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Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer

"Well...that was something." Ozpin stated after the bizarre experience that was Deadpool.

"Agreed." Ironwood said with a relieved sigh.

"Does he come back?" Mercury asked.

"Yes, does he!?" God Raven asked desperately.

Bill gave her an unamused look "You know he does."

God Raven let out a relieved sigh as Nanny Glynda's eye twitched angrily.

"You mentioned something about a new age, care to elaborate?" Watts asked.

"We're back on that Marvel train fellas, get ready to see some familiar heroes." Bill stated, exciting most.

"Oh yeah! The greatest armor of all time has returned!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Along with the greatest soldier ever!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Well..." Ironwood tried to counter.

"Face it General, he's iconic." Oobleck said to him.

"Being iconic doesn't make him the best." Ironwood argued.

"Maybe this one might change your mind." Qrow said with a shrug.

"I am a god!" Nora shouted "Just wanted to remind you all, carry on."

"Okay..." Weiss drawled out.

"Maybe it's about the guardians." Taiyang suggested.

"Aren't they in prison?" Vernal asked.

Raven scoffed "As if you could keep me in prison, they're probably destroying the solar system by now."

"Or maybe it's a whole slew of new heroes." Saphron suggested.

"Or new villains." Cinder said with a smirk.

"Either way, it's gonna be cool." Sun said, grinning enthusiastically.

"Totally." Ruby agreed.

"Enough speculating, let's just see what you guys think of it." Bill said as he teleported back to his seat and started the trailer.

The trailer began with a still shot of a forested urban area with a city in the distance.

"I'm gonna show you something beautiful." Merlot stated.

Ozpin and the rest of the teachers along with a few other adults widened their eyes at the familiar voice.

"Is that...?" Oobleck asked.

"Couldn't be." Port stated.

"How?" Glynda asked.

"What? What's wrong?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. What's up with you guys?" Yang asked.

"He's alive in this universe?" Ironwood asked.

"I'm not sure if he's even dead in our universe." Ozpin stated.

"Everyone screaming," Merlot stated as a dust cloud was shown then people were shown getting out of their cars and running away, then an angry crowd screaming and shouting. Then suddenly a metal arm was shown rising from molten lava and it clenched into a fist "For mercy."

"I'm guessing he's our bad guy." Ruby said.

"Nothing we can't handle...right?" Nora asked.

"Let's see what type of threat he poses before growing overconfident." Ren advised.

"Better be one hell of a threat if he's going after my team." Jaune stated, but then he noticed everyone slowly smiling and smirking at him, "What?"

"LANGUAGE!!!" Everyone shouted and he almost fell out of his seat in surprise.

People were shown running and screaming then Jaune was shown walking through the empty and demolished streets.

"There's the captain." Whitely said proudly.

"New suit?" Coco asked, noticing the change in design then she smirked "I like~"

"You want to protect the world," Merlot continued as Cinder was shown then Nora was shown holding Mjolnir. The Avengers team was then shown in a ship, all of them looking disheartened and down with Oobleck cradling himself on the floor "But you don't want it to change."

"Whoa, what happened to you guys?" Sun asked.

"Those are signs of an L. One big ass L." Emerald stated.

"Dr. Oobleck get a hold of yourself, sir! You're supposed to be our muscle!" Ruby exclaimed.

"It ain't that simple Ruby, that man looks like he's seen things." Qrow said.

"Just what exactly are they up against?" Nicholas asked.

"A madman." Ozpin stated.

"A mad machine actually." Bill corrected, confusing them "Just keep watching."

"You're all puppets." Merlot stated as a damaged Iron Rose armor stumbled towards the Avengers "Tangled in...strings."

"But there are no strings on me..." Penny muttered.

"Well, that's creepy." Yang comments on the appearance of the armor.

"Did someone hack my babies!? Who done it!? I'll rip them apart!" Ruby shouted angrily.

"Strings." The damaged armor picked up a destroyed variant of the Iron Rose armor and crushed it in its hands.

"Oh no, something tells me this is the start of a robotic revolution." Ghira stated with wide eyes.

"Dad, your mechanical paranoia is kicking in again." Blake said.

"Can you blame me? The machines will rise to destroy us all I tell you, they will!" Ghira stated.

"If it were another universe, you might be right, but that doesn't seem likely here." Blake responded.


Iron Rose was shown looking out at a building in the mountains then Captain Vale was shown kicking a door in. Soldiers were shown jumping out of trucks as policemen fired at the sky with glass shattering in front of civilians.

"I don't know if it's the song or what? But this Avengers level threat seems darker than the rest." Summer said.

God Raven chuckled "You haven't seen anything yet."

Oobleck was shown tiredly stumbling through the woods then falling to the ground.

"The powers of the Hulk seem to be affecting me in more ways than one." Oobleck said, worried for his wellbeing.

Blake was then shown standing in an empty room alone then a cyberzine version of Merlot was shown standing with Pyrrha and Mercury.

Most, if not all the teenagers, gasped in shock at seeing them with what appeared to be the enemy.

"What? I'm a part of the bad guys?" Pyrrha asked in surprise.

"Good girl gone bad? Now that's a change." Yang said with a smirk.

"What? Oh, come on! How do we know that we're the bad guys?" Mercury asked.

"You're literally standing next to a 7-foot-tall robot man with glowing red eyes and an evil mustache." Jaune stated.

"Doesn't mean he's evil." Mercury said with a shrug.

"You and I both know that thing is evil." Emerald said with a smirk.

"Yeah, but don't tell him that." Mercury whispered quickly.

Merlot robots were shown crawling and shooting out of the ocean and onto land or buildings with the Avengers watching the upcoming threat before them, Nora dropping Mjolnir.

"Why did I drop the hammer!? If any time is hammer time, it's now!" Nora exclaimed.

"Can't Ruby just hack into these things and take them down?" Cardin asked.

"Yeah, but he did it first and Ruby is kind of ticked off about it right now." Blake said, pointing to Ruby who was gritting her teeth in anger at the violation of her suits.

"It's the end." Ruby stated, looking at a damaged Iron Rose suit "The end of the path I started us on."

Ironwood looked at her just as Blake states "Nothing lasts forever."

Most gasped at this, assumptions forming in their head.

"Is this the end of the Avengers?" Oscar asked.

"No! I just started loving them!" Whitely exclaimed.

"The gang is breaking up already?" Taiyang asked.

"But why?" Winter asked.

"Must be this robot guy's doing." Yang said.

"Not everything is so simple, Ms. Xiao Long." Ozpin said.

Pyrrha was shown falling to her knees with a devastating scream.

"Damn, who hurt you?" Emerald asked in surprise.

"What am I going through to experience such pain?" Pyrrha asked.

A large iron foot was shown then the Hulk was shown turning to face Iron Rose's new armor, The Hulkbuster.

Ruby gasped with wide eyes, and she started drooling as her eyes turned into hearts "What? Is? That? Beautiful? Monstrosity?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet the suit designed for one purpose and one purpose only, the suit that a certain bat-shaped superhero recreated like 50 times and a suit that has all the popular RWBY delights and then some, the Hulkbuster!" God Raven announced.

"The Hulkbuster?" Oobleck asked in shock.

"Ruby made a suit specifically made to kill the Hulk!?" Jaune exclaimed and Yang burst out laughing.

"No wonder the team is having a falling out." Blake said.

"Dude! Not cool!" Neptune exclaimed.

"Iron Rose vs The Hulk...huh. Thought it'd be Captain Vale vs Iron Rose, but I guess I was wrong." Qrow said with a hum.

Black Cat was shown exiting a ship while riding a motorcycle as Mercury was shown speeding past a Merlot robot and Pyrrha fired a red energy sphere to her left.

"Ok, the two new BAD GUYS have powers." Jaune said, emphasis on the 'bad guys' part.

"Can't prove that!" Mercury shouted.

"I wonder what powers I have." Pyrrha said with interest.

"I'll be honest and say I don't know." God Raven responded, 'And I'm a little too scared to ask her.'

Multiple ships were shown on a drained ocean just as Black Cat drifted on the motorcycle with Captain Vale's shield in hand. Nora was shown shirtless in water, shout out then Blake was shown touching hands with The Hulk, and ballerinas were then shown.

"So much is happening at once." Willow comments.

"Must've been one hell of an adventure." Amber says.

"I feel like you're gonna get a shirtless scene almost all the time." Robyn says with an exasperated sigh.

"I don't hear her complaining." Sienna said and Vernal chuckled with a smirk.

Soldiers were shown firing canons and guns in the woods with Hawkeye dodging the barrage. Nora was then shown angrily approaching Ruby and picking her up by the neck while Blake was shown fearfully backing away from something.

"Is Ruby just about ready to fight everyone in her team?" Weiss asked in surprise.

"Girl is ready to throw hands with everyone besides the bad guys." Emerald comments.

"If there are any at all." Mercury says and Jaune's eye twitched.

"You know there are!" Jaune shouted and Mercury just shrugged as Jaune let out an angry shout.

"Better watch out Rose, you're dealing with a god." Nora stated.

"You're telling me as if we didn't send your brother packing." Ruby said with an amused smile "Better watch out, a Norabuster doesn't sound too bad to me."

"Deadpool was right. The Avengers are messy." Salem comments, but she shivered once she felt the deep glare of Nanny Glynda piercing her.

"Never say that retarded tumor is right in my presence. Ever!" Nanny Glynda stated with a deadly air around her.

The hulk threw a car at the Hulkbuster, and she luckily caught it, but the Hulk crashed through the car and knocked the Hulkbuster back.

"You may have made a suit for the occasion, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy." Oobleck said with a chuckle.

"That must've been one awesome fight." Yang said, wishing she could've seen it.

"But now I'm free." Merlot stated as Captain Vale was shown dodging cars flying at him as Pyrrha ducked for cover and Mercury ran up to the scene.

"What in the world is happening!?" Glynda exclaimed.

"The Avengers always seem to be dealing with the apocalypse of some sorts." Nicholas comments.

"I hear that." Qrow agreed.

The Hulk ran towards The Hulkbuster, crashing through carts and they both clashed fists.

"Property damage for those two must be insane." Ironwood comments.

"It gives me chills just thinking about it." Jacques says in agreement.

"There are..." Merlot states as the broken remnants of Captain Vale's shield was shown then Merlot himself was finally shown "...No strings on me."

This time everyone, besides the gods, were shocked to see such an important weapon and symbol broken.

"No way..." Ruby muttered.

"MY SHIELD!?!?" Jaune shouted in despair.

"Yeah, we're in trouble." Blake said fearfully.

"This is the same shield that went blow to blow with Mjolnir..." Nora muttered in shock "Just who is this guy!?"


"Oh." Nora said, having her question answered.

Bill teleported to the front and looked over the shocked faces with a laugh.

"Didn't expect that, did ya?" Bill asked.

"Dude! What the heck!? You're just gonna leave us like that!?" Jaune exclaimed.

"Yup!" Bill responded, much to their complaints "What? We still got more things to check out anyway."

"You can't just get us invested in the story and rip us out of it like that!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I want to know what happened with The Hulk and Hulkbuster!" Yang exclaimed.

"Who or what is a Merlot?" Blake asked.

"Do they defeat him?" Glynda asked.

"How long is Nora shirtless exactly?" Robyn asked.

"I just want to know what happened to my shield." Jaune muttered.

"You find that all out in the library if you want, but right now. We got to keep going." Bill responded.

"Keep going with what exactly?" Cinder asked.

" about a story about a nobody?" Bill asked.

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