" Coco asked with an amused smirk.

Blake blushed with a smile "I guess so."

"You're taking this way easier than I thought you would." Scarlet said in surprise.

Sun shrugged "Can't force her to like me, so I'll be there if things don't work out."

"You'd rather be the rebound guy?" Mercury asked.

"I'd rather be the friend that's there for her." Sun replied.

Blake looked at Sun and he looked at her with a wink which made her smile grow.

"My name is Blake," Blake narrated as she was shown putting on her uniform and picking out her shoes then Ghira and Kali were shown kissing each other lovingly as Blake watched with a smile "Daddy named me that."

Ghira and Kali held each other's hands as they smiled at each other lovingly.

"Garden heights, mama and daddy said our life is here because our people are here." Blake continued as Ghira was shown picking up a young, faunus Ruby as the family watched on in joy.

"Back to being your sister!" Ruby exclaimed as she hugged Blake's arm.

Yang fell over in depression as she punched the ground "Damn it!"

"We got Ms. Thyme's barbeque," Blake listed as Fiona was shown grilling by a building.

"Well that's strange, Fiona's a vegetarian." Robyn said with a hum.

"Ms. Scarletina's salon," Blake continued as Velvet was shown opening up her store.

"You can cut hair?" Jaune asked in surprise.

"Here and there, I practice as a hobby." Velvet said with a shrug.

"She makes it seem like nothing but the girl's good with hair." Coco said as Velvet blushed.

"I'll keep that in mind for when I need a haircut then." Ren said with a smirk.

"And, daddy's store." Blake finished as Ghira was shown at a counter waving at customers who entered his shop.

"A local business that is a convenience for the community?" Ghira asked with a smile.

"Exactly what you would do, honey." Kali said with a proud smile.

"This seems like a good neighborhood." Taiyang commented.

"If this is at the lower echelons of Atlas then there are still high crime rates and gang violence." Robyn said.

"Maybe not..." Taiyang muttered as he quickly changed his mind.

"The high school is where you go to get jumped, high or pregnant." Blake said as the Belladonna family was shown driving past Signal then Blake was shown getting out of the car in front of Beacon Academy "We don't go there."

Ozpin held his hand out with a smirk and Oobleck gave him a low five.

"Oof for Signal." Qrow said.

"Don't you work there?" Winter asked.

"Do I?" Qrow asked in confusion as Winter face-palmed.

"Signal was nothing like that! Right Yang?" Ruby asked.

"Uhh...yeah...sure." Yang said as she smiled nervously.

"Beacon is another world. So when I'm here, I'm Blake version two." Blake explained as she was shown parting ways with her brother then playing basketball then walking down the halls past Jaune.

"Yo! Those kicks are lit!" Jaune stated as he pointed at Blake's shoes.

"Never. Ever. Say. Lit. Again." Saphron said with a glare towards Jaune while most of his friends sighed and some cringed.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Jaune complained.

"Dude, that was just so unnatural." Sun said as he shivered.

"Basically, Beacon's Blake doesn't give anyone a reason to call her ghetto and I hate myself for doing it." Blake explained as she was shown laughing with Weiss and Nora, then Yang was shown dancing in front of Blake who waved her off in amusement and dragged her away.

"Do you always put on a mask with us?" Yang asked.

"Well at first but lately I've been feeling more comfortable at being myself around you guys." Blake explained.

"Well that's good to hear." Ruby said with a relieved sigh.

"I'm happy you can trust us." Weiss said with a smile to which Blake returned.

"Until the weekend comes around." Blake said as she was shown going to a party with Ilia then Sun was shown approaching Blake who smiled as he smirked.

"So you get those goosebumps every time huh?" Sun teased and Blake shook her head with an amused smile.

"Shut up." Blake said as Sun chuckled.

"Wassup! How've you been?" Sun greeted as they both embraced in a hug "Now I know you been hanging with all them human kids."

"Shut up." Blake said with a giggle as she gave him a small shove.

"Two very different worlds." Glynda said as she noticed the stark difference.

"So this is you with your mask off..." Adam muttered with a small smile.

"I didn't mean any offence when I said human kids, okay?" Sun stated for clarification as the others looked at him in amusement.

"Yeah we get it dude, don't worry about it." Neptune said with a laugh.

Blake and Sun were shown back in the car and laughing together but then they were stopped by the police and they both put their hand on the dashboard.

"Out of the car." The officer stated with his hand on his gun holster and slammed Sun's door shut, once he was out of the car.

"Oh no..." Roman said with wide eyes, he had seen this stuff happen before and it was never a good scene.

"This is gonna be bad." Velvet muttered.

"Why did he have to get out of the car? He didn't do anything wrong, did he?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah, this seems unfair." Ruby said.

"Oh you poor, naïve, little girls." Adam muttered with a dreadful sigh.

"Oum please let this end without bloodshed." Kali prayed as Ghira tightened his grip on her hand.

"Yo Blake, you okay?" Sun asked as he looked into the car.

"Go back where he told you!" Blake commanded.

"You better listen to her!" Emerald shouted.

"Don't be an idiot kid!" Qrow shouted.

"The worst part is that I would do exactly this stupid stuff." Sun said as he groaned.

"Sun I'm not playing!" Blake exclaimed as Sun smirked and reached for his brush to comb his hair.

But then suddenly Sun was shot and he fell to the ground as Blake was shown wailing by Sun's dead body.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Blake shouted as the brush was shown next to Sun's hand.

"SUN!" Most of the teens yelled.

"No..." Blake muttered with wide eyes.

"Why would he shoot!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Why didn't he just tell him to freeze like they do in the movies?" Whitley asked.

"Because that's what they do," Ghira replied "Menagerie may be a safe haven for the faunus but hearing reports and news from Atlas saddens me each day."

"The faunus are seen as a danger and at this point, it's like the police target them and this is the result." Robyn explained "Not every time but most times."

"But how is this fair? Why would they do this?" Ruby asked.

"Racism, bad blood from the past that is still boiling to this day." Roman said with a shrug.

"Filthy humans." Adam growled.

"Boulder dash! The monkey was clearly told not to move and he didn't do as told so serious actions had to be taken." Jacques stated.

"Of course you would think that." Sienna said with a glare.

"Well he's not technically wrong, Sun did disobey the officer." Ironwood stated.

"But that does not allow him to shoot that young man over a brush." Glynda argued.

"I'm not saying what he did was right, I'm just saying that both were in the wrong in some way on both sides." Ironwood explained.

"One worse than the other." Qrow stated.

"It's the same cycle over and over again, we just love to kill each other." Ozpin said with a sigh.

Salem chuckled "Makes my life much easier."

Blake was shown tearfully reaching for Sun's clasped hand with his body in a casket.

"Guess...I'm dead..." Sun said with a sad voice.

"I'm sorry man." Neptune said as he squeezed Sun's shoulder and his best friend gave him a smile to which he returned.

"Today, Garden Heights is reeling. After the shooting of a seventeen-year-old faunus teenager by a human police officer." Lisa Lavender reported as Sun's casket was shown being carried into a hearse while a crowd was shown striking around it then Blake was show lying on her father's lap as he rubbed her hair.

"This must be killing her." Nicholas said as he felt bad for Blake.

"She did watch her childhood friend die." Adam said with a sigh.

"To lose your life over something so trivial." Nicholas said with a disappointed frown "Why does it matter if you're born different, we are all living beings that live on one world anyway."

Adam smirked "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Nora smiled as she looked at Jaune and pointed at Nicholas "I like this guy."

"The community's reeling." Taiyang commented.

"And the angrier the people are," Summer said.

"The more they're going to fight back." Raven finished.

The officer was revealed to be Cardin as he looked at Blake who was being led out of the station by her father and mother.

"It was you." Blake said as she narrowed her eyes at Cardin.

"Sorry?" Cardin asked with a gulp from all the glares.

"Now you know how I feel from that Qrow Branwen universe." Mercury said as he pat Cardin's back with a chuckle.

"We live in a complicated world." Lionheart said to Blake.

"It doesn't seem that complicated to me." Blake said.

"Better to simplify things so more people can understand." Oobleck said.

"Teaching students taught you that?" Vernal asked.

"When you teach Ruby Rose, you have to simplify a lot." Oobleck said as some chuckled at that.

"HEY!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Violence," Robyn listed as a crowd striking was shown then someone hits a police car window with a hammer as Blake was shown watching in shock.

"That doesn't seem like the best course of action." Watts commented.

"Eh, they're angry. Let them purge!" Tyrian exclaimed with a grin.

"Brutality," Robyn continued as Ghira was shown being pushed against a glass window and being handcuffed on the ground as his family watched.

"Wait what!?" Yang exclaimed.

"What did my dad do?" Blake asked angrily.

"And this amount of force is completely unnecessary." Weiss stated angrily.

"It's the same story, just a different name." Robyn announced to a crowd then that crowd was shown marching with their fists raised.

"Well I know who's gonna win her campaign." Qrow said with an approving smirk.

Ruby raised her fist up "I stand with them."

"Me too." Jaune said as he did the same and more people started to do so.

"How have we not noticed this?" Ironwood asked.

"Sometimes it's better to take a break from saving the world and focus on the little things for a while." Taiyang advised.

"You might end up doing a lot of good in the long run." Summer added with a smile.

Kids were shown playing then Blake's brother was shown graduating as Kali blew him a kiss as Blake was shown visiting a shrine of Sun by an electricity pole.

"It's best if she don't talk to Five-O." Adam suggested to Ghira as Blake was shown watching them.

"And why is that, I wonder?" Ghira asked with narrowed eyes towards Adam.

Adam scoffed "I must have my reasons."

"Was that a suggestion or a threat?" Kali asked protectively.

"Who knows." Adam replied with a shrug.

"He's threatening her." Kali said to Lionheart.

Adam was shown in his car then a person was shown throwing down a Molotov and starting a fire as Ghira shoved Adam and police men were shown getting out of their car with their guns drawn.

"Sun's death started a series of unfortunate events." Ozpin stated.

"Congrats kid," Vernal said as she smirked at him condescendingly "You're a martyr."

"Thanks?" Sun asked as he had no idea what a martyr was.

A police car was shown being rolled over by a group of faunus as they cheered at the destroyed car and an officer in riot gear fired a flare as the crowd ducked in fear.

"Chaos." Tyrian said with a smirk.

"It's about more than just Sun," Blake said as a man was shown throwing a Molotov at another police car and the crowd was shown marching and confronting a barricade of police "It's about the faunus, poor people, everybody at the bottom."

"That's right!" Robyn exclaimed in agreement.

"The streets are a dangerous place." Cinder said.

"Listen to her guys, she knows what she's talking about." Roman said which surprised most and made Cinder smirk "I mean; no one belongs to the streets more than Cinder."

Cinder frowned and the silence was deafening as God Raven burst out laughing along with many other while Cinder tried to strangle Roman but she was luckily held back by Emerald and Mercury.

"I need to speak for him." Blake said to Kali.


"Oh yeah, Blake was a witness so the officer can get convicted." Weiss said with a smile.

Adam chuckled "If only it was that simple."

Blake was shown holding onto a sink as she looked at herself in the mirror while the crowd continued to march towards the police.


"We need to use our voices because we will never be heard if these problems are never addressed." Blake said.

"You ever consider rejoining the White Fang?" Adam asked with a smile.

"She said addressed, as in talk it out. Not commit acts of terror and hurt innocent people." Weiss said with a glare.

Adam scoffed "Nobody's innocent."

Sienna shrugged "He's not wrong."

The crowd and the police met each other halfway as one man tried to push both sides back while Blake stood on a car with a megaphone in hand.

"Speak your truth Blake." Ilia urged with a proud smile.

"When you ready to talk, you talk." Ghira said to a tearful Blake as the crowd was shown cheering with Blake raising her fist up "Don't ever let nobody make you be quiet."

"Why is it that dads have some great advice?" Yang asked.

Taiyang shrugged "It's a dad thing."

Tear gas was shown being fired as Ghira was shown talking to Blake "I ain't name you Blake by accident."


"Thug..." Jaune muttered.

"Wow." Ruby muttered.

Bill floated to the front "So what'd you think?"

"Well you were right on the depressing part." Sun said dully.

"But it was also inspirational." Blake said with a smile.

"And so goddamn emotional!" Roman croaked while Cinder hand her hands wrapped around his neck but was soon blown back to her seat by Nanny Glynda.

"Now, now, no violence. The universe showed what that can lead to." Nanny Glynda instructed.

"I think it's time we start focusing on what's happening in Atlas before branching out of Atlas." Ironwood suggested.

"That could help." Winter said.

"Our people are suffering." Clover said with a sigh.

"Well I'm glad you learned something and enjoyed it at least." Bill said.

"Well we know what the T-H-U-G part means, what's the L-I-F-E?" Whitley asked.

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody." God Raven explained.

"T-H-U-G-L-I-F-E." Nanny Glynda stated.

"Wow...that's some insightful stuff." Saphron said.

"Well the kids are the future and whatever we teach them will shape them into whoever they are in the future." Taiyang said.

"Do right by your kids and make the world a better place." Ghira said.

"You hear the Raven? Do right by them! As in don't dump them on me and Tai! I didn't want to know how to change diapers but thanks to you, I learned!" Qrow shouted.

Raven rolled her eyes "You lived."

"Oh Raven don't be so cold to him." Summer advised.

"You too! Mrs. Dies a lot! You owe me for all that formula puked in my face! That shit got in my mouth once, y'know!" Qrow shouted as he pointed at Summer.

"Qrow!" Taiyang exclaimed in shock.

"How much did you have to drink?" Winter asked.

"I have no idea!" Qrow exclaimed.

"So what's next?" Ren asked to change the subject.

Bill chuckled darkly "Something Evil."

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