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Resident Evil 3 Trailer

"Something evil huh?" Roman asked with interest.

Oscar gulped "I don't like the sound of that."

"We've seen some pretty messed up things Bill," Ironwood stated with narrowed eyes "Is this another one of your sick jokes?"

"Oh please, this universe is still pretty tame compared to others." Bill replied with an eye roll.

"I just hope it isn't as real as the last one." Robyn muttered.

"Alright! You might recognize it, so enjoy!" Bill exclaimed as he teleported to his seat and started the trailer.


The camera showed a road at night as the shadow of someone or something walked by, though they were groaning and growling.

A dog's feet were shown running through the dirty streets.

Zombies were shown walking through damaged and destroyed streets.

"I've never seen anything like it, I haven't been able to sleep since then." Lionheart voiced over.

"Wait a second, we're back here!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"Resident Evil!" Salem exclaimed excitedly.

"Ohh, heh nice one Bill!" Yang exclaimed with a thumbs up at his subtle pun.

"Oh the universe that you two messed up in!" Adam laughed as he pointed at Jacques and Willow.

Ruby sighed "Of course it's zombies, what else is more evil than zombies?!"

"Quite a lot but it is still one of the most prominent fear factors." Penny replied.

Ruby stared at her for a moment and clown makeup flashed onto Penny's face then as Ruby blinked, it was gone "Nevermind, I remembered something much worse."


A man and a woman were shown walking in the rain in another part of the city. A billboard with the words 'UMBRELLA' was shown as an unstructured part of the city was shown

"The large sinkhole in the city." Robyn voiced.


The vale police department's floor was shown with the symbol painted into the ground and bloody footsteps left next to it.

"You gotta stay strong. Okay, don't give into fear out there." Ironwood voiced over.

"How did this happen!?" Oobleck asked.

"Everything is happening exactly the same though." Coco said as she noticed.

"Bill did you run out of universes or something?" Yang asked.

Bill scoffed "I wish! But this is actually a separate story that is happening in the same city Jaune and Pyrrha are in."

"Interesting, a universe with more than one story." Ozpin said as he was intrigued.


"Now calm down buddy, calm down." Ironwood said as Pyrrha and Weiss were shown running across a bridge.


A hallways was shown as someone shadowed and holding a gun with a flashlight in hand was shown.


An orphanage was shown with a cartoonish carpet at the bottom though this did not help the dark atmosphere as a child was shown walking through the dark orphanage halls as lightning struck.

"Send reinforcements!" Clover yelled.

"Yeah, this are still pretty messed up from what we've seen before." Taiyang stated.

"Goddamn Umbrella, making zombies and monsters." Qrow muttered.


"Get off!" Pyrrha yelled.

A person was shown walking down some stairs.

A person screamed as Pyrrha grunted "Get off!! Help!? Help!?"

Dead bodies were shown in a huge wreckage as a lab was shown and capsules full of infected creatures were shown.

"She's okay right?" Jaune asked and the gods all gave him blank stares and he sighed "Right, no spoilers."

"I'm sure I'm fine, thank you for worrying." Pyrrha said with a smile.


Jaune's blue eyes were shown glaring determinedly.

Jaune walked into a room as the doors closed.


"The hero of the story goes through hell once more." Cinder said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure anyone alive in this city is going through some kind of hell." Mercury said.

Suddenly the time started to reverse at high speeds until it stopped at 20:07, the previous day.

September 28 – Vale City

"Oh?" Winter asked in surprise.

"So this is happening the day before Jaune and Pyrrha's story?" Ruby asked.

"I think so." Blake replied.

"Well this is a turn of events that I can get behind." Fox stated with an interested smirk.

Footsteps rang out as a woman gasped and heaved. We see everything in her perspective as she ran through a room and opened a door, turning to shut it from the large human like figure walking after her.

"And we see things in the point of view of someone." Yatsuhashi stated as he was wowed.

"This universe is bringing enough subtle changes to interest people, I love it." Salem said with a smile.

"That's good an all but what the hell was that thing!?" Roman exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Something to run away from." Emerald said with her own eyes widened.

She ran down a hall towards an exit but tripped and fell but soon managed to get herself up as she forced her way into a room with a slightly opened door and slammed it shut, she grabbed the nearby shelf and brought it down in front of the door then continued to run through an open window and onto a fire escape.

"Smart." Weiss commented.

"But is it enough?" Ren asked.

"Worth a try I guess." Ruby said with a shrug.

She ran down the stairs and through another window on the floor below the one she was previously on. She ran through the covered up room towards a dark corner but then the thing chasing her crashed through the ceiling and landed in front of her.

Some jumped and screamed in shock at the jumpscare while others merely flinched.

"OH OUM!" Oscar exclaimed as his popcorn flew everywhere.

"Bloody hell!" Weiss exclaimed.

"That was so no cool!" Sun exclaimed.

"What is that thing anyway?" Ruby asked in surprise.

"Something deadest on catching that girl." Clover stated.

"Poor guy must've had enough of the single life." Qrow said as Roman and Taiyang laughed.

Winter rolled her eyes "Do you think it's the same monster that was chasing after Jaune?"

"Highly probable." Glynda replied.

The girl crawled on the ground as she got her footing as the monster chasing her growled and she ran the other way through the fiery building, the girl dived through the entrance with a roll and landed by the wall that was in front of it.

"At least she made it out." Nora said.

"She seems familiar." Yang said as she recognized the girl then she widened her eyes "Wait a second, is that?"

"Holy crud." Jaune muttered.

"No way." Ruby said in shock.

The screen went black as Sun shouted out a name "Ruby! Over here!"

The girl turned her head to reveal that it was in fact Ruby Rose.

"Oh my god! Ruby is in another zombie apocalypse!" Yang exclaimed with a teasing grin.

"No! Why do I always have to go through the nightmare inducing stuff!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"She'll be okay, right?" Summer asked in worry.

"I mean the only Ruby we've seen in a zombie apocalypse was from The Last of Us and she seemed to be okay." Taiyang said.

"Granted she did have you by her side." Ghira stated.

Taiyang nodded as he snapped his fingers "Right."

"What the hell!?" Ruby asked as an overhead shot of the city was shown then zombies were shown by a metal fence "How could this many people be infected?"

"Umbrella works quick." Raven said.

"Too quick." Willow muttered.

"The city is completely cut off. Isolated." Hazel stated.

Ruby ran towards a wounded and bloody Russel as he looked at her "Don't look at me like that, alright? I'm not an infected!"

"So you say, but anyone can say anything for survival." Weiss said with narrowed eyes.

"If the city is cut off, how the hell do they get out?" Coco asked.

Velvet shrugged "I have no idea."

Ruby and Sun were shown in the chaotic streets as people ran by them.

"But right now, it's got a hard-on for the only two S.T.A.R.S. left in town." Sun said as he pointed between himself and Ruby.

"What's S.T.A.R.S.?" Ruby asked.

"You two." Bill replied as he pointed at Sun and Ruby.

"That doesn't explain anything." Sun said.

"I know." Bill replied.

"We don't need a bleeding heart like you getting in the way." Hazel said as he was walking up some stairs as Ruby watched him go.

Oobleck was shown opening some gates as Ren followed him with a semi-automatic in hand.

"S.T.A.R.S. office has to be in this direction." Ren stated.

"Ren's here as well I see." Oobleck said.

"No! I don't want you to turn into zombie food!" Nora exclaimed as she hugged his arm.

Ren chuckled "It's okay Nora, I'll be fine."

"Yeah, I mean you are The Grimm Soldier." Jaune teased.

"Others can have their time to shine to Captain Vale." Ren retorted in amusement.

"So we know it has an office, could it be a company like the Umbrella Corp?" Kali asked.

"Oh god, their two of them?" Sienna asked.

"I doubt even an alternate Ruby would work for an evil company." Yang said.

Ruby was shown looking a window "Gets worse every night..."

Then a boarded up road was shown as Port was shown on a video then a detective's wall of info was shown "They don't want the world to know what they've done..."

"I mean that's usually an evil company's agenda, save face while plotting behind the scenes." Jacques said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And you know so well about this how?" Nicholas asked with narrowed eyes.

"...Movies?" Jacques asked with a nervous grin.

"Ugh, my head..." Ruby muttered as she leaned over a sink with an open tap.

"What's wrong with Umbrella?" Ren asked.

"Get in!" A man shouted as Ruby was shown running towards a helicopter.

"Did you seriously ask that question?" Yang asked.

"My other self must not be aware of Umbrella's true nature." Ren replied.

"Nothing is wrong with Umbrella, they are doing a great job and honestly better the world." Salem said with a charming smile.

"Are you practicing to be their spokesperson or something?" Roman joked.

"You think they'd accept me?" Salem asked with hopeful eyes at the prospect.

"Uhh...sure..." Roman said while looking at Neo who shook her head.

'Crazy is as crazy does.' Neo wrote and Roman nodded in agreement.

"I can't stop 'em all." Ruby stated as she was shown shooting zombies and elbowing on in the face.

"You gotta get out of there!" Sun exclaimed as he waved her over.

"Never thought I would ever see you elbowing a zombie in the face." Yang said with a laugh "I love these universes."

"Yeah that would never happen in real life." Ruby said as she shook her head.

"So what would you do in a zombie apocalypse." Weiss asked.

"Close my eyes and start swing Crescent Rose like a madman." Ruby said with a grin as most sweat dropped.

"You guys are the ones who caused all of this!" Ruby stated as she was shown looking at Hazel through a window.

"No, no, no, wait!" A man shouted as the helicopter exploded into flames in front of Ruby.

Then she was shown looking at herself through the mirror.

"Ohh, you're all grown up!" Summer exclaimed with a proud smile.

Ruby blushed "Still the same old me, I think."

"We've gotta be dreaming." Ruby stated as she fluctuated from human to zombie in brief flashes.

Most gasped in shock at this and looked on with wide eyes.

"Oh shit!" Mercury exclaimed.

"I'm a zombie!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"I think it was a hallucination." Blake said.

"I hope so." Yang said with a gulp.


"Wait if this is before then why 3? Why not 1?" Jaune asked.

"Jaune, I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back on this one." Bill said with a sigh.

"Alright let me get off that thing." Jaune replied.

"Commitment, honesty, integrity. These are the core values that create the foundation for Umbrella Corp." A man said as a hallway with their symbol was shown and a helicopter being loaded with something by men in hazmat suits was shown. Then an operating room was shown as people were preforming surgery on some kind of monster that opened its blank eyes as the box showed its name, 'CODENAME: NEMESIS'.

"Nemesis?" Hazel asked.

"I love it!" Salem exclaimed as Bill teleported to the front.

"So what'd you think?" Bill asked.

"So much shit is happening in Vale." Qrow replied.

"It's like your city is a hotspot for the craziest things to happen." Winter said as she looked at the people from Vale.

Roman smirked with a proud sigh "Home sweet home."

"So what's next up Bill?" Nora asked.

"Actually I got a question for you guys." Bill said.

"Hit me." Jaune said with a shrug, ready to answer.

Bill floated above him and hit him with his cane "OW!"

"Bill." Saphron warned as Bill chuckled.

"Anyway, how many bridges are in Vale?" Bill asked.

"How many bridges are in Vale?" Junior asked.

"That's what I asked." Bill replied.

"21." Glynda answered.

"Yup." Bill said with a nod.

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