the meeting

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"We begin with a familiar opening a ginger in a stupid hat along with some useless goons all go to a store to rob it, only their not after money or jewelry (even though they definitely should have been taking it as well, but he's dumb)"

Goon 9: *sees a guy with a hood up looking at a magazine* alright put your hands in the air! *pulls out his sword that magically appeared on his person despite not having one in the previous shot*

????: *doesn't hear him cause of his music*

Goon 9: HEY! *grabs his shoulder and turning him around*

????: huh?

Goon 9: *points to his ears*

????: can I help you *notices the blade* or is their a problem that needs that sword out *subtlety reaching for his weapon*

Goon9: put your hands in the air and give me your walleAAAAAAHHHHHH *is punched into a wall by ????*

Roman: *sees the guy get yeeted* the hell? Check it out

Goon 5: got it *him and Goon 2 go and see what happened before their both beaten and flung through the glass window with ???? using Goon 2 as a skateboard*

????: OK so sense you ruined my night, how about I ruin your robbery torchwick *pulls out his scythe and points it at Roman ominously*

Roman: well get him!

????: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the remaining ten goons* that it?

Roman: *drops his cigar and crushes it with his cane then points it at ????* say goodbye red *shoots at him using his canes exploding flares (*rwby weapons are stupid*)*

????: *uses his semblance to dodge the attack and sees Roman running off* hey uh sorry about the window, I'll do my best to pay you back for it *gives him all the money in his wallet* now if you excuse me I got a soulless ginger with bad fashion sense to catch *uses his semblance to catch up* you got no where to go Roman!

Roman: *gets on a bullhead and throws a fire dust crystal at ???? feet and shoots it laughing maniacally* huh!?

"The blast was blocked by glynda using her semblance*

Glynda: *turns the rubble into spikes and starts using it to attack the bullhead, narrowly missing torchwicks little wick*

Roman: GAAAHH!!! WE GOT A HUNTRESS!!!!! *to the pilot who switches with Roman and starts attacking with fire and glass*

????: *starts shooting at the glass making it harder for cinder to hit glynda* COME AND GET SOME BITCH!!!! *taking potshots at cinder missing her*

"The bullhead flys off"

????: dammit they got away!

Glynda: you are in a heap of trouble young man (sternly)

????: crap

"Timeskip half an hour later at the police station interrogation room"

Glynda: your actions where reckless destructive and a danger to the public, but you did however stop an armed robbery and the owner has not pressed charges for the window. Overall you did a semi good job so you'll be sent home with a pat on the back for stopping a crime, but also a slap on the wrist for reckless behavior *gets a call* hello.... yes I'm talking to him right now.... you wish to....ok I'm in room 3 *hangs up* someone wishes to speak to you

Ozpin: *comes in the room with some donuts* Ryan rose son of summer rose, you have your mother's eyes, well let's get down to business. So where did you learn to weird such a weapon

Ryan: signal academy from professor brawnwin

Glynda: *silently laughing at qrow being called professor*

Ozpin: so why train to be a huntsman

Ryan: I watched my dad get eaten by grimm when I was seven, I vowed then and there that no one else will suffer like I did so now I do everything I can to protect people

Ozpin: I'm sorry for your loss, so do you know who I am?

Ryan: your headmaster ozpin of beacon academy, I'm going there tomorrow for initiation

Ozpin: well then best not keep you any longer

Ryan: *gets up and leaves*

"The next day on the bullhead to beacon"

Yang: this gonna be the best year ever!

Ryan: yup, damn I can see my house from here

????: *runs past trying hard not to puke*

Ryan: *hands over a sick bag* here ya go miss?

Jane: *finishes throwing up* Jane arc, short cute the guys love it

Ryan: well I definitely do~ *teasing*

Jane: *atomic blush*

"The bullhead lands with yang walking off, while one of her "friends" shoves Ryan towards someone's luggage*

Ryan: Ah you jackass, I'm a kick yer teeth in!

Weiss: you idiot!!!

Ryan: huh *sees a girl dressed in complete white dress* can I help you?

Weiss: you idiot you knocked over my dust! You could have blown us all up!

Ryan: I got shoved ya brat *stands up and towers over Weiss*

Weiss: *slight blush cause of his dominant aura* b-be more careful, this stuff goes boom very easily muscle brain *shaking fire dust like a baby with a rattle*

Ryan: I wouldn't shack that dust a AH ACHOO!!!

Weiss: *hair blown back and covered in soot* that.....wasn' *coughs out smoke and falls backwards*

Ryan: whoa! *catches weiss in his arms and sees she's to shocked to move and decides to carry her piggyback to the gym*

Blake: *sees Ryan again and starts gaining a blush seeing his muscles, and weiss' unintentional pantie shot* huh who'd a thought the ice queen wore a thong

Aka here, hope you enjoy this story

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