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Ant-Man Trailer

"Ant humans?" Glynda asked, perplexed by Bill's phrasing.

"That not only sounds horrifying, but pretty stupid as well." Jacques said.

"Hey! That's quite insulting to Ant Faunus thank you very much!" Kali exclaimed.

"I know," Jacques said with an eye roll, "That's why I said it."

Kali growled as Ghira glared at him.

"Do not misconstrue our inaction as weakness, Schnee." Ghira warned.

"Noted." Jacques simply said with a glare of his own.

"Shouldn't you be...y'know?" Hazel asked, looking at Tyrian as he gestured to Jacques.

"If the thunder brat can get her hammer time powers then there might be a chance ol'Jacky boy might be a Nobody. I'm just going to be cautious around him for a little while until, I'm sure." Tyrian explained, "And then..."

"And then what?" Hazel asked.

"If it turns out to be a fluke on his end, I'll be testing out his poison tolerance." Tyrian said with a dark chuckle as his tail swirled around him.

"So, is this some kind of horror universe, because as much as I'd not like to admit, Jacques had a point in Ant Humans being horrifying." Summer asked.

"It could either be very scary, very stupid or very disgusting." Blake added.

"None of which sound very appealing to be honest." Weiss said.

"Well, I'm optimistic about it. This whole multiverse adventure taught me to trust the unexpected." Roman said with a smirk.

"He's not wrong." Cinder agreed, "The weirder it gets, the more fun it surprisingly is."

"Well, it's not the weirdest you've seen, but boy is it unexpectedly fun." Bill said, teleporting to his seat, "Check it."

The viewing starts off with a shot of a bridge then switches to a suited man walking into a secured and metallic room, that man was Shay D. Mann.

"Oh, it's about...that guy." Vernal said.

"You know him?" Sienna asked.

"I think so." Vernal replied with a shrug, "Raven?"

"I think he's in my tribe." Raven said, but she could not be bothered to be quoted on that, because she quite frankly did not care for those weaker than her.

"Imagine a soldier." Shay stated as Ant-Man was briefly shown landing on the ground.

"That's certainly a unique looking soldier." Ironwood commented.

"Looks more like a..." Yang was about to say then she gasped, "A superhero."

The rest of her peers looked at her with piqued interest.

"Does this mean this universe is what I think it is?" Jaune asked excitedly.

"Maybe." Ren said with a smirk.

"The size of an insect." Shay continued as an armed man was shown being flung to a wall and a light bulb shattered.

"Good luck at the chiropractor bud." Qrow said with a chuckle, feeling slightly bad for the armed man.

"What the heck just flung him?" Ruby asked.

"A soldier as tiny as an insect capable of flinging grown men around?" Oobleck pondered.

"Not just an insect," Watts said with narrowed eyes, "An ant."

"The ultimate secret weapon." Shay stated to a crowd, and they clapped for him.

Winter scoffed with an eye roll, "Suits."

"I can tell you right now, all those people are just looking for a reason to throw their money away." Taiyang said with a sigh.

"Looking for a viable investment such as that isn't really throwing your money away." Ironwood argued.

"Not surprised you'd defend them." Mercury said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your paycheck depends on them." Emerald said with a smirk, "How tight is that leash General? The top dogs feeding you your kibble?"

"Don't test me, kid." Ironwood said with a glare, and she just simply giggled and snickered with Mercury.

"You give godlike powers to everyone." Pietro started as an explosion was shown, "It's gonna be chaos."

"Ain't that the truth." Qrow said with a sigh.

"Aura, Semblances, Dust..." Taiyang listed, "Yeah, our world just isn't the utopia we always hoped it would be."

"It's quite unfortunate a number of these universes seem to be worse as well." Ozpin professed.

"Papa..." Penny muttered softly with a frown, but then she felt a hand atop of hers and looked to see it was Ruby smiling at her.

Penny smiled back and held onto hers and although Ruby was getting brief flashes of Pennywise the more, she looked at Penny, she steadied herself in favor of comforting her friend.

"So how do we stop him?" Emerald asked, looking at Pietro.

"I know a guy." Pietro stated.


"YEAH!" Jaune exclaimed excitedly at seeing the logo as well as many others.

"And so, it returns!" Roman stated with a smirk, "Seriously, it's been a while."

"Who the hell is the old man in the wheelchair? And why am I working with him?" Emerald asked.

"He is a great man, and you shall treat him with the respect he deserves!" Penny shouted with a glare towards her.

"Okay, geez, I was just curious, damn." Emerald said with an eye roll.

"You okay, Penny?" Ruby asked.

"I just...I hope he will be okay in this universe." Penny expressed with a worried frown and Ruby paused as a flash of Pennywise grinned at her, but she shook those thoughts away and brought Penny closer for a comforting side-hug.

Sun was shown in prison garb as another prisoner punched him in the face whilst the other prisoners surrounded them, forming a ring for them to fight.

"Sun, I've been watching you for a while." Pietro stated as he was shown watching multiple screens.

"Heck yeah! It's finally my time to shine!" Sun exclaimed with an excited grin.

"And the first time we see you in Marvel is in a prison fight club?" Blake asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, we all gotta start somewhere." Sun said with a slightly embarrassed chuckle and a shrug.

"Hey, my team ended up in prison." Taiyang said as he pats his shoulder, "Space prison, but same diff."

"Your team?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Since when were the Guardians your team?" Hazel asked with narrowed eyes.

"I was clearly the main character." Taiyang said, "I'm obviously the leader."

Raven scoffed, "I'd rather jump off a cliff then have you lead me into battle."

"Harsh, but kinda valid." Qrow said.

"Seriously!?" Taiyang asked, looking at Qrow with a perplexed look.

"Hey, I'm a dog in this universe, man. I'm already going through a lot in that team." Qrow said with a grumble as Winter laughed at his misfortunes.

"You're different." Pietro continued as Sun looked away from the mirror.

"Yeah, I am in fact built different." Sun said with a smirk, "Not a surprise."

"Ego much?" Jaune asked.

"Who? Oh no, I never met her." Sun responded as Jaune facepalmed.

"And I believe everyone deserves a shot at redemption." Pietro stated as Sun was shown in a cell then he was shown speaking to Pietro, "Do you?"

"Some people are too far gone unfortunately." Ironwood said with a sigh.

"You think so, Woody?" Tyrian asked with a grin.

Ironwood narrowed his eyes at him, "I know so."

"Absolutely." Sun responded as Pietro entered a small lab along with Sun, then Sun was shown to be breaking into a building and a slew of money was shown afterwards, "My days of breaking into places and stealing stuff are over."

"Did you used to steal, Sun?" Weiss asked in surprise.

"I mean...yeah." Sun responded sheepishly and many gasped, "But it was when I was younger! I got caught up with a bad crowd in my teenage years."

"Sun!" Blake exclaimed, "You're in your teenage years!"

"Oh...younger teenage years." Sun rephrased.

"Psst." Someone whispered to him, and he turned to see Mercury sliding up next to him, "How bad of a crowd are we talking here? Because we got some openings if you're willing?"

"We could really use someone of your..." Emerald said, sliding up to the other side of him with a smirk as she stared at his six pack, "Assets~"

Sun yelped as he desperately tried to cover up his chest and stomach.

"Alright, back you rats! Back!" Blake said, shooing them away with a spray bottle and they hissed as they scurried back to their seats.

"What do you want me to do?" Sun asked.

"I want you to break into a place and steal some stuff." Pietro stated.

Sun slowly nodded, "Makes sense."

"Papa!" Penny exclaimed in shock.

"Ah come on!" Sun exclaimed as many chuckled and giggled.

"From Junior Detective to petty thief. For shame, best buddy." Neptune said with a saddened frown and shake of his head.

"Dude..." Sun said, and Neptune turned away from him.

"For shame!" Neptune exclaimed mournfully.

"It's like watching a reenactment." Saphron said dryly at the dramatic portrayal.

"Riveting stuff." Robyn said in an equally dry tone.

A room with an iron door was shown being opened and inside was the suit that had previously been revealed earlier.

"Are you ready to become a hero?" Pietro asked as a shot of Sun was shown.

"See man, not a thief, a hero." Sun said to Neptune.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Neptune said with his arms folded.

"Now, the suit has power." Emerald explained as Sun was shown looking at the suit's helmet then he was shown staring at four ants working together to pick up a coin so they could spin it, "You have to learn how to control it."

"Iron Rose has military grade weaponry. Nora has a magic lightning hammer. And Sun has...ants?" Yang asked, unimpressed, "I mean, neat trick with the coin but, ants?"

"Let's not count him out just yet. Unexpected remember?" Taiyang said and Yang shrugged, hoping to see more.

Sun powered up the suit and pushed a button which shrunk him.

"Honey! I-" Taiyang was about to say but stopped from Raven's glare.

"No." Raven stated, and he deflated with a pout.

"And these are your greatest allies." Emerald stated as Ant-Man was shown walking through a dirt tunnel, running into a small ant.

"You're kinda cute." Ant-Man said to the ant.

"Ha! Seriously!? Oh no, fear the great Ant-Monkey everyone! Beware of the mildly annoying bites he may give you." Junior laughed as Sun rolled his eyes.

"Just give it a second, alright!? It'll be cool!" Sun said as he really hoped his words were true.

"Woah." Ant-Man said to then be shown running with a whole army of ants.

"Ha!" Sun laughed with a cocky smirk.

"They're still just ants bro." Cardin said with an unimpressed shrug.

"When you're small, you have superhuman strength." Emerald continued as Ant-Man shrunk to normal size whilst running towards two guards then he shrunk to jump through a bullet hole, appearing behind the guards and going back to normal size.

He then proceeded to flip one of the guards over his shoulder and through a glass pane.

"Woah, actually, that's kinda cool." Ruby said with wide eyes.

"Super strength from such a small specimen." Watts said in an intrigued tone, whilst twirling his moustache.

"Big things in little packages as I always say." Sun said with a proud smirk.

Cardin placed his hand on his shoulder, "That's rough buddy."

Sun deflated with a sad sigh, "It's what you can do with it that counts, man. That's what counts..."

"You're like a bullet." Emerald continued as Ant-Man jumped onto a gun, flipping onto the top of the barrel as it fired and running along the narrow bridge, onto the other guard's shoulder and taking him down.

"That is kinda scary." Blake said.

"How so?" Pyrrha asked.

"If he can just shrink and regrow at any time, then the minute he enters a human or Faunus body..." Blake drawled off.

"That unfortunate person will end up looking like a burrito left a little too long in the microwave." Nora finished and many cringed in horror at that.

"So, he just has to enter you ear, nose or mouth and you're essentially screwed?" Yang asked in shock.

"Those aren't the only holes you have Yang..." Blake said pointing downwards and Yang jaw dropped.

"Holy mother of Oum!" Jaune exclaimed in horror as he fearfully pointed at Sun, "Y-You're a menace!"

" which one of you called me lame again?" Sun asked with a dark chuckle and Junior gulped with wide eyes.

"So, you need to know how to punch." Emerald said to him.

"You're gonna show me how to punch?" Sun asked amusedly and raised his hand, "Show me how to pun-"

He was cut off by a quick jab to the face from her that made him stumble back whilst holding his nose.

"That's how you punch." Emerald said with a smirk.

"Hehe," Qrow laughed, "Are you winning Sun?"

"Shut up! She caught me off guard!" Sun exclaimed embarrassingly.

"Atta girl!" Roman said with a smirk towards Emerald and she bowed with a smirk of her own.

"No warning?" Mercury asked with a smirk.

"Gotta let the hottie with the body know that I'm also naughty." Emerald said with a wink.

Ant-man strapped a grapple onto his belt, and he leapt through a tunnel.

"You tried to hide your suit from me." Shay stated as he was shown walking with his goons then Emerald and Pietro were shown looking at the tiny Yellowjacket suit, then Emerald and Pietro were shown hugging with Sun kissing the top of a little girl's head, "Now, it's going to blow up in your face and destroy everyone you care about."

"The nobody is a somebody in this universe huh?" Vernal asked in surprise.

"Go figure." Raven said with an uncaring shrug.

"Sun, who's the kid?" Ruby asked.

"I have no idea bro." Sun responded with confused eyes.

The Yellowjacket helmet was shown lighting up and covering Shay's face then he was shown looking down at Ant-man with a clip then show Yellowjacket firing two laser beams.


"Is it wrong I think the bad guy's suit is way cooler than Sun's?" Coco asked.

"He crawl up your booty and explode you from the inside." Fox reminded.

"Sun, you have the best-looking suit and oh my god those abs, fabulously flawless." Coco quickly said with a nervous smile.

"Uh...thanks?" Sun asked with a confused yet happy smile.

"Sun get out of there!" Emerald told him as a helicopter was shown spinning in the air and Ant-Man was sliding out, barely managing to grab onto a rope as he returned to normal size.


"Aww, she cares." Summer said.

"She punched me in the face." Sun reminded.

"Everyone has their love language." Summer said, waving it off and he looked at her in befuddlement.

"Did you think you could stop the future?" Yellowjacket asked as Ant-Man was shown riding a fly then Yellowjacket was shown aiming a giant punch to Ant-Man, but he shrunk as well, and the two tiny men started fighting mid-air.

"Okay, fine. That's a pretty cool power." Neptune admitted.

"Yeah!!!" Sun exclaimed happily as Neptune chuckled, giving a side hug to his brother in arms.

"You're just a thief!" Yellowjacket shouted, overpowering Ant-Man.

"He's certainly better than you'll ever be!" Blake defended but paused when many eyes were on her and she meekly lowered her head, "Sorry, got carried away."

"Blake," Sun called out and she looked at him as he gave her a sincere smile, "Thanks."

Blake smiled back at him with a nod, looking back to the screen.

Ant-Man was shown falling with thousands of ants through a water pipe.

"And he's got his own personally army too." Ghira said with a smirk, "Not bad kid."

"No," Sun said with his helmet up, "I'm Ant-Man."

"Eh...not my preferred name, but I'll take it." Sun said with a shrug.

"It kinda suits you." Neptune said with a chuckle, "In the Marvel Universe context anyway."

Yellowjacket looked back at him, "I know, wasn't my idea."

"Of course, papa." Penny muttered with an amused giggle.

Ant-Man shrunk down onto a train set, dodging gigantic laser beams being fired at him by Yellowjacket and leaping up to land a punch on him.


"Dude what the absolute fuck is with this universe?" Mercury asked.

"Believe me," God Raven said with a dry look, "It gets weirder."

Ant-Man landed on top of a Thomas train set with Yellowjacket reeling back as he was about to get hit on the tracks. The view was then changed to show the toy train toppling over.

Some chuckled at the humorous moment.

Ant-Man was shown tossing parts of the toy train at Yellowjacket who destroyed them with his laser.

Bill teleported to the front as the showing ended, spinning the remote in his hand.

"Pretty fun or what?" Bill asked.

"What." Glynda responded.

"This really taught me that this universe just has everything and anything you can think of." Weiss said.

"To a horrifying degree. Sun is an absolute sleeper powerhouse over there." Yang said with wide eyes and many agreed.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Sun said as he reclined in his seat with a proud grin.

"The question now is, if he can shrink, does that mean he can grow too?" Ruby asked.

"Hey, it's what you can do with it that counts right?" Blake teased and some laughed and snickered at that as Sun chuckled embarrassingly.

"How...refined." Jacques said with an eye roll.

"It was just a joke, Bean." Bill said and Jacques rolled his eyes once again, "Geez, are you ever not a bloody Diesel?"

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