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Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer

"Marvel's galaxy?" Blake asked.

Ruby gasped "We're going to space!?"

"Seriously!?" Yang exclaimed.

"Nope, we're about to meet new heroes within Marvel." Bill stated.

"Aww, I thought we'd see some thunder again." Nora said disappointedly.

"A lot of us have been shown in Marvel already, I wonder who we'll see now." Ozpin said with a sip of his coffee.

"As long as it's not Arc, I'll vibe with it." Cardin said.

"Hey!" Jaune shouted.

"Is the Marvel galaxy as crazy as their Remnant?" Cinder asked.

"50/50." God Raven replied.

"The whole universe as a whole is pretty insane." Mercury said.

"Very true." Nicholas agreed.

"Alright! Let's do this thing!" Bill exclaimed, teleporting to his seat and pressing the button on the remote.

The trailer began by showing a man standing in an ancient temple as large doors opened in front of him. The man held up a sphere and it lit up as he entered the temple, this man was in fact Taiyang.

"One universe wasn't enough?" Taiyang asked with a chuckle.

"That treasure hunting blood runs deep." Qrow joked.

"We should go out and find treasure ourselves, like old times." Summer said.

"Taiyang seems to be a GPS for this kind of thing so why not." Raven said with a shrug.

"Is this Uncharted?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, I thought you said this was Marvel." Yang said, looking at the gods.

"If you took the time to actually pay attention then you'd know what was happening." God Raven snarked with an eye roll.

"Oh hush," Nanny Glynda chided and smiled at Yang "Just keep watching dear, it will start to make sense."

With the sphere on the ground, Taiyang took of his headphones and approached another sphere that was floating on a glowing pedestal.

"What's that?" Jaune asked.

"Some kind of relic?" Neptune guessed.

"None that I've ever seen." Ozpin said with a curious hum.

Taiyang grabbed ahold of the sphere and turned around, only to be met by three armed men with their guns trained on him.

"Ah, crap." Taiyang said.

"You must've been around me for too long, my semblance is starting to rub off on you." Qrow said nonchalantly.

"That raises your potential of death to 94% Mr. Xiao Long." Penny stated enthusiastically.

Taiyang looked at Qrow with wide eyes "You're moving out as soon as we get back."

"Oh come on!" Qrow exclaimed as Winter laughed.

"Drop it, now!" The leader shouted.

"Yeah, hey, cool man. No prob-" Taiyang said as he dropped the sphere and one of the men hit his arm with the gun and he raised his arms "No problem at all."

Tyrian chuckled "You sound like a little bitch."

"I'm sorry, have you ever had guns pointed at you from all directions?" Taiyang asked irritated.

"Multiple actually, I kept them as souvenirs along with the arms that held them, of course." Tyrian replied with a grin.

"You're just all kinds of messed up." Roman said with a puff of his cigar.

"Who are you?" The leader asked.

Taiyang took a moment to look him in the eyes as he responded "Star-Lord."

"Who?" Almost everyone in the theater asked.

"Seriously?" Taiyang asked even more irritated.

"Who?" The leader asked.

Some laughed at that whereas Taiyang just folded his arms angrily.

"At first you were built up to be this awesome relic hunter but nobody even knows who you are." Adam laughed.

"Sucks to be you dad!" Yang laughed.

"Three weeks without your scroll." Taiyang stated.

"What!? That's not fair!" Yang shouted.

Ruby laughed "You and your big mouth!"

"No Crescent Rose." Taiyang stated.

"You are not my father!" Ruby shouted.

"Star-Lord man, legendary outlaw." Taiyang said as the leader had no clue who he was "Forget it."

"I feel bad for you." Qrow chuckled.

"I feel bad for me too." Taiyang muttered with a frown.


A device on someone's arm was shown being pressed and doors opened up.

"They seem to have advanced technology." Oobleck observed.

"Oh wow, thanks for the heads up captain obvious." Junior chuckled.

Oobleck tipped his glasses to show his glowing green eyes to Junior "Did you say something?"

Junior gulped ", nothing at all."

Oobleck smiled as his eyes went back to normal and he raised his glasses up.

"We arrested these five on Zandar," An officer stated in front of an observation deck with another officer behind him "Check out the rap sheet."

"Character introductions!" Nora exclaimed excitedly.

"Hazel A.K.A The Destroyer." The officer stated as Hazel was shown standing on the observation deck shirtless with red tattoos around his body "Since his sister was killed, he's been on a rampage across the galaxy in a search for vengeance."

"That sounds like him." Ozpin muttered lowly.

Hazel smirked "At least this version of me is consistent."

"Nothing to be proud of since you did get caught by the feds." Roman said and Hazel narrowed his eyes at him.

"This one is more..." Coco says, dipping her shades "Muscular."

"Coco." Fox says with a sigh.

"What? Just observing, that's all." Coco feigned innocence.

"So is this about him and dad?" Ruby asked.

Sun shrugged "Maybe."

"Raven. Soldier, assassin, wanted over a dozen counts of murder." The officer continued as Raven was shown on the deck and she slowly smirked at them.

Raven smirked "I was wondering when I'd show up."

"You get to be in space while I'm stuck making shields for super soldiers?" Summer asked but then she looked at Jaune "No offence."

"A dozen counts of murder?" Jaune asked with a gulp.

"And I thought she was just a scary person." Oscar muttered.

Tyrian smiled "Versions of this Raven that make my heart swell."

"Please don't start that again, you were already eerily strange to begin with." Jacques said.

"All of them are criminals?" Glynda asked.

"Not everyone can be a hero." Emerald said.

"Zwei the Qrow, wanted on over 50 charges of vehicular theft and escape from lock up." The officer stated as an anthropometric Zwei in a red and black jumpsuit spit on the floor.

"HUH!?" Ruby exclaimed in shock and almost everyone was shocked by the revelation as well.

"Zwei!?" Yang exclaimed.

"He can walk on two legs now!?" Blake shouted fearfully.

"Aww, that's cute." Weiss said.

"Cute? Seems like he's got an attitude to me." Scarlet said.

"Zwei the who now!?" Qrow shouted as Zwei barked.

"Does this mean you're a dog!?" Taiyang exclaimed and started to laugh.

"Shut up! This ain't funny!" Qrow shouted.

"Out of every hero in this universe, you had to be the raccoon." Raven laughed.

"Who's a good drunk? That's a good drunk." Winter teased as she rubbed Qrow's hair.

He popped a can and downed the whole thing, crushing the can with his forehead in anger.

"What the hell?" The officer behind the one listing asked.

"Jinn. She's been travelling recently as Zwei's personal genie/muscle." The officer stated as Jinn in all her glory floated on the deck and she bent down to look at them because of her height.

"Whoa." Neptune said with wide eyes.

"She's pretty." Sun said dumbly.

"Is that..." Salem muttered, narrowing her eyes.

"Interesting." Ozpin said.

"At least I've got some kind of ghost hottie with me." Qrow said with a sigh.

Winter folded her arms angrily "She's okay."

"This group just keeps getting weirder." Yang laughed.

Taiyang was shown in cuffs as he walked then he was shown on the observation deck "Taiyang Xiao Long, he's also known as Star-Lord?"

"At least the police know who I am." Taiyang said as he started to smile.

"Who calls him that?" The officer behind the one listing asked.

"Himself mostly." The officer replied.

Taiyang frowned as his teammates laughed.

"He's wanted largely on charges of minor assault, public intoxication and fraud." The officer listed as Taiyang was shown cranking up his hands and raising his middle finger at them.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Taiyang said as he feigned innocence "I didn't know how this machine worked."

A few laughed at that and Taiyang shook his head with a smile whereas Glynda face palmed in annoyance.

"Everyone in this universe is a child, I swear." Glynda said.

"You would know a lot about that wouldn't you, Mrs. Arc?" Raven teased.

Glynda blushed with a glare "You shut your mouth this instant!"

Robyn slumped in her seat as to not get verbally attacked as well while Jaune was shaking from the glare Ironwood was giving him.

All five of them were shown walking in a line towards their cells and Taiyang spotted a blue man fiddling with his headphones.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's mine." Taiyang stated as the blue man put them on and looked at him.

"Seems to be his now." Vernal said.

Taiyang growled "We'll see about that."

'Hm~ That fire~' Raven said to herself as she stared at Taiyang.

"You son of a-" Taiyang said as he walked into the cell and the doors closed "Hey! Take those headphones off, right now!"

The blue man reached to his side and pulled out a Taser stick, shocking Taiyang as he screamed in pain.

"Now you've made an enemy of the guards and prisoners already don't like newcomers, good job stupid." Roman said

"What was your plan exactly?" Cinder asked in amusement.

"That alien is gonna pay." Taiyang said with an annoyed glare.

A ship was shown flying to the skies as a geared up Taiyang walked down a hall and the man that had caught him stood outside a hut as it rained.

"Things are about to crazy." Ruby said excitedly.

"Well crazier, you mean." Weiss said.

"Details, details." Ruby dismissed.

Prisoners were shown then Zwei was shown atop Jinn's shoulders as she roared and he was firing a gun rapidly around.

"Look at that, dog or not. I'm still a badass." Qrow said as he picked up Zwei who barked happily.

"Badasses don't call themselves badass, idiot." Raven said.

"Guess I'll be the first badass who does." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Or one of many fools." Salem said with an eye roll.

Taiyang was shown in a room shirtless as machine's surrounded him.

"Dude! You're ripped!" Nora exclaimed.

"Damn~" Raven let out with a grin.

"Oh wow." Saphron said as blinked.

"I am uncomfortable." Ruby said with a smile.

"Me too." Yang said with a smile as well.

Taiyang pat his stomach and sighed, the dad bod had caught up to him a long time ago.

'You were gone too soon...I miss you six pack.' Taiyang said in his head as he sniffed.

Raven was also shown shirtless but only her back was shown as she was looking over her shoulder.

"Well then!" Roman exclaimed with a smile.

"Nice." Mercury said.

"This is fine." Yang said with a smile as her eye twitched.

"If I wasn't married." Saphron said as she looked over the Raven on screen.

"Gross." Qrow said, he didn't want to see his sister at all, naked was just pushing it.

'Still got it.' God Raven and Raven said in their head with smirks on their faces.

An armada of aliens fell from the sky as Vernal was briefly shown then Hazel was shown in battle as Raven fought and Vernal was shown drawing two swords as Taiyang steered a ship past other exploding ships.

"This is what you adults do when we're not around!?" Yang exclaimed with a grin.

"This is awesome!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Avengers ain't got nothing on this." Qrow said with a smirk and Zwei barked in agreement.

"Looks like I do show up in one of these after all." Vernal said with a happy smirk.

Jinn was shown throwing someone as Star-Lord crawled up to a cliff and Zwei roared while he fired from his gun then Taiyang was shown standing in front of doors as they opened.

"You guys are so cool." Ruby said with an excited smile.

"It was awesome!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Indeed it was." Ozpin said with a nod.

"Maybe Star-Lord is not so bad." Taiyang said.

"What do they call you guys anyway?" Mercury asked.

"They call themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy." The officer that introduced them stated.

"Oh." Mercury said.

"What a bunch of A-holes." The officer at the back stated as Taiyang, Raven, Zwei the Qrow, Hazel and Jinn all stood in a row and they looked bored uninterested and lost.

"Just like Remnant, we're doomed." Weiss said.

"So The Avengers and now The Guardians of the Galaxy." Ozpin said with more interest with Marvel.

"I like our name, it's cool." Taiyang said.

"Agreed." Qrow said.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Raven said.

"Why couldn't I be there too!?" Summer whined.


Bill floated to the front as they conversed excitedly at what they had seen.

"Well? What'd you think?" Bill asked.

"This new group seems very strange but a welcome surprise." Roman said.

"I like them." Nora said.

"I am a dangerous individual even off Remnant, that made this one move up to being one of my favorites." Raven said with a smirk.

"Don't like that I might be a dog but I enjoyed it." Qrow said and Zwei barked happily.

"Alien stuff is kinda my jam so it was pretty obvious I would enjoy this one." Sun said.

"They are certainly unique." Willow said.

"I'd like to know more about them." Arthur said.

"Forget that, I wanna see more of them." Tyrian said with a grin.

"Later, but now we move on." Bill stated.

"To what?" Taiyang asked.

"Well, Qrow." Bill said, gaining the alcoholic's attention "Your wife's gonna need a bodyguard."

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